participants fluent in her three major spokenlanguages are represented in the study. The analyzed data for this study include surveys, in-personand virtual classroom observations, teacher reflection journals, classroom artifacts, school policydocuments, and semi-structured interviews with 37 engineering faculty members, 2 provosts, 5engineering college deans, and 2 students. The findings reveal a strong leaning for analogies andproverbs as analogical bridges engineering instructors in this context used when traditionalexperiments, classroom demonstrations, or local educational resources failed. Nuances ofculturally-relevant teacher conceptions are discussed in light of CRP: using proverbs to buildcognitive reasoning in Nigerian engineering classrooms
, 63% minored in Math, CS and/or arelated discipline. Some respondents indicated that they had earned two or more minors intargeted programs. 11% of respondents had earned a Masters in Math, CS or a related discipline.Analysis of survey questions yielded the following results:Respondents were given a checkbox question with a list of statements, and asked to check allthat apply:Question: What did you think of your PESP experience? Check all that apply.Responses: The following are the 5 most endorsed statements out of 16 statements. Thestatements that were endorsed by the 102 respondents are reflected in percentages of respondentsbelow. 1. PESP was fun–selected by 84% of respondents 2. PESP gave me insight into the types of problems that
interface or application. Thus, Python, with strong compact ability across this area, is mostrequired. Fortran is second on the list mainly due to its efficiency in math calculation, whichmade it suitable to simulate large physical systems, and the existence of legacy code in theindustry practice. In short, while policy and investment fuse the growth of the electric power industry, theworkforce, however, is facing growing skills shortages [5, 6]. On the other hand, academicshave seen the need to renew the power system engineering curriculum and attempts to integrateup-to-date knowledge into the curriculum are reflected in the literature [30, 31, 34, 39, 40, 42-44].4.3 Soft Skills The resulting ranking of soft skills extracted from the job ads
selecting items from the MCA that aligned with targeted five out of sixcompetencies and created additional items to reflect the content in the online module [17]. Asmentioned earlier, Young and Stormes (2020) discussed a unique mentor program at CSULB asa two-semester operation. In the first semester, faculty mentors attended a 10-week hybrid-training format with one in-person meeting and 8-week online sessions focusing on the learningobjectives of the EM curriculum. In the second semester, the mentors would practice their skillswith students in mentor-related projects. Based on the learning goals of the tailored EM trainingand the critical aspects of the mentor-mentee compacts from the projects, the researchers selectedand modified items in each
round of interviews was scheduled to take place in the spring of 2020. Due to theCOVID-19 pandemic, and the abrupt switch to online learning in March of 2020, data collectionfor the first cohort was delayed until mid-summer. We also needed to update IRB protocols toinclude remote interviews as well as update the interview protocol to ask about any positive andnegative experiences the students had due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, weinterviewed cohort 2 (AY 2020-2021) in the spring of 2021. We then interviewed students fromcohort 1 (AY 2019-2020) in the fall of 2021. Although these students were entering their thirdyear of college (typically junior level), we used the same protocol and asked them to reflect ontheir first year. Finally
interviews contained seven questions intended to allow instructors to reflect upon andsuggest improvements for anchor deployment: 1. How many anchored lessons did you offer in your course this semester? 2. What did a typical anchor look like in your course? 3. How difficult was it to add anchored lessons into your existing curriculum? 4. What were some challenges you faced when implementing anchored lessons? 5. How did you perceive the students’ opinions of the anchored lessons? (i.e., Did they seem to like the content? Did they ask good questions? Were they attentive?) 6. Do you feel that the anchored lessons added positive value to your class? In what way? 7. Any suggestions on how to improve anchors in future semesters
relative to their peers - reflecting opportunity gaps but notdeficits in capability. To normalize each applicant, students summarize their skills and interestsin an application consisting of demographic information, short answers, and eight 200-500 wordessays. The essays focus on the lived experiences of each student, offering students an opportunityto demonstrate their qualifications for the CIRCUIT program in their (1) potential for leadership 3 Table 1: A summary of the CIRCUIT pillars and benefits to stakeholdersPillar Description Student Benefit Nation BenefitHolistic Student selection Critical enabler for Evidence-driven
authors acknowledge partial support of this research from the National Science Foundation In-novations in Graduate Education in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering under Grant No. #2105701.Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.The authors thank Prof. Susan Tripathy and Prof. Trina Kershaw for providing valuable resources ontechnical communication and teamwork during the IGE workshops. R EFERENCES [1] E. F. Barkley, K. P. Cross, and C. H. Major, Collaborative learning techniques: A handbook for college faculty. John Wiley & Sons, 2014. [2] M. Dollinger, J
School: Youth Reflect on Mentoring Their Younger Peers,” J. Early Adolesc., vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 332–362, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1177/0272431620912472.[49] T. Ngoma, “It is not whom you know, it is how well you know them: Foreign entrepreneurs building close guanxi relationships,” J. Int. Entrep., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 239–258, 2016.[50] D. K. Dutta and M. M. Crossan, “The Nature of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Understanding the Process Using the 4I Organizational Learning Framework,” Entrep. Theory Pract., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 425–449, Jul. 2005, doi: 10.1111/j.1540- 6520.2005.00092.x.[51] S.-Y. Liu, C.-S. Lin, and C.-C. Tsai, “College students’ scientific epistemological views and thinking patterns in socioscientific
, that access to supportive networks, such as mentors andpeers, can provide encouragement and help women navigate the challenges ofstudying and working in STEM fields.Since the interviewees are students at an advanced university in Kazakhstan, the learningenvironment is substantially competitive, especially for undergraduate students. It also leadsto toxicity as was mentioned by some respondents. Moreover, the presence of a gender gapand the absence of women in both classrooms and faculty reflect on female students in STEM(Q32, 33, 34). “There are few girls in CS. Male peers usually group together, while girls stay alone. It was difficult for me to find female friends from CS, all my friends are from different majors. Moreover, at
studytime solving textbook problems [1, 2]. In undergraduate engineering courses, most of thesetextbook problems (and course assessments designed by instructors to include these textbookproblems either verbatim or a variation of these problems) are designed to evaluate the ability ofstudents to recall facts and basic concepts, and apply these concepts in various contexts to solvenumerical problems (Please refer to Tables A.1 and A.2 for sample questions). Students mightdevelop problem-solving skills, partially through pattern-based recognition, by completing theseassignments and also be able to achieve good grades in the course. However, these grades (andoverall GPAs) are often not an accurate reflection of their understanding of
Science Foundation under Grant No.1735139. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] Deters, J., Webb, M., Paretti, M., and Menon, M. "Building a Sustainable University-Wide Interdisciplinary Graduate Program to Address Disasters." 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2022.[2] O’Meara, K., and Culpepper, D. "Fostering collisions in interdisciplinary graduate education." Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 163-180, 2020.[3] Welch-Devine, M., Shaw
chemistry and grades were comparable between genders [16]. Self-confidence canalso be reflected in student expectations for a course, as well as the grade threshold at which theyseek help (with a high grade-threshold corresponding to a greater willingness to seek SI). Kesselsand Steinmayr reported that female students generally have better attitudes towards, and lessavoidance of, help than male students, despite both genders exhibiting equal acknowledgementof the benefits from receiving help [17]. However, regardless of the ability or decision to seekhelp, the impact of SI has gendered differences as well. Academic performance has been foundto be positively correlated with SI attendance in female students but negatively correlated with SIattendance
future publication. Figure 6: Students’ Response to Career Interest Question in College ImplementationAcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Defense Education Program (NDEP)for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education, Outreach, andWorkforce Initiative Programs under Grant No. HQ00342010040. The views expressed inwritten materials or publications, and/or made by speakers, moderators, and presenters, do notnecessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Defense nor does mention of tradenames, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.References[1] J. Foust, “Space industry struggling to attract more skilled workers,” SpaceNews, Apr
style works best for them, as can advisors. When deciding on joining aprogram, students and advisors can reflect on their styles and determine if theworking relationship would be beneficial.6.1 Engineering EducationIt should be noted that there are no, to the authors’ knowledge, specific studieson graduate student well-being as it relates to engineering and engineering-technology programs. However, STEM students commonly have to interfacewith their advisors more than non-STEM students due to the nature of howSTEM research projects are developed and managed. Often, advisors have spe-cific projects and grants that they must fulfill and the graduate students areassisting with those goals. This requires more communication
components wereapproved by the UW Institutional Review Board.Here we focus on institutional data and student outcomes from the first four years of the programfor computer science and engineering students or pre-majors. A more in-depth analysis of surveyand interview responses and outcomes for students who are pursuing all STEM majors in theprogram will be published elsewhere.Program OutcomesStudents in the ACCESS in STEM program generally reflect the diverse composition of thestudent body at UWT, with 74% First Gen, 31% URMs, and 11% veterans or military dependents(Table 2). Although female and non-binary students are still underrepresented compared to theoverall campus population, at 27% they show much greater representation than the
aerospace engineering curricula. Future work should focus on conducting thelaboratory activities with students to evaluate student knowledge acquisition in the targetedABET astronautical topic areas.DisclaimerThe material contained in this document is based upon work supported by a NationalAeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) cooperative agreement. Any opinions, findings,conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of NASA.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported through a NASA Cooperative Agreement awarded to the New YorkSpace Grant Consortium. This work was supported by the Honors Educational EnhancementScholarship (HEES) offer to honors students at Clarkson
situation to do a recommendation. I think if I was just being like, "Wow, you can go do it. This is a reasonable time." I think I'd be 13 seconds.Participant 2.7’s analysis of the Cup Stacking question forced us to reflect on the task’s value asa means to measure normative behavior: While the other questions have fairly unambiguousconsequences since they affect the decision-maker individual alone, the Cup Stacking questionasks one to consider how a different person will react. Since it is not reasonable to expect that allpersons will react in the same way to an identical response, our inequality-based coding schemeis not appropriate for this question.DiscussionThis project seeks to understand how engineers reason under variability: cases
enterprise; graduate more and better prepared minorityengineers; increase efficiency and productivity at MSIs; and develop a sustainable and effectiveinfrastructure to support minority students, faculty and staff at all universities. In time, IEC willgrow, and the model being developed can be replicated and implemented for other disciplines.The ECP project created an HBCU Engineering Network which successfully demonstrated thatan experimental centric pedagogy combined with hands-on educational technology stimulatesstudent interest in the STEM area, promotes content acquisition and problem solving, andretention. As the ECP project wound down, the group reflected on what lessons there are to belearned from this experience. First and foremost, the
. Fila et al. note that all three dimensions have featuresthat overlap with one another; for instance, engineers work with customers, communities, andother stakeholders to design solutions for these communities and customers that meet their needs.The overlap of these two dimensions in the second factor reflects this dynamic. The third factor’sitems, collectively, represent all three dimensions of Fila et al.’s framework. Items that addressstudents’ understanding of the broad nature of engineering fit both the for and with dimensions,for example asking, “how engineering decisions are made” and “how engineers work with otherprofessionals.” Items that address students’ self-perceived problem solving capabilities and thedegree to which they picture
field holds, and how these things are reflected in workinglife and business. The second category got the most hits of all the categories with almost halfof all the respondents referring to the idea of technological knowledge and artifacts becomingbetter through the acknowledgment of diverse ideas, views, and needs. The arguments in thethird of the technology categories emphasized the need for women as skilled workforce.However, women were not seen as reserve labor to compensate for the shortage of men, butas a workforce needed for the sake of its added value to the field.Table 1. Codes and categories addressing the respondents’ arguments related to technology Name and description Illustrative quotes Technology: field, business
current duties included department chairs, instructional andresearch faculty members. In order to protect participants anonymity, we provided a robustbackground on participants, but we will not use their names.In total, the focus group consisted of a total of 10 women who are involved in CE as current orformer students or faculty members. The objective of this study was to design the focus groupsin a way in which each one would reflect a broad spectrum of views and perceptions of womendirectly linked to the CE degree program, albeit in different forms.Focus group facilitationThe group sessions were run by two researchers. The first has extensive experience ineducational research and acted as session facilitator. The second was the academic
Education, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 340–352, 09 2021. [Online]. Available: https: //[13] J. Misra, J. H. Lundquist, E. Holmes, S. Agiomavritis et al., “The ivory ceiling of service work,” Academe, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 22–26, 2011.[14] N. A. Fouad, W.-H. Chang, M. Wan, and R. Singh, “Women’s reasons for leaving the engineering field,” Frontiers in psychology, p. 875, 2017.[15] J. Walther, N. W. Sochacka, and N. N. Kellam, “Quality in interpretive engineering education research: Reflections on an example study,” Journal of engineering education, vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 626–659, 2013.[16] K. J. Cross, S. Farrell, and B. Hughes, Queering STEM
education institutions. The publication review also providesa basis for this paper by means of reflection and evidence and seeks to draw out strategies forother similar programs that wish to examine their facilities, not only in conjunction with studentand faculty satisfaction but also as it supports everyday function and usefulness correlated toteaching and learning. The ultimate goal is to inspire academic programs in any discipline tocarefully analyze and thoughtfully create academic spaces which support program objectives andthe highest level of education at our respective institutions.Ultimately, it is the authors’ intent to discuss this topic within the framework of a pilot studywhich may serve as a template for others to follow as they