Paper ID #41718Reflections on a ”Math Disaster”: the Role of Instructor Confusion in theClassroomDr. Lorena S. Grundy, Tufts University Lorena Grundy is an ASEE eFellows postdoctoral fellow at Tufts University, where she works with Milo Koretsky to study chemical engineering education. She received her BSE from Princeton in 2017 and PhD from UC Berkeley in 2022, both in chemical engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Reflections on a “Math Disaster”: the Role of Instructor Confusion in the ClassroomAbstractWhen enacting active learning
between steps,essentially learning in “leaps.” Comics in relation are inherently tailored to sequential learners aseach panel within a comic follows a very specific order for the reader to follow along. Whilst it ispossible to grasp the big picture of a comic, much of the understanding and storytelling aspectsare done through the connections between panels.Sensing learners prefer learning facts and concepts as opposed to intuitive learners who preferabstract relationships and concepts. Finally, active learners prefer application of concepts learnedwhereas reflective learners ponder questions surrounding issues at hand. Essentially, activelearners like very hands-on work whilst reflective learners prefer thinking alone about the problemfirst
a burgeoning recognition of the need for DEI withinengineering [11]-[13]. The current state of DEI in the discipline is one of active evolution andcommitment. Institutions, professional societies, and industry leaders are increasinglyemphasizing the creation of more inclusive environments that attract and support a diverseworkforce. Efforts are being made to dismantle the barriers that have historically led tounderrepresentation in engineering fields. Initiatives ranging from outreach programs aimed atyoung students to institutional reforms in hiring and retention practices reflect this shift towardsa more inclusive engineering community.The relevance of DEI in engineering cannot be overstated, as the field significantly impactsevery aspect
completion of the activity and/or demo. • Completing focus groups with students not in the design group to see if their activity is pedagogically beneficial. • Developing protocols for implementation of the activity and/or demo for faculty and graduate students to teach in their classes.All teams presented their final prototype via poster and a demonstration at the College ofEngineering’s capstone design symposium as well as a final oral presentation in class.Student Authors’ ReflectionsOur team was brought together in our senior Chemical Product Design course. We were joinedby our collective interest in creating a product related to undergraduate chemical engineeringacademia. During initial brainstorming, we reflected on our
in an educational context. To assess the student's performancein the workshop, a teamwork assessment questionnaire is used to help students reflect on learningand evaluate teamwork behaviours. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews and focus groupstudies are conducted after the workshop to investigate students’ perceptions of teamwork in depth.Keywords: International Students; Master’s Students; Team Performance; Engineering Education.Teamwork in Engineering Education:In the context of global higher education reform, engineering education has emerged as a strategicpriority for universities, underscoring the imperative for institutions to bolster their capacities intalent acquisition and development, scientific research and education, as
consequently be less interested in pursuing a career where these are the only perceivable fieldsthat they can work in. These findings are reflected in waning undergraduate and graduate enrollment in chemical,petroleum, and chemical-related engineering. Year-to-year medium percent change in freshmanenrollment in this major had been steadily declining since 2018 in 96 institutions, with a markable10.4% decrease in 20203. In their 2021 Graduate Enrollment Census, The National ScienceFoundation found that chemical engineering had the smallest 1-year growth of 1.4% in 2020-21,and the large 5-year decline of 29.1% in 2017-21 among other engineering disciplines4. Thesestatistics demonstrate a national declining trend in pursuing chemical engineering, and
been offered twice since Spring 2023, with a total enrollment of 15 students. It aims tointegrate first-year students into the MSE department and promote their academic successthrough activities including student panels and lessons on time management and wellness. TheMSE seminar is based on an academic success strategies course developed at the start of thepandemic that emphasized time management, wellness, and reflective change [28]. Both courseswere taught by department faculty and integrated significant peer interactions.This study had two research questions: (1) How do students perceive belonging in the two engineering departments? (2) Are there differences in students’ perceptions of belonging between students who
sources. They are also encouraged to share their own biographical information. Students are also provided with a sample of a previous bio-sketch. The assignment is scheduled for the first month of the course, but with flexibility to adapt to circumstances such as late matching, busy schedules, etc. Students are also advised to propose a meeting schedule for the project. • The “exchange” assignment requests from students to provide a narrative of 3-4 pages with the most relevant information exchanged in the meetings that students select for sharing. • The “personal assessment” assignment is intended for students to provide a one-page reflection on the added value of this project and some
often regret that I chose chemical engineering. 3. Overall, chemical engineers are considered good by others. 4. Overall, being a chemical engineer has very little to do with how I feel about myself. 5. I feel I don't have much to offer chemical engineering. 13Does endorsement of masculine ideals predict sense of belonging and identity over performance and peer interactions? 6. In general, I'm glad to be a chemical engineer. 7. Most people consider chemical engineers, on the average, to be more ineffective than other groups. 8. Being a chemical engineer is an important reflection of
conclusions about real-world problems.a The “short name” indicates an abbreviated name of the outcome for use in the presentation of the data.For the student survey, two additional reflective questions were included. These questions askedstudents to reflect on their weaknesses in the lab learning outcomes as well as any weaknessesthey perceived in their departmental curriculum for these learning outcomes. These questionswere included to get the views of students currently in the programs, as these views may differfrom the views of faculty in the programs and alumni perceptions may be skewed by changes tocurricula over time and time since graduation.The survey design was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at University ofKentucky. The
center alumni working in industrywere recruited to describe their job and journey to reaching it to the students. Representatives fromthe University of Arkansas transfer office provided valuable information and guidance to thestudents regarding the process to transfer into a STEM program from NWACC. Workshopsincluded discussing how to reflect on the research experience in such a way that it will be usefulwhen applying to further opportunities and how to present the data they collected over the summer.A key outcome for the program relating to assessing the students’ interest in pursuing future STEMopportunities was the desire of the students to present their research at a conference. Both regionalmeetings and national meetings were targeted as
data frompublicly available departmental websites. The data in this paper comes from survey data for 74departments and from websites for the other 85 departments. Thus, it is unclear if thedifference reflects only changes in numbers or differences in available data on websites. Forexample, some departments do not differentiate teaching non-tenure track faculty from tenure-track faculty on their website’s title designations. This underscores the need to more formallytrack numbers of TFF in chemical engineering. 3Table 2: Number of total ChE faculty and Teaching Focused Faculty (TFF) in R1, R2, M2, M1,PUI and D/PU Universities