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Conference Session
Standards For Future Engineering Practitioners
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charlotte Erdmann, Purdue University; Bruce Harding, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
themean Treasure Hunt grade has remained fairly constant with a slightly positive slope. 100 95 90 Mean Project Grade 85 80100 75 90 70 6580 6070 55 60 50 50 S '00 S '01 F '02 S '03 F '04 F '05 S '06 F '06 F '07 S '07 S '08 S '09 S '00 S '01 F '02 S '03 F '04 F '05 F '06 F '06 F '07 S '07 S '08 S '09 SemesterFigure 1. Average grades for the Treasure Hunt from Spring semester 2000 -- Spring semester2009. S = Spring semester , F = Fall semester. Data was unavailable for earlier semesters and forsome semesters during this timespan.Evolution of the Project: Anecdotal Observations
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Gehringer, North Carolina State University
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New Engineering Educators
of universities have also provided facilities for students to submit anonymouscomments on a class. However, these tools are rarely used by students, tend to attractemotional complaints, and do not provide a coherent mechanism for improving delivery of acourse.Some instructors have rolled their own midterm evaluations using LMSs or off-the-shelfsurvey tools. These have often proved cumbersome. Austin and Austin [5]’s LMS lackedanonymous response capability; instructors could see who had answered a question. Thus,if they logged in to view results at a time when only a single student had responded, theycould figure out what that student had written. Second, substantial administrative supportwas needed: Instructors needed to import a Zip file
Conference Session
Launching Successful Academic Careers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Chin, East Carolina University; Nancy Study, Virginia State University
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New Engineering Educators
ensure the manuscript is consistent and within theboundaries of the journal’s scope and that the identity of the author(s) of the manuscript beconcealed from reviewers during the review process.Manuscript PreparationPreparation of manuscripts intended to be published in the EDGJ is guided by the latest edition Page 15.826.3of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association4. Even though thefollowing list may not necessarily be inclusive or applicable to all manuscripts that are submittedto all journals, authors ought be mindful of the following: evaluating content; design andreporting research; authorship; types of manuscripts
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Barry Dupen, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
photocopy or scan the relevant page(s) from your notes, and mark in red the changes you would like to see. You can benefit from extra points, and next semester’s class will benefit from better handouts. Page 15.372.7One third of the students participated in the extra credit assignment, and most of thesesubmissions were thoughtful, detailed, and thorough. Some students submitted recommendationsin sentence form. Here are some examples: The only change I would make is on page 5 under valve actuation: separate the mechanical vs. pilot vs. solenoid better. They run together and look like they are of the same group. It would be easier
Conference Session
Standards For Future Engineering Practitioners
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charlotte Erdmann, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
associations and professional societies,government agencies, national standards bodies, and international standards agencies.” Hardingand McPherson (2009) 7 describe the present sphere of standards organizations in his ASEEpaper.Two surveys describe the libraries’ best practices for standards. The original plan to do a surveydid not appear necessary after finding these two surveys. Both surveys cover large academiclibraries. Brian S. Mathews (2006)8 wrote about “top engineering schools” while Lorraine F.Pellack (2004)9did a survey of 34 libraries that are members of the prestigious Association forResearch Libraries (ARL). In 2003, Pellack’s survey indicated that there are many librariesdoing special ordering with format half of the libraries buying
Conference Session
Launching Successful Academic Careers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Rose, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
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New Engineering Educators
March 17, 2010)8. Kelly, W.E. “Standards in Civil Engineering Design Education.” J. Profl. Issues in Engrg. Educ. and Pract. 134(1), January 2008, pp. 59-66.9. Brenner, B. “Editor's Note.” J. Profl. Issues in Engrg. Educ. and Pract. 128(3), July 2002, pp. 99.10. Bundy, D. “Preparation of Papers in Two Column Format for the FIE 2010 Conference.” Frontiers in Education Clearing House website, accessed January 7, 2010 (URL: http://fie- Murad, M. “Course and syllabus change to incorporate aspects of diversity in engineering and engineering technology courses.” Proceedings, 2004 ASEE Annual Conference, June 2004, Salt Lake City, UT. (CD-ROM).12 Rose, A.T. and Kinsinger, K. S
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Henry Louie, Seattle University
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New Engineering Educators
. Page 15.1329.10References 1. R. Murray and J. R. Brightman, Interactive teaching, European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 295-301, 1996. 2. C. C. Bonwell and J. A. Eison, Active learning: creating excitement in the classroom. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 1, Washington, DC: The George Washington University, School of Education and Human Development, 1991. 3. L. A. Van Dijk, G. C. Van Den Berg, and H. Van Keulen, Interactive lectures in engineering education., European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 15-28, 2001. 4. B. Mehlenbacher, C. R. Miller, D. Covington, and J. S. Larsen, Active and interactive learning online: A comparison of web-based and conventional writing
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Ieta, State University of New York, Oswego; Thomas Doyle, McMaster University; Rachid Manseur, SUNY-Oswego
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
offensive. Keepingthis balance may ensure the coexistence of challenging tests with good SET scores (SET scores areobviously not exclusively the result of good grading).References[1] Ieta, A., R. Manseur, and T.E. Doyle. (June 14 – 17, 2009) “Effective criteria for teaching and learning.” The 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, TX, 2009.[2] S. S. Stevens, “On the averaging of data,” Science, Vol. 121, Jan. 1955, pp. 113–116.[3] Wilbert J. McKeachie, and Marilla Svinicki. McKeachie’s Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College Page 15.629.8 and University Teachers, Boston, Houghton, 2006.[4] Lang, J. W. B
Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alisa Clyne, Drexel University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
University Press, 2000.12. Seymour, E., “The Loss of Women from Science, Mathematics and Engineering Undergraduate Majors,” Science Education, vol. 79, no. 4, 1995, pp. 437–473.13. National Research Council Board on Engineering Education, Report on Designing an Adaptive System, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1995.14. Ambrose, S., et al., Journeys of Women in Science & Engineering, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1997.15. Committee on Women Faculty in the School of Science, A Study on the Status of Women in Science at MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1999.16. Tierney, W., and E. Bensimon, Promotion and Tenure: Community and Socialization in Academe, State
Conference Session
Launching Successful Academic Careers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Engelken, Arkansas State University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
applicable history, culture, and constraints, or the full extentof contributions of existing faculty. Web sites now make it easy for applicants tofamiliarize themselves with the university and current professors’ professional histories(for example, research record or teaching innovations), and if not meeting the newperson’s standards, it is possible for him/her to develop a marginal superiority complex.If perceiving approval from the chair or dean, they may, with good motives, propose newideas, proposals, and concerns about the status quo. They may consciously orsubconsciously try to mold the program into the image of their preceding institution(s).However, they may be perceived by senior faculty as not showing respect and deference.This causes
Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Cady, National Academy of Engineering; Norman Fortenberry, National Academy of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
collaborations begun at the symposium and whether theywill complete their innovation projects, although several virtual meetings of attendees have beenconducted. Bibliography1. Sheppard, S. D., Macatangay, K., Colby, A., & Sullivan, W. M. (2009). Educating engineers: Designing for the future of the field. The Carnegie Foundation for the Enhancement of Teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass. Page 15.1064.7
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Dahm, Rowan University
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New Engineering Educators
/Senior Clinic as the capstone design experiences in their programs. While theChemical Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering departments haveseparate capstone design courses, these departments also recognize Junior/Senior Clinicas a course that well reflects engineering practice. Consequently Junior/Senior Clinicfigures prominently in the assessment efforts of all four programs. As noted in theprevious section, the Junior/Senior Clinic final reports were included in the portfolios ofstudent work that were reviewed at the end of every year. While the department obtainedvaluable data from the portfolio evaluation, an inefficiency in the process was alsoevident: each paper was being read by the project supervisor(s), who assigned a
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly Jaeger, Northeastern University; Corey Balint, Northeastern University; Christopher Wishon, Northeastern University; Colleen Fritze, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
approaches described in the earlier Collaborative and Team-BasedLearning section. Further, traditional peer-assisted teaching is not typically conducted bycontemporaries/classmates of the enrolled students. This arrangement has been operationallydefined as “the use of undergraduate teaching assistants, usually students who recently weresuccessful in the course, and are useful because they provide a means to supplement large lecturecourses with small discussion groups.”11 Historically, first reports of students teaching studentsappeared in the 1960’s when faculty dissatisfaction emerged in response to large lecture coursesin which the student’s role was largely passive. Similar to the historical use of archons describedabove, undergraduate students
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Melissa Roberts, Michigan Technological University; Amber Kemppainen, Michigan Technological University; Gretchen Hein, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
of the feedback from the write-in questions of the semester evaluations iscompiled below.Question 1: “As I, the instructor, prepare to teach this class again, what aspect(s) of thiscourse should I preserve that effectively furthered learning?”Sampling of Student Responses: ≠ “This class has a friendly and open classroom atmosphere [that] helps students relax around the professor and ask necessary questions.” ≠ “You are always enthusiastic about what you teach, even if it is really boring material. You also make time to help students whenever needed. You are also really easy to talk to and can always offer help when needed.” ≠ “I thought she was a very good teacher mostly because I wanted to come to class, she made
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Samples, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
Engineering, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.4. Beichner, R. J., Abbott, D. S., Deardorff , D. L., Allain, R. J., and Saul, J. M. (2000), “Introduction to SCALE-UP : Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment University Physics”, 2000 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings, St. Louis, MO.5. Lowman, J. (1995). Mastering the Techniques of Teaching, Second Edition, San Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass.6. McKeachie, W.J. (1999). Teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers,Tenth Edition, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.7. Martinazzi, R. (1997), “Employing the “Partnering” Concept With Student Teams”, 1997 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings, Milwaukee, WI.8
Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jay Wierer, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Roger Frankowski, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Cory Prust, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Steven Reyer, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
process.In addition, for new faculty members to communicate with others having just a few years moreexperience than them may help. That group will be able to communicate their experiences andrelate to their concerns. Even faculty members recently evaluated are still mostly pragmaticabout the Process, but their successful navigation of it should provide reassurance to others.Bibliography1. S. Barnicki, C. Barnicki, O. Petersen, “A Non-Tenure Faculty Evaluation System,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Milwaukee, WI, 1997. Page 15.915.9
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Walter Schilling, MSOE
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
the 19th Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training (April 19 - 21, 2006). CSEET. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 159-166. 11. Sansgiry SS, Chanda S, Lemke T, Szilagyi J. Effect of incentives on student performance on Milemarker examinations. Am J Pharm Educ. 2004;70 (5)Article 103. 12. Schilling, Walter. "Using your Grade Book to Store Course Rubric Information." 2009 ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, June 2009 Page 15.1333.10
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rungun Nathan, Pennsylvania State University, Berks
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
engagement, b) includeactive and cooperative learning and c) implement peer instruction. In addition, the fill-insheets have enabled differentiated instruction in the class room, by adding symbolicsolutions to challenge the advanced student, while helping the average and below averagestudent solve the basic problem using numbers. Aside from these an equal number ofproblems are given as homework which have varying degrees of fill-in to inculcate andtrain students in problem solving. Additionally, detailed solutions are made available toimprove problem solving skills, while teaching methodologies. Student surveys indicatethat these fill-in sheets have increased their learning.Bibliography1. Smith, K. A., Sheppard, S. D., Johnson, D. W. and, Johnson
Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Surovek, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Jennifer Karlin, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Cassandra Groen, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition.4. Brent, R., Felder, R. M., (2000). Helping Faculty Get Off to a Good Start. American Society for Engineering Education 2000 Annual Conference.5. Brent, R., Felder, R. M., Rajala, S. A., Gilligan, J. G., Lee, G., (2001). New Faculty 101: An Orientation to the Profession. 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.6. Brent, R., Felder, R., Regan, T., Walser, A., Carlson-Dakes, C., Evans, D., Malave, C., Sanders, K., McGourty, J., (2000). Engineering Faculty Development: A Multicoalition Perspective. 2000 ASEE Annual Conference.7. Chesler, N. C., Chesler, M. A., (2002). Gender-Informed Mentoring Strategies for Women Engineering
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Garrick, Rochester Institute of Technology; Scott Anson, Rochester Institute of Technology; Mario Castro-Cedeno, Rochester Institute of Technology; Elizabeth Dell, Rochester Institute of Technology; Christopher Greene, University of Alabama; Carol Romanowski, Rochester Institute of Technology; Michael Slifka, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Larry Villasmil, Rochester Institute of Technology; James Lee, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST)
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
, What the best college teachers do. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004.[3] R. Boice, "New faculty as teachers," Journal of Higher Education, vol. 62, pp. 150-173, 1991.[4] R. Boice, Advice for New Faculty Members. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 2000.[5] B. G. Davis, Tools for Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1993.[6] P. L. Fox, S. P. Hundley, and H. O. Yurtseven, "Engineering technology faculty salaries: The past, the present, and the future," in 2000 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Engineering Education Beyond the Millenium, June 18, 2000 - June 21, 2000, St. Louis, MO, United states, 2000, pp. 2517-2522.[7] T. K. Grose. (January 2007) 21st Century Professor. ASEE Magazine.[8] J. W