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2020 ASEE North Midwest Section Annual Conference
Ann M Gansemer-Topf, Iowa State University; Qing Li, Iowa State University; Shan Jiang, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Gül E. Kremer, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Nigel Forest Reuel, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Rebecca Mort
Langer lab as a postdoc. He then worked at the Dow Chemical Company Coating Materials as a research scien- tist. He was the Dow Certified Green Belt Project Leader and worked on binder platform development for different commercial products. Dr. Jiang edited the first book on Janus particles and has published more than 50 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Dr. Jiang was awarded with the Racheff-Intel Award for Outstanding Graduate Research. The technology he participated in developing at Dow received the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award and the R&D 100 Award. He recently received the ACS Younger Chemists Committee Leadership Development Award, the 3M non-tenured faculty award, ACS-PRF
2020 ASEE North Midwest Section Annual Conference
Shan Jiang, Iowa State University; Ann M Gansemer-Topf, Iowa State University; Nigel Forest Reuel, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Gül E. Kremer, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Qing Li, Iowa State University; Rebecca Mort, Iowa State University
worked on binder platform development for different commercial products. Dr. Jiang edited the first book on Janus particles and has published more than 50 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Dr. Jiang was awarded with the Racheff-Intel Award for Outstanding Graduate Research. The technology he participated in developing at Dow received the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award and the R&D 100 Award. He recently received the ACS Younger Chemists Committee Leadership Development Award, the 3M non-tenured faculty award, ACS-PRF New Investigator Award and Dean’s Excellence in Learning and Teaching Award. Dr. Jiang has received funding support for both his research lab and education initiative from
2020 ASEE North Midwest Section Annual Conference
Katherine Gisi, Iowa State University; Diane T. Rover, Iowa State University; Phillip H Jones III, Iowa State University of Science and Technology
, Mu, An, & Chen, 2018). Webots has a curriculum based on thee-puck robot. Analysis and feedback of this curriculum has show that Webots has potential tocreate an educational and explorative environment (Guyot & Rohrer, 2011)2.4 The Robot Operating SystemThe Robot Operating System (ROS) is a light, open-source framework developed to standardizeinternal and external communication between robotic components (Quigley, et al., 2009). Itconsists of a group of libraries and packages for building reusable, language-independent robotapplications. It utilizes peer-to-peer communication of specified nodes such as publisher,subscriber, service, and client nodes. It runs on top of a Linux Ubuntu operating system.Extensively used throughout
2020 ASEE North Midwest Section Annual Conference
Douglas W. Jacobson, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Diane T. Rover, Iowa State University; Joseph Zambreno, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Allegra Frickel, Iowa State University
audience he co-authored a book on security literacy and has given numerous talks on security. His current funded research is targeted at developing robust countermeasures for network-based security exploits and large scale attack simulation environ- ments and is the director of the Internet-Scale Event and Attack Generation Environment (ISEAGE) test bed project. He has given over 75 presentations in the area of computer security and has testified in front of the U.S. Senate committee of the Judiciary on security issues associated with peer-to-peer networking. He has served as an ABET program evaluator representing IEEE for five years. He is a Fellow of IEEE and received the IEEE Educational Activities Board Major