versus that have not. Therefore, this research compares taxi-outand taxi-in times across three hub classifications (S/M/L) and ASDE-X implementation(Yes/No). This study aims to answer the following research question: What are the effects ofimplementing ASDE-X at – Small, Medium, and Large hub airports on the taxi-in and taxi-outtimes at these airports?Accordingly, the following hypotheses are tested in this paper: Ho: Taxi-out (or taxi-in) times are the same at Small hub (or Medium hub or Large hub) airports with ASDE-X as those without ASDE-X. Ha: Taxi-out (or taxi-in) times are different at Small hub (or Medium hub or Large hub) airports with ASDE-X as those without ASDE-X.METHODOLOGYTo answer the research question
checkpoints were met with time to spare. Student 16 indicatesthat they advocated for splitting the workload, which likely means that some of their earlycommunications to student 115 would have made suggestions as to splitting up tasks. However,student 115 wrote that they felt the splitting of the workload was not as balanced as they wouldhave liked. From these entries, it seems that student 16 may have delegated tasks or aspects ofthe project to student 115, which could have included the template selection. This would suggestthat student 16’s experience in project #2 may have led them to select the same template inproject #3. Indeed, in project #1, student 16 worked in the group of three, which also selected theWord template. The team reflections for
a blueprint for formative assessment of conceptualunderstanding in aerospace engineering middle-year courses. Therefore, future work includessimilar analysis of other flight dynamics topics (linearization, and longitudinal and lateral-directional dynamics) as well as a comparison of student and instructor mental models. Byfocusing on understanding the development of the students’ conceptual models of atmosphericflight mechanics topics, it is possible to design courses that are better suited to developing robustunderstanding.References[1] R. A. Streveler, S. Brown, G. L. Herman, and D. Montfort, “Conceptual change and misconceptions in engineering education: Curriculum, measurement, and theory-focused approaches,” in Cambridge Handbook
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summary of the NTSB accidentinvestigation report, analyze the accident using PFMEA as per the SAE AS13004™ [3] standard,and present findings in a PFMEA table. To that end, the following sections highlight the PFMEAsteps, an analysis of the HAA process, and an illustration of PFMEA using an HAA accident.PFMEA - STEPSThe Failure Modes highlight the incorrect operation and how the failure occurs within theprocess. The Effects include the implications or consequences that the failure has on the designedfunction. During the PFMEA, the likelihood of occurrence (O), the severity of the event (S), andthe detectability (D) of the failure before its materialization are ranked from 1 to 10 to calculatethe Risk Priority Number (RPN = Severity x Occurrence x
Paper ID #42804Design of an Aerospace Industry-Informed Technical Writing and CommunicationCourseGlen Roderic Coates, Pennsylvania State University Glen R Coates received his B. S. degree in Environmental Engineering from Penn State University. He then went on to receive an M. S. degree in Mechanical Engineering at Penn State and a second M. S. degree in Management of Technology from Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute. Working in the Aerospace industry as a Senior Analytical Engineer for the past 45 years, he also has taught undergraduate mathematics and physics at several institutions as an adjunct professor. These
thecourse are already working at a local airport (either full-time or part-time) and encouragesstudents to reflect on areas for improvement within their work environment or observations madeduring their work experiences. 3 out of the 5 student teams in 2023 fall semester select theirproject topic based on their work experience. The analysis of assessment data from studentreports in the fall semesters of 2022 and 2023 reveals a significant improvement in studentperformance in the latter, suggesting the effectiveness of the adjustments implemented in 2023.References[1] T. J. Yosso, "Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community culture wealth," Race Ethnicity and Education, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 69-91, 2006.[2] S
: 𝑺𝒓𝒆𝒇 = 𝝅𝒓𝟐𝑩𝑻 + 𝒘𝑨𝑩 𝒍𝑨𝑩 𝐬𝐢𝐧 (𝜽°) Eq. 2Using OpenFOAM, we wrote a script that iterates through each rocket model and simulates thedrag coefficients and forces at varying airbrake deflection angles. These values will then be storedin a lookup table, which the algorithm will reference during flight. The cluster drastically decreasedthe time since multiple simulations were run simultaneously on different nodes. Figure 5 illustratesthe velocity values on a 60° airbrake deflection model at 205 m/sec (671 ft/s or 457.5 mph). Figure 5: Paraview Post-Processing of Model with 60° Deflection of the Airbrakes (m/s)My team manufactured most of the rocket’s structures, such as the lower airframe, fins
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in excess of the operational pressures and temperatures anticipated during rocket operation.A cylindrical steel containment shield with a wall thickness of 0.375 inches is placed around the rockethousing during operation for an added level of safety. In the event the rocket housing experiences astructural failure during operation and a fragment or fragments are released, the containment shield isdesigned to contain the fragment(s), reducing the risk of damage or injury. The containment shield inplace on the test stand is illustrated above in Figure 4.A fundamental safety feature, inherent to the design, is that the rocket motor thrusts downward duringoperation. This is to ensure that if it were to become uncoupled from the test stand, the
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