Paper ID #42914Technical Training for Industry 4.0 Technologies: Low-Cost Gantry CandySorting System for Education and OutreachProf. Javaid S Siddiqi, PROFESSOR AT LONE STAR COLLEGE. TEACHING AND Research AT ENERGY AND MANUFACTURING INSTITUTE OF LONE STAR COLLEGE SYSTEMS. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY.DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTED COURSES FOR THE STUDENTS..Alan S GandyDr. Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University Dr. Sheng-Jen (”Tony”) Hsieh is a Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution and a member of the Graduate Faculty at Texas A&M University
Paper ID #42846Providing Research Experience to Undergraduate Students in NASA SummerBridge and Internship ProgramsDr. Akbar M. Eslami, Elizabeth City State University Dr. Akbar Eslami is a professor and Engineering Technology coordinator in the Department of Math, Computer Science, and Engineering Technology at Elizabeth City State University. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Old Dominion University. His research interests are in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Simulation, Reverse Engineering, and Finite Element Analysis.Dr. Kuldeep S Rawat, Elizabeth City State University KULDEEP S. RAWAT is
printing, and incorporating literacy into STEM classrooms. She is a member of the American Educational Research Association, National Science Teaching Association, International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, and the National Association of Multicultural Education.Dr. Suhas S Alkunte, Old Dominion University Dr. Suhas Alkunte is a lecturer in the Engineering and Technology Department at Old Dominion University Danville, specializing in advanced manufacturing processes and advanced materials. He is a member and participant in the Society of Manufacturing Engineers.Dr. Orkhan Huseynov, The University of Alabama in Huntsville Dr. Huseynov is an Assistant Professor (Clinical) in Engineering Technology at the University of
LabVIEW. Thisapproach ensures that the pedagogical content is not only current but also relevant to thedynamic nature of industrial technology. Fourteen summer 2022 and eleven summer 2023 ENGT4210 students presented PowerPoint presentations on area industry subjects for APSU. Thetopics covered included IIOT, ISA 95, Digital Twin, Soft PLC, IIOT API, DigitalTransformation, Smart Instruments, Cyber-Physical Protection Systems, Open PLCs, AutomationDevelopment, Digital Sustainability, Augmented Reality, and Automating Automation. In theSpring 2022 Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) meeting, the Engineering Technology IABdiscussed Industry 4.0’s importance in the Clarksville, Montgomery, and Hopkinsville industrialregions. The department continues
freehand tab was used to jog the robot joints. The import library was used toimport a tool to attach to the robot. A table was imported for the tool to operate on. Targets wereset on the four corners of the table. A path was created between the four corners and. A path can betaught instructions by manually jogging joints. When the path between the four corners wasdefined, the robot was made to move along the path. This was simulated at different speeds of 200,400, 600, 800, and 1000 mm/s and the cycle time to go along the path was recorded. The cycle timedecreased as speed increased. This decrease was the steepest from 200 to 400 mm/s and keptgetting less and less steep.The experiment demonstrated how RobotStudio can be used to mimic the function
manufacturing engineering in HVAC and Steel Mill. Trisha is currently a Lecturer in the Engineering Studies at Rochester Institute of Technology. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Manufacturing and Mechanical System Integration at RIT.Mark Davis, Rochester Institute of TechnologyDr. Yunbo Zhang, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Yunbo Zhang is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Dr. Zhangˆa C™s research focuses on investigating computational methods for advancing design and manufacturingDr. Rui Liu, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Rui Liu is currently an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at
methods to address the students’ diverse learningstyles.Our research team is currently working on developing shared MR environments to allow formore comprehensive collaborative experiences among students. So, as future work, our teamaims to refine the MR module and upgrade it from single-user to multi-user operation, allowingfor synchronized shared experiences and conducting another research study.References[1] B. Jaeger and A. Upadhyay, “Understanding barriers to circular economy: cases from the manufacturing industry,” J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 729–745, 2020.[2] S. Helper, T. Krueger, and H. Wial, “Why Does Manufacturing Matter? Which Manufacturing Matters? A Policy Framework,” SSRN Electron. J., Feb. 2012, doi
driveinnovation and progress in manufacturing practices worldwide.AcknowledgementsThank you to the assistance of all the members of the SME MEAC, the ASEEManufacturing Division, ASEE Annual Conference Four Pillars Workshop attendees,ATMAE Conference Four Pillars Workshop attendees, NAMRI SME Board of Directorsand NAMR - SME Conference attendees for their assistance reviewing and providedvaluable inputs.References[1] Jack, H., Mott., R, Raju, V., Conkol, G., Stratton, M., Waldrop, P., Wosczyna-Birch,K., Bates, S. (June 2011) “Curricula 2015; A Four Year Strategic Plan for ManufacturingEducation”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Accessed from[2] Mott, R. L., & Jack, H. (2011, June), What is Curricula 2015? Paper presented
Printing Density Effects on the Mechanical Properties of the Carbon-Fiber and Polylactic Acid Specimens,” Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 37, Part A, No. 04, pp. 128-132, 2019.[2] C. Aumnate, A. Pongwisuthiruchte, P. Pattananuwat, and P. Potiyaraj, “Fabrication of ABS/Graphene Oxide Composite Filament for Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D Printing,” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2018, pp. 1–9, Nov. 2018, doi:[3] H. Yang, F. Ji, Z. Li, and S. Tao, “Preparation of Hydrophobic Surface on PLA and ABS by Fused Deposition Modeling,” Polymers, vol. 12, no. 7, p. 1539, Jul. 2020, doi:[4] M. Jasim, T. Abbas, and A. Huayier
needs,” Front. Mech. Eng., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 215–243, Sep. 2013, doi: 10.1007/s11465- 013-0248-8.[2] Zeal3dprinting, “All You Need to Know About The World’s First 3D Printed Brake Calipers,” THURSDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER 2023.[3] S. H. Saheb and J. V. Kumar, “A comprehensive review on additive manufacturing applications,” 2020, p. 020024. doi: 10.1063/5.0026202.[4] S. Mohd Yusuf, S. Cutler, and N. Gao, “Review: The Impact of Metal Additive Manufacturing on the Aerospace Industry,” Metals (Basel)., vol. 9, no. 12, p. 1286, Nov. 2019, doi: 10.3390/met9121286.[5] H. Eisazadeh and M. Torabizadeh
studies to develop; 4) create more case studies; and 5) evaluate transfer oflearning by varying the sequence of operations in the case study.6. AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by the National Science Foundation’s Improving UndergraduateSTEM Education (IUSE) Program (award no. 2044449). Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Hsieh, S. and Pedersen, S. “Design and evaluation of modules to teach PLC Interfacing Concepts,” Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference, June 25-28, 2023, Baltimore, MD.2. Hsi, S. and Agogino, A.M. “The impact and instructional benefit of using
Paper ID #42332Productivity Improvement Through Assembly Line BalancingProf. Somnath Chattopadhyay, Cleveland State University Dr. Somnath Chattopadhyay teaches mechanics, materials, manufacturing and design at Cleveland State University. He has authored a text on Pressure Vessel s and was an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. His research interests are in the areas of fatigue and fracture, pressure vessel desgnnand analysis, and manufacturing. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 A Case Study of Productivity Improvement Through Assembly Line
mention of new advanced manufacturing techniques. Following an evidence-basedapproach, our goal is to development an age-appropriate, project-based AM curriculum thataddresses young students’ disposition, knowledge, and skills related to AM and facilitates theiraction outcomes towards pursuing AM education opportunities and career paths.References[1] M. A. Mardis and F. R. Jones, “Assessing School-to-Career Pathways for Manufacturing in Rural Communities: Further Investigation of Advanced Manufacturing Programs in Northwest Florida,” in 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2020.[2] C. S. Tenney, M. A. Mardis, and F. R. Jones, “Discerning advanced manufacturing education pathways: Insights from rural northwest Florida’s
, “Development and operation of Digital Twins fortechnical systems and services,” CIRP Ann. 68 (1), pp. 129–132, 2019.[5] M. Grieves, J. Vickers, Digital twin: mitigating unpredictable, undesirable emergent behaviorin complex systems, (eds) Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Complex Systems (Switzerland:Springer International Publishing) pp 85–113.[6] R. Sakhapov, S. Absalyamova, “Fourth industrial revolution and the paradigm change inengineering education,” MATEC web conference, Vol.245, 2018.[7] R. Liu, A. Kumar, Z. Chen, A. Agrawal, V. Sundararaghavan and A. Choudhary, “Apredictive machine learning approach for microstructure optimization and materials design, ”Sci. Rep 5, 11551, 2015.[8] G. Pilania, C. Wang, X. Jiang, S. Rajasekaran and R. Ramprasad
great as the campuses involved in this study are closely connected with manyoverlapping administrative services.Theme 5: A pure ICT solution is not best for supporting equity and encouraging engagement.Whereas multi-campus teaching is traditionally seen as an instructor in a teleconferencing-enabled classroom with a local cohort, teaching to both local and remote cohort(s), theparticipants interviewed for this study stressed that they have worked with a combination ofremote/distance teaching technologies such as Zoom alongside traditional teleconferencedclassroom solutions.The need for creative solutions is connected to Theme 6 and the desire to provide a high quality,positive experience for the students. One participant claimed, “… if you have
to an activity’s specific requirements). ● Updating the learning journal(s) (In many cases a simple proof of completion is enough. However, the instructor may grade some specific entries more closely, especially those explicitly requested by the instructor) ● Showing improvements in demonstrating and using certain skills. ● Teachers may also create and use additional tools as they see fit.Outcomes Assessment: Teachers need to evaluate the soft skills modules they use and assess theoutcomes achieved by introducing the modules in their classrooms. Some criteria to considerinclude: ● Success of delivery ● Students’ engagement ● Students’ grades (average scores, min, max, etc.) ● Solicited students’ feedback (polls
transition using equipment purchased in thelate 1990’s and early 2000’s, the equipment quickly showed that it was not up to the task. The lackof machine controller capability was evident in very slow motions due to low block processingspeeds of the controllers, long wait times for program uploads, insufficient machine memory forlarge program sizes, and very long wait times for on-machine program searches and editing. Thehardware also demonstrated a lack of capability with many short, jerky moves and frozen axismotions. To address these limitations, a new set of machines was recently purchased. A set ofsimilar size vertical spindle CNC mills was purchased. Each of these machines has a moderncontroller with capability for loading, editing, and running
experimentalconditions in teaching and mentoring strategies. Acknowledging the limitations of specific levels ofselected factors, this paper not only suggests future research to explore additional levels and factors for amore refined understanding but is an apply avenue to demonstrate the real-world constrains to students.References[1] Immanuel Edinbarough, P. N. Rao, and K. Das, “Incorporating Sustainability throughout theManufacturing Engineering Technology Curriculum,” Papers on Engineering Education Repository(American Society for Engineering Education), Sep. 2020, doi:[2] H. Zghair and R. Nathan, “Implementing i4.0 Tech to Engineering Systems Lab for SmartManufacturing Learning.” ASEE PEER 2023.[3] B. Li, S. Jimmy
forthe completion of this project are mentioned and gave a total sales figure of $834 USD. Table #2: Single Level Bill of MaterialsThe utilization of the heating cartridges in the design is so that the plastic sheet press can provideheat to the PLA in the mold so that it can soften. Figure #1: DERNORD Immersion Cartridge Heater with 240V & 500WTo convert rotational motion into linear motion, the usage of the linear actuators helps themachine press and apply the pressure of the plate into the mold for shaping. Figure #2: DC HOUSE 12 Inch 12" High Speed 14mm/s Linear Actuator MotorThe Arduino board will be programmed to control the movement of the linear actuators that
powermeasurements, and the NI 9211 can be integrated for thermocouples. The power and temperature,as well as the aforementioned force and vibration measurements, are desired for monitoring thefriction stir welding process.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the NSF under Grant No.1818655 and Department of Engineering atVSU. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF and VSU. The hard workfrom the VSU senior project group on “Design of a Monitoring System for ManufacturingProcesses” in 2021-2022 is thankfully acknowledged.Reference[1] Devarshi Shah, Jin Wang, Q. Peter He, Austin Hancock, Anthony Skjellum, “IoT
it for support, with a cutout for thebarrier. Additionally, several 3D-printed braces were used to support the drivetrain. Figure 6: Assembled Drivetrain To ensure that the robot would be able to withstand competition, simulation tool inSolidWorks was used to analyze the structural integrity of the drivetrain. The drivetrain platewas tested by simulating the robot crashing into a wall. The final robot weighed 16.5 pounds, soassuming it was moving its top speed of 7 ft/s and came to a full stop in half a second, it wouldexperience a force of 7.18 pounds. The force was applied to the front face of the plate, and therear face was fixed. This was done to generate the most extreme examples of stress