volumetric flow rate(m3/s) and pressure rise was established for analysis.Previously, Hemant Kumawat [2] in his study, analyzed and simulated results for fans having sevento eleven blades and he plotted static pressure, and temperature contour for those fans. He finallydetermined that fan with eleven blades had the highest efficiency at air velocity of 22 m/s. Also,Thumbe et al. [3] conducted an analysis of axial fan having six blades. Jain and Deshpande analyzedthe airflow distribution from a radial axial flow fan and considered 1680 rpm and 25.26 kg/s as theinput conditions for their analysis. The static pressure contour plots were almost similar to this study.In this present study, analysis of five and seven blade axial fan was performed for RS
1 Session XXXXAn Engineering/Computer Science Project with Community Service Focus Akila Ravichandran, Kiran Katira Community Engagement Center (CEC) University of New Mexico (UNM) Tariq Khraishi Mechanical Engineering (ME) Department University of New Mexico (UNM) AbstractThis conference paper/submission informs about a S-STEM (Scholarships in STEM or S-STEM)project awarded to
their skill sets andbe well versed in team dynamics. Students may be facing an overwhelming challenge to their learningand them attainting the course outcomes. This is particularly impacted by the team dynamics. Onesuggested answer to this pedagogical dilemma is for educators to have a clear idea on how to formteams that are more effective.This research addresses the following questions: What team formation method(s) has proven to besuccessful? Can identifying student learning styles be an effective means of forming balanced teams?This study investigated various methods typically used by educators to form teams. Examples of thesewould be random, self-selection, GPA, learning skills, and hybrids of these.During the first year of this study, the
participant is not actually swimming any particular stroke. Prior methods of conductingstudies would record some level of inactive data (e.g. participant walking to the pool), whichwould then have to be parsed and removed manually. We can also record flip turns with this app,which also allows us to avoid manually removing flip turns in order to preserve data integrity.This application was developed through prior work done with Powell [55].Data Processing And Feature ExtractionIn order to extract features and train a classifier using our accelerometer data, we first need toclean the data, extract features, and present it to our classifier(s) in a .csv file format, which is afile format that WEKA, a machine learning library, accepts as input for
(31 responses) (21 responses) 1. I enjoyed the course more because of the hands-on 85% 61% learning module(s) during the lab session. (33%+52%) (47%+14%) 2. The hands-on learning module helped me better 84% 58% comprehend the principles it employed. (39%+45%) (29%+29%)) 3. I learn a concept principle better when I can observe a 84% 81% physical model of the principle. (23%+61%) (33%+48%) Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference University of North Texas
influence is simply survival,especially of students depending on themselves to afford higher education costs. Maslow and Lewis(1987)’s hierarchy of needs clearly places those physiological needs that are only achievable throughbasic financial stability as the bedrock of a person’s needs.Extracurricular Design-Based Learning is a combination of project-based and design-based learningthat situates itself in a service focused environment. It is a model that presents students withopportunities to design solutions to everyday challenges to be better prepared to enter the workforce.In many engineering institutions, students ask for more “real-world” experiences in order to trulypractice the theory they learn inside the classroom in practical and real
hour long standardlength recorded lectures a week. The instructors of courses observed which topics the studentswere struggling with and developed micro-lectures to cover those topics.Literature ReviewThe idea of micro-learning and presenting the content in micro-units was first introduced in 1980as “micro-teaching” (Hug, T., 2005). Research conducted by (Shail, M. S., 2019) indicates thatmicro-learning prevents learners from being overloaded with information and can improve theirretention capacity. Due to the limitation of the working memory of learners, micro-learningrequires minimal effort from individuals to master the content, and it provides dense and yetfocused topics in fun and engaging fashion (Jomah, et al, 2016). In this regard
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-computerscience students in different contexts and in different subject areas. The opportunity to create a studyof this type is possible due to the number of service courses currently being taught in the ComputerScience department. References1. Hobbs, H. T., Singer-Freeman, K. E., & Robinson, C. (2021). Considering the Effects of Assignment Choices on Equity Gaps. Research & Practice in Assessment, 16(1), 49-62.2. Brooks, C. F., & Young, S. L. (2011). Are Choice-Making Opportunities Needed in the Classroom? Using Self-Determination Theory to Consider Student Motivation and Learner Empowerment. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23(1), 48-59.3
found in a study of 38public institutions and 28 private institutions that 89% of faculty thought critical thinking wasimportant, but only 19% could identify an operational definition for critical thinking.5 To get a betterhandle on how to measure and assess critical thinking, the American Association of Colleges andUniversities (AAC&U) has identified critical thinking as “habit (s) of mind characterized by thecomprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating anopinion or conclusion” as a part of its Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate EducationInitiative.1 Being able to evaluate evidence and use that evidence to make decisions or solveproblems seems to be the common thread that
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August 2022].10. P. Schuster, A. Davol and J. Mello, 2006, Student Competitions The Benefits And Challenges, in 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Chocago, IL.11. S. W. Stewart and D. M. Willy, 2020, The Collegiate Wind Competition – Undergraduate Education through Student Competition, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1452, no. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1452/1/012022.12. R. Herrera-Limones , J. Rey-Pérez, M. Hernández-Valencia and J. Roa-Fernández, 2020, Student Competitions as a Learning Method with a Sustainable Focus in Higher Education: The University of Seville “Aura Projects” in the “Solar Decathlon 2019”, Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 1634.13. R. Amaral, B. Arranz and S. Vega, 2021, Participatory
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Copyright 2023, American Society for Engineering Education 9 learning programs for the future of engineering education,” In 2010 IEEE transforming engineering education: Creating interdisciplinary skills for complex global environments.6. Tien, D. T., Namasivayam, S. N., Ponniah, L. S., 2021, “Transformative learning in engineering education: the experiential learning factor,” Global Journal of Engineering Education, 23(3).7. UNTIAC Website, https://iac.engineering.unt.edu/, viewed 12/15/2022.8. IAC Assessment Protocol, https://iac.university/assessmentProtocol, viewed 12/15/2022.9. Muller, M. R., Simek, M., Mak, J., Mitrovic, B., 2015, “Essentials of Industrial Assessments: A
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with a summary and a rationale for your choice(s)/recommendations.Project DescriptionAs discussed in class, a typical half wave rectifier and its output are shown in the figures below.(https://www.circuitstoday.com/filter-circuits) Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference University of North Texas, Denton, TX Copyright ã 2023, American Society for Engineering EducationTo get a ‘reasonable’ DC output, you need VPeak difference as small as possible. As long as theRC time constant is much greater than the period (inverse of the frequency of the input signal), thecapacitor will stay mostly fully charged thus delivering a near DC output. If the load
rotation of the shaft. That procedure isrepeated as a new linear electromagnetic pulse restarts the sequence at the beginning of thelinear array in synchronization with the spiral magnetic array on the rotor. There is a 4° separation in alignment between each neodymium magnet on the spiral array.As a result of that separation, and with 90 neodymium magnets on the spiral array, there areapproximately 11.25 neodymium magnets in the linear arrays' magnetic interaction zone at alldegrees of rotation. The absolute position encoder sensor(s) for the control system, detectsthe rotor position and activates the indicated electromagnets to begin and/or continue rotation.Helix motors by their nature, are self starting for both rotation directions, and