Paper ID #44773Revolutionizing Engineering Education: Bridging Theory with Practicethrough Microfluidics and Material CharacterizationSaman Aria, West Texas A&M UniversityDr. Swastika S. Bithi, West Texas A&M University Assistant Professor of Engineering College of Engineering West Texas A&M UniversitySanjoy Bhattacharia, West Texas A&M University Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX-79016Pronob Das, West Texas A&M University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024
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engineering pedagogy as well as topics in the fields of optimal control and artificial intel ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 1 Session XXXX Using Projects to Improve Student Engagement and Retention in a First-Year Engineering Course Matthew S. Kuester and Paul R. Griesemer Computer Science, Engineering, and Physics Department University of Mary Hardin-Baylor AbstractThe first-year engineering course at the
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,”focused on interactions between those living in Allen Field, a neighborhood in Houston, and thegovernment entity that facilitated the managed retreat process13. “Flooding in Allen Field has gottenworse and more dangerous as climate change feeds stronger storms and new developments furtherupstream reshape the area’s floodplains”13. As a response, the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency (FEMA) in 2020 forced onto Allen Field residents a buyout program, which allowed them to“[s]ell their houses to the county at market value and get assistance to move out of the floodplain”13.Buyout ProgramBuyout programs avoid the problem of moving people to safer areas but, as the experiences of theFijian citizens showed, relocation is not the only problem faced by
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