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2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Rajarajan Subramanian, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College; Sofia M Vidalis, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College
experience. He includedmechanisms for both rote learning and generalization and eventually his machine won one game against aformer Connecticut checkers champion.An important aspect of intelligence is the ability to reason logically, and it has always been a major focusof AI development. In 1955-56, Allen Newell and Herbert Simon wrote a “theorem-proving program”that portrayed the reasoning aspect of AI. At some point, a proof written by the theorem-proving programwas more elegant than the proof given in the books. In 1969, man landed on the moon surface because of the calculations made by series of computers thatwere used in the space programs. In the year 1997, IBM 's Deep Blue computer made history when itbecame the first digital computer to win
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Sakhi Aggrawal, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Kevin C. Dittman, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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Reasons Why Project Management Skills are Just as Important as Your Technical Degree | University of Maryland Project Management,”, Sep. 08, 2021. as-important-as-your-technical-degree/ (accessed Oct. 02, 2023).[2] J. Kagan, “Importance of Project Management in Today’s Business Landscape,”, Jun. 19, 2023.[3] “What is Project Management in Engineering | MEML@Rice,” project-management[4] S. Aggrawal and A. J. Magana, “Undergraduate student experience with
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Sakhi Aggrawal, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI)
worldwide.References[1] NCES, 2013. National Centers for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education.[2] S. Aljawarneh and J. A. Lara, “Data science for analyzing and improving educational processes,” Journal of Computing in Higher Education, vol. 33, pp. 545–550, 2021.[3] R. Ammigan and E. Jones, “Improving the Student Experience: Learning From a Comparative Study of International Student Satisfaction,” Journal of Studies in International Education, 22(4), 283-301, 2018.[4] C. Alvarado, M. Minnes, and L. Porter, “Micro-classes: A structure for improving student experience in large classes,” In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 21—26, 2017.[5] S. Aggrawal and A. J. Magana
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Samaneh Gholitabar, New York City College of Technology, City University of New York
supported the efficacy of theapproach in achieving the stated goals of improving student learning and better preparing them fora career in the construction industry.AcknowledgmentsThe author gratefully acknowledges the General Education and Writing Across the Curriculumteams at New York City College of Technology for the valuable lessons provided throughworkshops and mentoring sessions.Reference 1. Kim, S., S. Chang, D. Castro-Lacouture. 2019. “Dynamic Modeling for Analyzing Impacts of Skilled Labor Shortage on Construction Project Management.” Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 1. 2. Levanon, G., B. Cheng, and M. Paterra. 2014. “The risk of future labor shortages in different occupations and industries in the
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Doug Kim, Farmingdale State College
technology must practically considerprerequisites in mathematics for the students so that any new prerequisites other than the onesalready required by the electrical engineering technology program.It becomes necessary for the instructors to carefully assess each topic covered in the course andimplement a teaching strategy that only utilizes the practical level of math and physics. Thepracticality must come from the understanding of how the topic is being utilized and practiced inthe field to avoid any unnecessary complexity. Running a pilot course before the final courseimplementation can help assess and adjust to the proper level of prerequisites. For example, withtwo-port S-parameters, it is more important to understand the physical meanings of
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Chengzhang Zhu, Rowan University; Ying Tang, Rowan University
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] Syaputra, Adi & Hasanah, Enung. (2022). Learning Strategies In The Digital Era. International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation. 3. 74-83. 10.12928/ijemi.v3i1.5507.[2] Athanasios Christopoulos & Pieter Sprangers — Shuyan Wang (Reviewing editor) (2021) Integration of educational technology during the Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis of teacher and student receptions, Cogent Education, 8:1, DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2021.1964690[3] Ayodele Abosede Ogegbo & Umesh Ramnarain (2022) A systematic review of computational thinking in science classrooms, Studies in Science Education, 58:2, 203-230, DOI: 10.1080/03057267.2021.1963580[4] S. N. S. Yasin, R. Ibrahim and R. C. M. Yusoff, ”Mobile Educational Games User Experience
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Saravanan Gurupackiam, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College; Rajarajan Subramanian, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College
alignment, vertical alignment, and cross section that are integral part of highwaydesign.HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENTHorizontal alignment of a roadway includes the straight line path and curves as seen from a plan view.Figure 1 below shows a neighborhood with new horizontal alignments (red lines). This drawing and otherassociated exercise files were taken from linkedin resource [7] available for penn state students. In the labsession(s) associated with horizontal alignment, students are taught the following in Civil 3D, • Creating alignment using objects and alignment creating tools. • Edit an alignment with grips and alignment editing tools. • Create criteria based design and use design check set.The criteria based design and design check
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Jennie Perey Saxe, University of Delaware
. Mizelle, "A Slow-Moving Disaster — The Jackson Water Crisis and the Health Effects of Racism," The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 388, (24), pp. 2209-2212, 2023. Available: DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2303120.[9] S. Yuan et al, "Two-way communication between scientists and the public: a view from science communication trainers in North America," International Journal of Science Education. Part B. Communication and Public Engagement, vol. 7, (4), pp. 341-355, 2017. Available: DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2017.1350789.[10] J. C. Besley et al, "The role of communication professionals in fostering a culture of public
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Gang Liu, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
. DOI:[8] S. D’Antoni, “Open educational resources: Reviewing initiatives and issues. Open Learning,” The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 2009, 24, 3–10[9] Hewlett, Open educational resources. 2013. program/open-educational-resources[10] S.M. Johnstone, “Open educational resources serve the world.” Educause Quarterly, 2005, 28(3), 15.[11] G. Winston, "Subsidies, Hierarchy and Peers: The Awkward Economics of Higher Education." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1999, 13(1): 13-36. DOI: 10.1257/jep.13.1.13[12] J.L. Baldwin, “Enrolled student demographic data for fall 2023”, Fall 2023 Unpublished raw data, University
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
PS Dhanasekaran, State University of New York, Canton
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Education – ICEE 2007.[2] Jaime Núñez S, Sheila Lascano F, Iván E. Esparragoza, A project-based learning approachfor a first-year engineering course, 11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference forEngineering and Technology, Cancun, Mexico August 14-16, 2013.[3] Carol Hulls, “et al”, The Use of an Open-Ended Project to Improve the Student Experience inFirst Year Programming,[4] Michael McGuire, Kin Fun Li, and Fayez Gebali, Teaching Design to First-Year EngineeringStudents, 2015 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA15) Conf.[5] Eric Constans, Dr. Jennifer Kadlowec, Ac 2011-511: Using A Project-Based LearningApproach to Teach Mechanical Design to First-Year Engineering Students, American Society forEngineering Education, 2011.[6] David
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Felix F. Udo-Eyo, Temple University
-sufficiency, persistence, and self-control and correlated the findings with the students’academic performance. The study also suggests some ways faculty and staff could help enhancethe resilience of future engineers.References[1] P. H. Carnell, N.J. Hunsu, D. F. Ray, and N. W. Sochaka (2018). Exploring the relationshipbetween resilience and student performance in an engineering statics class: A work in progress.Proceedings of 2018 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference andExposition, Salt Lake City, UT.[2] E. Akimova, R. Lazenberger, S. Kasper (2009). The serotonin-1A receptor in anxiety disorder.Biological psychiatry, 66(7), 627-635.[3] R. Jiang, M.A. Babyak, B. H. Brummett, I. C. Siegler, C. M. Kuhn, R. B. William (2017
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
LuoBin Cui, Rowan University; Ryan Hare, Rowan University; Ying Tang, Rowan University; Tyler Philip Casas, Rowan University
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., Hong, H. G., & Martin, S. N. (2023). University students’ perceptions of remote laboratory courses necessitated by COVID-19: Differences in emergent teaching strategies at a Korean university. Asia Pacific Education Review, 2023.
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Sofia M Vidalis, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College; Rajarajan Subramanian, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College
/#:~:text=AI%2Dpowered%20chatbots%2C%20for%20example,by%20learning%20fro m%20past%20interactions, Accessed on October 2023.7. Doug Austin (July 21, 2023). “120 Mind Blowing AI Tools: Artificial Intelligence Trends,” eDiscovery Today, ai-tools-artificial-intelligence-trends/, Accessed on October 2023.8. Naomi S. Baron (September 06, 2023). “5 Touch Points Students Should Consider About AI,” Inside Higher Education, advice/teaching/2023/09/06/key-questions-ask-students-about-using-ai-their-work, Accessed on October 2023.9. Unesco (April 21st, 2023). “Artificial Intelligence: Examples of Ethical Dilemmas,”
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Abdullah Konak, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Christian Jay St. Francis Clarke, Penn State University
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. Aurigi, "Urban AI: understanding the emerging role of artificial intelligence in smart cities," AI & society, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 1039-1044, 2023.[2] K. I. Roumeliotis and N. D. Tselikas, "ChatGPT and Open-AI Models: A Preliminary Review," Future Internet, vol. 15, no. 6, p. 192, 2023.[3] M. M. Rahman and Y. Watanobe, "ChatGPT for education and research: Opportunities, threats, and strategies," Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 5783, 2023.[4] C. Zhu, M. Sun, J. Luo, T. Li, and M. Wang, "How to harness the potential of ChatGPT in education?," Knowledge Management & E-Learning, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 133, 2023.[5] S. Grassini, "Shaping the future of education: exploring the potential and