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Conference Session
SE Curriculum and Course Management
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Zulfa Zakaria, IIUM
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
for Category 1 (V&V Terminology and Foundations), Category 2(Reviews), and Category 3 (Testing).The survey results elicited here indicate that it is important to enhance the learning and teachingcoverage of Software V&V topics. This is especially apparent, for instance, in the case of unittesting that is commonly applied in industry [8] and also in the case of topics that reflect otherindustry needs [6]. The suggested PBL industry project-based course which blends withchallenging software V&V testing activities and the use of the Pex tool (to encourage TDDpractice) is to be targeted so as to attract those BSE graduate students who are interested infurthering their careers as software testers. This course aims at combining the five
Conference Session
Software Engineering Teaching Techniques
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Janusz Zalewski, Florida Gulf Coast University; Andrew Kornecki, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Jerzy Nogiec, Fermi National Accelerator Lab
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
the teaching methods, which were relativelyadvanced a decade ago, are no longer sufficient to educate graduates who would be competitiveenough on the job market after graduation. Therefore a new significant step in education of real-time software engineers is proposed in this paper: introducing in the classroom environmentsuch projects that would reflect current situation in professional software development. Two platforms used in real-time embedded data acquisition and control systems have beenintroduced in senior design project courses: VxWorks and Windows CE for respective singleboard computers. Both projects were developed with a typical waterfall process model in mind,with four phases of development, including requirements
Conference Session
SE Curriculum and Course Management
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Francis Lutz, Monmouth University; James McDonald, Monmouth University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
in the US is growing. In 2007, therewere almost 2,000 students enrolled in software engineering programs and approximately 625bachelor’s degrees were awarded.Concomitantly, bachelor degree programs in Information Technology (IT) and InformationSciences (IS) are expanding more rapidly. The graduates of these programs will be an increasingproportion of the technical, professional labor force. Their backgrounds will be different fromthose hired with degrees in either computer science or engineering. They will seek out differentcontinuing professional development opportunities and aspire to different target positions. Theincreasing popularity of accredited IT, IS and SE programs is reflected in the data of Figure 1.Many influences affect the