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Nestor Osorio, Northern Illinois University
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sources for engineering and technologyinformation. The paper is divided into five sections: J.B. Johnson: an Engineer, Scholar, Pioneerin Informatics and Humanist; The First Years up to the 1950’s; The Sixties and Seventies; The1980’s through 2009; and The Ei Village and its Creator John Regazzi. Each section describesmajor changes, improvements, management and editorial decisions introduced. It also presentssome information on the people that have made The Engineering Index (Compendex) a valuableresource such as J.B. Johnson, Bill M Woods, John E. Creps, and John Regazzi.IntroductionThe prominence of The Engineering Index as a technical and scientific information service hasbeing recognized through the years. In 1976, Mildren1 described it as
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Megan Sapp Nelson, Purdue University; Michael Fosmire, Purdue University Libraries -- PHYS
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, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally7In addition, the ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS)’s ‘flavor’ of information literacystandards8 also maintains that a student ‘…understands that information literacy is an ongoingprocess and an important component of lifelong learning and recognizes the need to keep currentregarding new developments in his or her field.’Viewed from the perspective of lifelong learning, the ability to ‘determine the extent ofinformation needed,’ corresponds to articulating a ‘learning need’. ‘Access[ing] the neededinformation’ and ‘using information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose’ fits within theframework of developing
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Dana Denick, Drexel University; Jay Bhatt, Drexel University; Bradley Layton, Drexel University (Eng.)
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students. Paper presented at the 30th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Kansas City, MO.4. Gadia V., R. Patel, S. Roy, R. Singh, N. Venkatesh, S. Lunagaria, and B.E. Layton. 2005. An educational model of an atomic force microscope. The Nanotechnology Group 4(7): 1-8.5. Gadia, V. S. Roy, N. Venkatesh, S. Lunagaria, R. Patel, and B.E. Layton. 2005. Towards nanotechnology for all. News from the Bottom 1(2): 1-7.6. Layton, B.E., L. Jablonowski, R. Kirby, and N. Lampe. 2007. Bicycle infrastructure development strategy for suburban commuting. ASME Insternational Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Seattle, WA.7. Edzan, N.N. 2007. Tracing information literacy of computer science undergraduates: A content
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David Hubbard, Texas A&M University
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for the content analysis was subjective, but did point to the emphasison information literacy, information/reference services, collections and novel databases. Whiletextual analysis was limited in terms of results, it did provide further support for theclassification analysis based on word and phrase frequencies of the paper titles. A future studymight apply a more rigorous textual analysis methodology (and software) to obtain topichierarchies and to perform more sophisticated analyses.Further work could compare these results to other LIS publications in the field of science and Page 15.177.13engineering librarianship.References1. Tiew, S
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Jim Miller, University of Maryland; Bob Kackley, University of Maryland, College Park; Nevenka Zdravkovska, University of Maryland
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goes beyond that by saying that“… libraries should think creatively when drafting new positions. An innovative position thatdirectly relates to recruitment …..[will] impress university administrator[s]”.7 Also, librariesneed to be monitoring initiatives such as the legislators’ consideration of how public universities Page 15.116.4should be giving back to the community in a tangible way.8Much of this paper will give attention to diverse groups such as women and minorities inrecruitment. Women are still a pronounced minority in engineering classes, even with recentyears’ increases in their enrollment. See for example, Franzway et al. (2009).9
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Mary Strife, West Virginia University
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25.Retrieved from http://www.webology.ir/2006/v3n2/a25.html6. Maness, J. M. (2006). An evaluation of library instruction delivered to engineering students using streamingvideo. Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship, (48), 6-6. Retrieved fromhttp://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=22189393&site=ehost-live7. Michel, J. P., Hurst, S., & Revelle, A. (2009). Vodcasting, iTunes U, and faculty collaboration. ElectronicJournal of Academic & Special Librarianship, 10(1), 6-6. Retrieved fromhttp://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lxh&AN=41534766&site=ehost-live8. Osif, B.A., and DeSantis, S.M. (2005). Engineering resources tutorial [Video tutorial]. Penn State
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Anne Rauh, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Jody Hoesly, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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“Orthopedic Surgery Faculty Ray Vanderby, Ph.D. - University of Wisconsin Department of Surgery,”http://www.orthorehab.wisc.edu/Ortho/faculty/vanderby.shtml.vii “University of Wisconsin Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center: Ray Vanderby,”http://stemcells.wisc.edu/faculty/vanderby.html.viii D. I. Cleland and L. R. Ireland, "The Evolution of Project Management," Global Project Management Handbook:Planning, Organizing, and Controlling International Projects (2006).ix S. Marsalis and J. Kelly, "Building a Refworks Database of Faculty Publications as a Liaison and CollectionDevelopment Tool," Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship 40 (2004
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Donna Beck, Carnegie Mellon University; G. Berard, Carnegie Mellon University; Bo Baker, University of Tennessee Chattanooga; Nancy George, University of Pittsburgh
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previously the recipient of a Pitt Partners scholarship from the University of Pittsburgh which facilitated his service at Carnegie Mellon University from 2008-2009.Nancy George, University of Pittsburgh Nancy S. George has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Language Communications from the University of Pittsburgh and a Master's Equivalency degree in Education. She has been a junior high language arts teacher for 30 years. She will complete her Master's degree in Library and Information Science in April, 2010, from the University of Pittsburgh. Page 15.1146.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010
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Virginia Baldwin, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
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), 489-495. doi:DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2008.09.016.12. Smith, K. (2008). Institutional repositories and e-journal archiving: What are we learning? Journal of Electronic Publishing, 11(1). doi:DOI: 10.3998/3336451.0011.107.13. Reih, S. et.al. (Unpublished). Perceived Values and Benefits of Institutional Repositories: A Perspective of Digital Curation. Retrieved 1/8/2010 from http://www.ils.unc.edu/digccurr2007/papers/rieh_paper_6-2.pdf Page 15.928.1314. Swiss National Science Foundation. Retrieved 1/2/2010 from http://www.snf.ch/E/current/Dossiers/Pages/OpenAccess.aspx15. Open Access Conference Berlin Declaration