Paper ID #43302Board 11: Work in Progress: Development and Assessment of an Innovative,Student-Centered Biomechanics CourseDr. Pattie S. Mathieu, Marian University Dr. Pattie Mathieu joined Marian University in August 2023 as an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering. Her research interests include cardiovascular mechanobiology and metabolism. Her Ph.D. work at Trinity College Dublin focused on how collagen structure and tensile strain affect vascular stem cell and vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype and proliferation. In her postdoctoral work at the University of Maryland she investigated how glutamine metabolism
novel imaging techniques to quantifying adaptation of muscle architecture in humans. She also desires to implement innovative teaching, mentoring, and hands-on problem solving to develop students’ deep understanding of engineering principles and to inspire them to tackle real-world problems which can aid human health.Dr. Naji S Husseini, North Carolina State University Naji Husseini is an associate teaching professor and associate director of undergraduate studies in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University.Dr. Lianne Cartee, North Carolina State University Lianne Cartee is Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Joint
learning.The instructors here are ultimately interested in how to best navigatethe role that generative AI tools will play in the experience andlearning outcomes of their students related to course objectives, suchas improving written and oral technical communication skillsthrough written assignments and class presentations. The long-term goal of the study is to collectand analyze cross-institutional data to investigate and compare AI usage by BME students fromdifferent institutions, and we are currently working towards a multi-institution IRB to do so.4. References[1] C. Shaw, L. Yuan, D. Brennan, S. Martin, N. Janson, and G. Bryant, “GenAI In Higher Education,” Tyton Partners, Oct. 2023, [Online]. Available:
, 9-11 weeks during the summer months [33], [34], [35]. Students have theopportunity to work directly alongside faculty and graduate student mentors, complete an oralpresentation or research paper, and sometimes pursue publication of their work [34], [36].Students who participate in REU programs are commonly asked to answer surveys that detailtheir perceptions of their skills and experiences [11], [34], [37], where students commonlyexpress having an increase in research skills, such as keeping lab notebooks and writing/readingresearch papers [31], laboratory skills [34], and collaboration [37]. In Nepal et al.'s study [11],students answered pre- and post-surveys about their experiences in mechanical, industrial, andsystems engineering REU
the skill of the students. Future work includes examining studentreceptiveness and comfort with this method as well as looking at how instructor experience withVF can decrease the time required to provide it. We would also like to see if there is a correlationbetween the number of times a student views their feedback and their skill acquisition. We feelthat this may give insight into how to scale VF in large classes.References[1] J. Hattie and H. Timperley, “The Power of Feedback,” Rev. Educ. Res., vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 81–112, Mar. 2007, doi: 10.3102/003465430298487.[2] C. S. Nair, A. Patil, and P. Mertova, Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through Student Feedback in Engineering. Elsevier, 2012.[3] A. Irons and S. Elkington, Enhancing
and developed tools to study the alignment of products and services with organizational processes as an organization seeks to address needs and bring new products and services to the market.Dr. Ruth Ochia P.E., Temple University Dr. Ruth S. Ochia is a Professor of Instruction with the Bioengineering Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Her past research interests have included Biomechanics, primarily focusing on spine-related injuries and degeneration. Currently, her research interest are in engineering education specifically with design thinking process and student motivation.Dr. Holly M Golecki, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Dr. Holly Golecki (she/her) is a Teaching Assistant Professor in
at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida., Vols. 10.18260/1-2--33627, 2019.[4] S. I. Rooney and J. S. Stephens-Epps, "Incorporating Engineering Standards Throughout the Biomedical Engineering Curriculum," Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida., Vols. 10.18260/1-2--32957, 2019.[5] J. S. &. R. S. I. Stephens, "Board 30: Work in Progress: Effective Use of Engineering Standards in Biomedical Engineering," Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah., Vols. 10.18260/1-2--30004, 2018.[6] J. Ballinger, "Exact Instructions Challenge - THIS is why my kids hate me. | Josh Darnit," Josh Darnit, 26 January 2017. [Online
alreadyfeel committed to an identified need and/or without sufficient time to revisit the entire modelregarding a new opportunity. Accordingly, a revision to the schedule and/or curricularorganization may facilitate the validation of more compelling needs/projects and is planned forfuture years. Nevertheless, the revised CIP has been introduced and demonstrated to beefficacious. Continued implementation and incremental revision is expected to yield greaterthroughput from the proposed pipeline.REFERENCES[1] T. J. Brinton et al., "Outcomes from a postgraduate biomedical technology innovation training program: the first 12 years of Stanford Biodesign," Ann Biomed Eng, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 1803-10, Sep 2013.[2] S. Zenios, J. Makower, and
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HealthDisparities within Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Education,” Ann. Biomed. Eng., vol.45, no. 11, pp. 2703–2715, Nov. 2017, doi: 10.1007/s10439-017-1903-8.[4] “A Student Guide to Biodesign: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inculsion in Design.”Accessed: Mar. 28, 2023. [Online]. Available:[5] S. Canali, V. Schiaffonati, and A. Aliverti, “Challenges and recommendations for wearabledevices in digital health: Data quality, interoperability, health equity, fairness,” PLOS Digit.Health, vol. 1, no. 10, p. e0000104, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1371/journal.pdig.0000104.[6] S. Burgstahler, “A Framework for Inclusive Practices,” Creating inclusive learningopportunities in
for the Course Design Institute and faculty development workshops on Equity in Collaborative Learning, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Specifications Grading. As former Director of Undergraduate Research for the UVA School of Engineering and Applied Science, Brian created Starting an Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE), a student-led program to lower barriers to entry in research experiences for 1st-year engineering students. Brian has received the Harold S. Morton Teaching Prize for excellence in 1st- and 2nd-year teaching in engineering, and he is a BMES Fellow. Brian is co-founder and Deputy Editor in Chief of the journal Biomedical Engineering Education. Brian’s science and engineering research
preliminary findings point towards a positive experience. Future researchwill include interview responses and response analysis, which will draw the study conclusionsand recommendations for enhancing practical, authentic learning experiences within engineeringcurricula.VII. References[1] AE Brooks, DL Ewert, "Discovery-Based Learning: A Bridge Between Research andTeaching." ISA Biomed. Sci. Instrum. Symp.. Vol. 53. 2017.[2] D. Gürdür Broo, O. Kaynak, and S. M. Sait, “Rethinking engineering education at the age ofindustry 5.0,” Journal of Industrial Information Integration, vol. 25, p. 100311, Jan. 2022, doi:10.1016/j.jii.2021.100311.[3] [S. R. Brunhaver, R. F. Korte, S. R. Barley, and S. D. Sheppard, “Bridging the Gaps betweenEngineering Education
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lectures as an alternative to traditionallectures, finding that such interactive tools enhanced student understanding of key conceptscompared to traditional passive learning environments [10]. Julie Linsey and her team in 2009used pre/post lecture quizzes to evaluate active learning tools in an engineering mechanics course,observing measurable increases in learning outcomes compared to standard lectures [11].Similarly, Jeffrey S. Nevid and colleagues in 2009 employed mastery quizzes before and after thelecture in an introductory psychology course, demonstrating their effectiveness as a pedagogicaltool to focus student attention on important lecture concepts and predicting course examinationperformance [12].The beneficial impacts of pre-post
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autocoding. Every question that was analyzed exhibited an increase in positivesentiment, directly relating to the advantages the course has to offer. It is important to analyzeour results not only in isolation but also within the current landscape of literature. The ClinicalImmersion program developed by S. Stirling and M. Kotche [7] at the University of Illinois atChicago saw similar results and value in clinical observations. Similar to this study, B.Przestrzelski and J. DesJardins [2] at Clemson University found their clinical immersionprogram to be beneficial for preparing students for their senior design course. This study alsofound the class of students at the time of participation impacted the level of influence theprogram had, with graduate
disagreement with those that werenegatively worded.In summary, peer review has the potential to teach students how to deliver high-quality feedback,may improve draft quality, may require additional instruction, and is viewed favorably bystudents.IRB Statement: This work has been deemed exempt from continuing oversight by the universityIRB (STU00214218).REFERENCES[1] B. Dewsbury and C. J. Brame, “Inclusive Teaching,” CBE—Life Sciences Education, vol. 18, no. 2, p. fe2, 2019, doi: 10.1187/cbe.19-01-0021.[2] S. Blum, Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead), 1st ed. West Virginia University Press, 2020.[3] M. E. Ko, “Revolutionizing Grading: Implications on Power, Agency, and Equity,” in American Society
help build and encourage students to get into engineering.Erdal S¸enocak, Tokat Gaziosmanpas¸a University He is a professor of chemistry education. He has been teaching chemistry at the undergraduate and graduate levels for fifteen years. His interests include how people learn science/chemistry, problem-based learning, and nanotechnology education. He works with educators from kindergarten to undergraduate to help them learn how to teach science effectively in their schools. He had also spent a year as a visiting scholar at Purdue University. In that period, he collaborated with researchers to design an instrument to determine kindergarten students’ understandings of the scientific inquiry process
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at San Antonio Dr. Joel Alejandro (Alex) Mejia is an associate professor with joint appointment in the Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies and the Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Dr. Mejiaˆa C™s work examDr. Teja Guda, The University of Texas at San Antonio ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Work-In-Progress: The Influence of Digital and In-Person Pedagogical Interventions on Undergraduate Biomedical EngineersIntroduction Undergraduate engineering programs are designed to be both rigorous and experiential,consisting of a curriculum aimed at helping students develop a strong foundation of
Oklahoma. He received his B.S. (2019) in Chemical and Biological Engineering from Colorado State University and his Ph.D. (2023) in Biomedical Engineering from University of Oklahoma.Dr. Stefan Wilhelm, University of Oklahoma Dr. Wilhelm is an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. In 2014, he received his doctoral degree from the University of Regensburg (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Otto S. Wolfbeis (Institute of Analytical Ch ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Longitudinal Analysis of Strategies for Improving Biomedical Engineering Student Knowledge of Career Paths and Desired
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their disposition toward the class. Three main themesemerged from the open-ended responses related to student articulation of disposition (Table 2). Each themeemerged from a grouping of sub-themes. Table 2. Survey 2 Open-ended response themes for disposition changes and effects. Theme, example quotes, and the number of associated quotes for each theme are reported. N=19 Theme Example Quote(s) Positive Disposition (11): Students emphasized the "My increased growth mindset has importance of having a positive disposition in influencing allowed me to face adversity with a one's performance and attitude toward learning. positive outlook
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