-linear world of knowledge. It can thus reflect more closely the professional reality. Page 14.100.5 Table 1. Five curriculum planning models MODEL BRIEF DESCRIPTION ISSUESContent-led Content (knowledge) to be taught is Lacks flexibility identified and sliced-up into smaller components.Rational Learner needs are identified and learning This is a rigid and systemic outcomes (LO) are selected accordingly. model with resource
threat to the stability and quality of the world environment.According to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), globalwarming appears to be accelerating, resulting in higher increases in global temperature andhigher rises in the sea level. To effectively address this problem, there is a need fortransdisciplinary, transnational approaches, reflecting the complexity of the problem and theinterdependence of people’s lives around the world. Consequently, the Davidson College ofEngineering at San José State University (SJSU) has programmatically encouraged andsupported the development of new green engineering curriculum and research, collaborating withSilicon Valley companies, many of which are at the forefront of
each unit’s content linked to the projects that are a part of theWATER program. We wanted students to be ready to “hit the ground running” armed withbackground knowledge since we would not be holding class sessions in Benin. Each unit ofcontent required completion of a study guide. Other course assignments have includeddevelopment of a teaching plan; participation in teaching water testing and filter manufacturingactivities; and reflective journaling. Students were assigned to interdisciplinary groups todevelop and implement teaching plans. These plans were developed before travelling to Benin,reviewed by course faculty, and revised as needed. Students also could negotiate individualizedprojects with the instructors.The reflective journaling
application was tested with 10 realsample surveys. The appendix shows a sample of one of such surveys. As the software was putto use, the staff from the school of public health started giving feedback on any discovered bugsin the system. The GUI was adjusted more than once to reflect new requirements. Major changes Page 14.351.8and new recommendation were left for upcoming releases and future collaborations.Assessment and InstitutionalizationThe project was engaging to the CIS and Public Health students in many ways. To capitalize onthe success of this experiment and benefit future students, the leaders of the project, Dr.Quweider and Dr
evaluators needed changes each year and with each accreditation cycle, as illustrated bythe data presented here in comparison with that of papers from the previous years of ASEE’snew accreditation role.12,13,14 Based on the current listing from the ABET website4 as compiledin Table 2, Table 3 gives the number of institutions and the numbers of multidisciplinaryengineering program accreditation visits implied for the six-year accreditation cycle from 2008-09 through 2013-14. Clearly, there is a wide variation reflected by those data in the anticipatedworkload from year to year, ranging from five programs at five institutions in 2008-09 to 20programs at 20 institutions in 2011-12. In addition to the numbers of visits over that six-yearcycle indicated
Figure 4 (right): Pseudo-depth IR image of micro gear generated by 3-D vision teamThe principle of 3D visual sensing via monovision IPA is; /2 Ep • (dp) (1) 8where Ep is the reflected infrared light energy and dp is the distance to an object from the pixel, p.This relationship allows scanning the infrared energy of all pixels to obtain not only an accurategeometry of the object but also to capture the position and orientation of the object relative to thesensor9. By emitting the IR light and measuring the amount of the reflected
evaluation included daily workshop reflections and a debriefingsession. At the end of each day of the summer workshops, the teachers were asked to discuss to thefollowing questions: 1) What have you learned in today's workshop? 2) What questions do you haveconcerning the content that was presented? and 3) Is there any information that was discussed that youwould like to know more about? The teachers' responses to these questions were used to prepare the nextdays' activities. An anonymous Keep/Quit/Start survey using 3x5 card was employed twice during theweek, as well. For the summative evaluations, participant questionnaires and pretest/posttest results havebeen used. For the previous workshops, the pretest/posttest results have indicated an
interest is reflected in the student body, and so, the primaryinvestigators for this particular project saw this as an excellent opportunity to create a researchproject that would be both academically useful, intellectually interesting, and have popularinterest based on these technologies.II. MURI Project Process and Assembled TeamThe process of MURI funded projects starts by accepting proposals from IUPUI campuses thatrequire different discipline backgrounds. After the reviewing process, the MURI screeningcommittee selects the best 8 to 10 proposals per semester for funding. The selection criterion isbased on the multidisciplinary aspects of the research team, the pre-requisite materials requiredby students, the clarity and values of the research
development an autonomous and reflective practitioner with social awareness of the impact of engineering practice; and Ü The development of skills for life-long learning3.The subject design was developed in the context of engineering technology. It was taught notas fundamental science but an engineering science based on the fundamental engineeringprinciples of conservation of mass and energy. The subject syllabus design was to, hopefully,embody the kind of epistemological questions that arise within a discipline of knowledge.These were transformed into a sequence of statements that defined the subject (see table 1They were:• Fundamental Science. Fundamental chemical principles were introduced in the first two-three hours of
student may havevarious learning styles and most people have many learning styles. McKeachie15 reflected thattoo many teachers think of students as a featureless mass; too many rarely vary their teachingmethods, thinking that the method by which they were taught is best for everyone. However,learning styles are preferences and habits of learning that have been learned and that everyone iscapable of going beyond the particular style preferred at the time. Also learning styles do notmake as much difference as the student’s prior knowledge, intelligence, and motivation and thatthese characteristics are learnable. So it is important for both teachers and students to realize thatlearners always encounter many situations that are not adapted to their
the vision of a multidisciplinary engineering study. The course modeldescribed in this report can be emulated elsewhere to pave partnerships between variousengineering departments and disciplines. Nevertheless, teaching an interdisciplinary courserequires a committed, motivated faculty who are creative and willing to change. Cultivating amultidisciplinary course such as Dynamic Modeling and Control is a growing experience for thefaculty as well as the students, but the rewards are worth the additional time required to make itinteresting and relevant to the students.AcknowledgementThe views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the position ofthe USMA.Bibliography
market:The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Department of Labor) indicated in its 2005-2006 edition ofthe Occupational Outlook Handbook 2 that biomedical engineering is expected to be a fast-growing occupation in the near and intermediate future. In recent years, the U.S. Department ofLabor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics has added standard occupational classification for"biomedical engineering" to be included in the forthcoming labor market reports and forecasts.This reflects the coming of age of biomedical engineering as a distinct discipline, and recognizesits increasing presence in the labor market. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureauof Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wages, 2005, industries with the highestlevels of
items should be reflected; for example,Emergency Generator Log, Fire Sprinkler Log, Filter Log, Daily Rounds, Electrical ReceptacleTest Log, Kitchen Hood Inspection, Water Chemistry Test Log, and Vehicle Log.The students were asked to review maintenance records and find out different performanceindicators, such as the percentage of in-house vs. outsourcing work orders performed, percentageof in-house vs. outsourcing costs, and the percentage of preventive vs. corrective maintenance Page 14.1136.13conducted. The following text is quoted from the students’ report: “The first component that wefocused on was the computerized facility maintenance