k CA CB (2)Here, the rate constant k has units of [m3 / (moles-s)]. The rate expressions for each reactant arerelated to the intrinsic reaction rate defined by equation (2) by their respective stoichiometriccoefficients where the latter are negative for reactants and positive for products. rA rB rC r (3) - 1 -1 1i. Model GeometryThe geometric model and dimensions are the same as that of the T-micromixer. A 3-D diagramof the model is shown Figure 1. Product Reactant B
values would be most meaningful andappropriate for this process. Typically, students chose water temperatures in the range of 70 - 95°C and times between 30 s and 6 min. Some teams chose wider ranges of temperature or timeand would subsequently observe differences in the significance of the factors. Additionally, aseparate set of experiments were conducted to determine the value of the standard deviation. 1 2 Figure 1. French Press Coffee Maker. First coffee grounds are brewed with hot water for a Page 15.804.3 designated time (1). Then the plunger/filter is depressed, separating the coffee grounds
). Page 15.1096.1411. F. W. Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management, New York: Harper & Brothers.12. B. E. Ashforth, S. H. Harrison and K. G. Corley, “Identification in Organizations: An Examination ofFour Fundamental Questions”, Journal of Management, 34(3), 325 (2008).13. F. A. Mael and B. E. Ashforth, “Alumni and Their Alma Mater: A Partial Test of the ReformulatedModel of Organizational Identification”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 103 (1992).14. R. Van Dick, J. Ullrich and P. A. Tissington, “Working under a Black Cloud: How to SustainOrganizational Identification after a Merger “,British Journal of Management, 17(S1), S69 (2006).15. C. Bullis and B. Bach, “Socialization Turning Points: An Examination of Change in
by a retired industrial practitionerwho had a good idea of the types of deliverables that were representative of what studentswould encounter in the workplace, but this may not be the case today. In addition, theadvent of process simulators in the 1970’s and 1980’s had a huge impact on the way thatsenior design is currently taught. This paper summarizes the author’s selection of themost effective, innovative approaches for the capstone design course reported recently inthe literature or discussed at previous conferences. The challenges associated withteaching senior design, and approaches successfully applied to address these challenges,are also described.IntroductionThe senior design course in chemical engineering typically includes both
the process. The specifics of equipmentdesign and simulation for other batch unit operations (distillation, filtration, crystallization, etc.)are not covered but are left for specific operations related to the group project.As an example of the differences between unsteady, batch operation and continuous operation,consider the preheating of a batch reactor with preheating of a continuous reactor in a continuousheat exchanger. The familiar, steady-state equations for a heat exchanger are the energybalances and the heat-exchanger design equation (assuming a utility of condensing steam, forexample) Q ? m& p C p , p ΦT p ? m& s νs ? UAΦTlm F (1)where the subscript p represents the
consists of a question and actual student response from a recentTransport Phenomena 1 final exam (the student was a junior):Gasoline is being pumped 17 miles through nominal 3-inch, schedule-40 steel pipe at arate of 9500 gal/hr. What horsepower will be required if the pump’s efficiency is about75%? ≠ M/ τ The average velocity in the pipe: > V ≅? ρR 2 4571856 therefore, > V ≅? 2 ? 8.9 x107 ft/s. ρ (0.1278) d >V ≅ τ
Academic Year Course Term Enrollment Alternative Fuels Group Enterprise Fall 2009 27 Alternative Fuels Group Enterprise Spring 2010 25 Fuel Cell Fundamentals Fall 2009 41 Fuel Cell Technology Fall 2009 23 Fundamentals of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier Fall 2009 27 Hydrogen Measurements Laboratory Spring 2010 12 Table 2. Course Enrollments During Prior Academic Years Course s Alternative Fuels Group Fuel Cell Fundamentals Fuel Cell Technology t
] J. L. Gibson and C. Chase, "Longitudinal Impact of an Inquiry-based Science Program onMiddle School Students' Attitudes Toward Science," Science Education, 86, 693-705, 2002.[5] X. Ma and J. W. Wilkins, "The Development of Science Achievement in Middle andHigh Schools: Individual Differences and School Effects," Evaluation Rev., 26, 395-417, 2002.[6] Project Lead The Way Web Development Team, "Project Lead The Way," 2004.Electronically accessed at: http://www.pltw.org.[7] K. Matthew and W. S., "Engineering in the Classroom," Science Scope, 30, 49-51, 2006.[8] M. A. Mooney and T. A. Laubach, "Adventure Engineering: A Design Centered, InquiryBased Approach to Middle Grade Science and Mathematic Education," J EngineeringEducation
two prior fundamentalchemistry competences needing reinforcement. More importantly, the methods adopted in thepresent study may illustrate an approach to connect industrial demand and academicinstruction.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial supports provided by the National ScienceCouncil of the Republic of China under grant NSC 97-2511-S-262-008-MY3. Page 15.1327.11REFERENCESCuhls, K. (2003). Delphi method. Technical report, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research.Faherty, V. (1979), Continuing Social Work Education: Results of a Delphi Survey, Journal of Education for Social Work, 15(1), 12
, when it comes to their mentors, students are more inclined to favorinformal interactions. They thrive under mentors who reach out, talk to the students, engage withtheir learning, and take an active role in their research experience, rather than just mentor fromafar.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0552933.Bibliography1 Terenzini, P. T. (1999) Research and Practice in Undergraduate Education: And Never the Twain Shall Meet?High Educ, 38, pp. 37.2 Kenny, S. S. (1998) Reinventing Undergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America’s Research Universities. TheState University of New York: Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University.3 Kenny
and the company/agency that offers it. The student must researchthe host company and write a single page summary of the company, size, location(s),employment, and main products and services. In addition, a literature and database searchshould identify recent activities of the company, including current business, technical and legalsuccesses/problems. This activity prepares the students to be more active in a subsequent mockinterview with the course instructor.We position the resume/corporate profile and mock interview writing assignments early in thesemester, so they aid students preparing for the Engineering Career Fair as well as corporateinterviewing on campus for summer intern, co-op, and permanent positions
2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.2. Gal, I. and J.B. Garfield (Eds.). 1997. The Assessment Challenge in Statistics Education. IOS Press.3. Posner, G. J., K.A. Strike, P.W. Hewson, and W.A. Gertzog. 1982. Accommodation of a scientific conception: toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education. 66 (2):211–227.4. Vygotsky, Lev S. 1978. Mind in society: Development of higher psychological processes. Edited by Cole, M., John-Steiner, V., Scribner, S., Souberman, E. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.5. Bransford, J., A. Brown, and R. Cocking (Eds.). 1999. How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Report of the National Research Council
variety. That variety is based on the fundamental difference in philosophy as to whetheryear 1 has common content for all branches of engineering or discipline specific programs begin inyear 1. For the former, many imaginative ways have been introduced to allow students to gain an Page 15.658.2understanding of the uniqueness of the disciplines.This summary considers eight options (with the school code in brackets for the school using thisoption): 1. Common year 1 with no engineering exposure through courses; basic math and sciences, 0% of responders 2. Common year 1 with required common engineering course(s) with no explicit
, HI.: ASEE.2 L. S. Vygotsky. 1978. Mind in society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.3 C. Quintana, B. Reiser, E. Davis, J. Krajcik, E. Fretz, R.G. Duncan, E. Kyza, D. Edelson, and E. Soloway. 2004. Journal of the Learning Sciences 13, no. 3: 337-386.4 R.M. Felder and L.K. Silverman. 1988. Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education. Engineering Education, 78 no. 7: 674-681.5 D. Norman and S. Draper, User-centered system design, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Mahwah, NJ, Page 15.564.8 (1986).
stoppeddropping after a while. Water at different temperatures were then assigned to different groupsand they were asked to take temperature readings at regular intervals for 10 minutes with a waterflow rate of 74 mL/s (70 gph) and an air speed of 1 m/s (as measured by an anemometer). Figure2 is a schematic of the process. Following the data taking, the students worked on several con-ceptual questions that prepared them for the analysis of experimental data and evaporator per- Page 15.243.7formance predictions that they would be doing as homework. The evaporator analysis involvedfinding the slope of the temperature versus time graph near time zero along
gapbetween research and practice: The research is not sufficiently persuasive or authoritative; Theresearch is not relevant to practice and does not address the issues and concerns of teachers; Ideasfrom research have not been accessible to teachers and are either difficult to find or understand; Theeducation system itself is either too intractable or too unstable, and therefore unable to engage insystematic change. Further, she notes that the gap between educational research and educationalpractice has been an ongoing phenomena and complaint of educational researchers since at least 1934.Careful experimental design was a focus of educational research in the 1960’s, but such research did notresult in broad and rapid adoption of researched
them. The remainingstudents indicated that they were attracted to this profession because of a specific interest inchemistry and mathematics, or other specialized interests.Free response question: What career path(s) are you interested in?Table 1 summarizes the student responses to this second question. Unlike the numbers in theabstract, which were rounded off percentages for the entire class, these numbers are percentagesof the respondents whose answer included a career in the category.Table 1. Student Career Interests(Totals exceed 100% as some students listed more than one career choice) Career Interests Percent of Respondents Biology related (pharmaceutical, biomedical
be achieved simply by lecturing at them.DCS Demonstration Lab OverviewWe use an industrial quality DCS system with all of the alarming capabilities of typical systemsused by the chemical process industries. A Honeywell Experion DCS system was purchased forthis purpose. This DCS system is much less bulky than its predecessor, the TDC3000, whichuses predominantly 10base5 cable with BNC connectors, and is commonly found in manyrefineries and chemical plants. A major factor contributing to this reduction in bulkiness is theHoneywell Experion’s use of CAT5 Ethernet cable in place of the TDC3000’s bulky and stiff10base5 coaxial cable connectors, which allows this system to be implemented using equipmentfound in a typical campus computer lab. The
competencies. Second, it provides feedback to our program on specificcompetencies and areas where our students may be weak. This feedback provides motivation forcurricular and/or pedagogical modifications needed to address the problem(s). Third, the examemphasizes the importance of the Level-3 competencies to our students and faculty. Students arekeenly aware that retention of knowledge and skills in the core areas is a requirement forgraduation in addition to simply completing required course work. Faculty awareness of theneed to help students learn fundamental concepts is also heightened.Table 2 shows the 18 Level-3 competencies assessed by the exam. As previously stated, the firstnumber of the competency corresponds to a Program Outcome. As shown
enrollment in anEngineering Freshman Learning Community is 14/20 (70%), compared to an actual EFLCenrollment rate of 61%. The electronic survey covered Supplemental Instruction and Peer-LedTeam Learning for General Chemistry I, Pre-Calculus and Calculus I. Enrollment data (Table I)indicate that about 2/3 of Fall quarter freshmen should be enrolled in either Pre-Calculus orCalculus I, and at most 1/20 should be without a Fall math class. On the survey, 1/22respondents stated that (s)he did not take math in Fall, which is consistent with enrollment data.An additional 3/22 students did not identify a math instructor; two of those answered noquestions beyond those about the EFLC, suggesting that they simply stopped participating in thesurvey. It is thus