program in the Mid-Atlantic region were tasked to write a reflective essay explaining the challenges faced intheir first four weeks in college. A thematic analysis of the qualitative data was used to analyzethe reflective essays.This “work in progress” paper will summarize the main results of the study. Based on theanalysis, we propose interventions to assist these students in their transition from high school tocollege. This project is relevant to institutions seeking to improve the retention of students intheir engineering programs.Background:First generation college students are defined as students whose parents completed only a highschool diploma or equivalent. Some researchers include in this classification those studentswhose parents
infiltrates many areas of engineering andscience. Yet within engineering programs, students often have few opportunities to developexpertise in data science or even to explore how data science is relevant to their degreespecializations. This paper reports on an NSF-funded study of a program that prepares STEMstudents to engage with data science in coursework and then mentors them as they secureinternships and complete a capstone that demonstrates their application of data science expertise.Drawing on a mixed-methods study, including student reflections, capstone project assessment,and survey reporting, this paper suggests not only that students make deep connections betweentheir existing majors and data science but also that students trained in our
and communicate across a variety of disciplines,which might include product design and development, installation, testing, operation, andmaintenance [2].All of these signs reflect a growing awareness of the need for an educational model that willrespond to rapidly evolving challenges. The National Academy of Sciences has raised theconcern that the current educational model should better align existing engineering models withsuch emerging challenges, broadening the context through an increased number of thematic callsand engaging with a wider range of users. In addition, academic literature on Science,Technology, and Society has called for a move towards a heightened awareness of the contextand factors that influence engineering decision
experiences and instructionalactivities with acceptable evidence.[18] To ensure a longitudinal study, we will include at leastone reflective exercise in each major program element, including recruitment meetings, summercamps, courses, JEDI seminars, and research/practice experience. Finally, the researchers willobserve student, faculty, and stakeholders' interactions during these activities. We will usegrounded theory to identify emerging patterns and themes for the analysis. We will use instrumentsfrom the works cited in the previous section to provide a coding scheme of expected categories.[19]5. Design of the Sustainable Engineering MinorThe new Minor will establish and enculturate a Sustainability Engineering Mindset – to bedeveloped through
pressabout Tesla. These are not just technical issues, but ethical violations have been reported as well.A simple Google search can help one find these news items. Students were asked to researchsome of these articles and analyze Tesla’s vehicle electrification effort through the Design Justicelens using answers to the following questions as guides: Who do you think created the originaldesign? Who benefitted/benefits from it? Who were/would be harmed from it? What designjustice principles are being violated, if any?Upon completion of the above tasks, all students were asked to reflect on what they learned byanswering the questions: a. What are some things you learned about Design Justice? b. Name at least three new things you
of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the current year’s team concentrating onimplementing sensors in the hand and refining the ergonomics of the existing design. The paperwill also include student & faculty reflection and discussion of the faculty facilitation needed forsuch a service-based project and how engineering educators can consider implementing suchprojects into their programs.IntroductionInterdisciplinary team-based projects in engineering education are an approach to experientiallearning which can provide students with a diverse learning opportunity to work closely withindividuals from different disciplines [1, 2, 3]. Some of the benefits of participating on aninterdisciplinary team include unique solutions to solving complex problems
the problem that has been proposed to them. In theMDC course, the instructors have the students spend 4 weeks at the beginning of the projectidentifying the problem and root causes before beginning work on possible solutions. Thisprocess was emphasized for students to reflect and modify their problem identification as theygain knowledge progressing through the design process. The instructors reinforced thisrelationship between their performance and knowledge gained through revisions to past writtenreports that were used to build on their project. Retrieval practice helps students to monitor their learning by encouraging them to retrieve priorknowledge [30 – 46]. The MDC instructional team implemented this practice by giving writtenfeedback to
differences could be driven by other factors, such as characteristics ofparticipants in these groups, different environments or context that they face, among other things.Tech companies have for decades favored A/B tests to understand adoption choices bycustomers. They also conduct experiments to determine the most effective approaches formanaging people and maintaining a productive environment. An example is Lazear (2000) whostudied the impact of piece rates on productivity. The study estimated a 44% overallimprovement in productivity due to piece rates by gradually implementing a new compensationscheme. Around 22% of this was due to greater effort (the incentive effect), and the remaining22% reflected sorting (better new hires) or potentially some
submit student feedback, reflections onstudent performance, and proposed action for course improvements.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Each ToolEach assessment tool has advantages and disadvantages. Table 2 shows the strengths of eachtool. Excel, Google Forms, and Canvas are readily available to the university community. Whilethe spreadsheet-based methods are easy to use, they are tedious for the coordinator to compile.Spreadsheet tools and SearchLight require faculty to submit an outcome score for each student atthe conclusion of the course. While these scores are linked to signature assessment instruments,it is not clear how faculty aggregate performance and determine the scores. Canvas overcomesthis limitation by clearly linking the
; (iv) Student voice and choice; (v)Reflection; (vi) Critique and revision; and (vii) Public product. The public product in this instancewas this publication.The four graduate student members of this project came from two different institutions, three fromthe University of Massachusetts Lowell, majoring in Biomedical Engineering, ElectricalEngineering and Mechanical Engineering and one from the University of the District of Columbia,majoring in Mechanical Engineering. The group co-created the material for this research withfeedback from three faculty mentors in the two participating institutions. Faculty and studentinteraction is crucial in the co-creation process, and it has been found to provide many benefits onstudents’ educational
engineering. 5.1 Increased my awareness of job opportunities in engineering. 5.1 Equipped me with knowledge and skills to advance towards my career… 4.9 Exposed me to engineers who reflect my identity (e.g. gender,… 4.8 Expanded my industry network 4.8 Assissted me in acquiring a position 4.6 Figure 6. Info SessionMentorship Assessment Assessment (Arranged by Mean) Arranged by Mean
● Suggestions include (employer facing): help explaining multidisciplinary pathways to prospective employers and grad schools, connections to alumni, mentoring, overall better marketing/awarenessDiscussion and Recommendations for Future WorkResults from the analyses presented in this paper support the need for and value of nontraditionalundergraduate engineering pathways and other faculty negotiating multidisciplinary pathways inengineering settings. Student voices are an important contribution of departments and colleges asthey develop strategic statements and learning outcomes for the next generation of engineers,especially if they desire the populations of engineers to reflect the populations of theircommunities.The most popular emphasis in
, various short-term mobility programs and student exchanges have been started. He is also Chair of the Mobility Special Interest Group of Asia Technological University Net- work (ATU-Net) and initiated a COIL program called Virtual Asia Exploration (VAx) by orchestrating the collaboration of six Asian universities. He is also an entrepreneur through his consulting company established in 2004, and has been rendering management consultation services to both small-medium size companies and multi-national enterprises such as global strategy planning, cross-border business entry, middle manager training, and partner development. These business achievements are reflected in his aca- demic activities through the designing of
% of the variance in performance. The greatest weight inexplaining performance is given by academic self-efficacy, thus the perceived confidence inthe ability to learn, demonstrate, and apply course content should be strengthened. The results lead to reflect that the academic environment should promote activities thatcan strengthen students' self-efficacy so that they can confidently enjoy the course and, thus,succeed in school and professionally. Important limitations of the study are highlighted, the main one being the sample, whichcame from a single institution and was not very diverse in terms of where the students camefrom age and engineering course. The specificity of the instrument used in the research. Thefive dimensions
“Verbal Exam Expectations” document thatlists all the learning outcomes of the course (e.g., Describe the Materials Paradigm and itsimportance; Draw reduced-sphere unit cell models of SC, BCC, FCC crystal structures;Calculate engineering stress and strain from an applied force and initial and final dimensions).Throughout the course, students practice these learning outcomes and receive feedback from theinstructor through formative assessments such as homework problems, quizzes, conceptualdescribe and define sheets, reflective learning journals, and a DLA. During the last class session,students review the Verbal Exam Expectations document as preparation for the oral exam. Thelearning outcomes that are directly related to the five FPs and a few
capstone design; this requirement is reflected in Outcomes 11-13. In the multidisciplinarycapstone program at Georgia Tech, professors (as well as sponsors) can propose capstoneprojects. The student teams bid on the proposed projects and the course instructor matches teamsto projects based on their bids. Therefore, since Prof. Weitnauer clearly indicated in herproposals that the capstone projects would require built prototypes that would be used in theNovember exhibit, and she was the primary advisor, the Fall 2022 capstone students were eagerto not only produce a prototype, but do so early, so it could be included in the exhibit. It is notedthat for the next version of the exhibit, which will show in Spring or Fall 2024, Prof. Weitnaueris a