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furthest tocompletion, with electrical design being lowest and equal to plumbing. An unexpected result was how manytake their designs to a construction document (CD) level of completeness (Fig. 2b). This could be partiallydue to a team’s ability to go to that level of refinement, or perhaps certain key parts of a discipline’ssystem(s) are developed to that extent while other parts are not. For example, a team may design a singlestructural connection but not all of them in the building. To provide some literature context, most capstoneshave students target a level of completeness of their project somewhere between SD and DD [18-19]. a) covered within the capstone b) completeness of student work
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is finding hires with knowledge in thisarea of design. Most engineers graduate with a degree in civil or architectural engineering, wherethe design courses are mostly focused on concrete, timber, steel, and masonry. However, mostfaçade materials are made up of glass, aluminum, vinyl, stone, cold formed steel, and wood.Although literature in the form of codes and standards exists for materials such as cold formedsteel (AISI S-10, 2016) [7], glass (ASTM E-1300, 2016) [8] and aluminum (Aluminum designmanual, 2020) [9], lack of any formal coursework or a textbook that compiles the design of thesefaçade materials, makes it more challenging for engineers working in façade design consulting.Table 1. Design and construction companies working on
was an increase in hot rolledsteel, which is expected due to the structural roof members. The beams for the roof areW14x22’s and the girders are W24x68’s. The GWP from the steel is 70,791.26 kgCO2eq. Animportant feature to understand about the Tally report is that it does consider the fireproofingmethod and paint that will be used for the structural members. So as the members increase insize, their surface area increases, and the need for more fireproofing elements and paint increasesas well. It becomes a domino effect. We can see that within the report fireproofing materials andpaint had a GWP of 3354.49 kgCO2eq in the baseline report, while the model with a semi-intensive roof had a GWP of 6864.14 kgCO2eq. Both factors will add to the
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