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Displaying results 331 - 360 of 683 in total
Conference Session
Critical Issues in IT and IET: Focus Group
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gabriel Harley, IUPUI; Daniel Baldwin, IUPUI; Wanda Worley, IUPUI; Tresler Thurston, IUPUI; Stephen Hundley, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
• Dating networksStudent Engagement: Definitions and MeasurementsWhile most college instructors have heard the term “student engagement” and would likely agreethat engaged students are a positive reflection upon their teaching strategies, a consensus on itsdefinition is difficult to determine. A common definition of student engagement, however,evolves beyond the mere transmission of information from instructor to student and moves intothe realm of active learning. As Williams and Chen write, Common characteristics associated with active learning include the use of higher level thinking and engagement of students in activities that encourage exploration and subsequent evaluation of their involvement. The emphasis on skill
Conference Session
ADVANCE Grants and Institutional Transformation
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Canan Bilen-Green, North Dakota State University; Elizabeth Birmingham, North Dakota State University; Ann Burnett, North Dakota State University; Roger Green, North Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
described by the American Council on Education16 — atransformation that: “(1) alters the culture of the institution by changing select, underlyingassumptions and institutional behaviors, processes, and products; (2) is deep and pervasive,affecting the whole institution; (3) is intentional; and (4) occurs over time.” Therefore, NorthDakota State University Advance FORWARD’s approach to such institutional transformationinvolves multiple interventions which take into account (1) the effects of institutional policies andpractices; (2) campus climate, reflecting attitudes and behaviors that diminish women’sadvancement; and (3) knowledge and skills for success in teaching, research, and leadership.Institutional ContextNorth Dakota State University, a
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Wey Chen, Southern Taiwan University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
higher level.The Cognitive TheoryIt is widely known that programming, even at a simple level, is a difficult activity to learn. Why isthis so? Are novice difficulties really inherent in programming or are they related to the nature ofthe programming tools currently given to novices? Bonar and Soloway11 presented evidence thatcurrent programming languages do not accurately reflect the cognitive strategies used by noviceprogrammers. Instead, Bonar and Soloway11 have found that novice programmers possessknowledge and experience with step-by-step specifications in natural language. This knowledgeand experience gives them powerful intuitions for using a programming language. Programminglanguages, however, are not designed to appeal to these
Conference Session
Educational Research & Methods Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Ryan; Nhut Ho; Shelley Bartenstein
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Page 15.413.8higher scores for only three criteria (one criteria was the same, and R1 had to leave thepresentation early and was not present for the Q/A session, and thus did not respond with respectto Criterion 7). This is consistent with scores from the HPV presentation, and appears to reflect asystematic difference between these two reviewers.With respect to the comparison of faculty and alumni scores, the most significant differencesoccur for Criteria 1, 7, and 9 (Organization, Questions and Answers, and Problem Definition).The alumni’s familiarity with the FSAE competition may help to explain their more generousevaluation of Criteria 1 and 9. The higher alumni score given to the Question and Answercriterion is consistent with the student
Conference Session
Communication in Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia Mellodge, University of Hartford; Fouad El Khoury, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
technology in a professional setting.Within engineering education, wikis have been used in several ways at several different levels.One example is the creation of ePortfolios in a freshman engineering design course8. Thestudents were given writing assignments in which they reflected on the human implications ofdesign. Another example can be found in a team-based capstone design project in which thewiki was used to document social knowledge and assess group performance9. A third example isa student-written online textbook5. In a senior level chemical engineering process controlscourse, an open-source text was written, edited, and reviewed by the students to allow them tolearn the course content though teaching it.This paper describes the use of a
Conference Session
Computational Tools and Simulation III
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Crown, University of Texas, Pan American; Arturo Fuentes, University of Texas, Pan American; Robert Jones, University of Texas, Pan American; Rajiv Nambiar, University of Texas, Pan American; Deborah Crown, San Jose State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
thisinteractive online learning environment is to encourage students to think reflectively on coursefundamentals. Although providing students with access to a complex artificial intelligencefocused on course fundamentals is a valuable byproduct, the greatest value lies in the studentmotivation and engagement associated with development of the knowledge base. Studentinvolvement in the process of building Anne's knowledge base has proven to be instructional andfun. The knowledge base is built from individual and cooperative student interactions. As part ofassigned coursework students formulate questions based on their perceptions of coursefundamentals and attempt to provide responses that are consistent with their own knowledge andin a way that other
Conference Session
Launching Successful Academic Careers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Fleishman, Western Washington University; Janet Braun, Western Washington University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
, which has many aspects that are new tothose coming from industry. The process requires development of teaching skills, as reflected incourse evaluations provided by the students and peer evaluations, scholarly activity, as reflectedin research and publication of professional documents, and service at the community, universityand departmental levels. The tenure requirements were listed in an informal prioritized order, asunderstood by the authors. As previously indicated, the task of developing course content can bechallenging in areas that are not immediately within the area of industrial expertise. Add to thisthe challenge of having to present the material in a sound pedagogical approach, the need toquickly adapt to the classroom environment
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill Yang, Western Carolina University; Phillip Sanger, Western Carolina University; Patrick Gardner, Western Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
not have well-defined requirements initially or the requirements can changeover the course of the project. For such projects, requirements management can be essential. Allthese complex features of project management reflect the dynamic and complex nature of thereal world. While the teaching and learning of project management in an undergraduatecurriculum can only focus on the fundamentals, appreciation of these complex facets of realworld project management is valuable and can be attainable through more open-ended seniorcapstone projects such as an undergraduate research project.A Stage-Gate Structure of Engineering and Technology Capstone ProjectsProject management should be introduced early in the student’s development so that the
Conference Session
Issues and Directions in ET Education & Administration: Part II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kim Nankivell, Purdue University, Calumet; Jana Whittington, Purdue University, Calumet; Joy Colwell, Purdue University, Calumet
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. (2008, October). Chief Academic Officers' demographics and educational backgrounds [Electronic version]. Community College Review, 36(2), 116-132. Page 15.1281.1013. Langer, A. (2001). Fixing bad habits: Integrating technology personnel in the workplace using reflective practice [Electronic version]. Reflective Practice, 2(1), 99-111.14. Marquis, H. (2006, December). ITIL: What it is and what it isn't [Electronic version]. Business Communications Review, 36(12), 49-52.15. McLaughlin, G. W., Montgomery, J. R., & Malpass, L. F. (1975). Selected characteristics, roles, goals, and satisfactions of department
Conference Session
Construction Classroom Development
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dennis Audo, Pittsburg State University; Seth O'Brien, Pittsburg State University
Tagged Divisions
discussed to make the students aware of how to manage their time so thatthey can be productive. Measuring floor joists After the subfloor is completely attached, the students are assigned to four groups. Each groupconsists of five or six students. Groups are assigned a portion of the house based on four colors:red, green, yellow and blue. All the building members of the house are painted with one of fourcolors to reflect which team installs which piece of the house. The boss then reminds each groupabout how to handle the preframed walls in a safe and orderly manner, telling them never to walkbackward when carrying wall sections. The individual groups lift and secure the walls into placeone at a time until the
Conference Session
History, Program Design, and even a Journal Club
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Farison, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
of theirfirst accreditation. Clearly, that number is growing quite steadily.Expanding on the historical data in Table 1, Table 2 gives considerable data about each of theinstitutions: the institutional name used by ABET, the multidisciplinary engineering program(s)offered, the year of their first accreditation, the number of other ABET-accredited engineeringprograms at the institution, and the date of the next general accreditation review. Table 3provides a numerical summary of the more detailed data in Table 2, highlighting the anticipatedvisit workload over the next six-year cycle that would be predicted from Table 2, by year andprogram area. Clearly, there is a wide variation reflected by those data in the anticipatedworkload from year to
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experience
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Vaccari, Stevens Institute of Technology; Siva Thangam, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
dissertation must show that the candidate is fully aware of the pertinent published material and the dissertation must be written in a satisfactory literary style, free from typographical and other mechanical errors.No criteria are given for the oral presentation except as follows: “The purpose of the oral examination is to examine both the content of the dissertation and the candidate’s ability to defend it. “Holbrook6 quotes Kouptsov8 for Ph.D. criteria obtained by a survey of European academics asfollows: Belarus: '…Must reflect research on a disciplinary or interdisciplinary, theoretical, or applied problem, the results of which will constitute an original contribution to knowledge in the discipline or
Conference Session
Measurement Tools
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lindsey Nelson, Purdue University; Alice Pawley, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Page 15.1343.2investigated the culture of design firms,10,16-17 global partnerships within high-tech industry,18and socialization of professional engineers19 all with the goal of making recommendations forpractice. The purpose of this paper is to use techniques from applied anthropology to illustratehow domain analysis2 can be used to advance research in engineering education.As a methodology, domain analysis is well suited to answer complex questions. Complexquestions feature “a community” as a crucial element of study, and reflect activities within asocial environment. Different people can answer these very open-ended questions differently.Moreover, complex questions connect together with other questions. Indeed, the benefit toconducting
Conference Session
Outreach and Beyond: New Roles for Librarians
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jim Miller, University of Maryland; Bob Kackley, University of Maryland, College Park; Nevenka Zdravkovska, University of Maryland
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
these ninth to twelfth grade students werebeing heavily recruited to attend the University of Maryland upon matriculation from theirrespective high schools.Upon later reflection we realized how many opportunities the Maryland Libraries, includingEPSL Librarians, have taken advantage of to enhance the University of Maryland in the eyes ofnewcomers. For example, every year on the last Saturday in April, Maryland Day occurs oncampus with as many as 75,000 visitors, many below the age of 18. For several years forMaryland Day, the UM Libraries have sponsored a well-known children’s TV celebrity, Bob theVid Tech, from Maryland Public Television fame in a tent crammed full of youngsters. The otherinitiatives include "History Day", put on by the UM
Conference Session
Professional Graduate Education and Industry
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Roger Olson, Rolls-Royce Corporation
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
required for Engineering Levels [1-3]; b) Part II addresses theOrganizational Leadership Skills and Actions required for Engineering Levels [4-6], and; c) Part IIIaddresses the Strategic Leadership Skills and Actions required for Engineering Levels [7-9]. The overallanalysis sets the foundation for building a coherent professional graduate curriculum and dynamiceducational process reflective of how experienced engineering professionals learn, grow, and create newtechnology in industry. This paper addresses Part II: the Organizational Leadership Function, Skills andActions that engineers must learn and develop from Group Leader, Functional Area Manager, SystemsEngineer through Technical Program Manager Levels [4-6
Conference Session
Educational Research
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cindy Waters, North Carolina A&T State University; Helen Chen, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
based learning as well as co-op and internship experiences that students have had by their senior year. The perceivedimportance of these skills was comparable for each group.Local Findings:The local findings seem to contradict the national results because all of the students either agreeor strongly agree that their skills have improved since coming to the university. The manyopportunities for teamwork and collaboration in the engineering curriculum and in outsideinternships made possible through university–industry collaborations at North Carolina A&Tappear to have bolstered the students’ initial strong confidence in this area. A sample ofstudents’ free responses to a reflection question is shown in Table 6. These responses
Conference Session
Innovation and Measuring Success in Graduate Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joy Watson, University of South Carolina; Jed Lyons, University of South Carolina
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Akay, A., A Renaissnce In Engineering PhD Education. European Journal Of Engineering Education 2008, 33 (4), 403-413.2. National Science Board Science and Engineering Indicators. National Science Foundation: 2008; Vol. 1.3. Hogan, R.; Hogan, J., Assessing Leadership: A View From The Dark Side. International Journal Of Selection And Assessment 2001, 9 (1/2), 40-51.4. Hunt, C., Careers In Chemistry: Keys To Success...Beyond Hard Work! American Chemical Society Graduate Education Newsletter 2007, 6 (1), 1-3.5. Sekhon, J. G., The PhD Education of Industrial Mathematicians in Australia. Bulletin Of The Australian
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Physics or Engineering Physics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian Belu, Drexel University; Alexandru Belu, Case Western Research University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
? Page 15.46.94. A change in the planet's reflectivity can change its effective temperature. For a onepercent increase in reflectivity (that is 0.34 rather than 0.33 for the albedo), how muchdoes the ground temperature decrease with NO change in optical depth.5. Venus has an effective temperature of 240K, but its surface temperature is 700K!Find the atmospheric optical depth that is required to accomplish this.Extra Credit Calculation: To make our calculation easy, we have divided theatmosphere into layers of equal optical depth. In the real atmosphere, these layers wouldhave different thickness since the optical depth depends on the mass of the layer and thedensity of air decreases with altitude. The density of air in the Earth's atmosphere, d
Conference Session
Post BS Entrepreneurship Education Needs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerome Schaufeld, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Gretar Tryggvason, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; McRae Banks, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
interest in the subject matter Figure 5. The results of student assessment of the course for both the first and the second offering.3.1.3 GradesThe grading of the course consisted on several components: Homework (15%); Projectpresentation and report (35%); Quiz (30%) and class participation (20%).Homework, due in every lecture challenged students to reflect on the reading for the upcomingclass. The write-up was limited to one page and had to provide a synopsis of the material readand a few points for the class discussion of the material. The students initially had somedifficulty with the concept, including limiting it to a page, but after the first weeks there was anoticeable improvement
Conference Session
Design in BME Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyssa Taylor, University of Virginia; Katelyn Mason, University of Virginia; A. Leyf Peirce Starling, The Fletcher School; Timothy Allen, University of Virginia; Shayn Peirce, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
encompass a variety of benefits a senior undergraduatestudent can receive as a result of their Capstone design experience. Besides benefiting thestudent in terms of advancing their careers, building their resumes, and preparing them for post-undergraduate endeavors such as graduate school, the success metrics examined in this study (i.e.grant applications and publications) also benefit the advisors, department, company, etc. Perhapsan outcome more immediately relevant to undergraduate students would be the end-of-yearevaluation score of their design project, which is reflected by their spring semester grade. Thus,we examined the end-of-year grades to determine whether any trends in advisor demographics orteam formulation were discernable.The
Conference Session
Special Session: Impacts of Service in Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Olga Pierrakos, James Madison University; Eric Pappas, James Madison University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
ones that I knew would not be practical.”and Creativity “I’ve learned more about the design process and problem solving and have developed more cognitive skills that help with creativity.” “I learned about some of my strengths and weaknesses, especially in comparison toSelf-awareness my peers.”Students were also asked to reflect on what aspects of the project were most and least valuable.Overall and in agreement with responses on learning outcome gains (Table 1), students felt thatthe most valuable aspects during the project were learning and applying the design process (e.g.,developing ideas, meeting customer needs, generating concepts, sketching and drawing concepts
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Shey, United States Naval Academy; Ryan Rakvic, United States Naval Academy; Thomas Salem, United States Naval Academy; Samara Firebaugh, United States Naval Academy
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Fairchild SemiconductorQRB1134 Phototransistor Reflective Object Sensor. Using this sensor, allows the students tomake a line following robot by properly selecting resistors to properly bias the sensor as shownin Figure 2. This sensor also covers signal conditioning because it outputs a digital signal, butthis requires the students to evaluate whatvoltages are evaluated as a logical “0” and alogical “1” by the controller. VSourceThe second sensor used is the MaxSonar EZ0 Current Pull-upUltrasonic Range Finder. This sensor offers Limiting Resistormultiple output
Conference Session
Computer Education Innovations I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Ahlgren, Trinity College; Igor Verner, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
competition_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. StrategiesPlease reflect on matching of the assistive robotics competition goals by the current RoboWaiter contest. Suggeststrategies that can improve the RoboWaiter._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. ReasonsThe first of the tables below is intended for contestants and the second (reverse side) for supporters. Please answerin the proper table. The tables are similar: the first column includes a list of possible reasons for participation in orsupport of the RoboWaiter. In the second column please estimate the
Conference Session
Enhancing K-12 STEM Education with Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Hunter, Tennessee Technological University; Jessica Matson, Tennessee Technological University; Margaret Phelps, Tennessee Technological University; Roy Loutzenheiser, Tennessee Technological University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
proficiency levels on the TennesseeComprehensive Achievement Program (TCAP) test were collected and analyzed. For highschool students, proficiency levels on their most recent state achievement test were used for thebaseline. Proficiency levels for the various Gateway (required pass for graduation) and end-of-course tests that each student had taken were collected and sorted by subject.The data in Figures 2 and 3 are reflective of student outcomes for the project. The data show thatthe greatest gain by students was in moving from proficient to advanced. This result is indicativeof raising the bar of content and problem-solving within the existing science and math curricula. 100 90 80 % Advanced
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Erika Murguia, Arizona State University; Erin Kube, Arizona State University; Jennifer Bekki, Arizona State University Polytechnic; Bianca Bernstein, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
the CareerWISE office. Page 15.263.5Participants completed a 12-item questionnaire about their experiences as part of the CW project.Participants reflected and described what they had gained as participants in a largeinterdisciplinary project as well as the challenges that they had faced. Participants responded toquestions about the changes in their knowledge and skills related to: interdisciplinary teams,disciplinary cultures, gender issues in educational and career settings (topic of the CW project),and the creation of instructional materials for online use (topic of CW project). They were askedhow they had used these skills in external
Conference Session
Enhancing K-12 STEM Education with Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tirupalavanam Ganesh, Arizona State University; John Thieken, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Settings, NationalScience Foundation. Opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation (NSF).References[1] National Research Council. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school: Expanded edition. Committee on Developments in the Science of Learning with additional material from the Committee on Learning Research and Educational Practice. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.[2] National Research Council. (2001). Knowing what students know: The science and design of educational assessment. Committee on the Foundations of Assessment. Pelligrino, J., Chudowsky, N., and
Conference Session
Special Session: Next Generation Problem-Solving
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry Shuman, University of Pittsburgh; Mary Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh; Brian Self, California Polytechnic State University; Ronald Miller, Colorado School of Mines; Tamara Moore, University of Minnesota; John Christ; Eric Hamilton, Pepperdine University; Barbara Olds, Colorado School of Mines; Heidi Diefes-Dux
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Randal Abler, Georgia Tech; James Krogmeier, Purdue University; Aaron Ault, Purdue University; Julia Melkers, Georgia Institute of Technology; Tamara Clegg, Georgia Institute of Technology; Edward Coyle, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Conference Session
High School Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Prevost, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Mitchell Nathan, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Benjamin Stein, University of Wisconsin; Allen Phelps, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
logs and self-report surveys have also been used as methods for obtaining information about theenacted instruction6,7,8.The assessed curriculum refers to the specific content that is tested and can differdrastically from the intended and enacted curricula. Tests are drafted by the federalgovernment (thought instruments like NAEP, for example), individual states, districts,and the teachers themselves. The learned curriculum captures the actual changes inknowledge by the individual students, which reflects the notion that students can andoften do learn more and less than offered in the instructional context.In earlier studies, we analyzed the enacted curriculum of the first Project Lead the Way™foundations course, Introduction to Engineering
Conference Session
Design with External Clients
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Fleishman, Western Washington University; Eric Leonhardt, Western Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
contribute to greater fuel economy. Unique design and fabricationtechniques for high performance structural composites will be utilized to reduce curb weight by30-50%, when compared to conventional steel chassis design benchmarks. Self-imposedmandates adopted by the WWU R&D team include design and manufacturing sustainabilityfocus, which are reflected in all architectural, materials selection, and manufacturing processdecisions. An additional design goal targets the ability to use a range of alternative fuels by usinga modular hybrid powertrain and open source control strategies that enable utilization of regionalfeedstocks available to the purchaser. The hybrid bus project combines undergraduate Vehicle Design students withEngineering