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Conference Session
Launching Successful Academic Careers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Chin, East Carolina University; Nancy Study, Virginia State University
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New Engineering Educators
. Page 15.826.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Keys to Publishing in Peer Reviewed JournalsAbstractA plethora of literature exists to which new engineering educators can refer that will assist themsucceed as scholars. Blocking out time to write every day or every week; learning to say “no”;ignoring bad reviews and heeding critical reviews; reading; writing, writing, writing; exhibiting awillingness to change; being flexible; and being reasonable are included among the suggestionsthe literature promotes. The intent of this paper in contrast was to provide new engineeringeducators with a framework for negotiating the journal publication process. In particular, thepaper addresses the procedures for producing a
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly Jaeger, Northeastern University; Corey Balint, Northeastern University; Christopher Wishon, Northeastern University; Colleen Fritze, Northeastern University
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New Engineering Educators
AC 2010-1298: ATLAS - ACADEMIC TEACHING AND LEARNING ASSISTANTSSTUDY: THE USE OF PEERS AS ‘QUALITY MANAGERS’ IN ENGINEERINGCLASS INSTRUCTIONBeverly Jaeger, Northeastern University Beverly K. Jaeger, PhD is a member of Northeastern University’s Gateway Team, a select group of full-time faculty devoted to the First-year Engineering Program at Northeastern University (NU). While she concentrates on first-year engineering courses and instructs across all engineering disciplines, Dr. Jaeger also teaches specialty courses in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at NU in Digital Simulation, Facilities Planning, and Human-Machine Systems.Corey Balint, Northeastern University
Conference Session
Launching Successful Academic Careers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrienne Minerick, Mississippi State University
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New Engineering Educators
structure / idea presentation strategy and because what reviewers lookfor evolves over time. Further, each agency has their own emphasis / desired presentation of theproposed project. Basically, to continue to secure funding, a person has to continually seekfunding and continually learn how to best accomplish that task.#4: Don’t attempt to plan research / write in a vacuumThe best way to learn and the quickest way to transition from unfunded proposals to fundedproposals is to get feedback and help. It’s true that trial and error learning is not the mostefficient, but peer-review mechanisms dictate this. Most new faculty are acutely aware that theyhave a fixed timeline to attain funding, but shouldn’t let this hinder their learning. Any givenidea
Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alisa Clyne, Drexel University
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New Engineering Educators
orientation but before classes started to easenew faculty tension. Sessions were held on the three tenure criteria: research, teaching, andservice. In each session, a panel of three tenured faculty (one senior and two recently tenured)spoke about what was required for success and answered junior faculty questions. Following thethree sessions, the junior faculty had lunch with senior administrators and a discussion with theengineering dean.A particular problem in new faculty integration is bringing women into departments in whichfew or no women currently work. We started a women in engineering research network toconnect junior and senior women in all engineering departments, and thereby attain a criticalmass for effective peer-mentoring. The network
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Garrick, Rochester Institute of Technology; Scott Anson, Rochester Institute of Technology; Mario Castro-Cedeno, Rochester Institute of Technology; Elizabeth Dell, Rochester Institute of Technology; Christopher Greene, University of Alabama; Carol Romanowski, Rochester Institute of Technology; Michael Slifka, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Larry Villasmil, Rochester Institute of Technology; James Lee, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST)
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New Engineering Educators
to meet other faculty and staff at your institution who may be interested in collaborating on research projects.≠ Apply for internal funding opportunities to support your research. These opportunities are effective ways for establishing a research program. They also provide experience writing grant proposals, managing a program budget and reporting on funded activities.Mentoring – To supplement mentoring from senior colleagues, UFAST provides peer mentoringthrough information sharing, collaboration and positive peer pressure. We meet weekly andtrack our progress on collaborative efforts and individual proposals such as internal fundingopportunities. Additionally, each untenured faculty member is required by the college to
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rungun Nathan, Pennsylvania State University, Berks
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New Engineering Educators
isabout “Fill-in Worksheets”, a tool that was developed to increase student engagement inclassroom and allows for incorporating PBL, AL and CL along with Peer Instruction (PI).The paper describes the steps and thought process that was used in developing the fill-inworksheets over the past several years. The worksheets have enabled the author toincrease student engagement, include AL, CL and implement PI in the classroom.Introduction“Educators, researchers and policy makers have advocated student involvement forsometime as an essential aspect of meaningful learning.”1 To engage students, educatorshave used techniques like active2 and cooperative learning3, 4, inquiry and problem basedlearning, team projects, service learning and undergraduate
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Dahm, Rowan University
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New Engineering Educators
each,descriptions of four levels of performance were written. These rubrics were published inChemical Engineering Education6, and two of the original 16 rubrics are shown in Table2. Levels of performance were mapped to letter grades (A, B, C and D/F) and the rubricswere passed out to students on the first day of Junior/Senior Clinic in order to clarifyexpectations for the course. Note that the rubrics are intended for overall evaluation of ateam project; separate mechanisms are needed for evaluating individual contributions tothe project. Most Rowan engineering faculty use the peer evaluation form designed byFelder.7The project supervisor evaluates a deliverable (mid-semester report, final report, finalpresentation etc.) by going through the
Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Cady, National Academy of Engineering; Norman Fortenberry, National Academy of Engineering
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New Engineering Educators
# % # % # % # %Symposium overall met 1 2% 10 23% 19 44% 13 30%expectationsReasonable amount of prior 2 4% 11 24% 17 37% 16 35%readingsReasonable amount of prior writing 1 2% 3 7% 24 52% 18 39%Original affinity groups addressed 3 7% 16 36% 20 44% 6 13%concerns/interestsRevised affinity groups addressed 1 2% 11 24% 25 56% 8 18%concerns/interestsRevised affinity groups enhanced 1 2% 3 7% 23 51% 18 40
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Henry Louie, Seattle University
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New Engineering Educators
student—even in classsizes of one hundred or more—to respond to a prompt, while allowing the instructor to react totheir aggregate responses. The pedagogic applications of ARS are many and include: performingformative and summative assessment on learning, soliciting formative feedback on teaching,assessing peers, building community mutual awareness, conducting experiments, initiatingdiscussion and facilitating interactive learning of new subject matter 5,6 .Studies on the efficacy and best practices of the use of ARS in the classroom indicate that, ingeneral, there is a net benefit associated with the use of ARS 6,7 . The documented benefits include:increased attendance, higher retention levels (within the same course), improved alertness and
Conference Session
Launching Successful Academic Careers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Fleishman, Western Washington University; Janet Braun, Western Washington University
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New Engineering Educators
organization. Research activity andproject based instructional best practices could cover effective activity planning, includingpitfalls to avoid, and departmental / university protocol.While there typically are orientation sessions for grant writing provided by senior faculty orfoundation administrators, this can be one of the more difficult areas for those new to academia.Tips for effective, or at the very least, ineffective methods from colleagues in the same contentarea could make the difference in a successful R&D program or grant proposal.Another area of concern for new faculty deals with the successful implementation of courses ofindependent study. Best practices, or even departmental SOP’s could help to provide definitionof consistent
Conference Session
Launching Successful Academic Careers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Rose, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
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New Engineering Educators
which is unauthorized or not approved. New engineering educators should tread lightly in this area so as not to hurt their relationships and reputation with their professional peers. Another venue is to incorporate one’s specific committee experiences into their teaching, obtain student opinions and feedback on its role and effectiveness, and write a paper documenting the exercise. 3. For university, college and departmental committee work, consider how the committee task relates to teaching within the discipline, ABET criteria, and program outcomes. If there is a connection, consider how best to pursue it, keeping in mind the interests of appropriate publication venues. Find something unique or a new
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for New Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Melissa Roberts, Michigan Technological University; Amber Kemppainen, Michigan Technological University; Gretchen Hein, Michigan Technological University
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New Engineering Educators
Program (ETPP) which has been implemented at sixuniversities across the nation. The program is set up as a multipart workshop in whichparticipants will complete a draft teaching portfolio, draft teaching materials, and a teachingphilosophy. Other activities of the ETPP include a forum to discuss teaching issues as well as adeveloped peer network.6Previously mentioned graduate level programs have been formal course offerings or workshops,often with an audience that were self-selected and highly interested in higher education.7 This,however, is not the only scenario for graduate students interested in pursuing a professorship inSTEM fields. The opportunity for graduate students to develop teaching philosophy andpedagogy outside of coursework is