successes of the pilot and are ready to expand the program. We would like todouble the size of our cohort, increase the student financial support for participation and providemore dedicated mentoring for the students. Of the first two cohorts, 80% have remained in SpaceGrant for additional project experience, some moving into project leadership roles. COSGC staffcurrently run the program and mentor the student teams and projects. The plan for AY 23-24 isto expand this mentoring to include near peer mentors in the next cohort. We will also beimplementing a pre and post assessment of student STEM identity.REFERENCESAtkins, K., Dougan, B. M., Dromgold-Sermen, M. S., Potter, H., Sathy, V., & Panter, A. T. (2020). “Looking at Myself in the Future
. Based on institutional data, FGS continue to apply to, and gain admission, to CEASbut are not matriculating at the same rate they did a decade ago. IHE who can strategicallyconnect and support all aspects of the STEM FGS experience could develop a sustainable studentapplicant pool at the same time CGS high school graduate numbers (the pool that historicallyenrolls in CEAS) are decreasing over the next decade. In combination with changing institutionalbarriers to persistence and graduation outcomes, IHE can capitalize on the assets, funds ofknowledge, and the attitude of “no choice but to succeed” that FGS bring to table. ReferencesAllaire, F. S
the airflow around a smallwind turbine with a diameter of 1.8 meters and revealed that the maximum power coefficient andtorque coefficient are observed at a wind speed of around 10 m/s and an optimum angle of attackof 5 degrees. In addition, Wang et al. (2019) used pressure-based anemometry to measure theairflow around a small wind turbine with a diameter of 1.2 meters. The study showed that thewake's velocity deficit and turbulence intensity increase with the increase in downstream distance,and the maximum velocity deficit and turbulence intensity were observed at a distance of 3-5D(where D is the rotor diameter) downstream. Over the past year, UVU has hosted a multi-faceted research project which aims atdeveloping an autonomous
approximating a sleep cycle. With a newset of experiments, Jenkins and Dallenbah showed that morning learning fades exponentially with time;however, a few hours of sleep stabilize the memory of what is learned at midnight.Sleeping prevents forgetting. In a university setting, sleep is the resource most often in short supply, soit is gratifying to learn that more is better, but too much sleep, i.e., >10 hours are detrimental.Here is a simple model of how sleep works. In Figure 1, the lower curve shows the circadian cycle(Process C), the sine wave of light as a function of time. Evolution has attuned our bodies to want sleepin the dark hours and to be awake when we see blue sky light (wavelength 470nm). The upper curve(Process S) shows the
problem-solving and sustainable development. They need to be supplemented with human initiatives, creative innovations, and prompt action, all based on values that are grounded in pursuit of the common good through principles upholding non-hierarchical and democratic processes, personal courage, and a shared commitment to helping others—othercentredness instead of self-centredness. These strategies need to proceed from recognition that people on the ground are invaluable sources of local knowledge, wisdom and insight, which should be called upon for problem solving and new knowledge creation. (pp. 4–5)PALAR allows the faculty researcher(s) to participate in action learning as a collaborator. Amore
importance, why it matters andhow it can be improved may be more challenging to answer.References[1] A. Kaswan, “Distributive Environmental Justice,” in Eds. B. Coolsaet, Environmental Justice – Key Issues, New York, NY: Routledge, 2021.[2] B. Coolsaet and P.Y. Néon, “Recognition and Environmental Justice,” in Eds. B. Coolsaet, Environmental Justice – Key Issues, New York, NY: Routledge, 2021.[3] A. McHarg, “Energy Justice: Understanding the ‘Ethical Turn’ in Energy Law and Policy,” in Energy Justice and Energy Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.[4] R. Day, “Energy Justice,” in Eds. B. Coolsaet, Environmental Justice – Key Issues, Routledge, 2021.[5] J. Dugan, D. Byles, and S. Mohagheghi, “Social Vulnerability to Long
the students with the tools they needto make informed and ethical decisions in their future careers.CitationsBairaktarova, D., and Woodcock, A. (2017). Engineering student’s ethical awareness and behavior: A new motivational model. Science and Engineering Ethics, 23 (4), 1129-1157.Bullard, R. D., Mohai, P., Saha, R., and Wright, B. (2008). Toxic wastes and race at twenty: Why race still matters after all of these years. Envtl. L., 38, 371.Carroll, T., Gordon, B., Hancock, P. I., Stenger, K., and Turner, S. S. (2022). Cultivating solidarity for action on social justice in engineering: A collaborative autoethnography. International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace, 9 (1), 62-91.Cumming-Potvin, W. M., and Currie, J
summarized in Table 1, which alsoincludes illustrative quotes from the data. The subsections following Table 1 further describeeach category.Table 1: Categories, descriptions, and illustrative quotes resulting from the analysis process. Thetable continues on the following page. Category Description Illustrative Quote(s) Outdated Old material and outdated “We still, having a conversation the other day where Academics teaching practices can it’s like the students, well, what do we teach them in impact a student’s transitionmass transfer? Well, it’s distillation and I’m kind of into industry. like why do we teach them? I guess I understand why
. 250402, 2015.[5] M. Nielsen and I. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press, 2013.[6] R. S. Sutor, Dancing with Qubits, Packt Publishing, 2019.[7] R. Loredo, Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum Experience, Packt Publishing, 2020.
, especially the pretest scores. This may be afunction of institutional and/or demographic differences. At the same time, the post-interventionscores were improved in our case compared to the downshift present in the reference.Acknowledging the limitations in sample size and high variability, several possible explanationscome to mind. First, the identical set of students assessed may have facilitated more consistencyin the pre/post comparison than the independent tests. Another possible factor may be the classsize: smaller, discussion-based course vs. an assumed larger class. Or perhaps timing was apossibility: 2nd semester sophomore course vs. 1st semester freshmen course. Lastly, liberal artsinstitutions, for whatever reason(s), are the only
development and demographic analysis,” Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 86, 102884.[4] T. J. DeLong, Teaching by Heart. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Rev. Press, 2019.[5] F. Su, Mathematics for Human Flourishing, New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 2020.[6] T. Loreman, Love as Pedagogy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands: SensePublishers, 2011.[7] M. Dennis, A study how teachers show love in the classroom, DoE thesis, George Fox University, 2012.[8] A. L. Beach, M. D. Sorcinelli, A. E. Austin, & J. K. Rivard, J. K. (2016). Faculty development in the age of evidence: Current practices, future imperatives. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, 2016.[9] T. T. Phuong, T. T., S. C. Cole, & J
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technology, public university in united states, Spring 2017.[2] M. Borrego, and S. Cutler, “Constructive alignment of interdisciplinary graduate curriculumin engineering and science: An analysis of successful IGERT proposals,” Journal of EngineeringEducation, 99(4), 355-369, 2010.[3] T. W. Hissey, “Education and Careers 2000: Enhanced Skills for Engineers,” Proceedings ofthe IEEE, 88(8), 1367-1370, 2000.[4] Brian L. Yoder, “Engineering by the Numbers” American Society for Engineering Education,
nature of the sandbox to reinforce their knowledge of and familiarity with topography andhydrology. AR Sandboxes are poised to play an increasingly important role in higher education,and are likely to become a standard tool in many disciplines in the years to come.[1] D. Jackson, H. Kaveh, J. Victoria, A. Walker, and N. Bursztyn, "Integrating an augmented reality sandbox challenge activity into a largeenrollment introductory geoscience lab for nonmajors produces no learning gains," Journal of geoscience education, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 237-248, 2019, doi: 10.1080/10899995.2019.1583786.[2] S. Giorgis, N. Mahlen, and K. Anne, "Instructor-Led Approach to Integrating an Augmented Reality Sandbox into a Large-Enrollment
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. From then on, every class session would consisted of material covered infused withdiscussion and input from students. The live transcript was enabled for all class period, and thechat was offered as medium to ask questions at all times. The students from Central Asia wereencouraged to participate more, when they were allowed to write their questions and replies on thechat. The class sessions was made more interactive through use of collaborative work on Googleslides and Jamboard, where students collaboratively worked on topics to provide the answers tothe prompts. During each class session students were distributed into breakout groups with specificprompts to discuss among themselves. The instructor(s) would visit the breakout rooms to
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companies still haveextensive and lengthy training programs; most do not. They expect their new hires to show up andtake care of business.Engineers design projects. They do this repeatedly. Teaching engineers in the context of actualprojects is natural and highly effective.This paper outlines how I have taught the structural design of timber, masonry, steel, concrete,and structural analysis for the past two decades. Does it work? Yes, absolutely. How do I know?Based on my experience of what is effective in professional practice and 19 years of student workproduct that closely matches that of a successful design office.7 References[1] S. D. Wurdinger, The Power of Project-Based Learning: HElping Students Develop Important Life Skills, Lanham
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