Ensure code quality through automated continuous testing.Data Collection and AnalysisTo examine how the semester-long experience impacted students, we regularly requestedstudents to reflect on the learning experience. After each SET lesson, we asked the followingfour reflection questions: - What is/are the most important concept(s) you have learned? - How will you use the skills you have developed from this workshop for your project? - What might be the challenges or barriers to implementing ideas from this workshop? - What support would be helpful to have in implementing ideas from this workshop?At the end of the semester, an exit survey was conducted with the following questions: - What was the most useful thing you have learned
, “Software Carpentry: Getting scientists to write better code by making them more productive,” Computing in Science & Engineering (CiSE), vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 66–69, Nov. 2006. [8] A. Simperler and G. Wilson, “Software Carpentry – get more done in less time,” arXiv:1506.02575, Jun. 2015. [9] B. K. Weaver, “The efficacy and usefulness of Software Carpentry training: A follow-up cohort study,” Master’s thesis, The University of Queensland, 2019.[10] A. Berg, S. Osnes, and R. Glassey, “If in doubt, try three: Developing better version control commit behavior with first year students,” in ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Feb. 2022, pp. 362–368.[11] V. Garousi, G. Giray, and E. T¨uz¨un, “Survey of the
: Consent, Background or Demographic Information,Recollection of Agile Concepts and Competence with Agile Machinery and Agile Mindset.Students were awarded a small amount of extra credit to complete the survey, and offered analternate extra credit exercise if they chose at any time to opt-out of the survey. As there was novalidated instrument from the literature at the time, questions were carefully designed by the firstauthor and reviewed by the second author based on the authors’ experience in agile classrooms.The demographic questions were a part of the questionnaire to extract different subsets (s) of thepopulation to answer RQ2, but did not reveal personally identifying information (PII).The questions for the Recollection of Agile Concepts and
[by using Copilot] as I would [have by] writing every line. […] I typed the comment and then in five seconds I have 10 lines of function versus that's going to take me two minutes to write 10 lines of function.” [Par. 3]Par. 3’s comment is representative of a general sentiment among students that that they solvedproblems faster when they included LLMs into their workflow.3. Knowledge retention concernsEight students acknowledged that they were unsure if their LLM usage contributed to a lack ofknowledge retention. Throughout the interviews, students revealed that at times they interactedwith LLM solely with the intention of retrieving a solution to implement into their projectwithout genuinely learning the content. For example, one student
developed by Cabrera and Cabrera [39] because their framework helpsdevelop a mental model needed to practice systems thinking [36]. Further, their framework haspreviously been used in educational contexts and is universally applicable to individuals withvarying disciplinary backgrounds [36]. Cabrera and Cabrera [39] defined systems thinking as afour-part cognitive skill consisting of tenets like making distinctions (D), organizing the system(S) into parts and wholes, recognizing relationships (R) between parts and wholes of the system,and taking multiple perspectives (P). Taken together, this four-part skill helps develop a holisticapproach to designing a solution to a problem.In the context of threat modeling, the systems thinking approach
computer games: a capstone course for undergraduate computer science education. In Proceedings of 31st SIGCSE Technical Symposium (Austin, TX, March 2000), ACM Press, New York, NY, 2000, 260-264.[3] G. Pleva, “Game programming and the myth of child’s play,” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 20 2 (December 2004), 125-136.[4] L. Samavedham, and K. Ragupathi, “Facilitating 21st century skills in engineering students,” The Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. XXVI No. 1, 2012, pp.38-49.[5] B.R. Maxim, S. Acharya, S. Brunvand, and M. Kessentini, “WIP: Introducing active learning in a software engineering course,” Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Columbus, OH, June
at a larger scale.Finally, the questions in the academic integrity theme aim to capture students' experiences andobservations on how these tools are used and framed in academic institutions. We aim toreplicate Zastidul [9] finding that students believe the amount of plagiarism will increase as AItools increase in popularity. We expand this work by capturing the context of the institutions andcourse policies around AI usage. Table 1: List of Survey Questions by theme Theme Questions Awareness and ● Do you currently use an AI product? Use of AI in Education ● What AI product(s) do you currently use? ● How much do you pay for the AI products you use
K are correlationcoefficients of the compared ratios for assignments 1, 2, and the final project, respectively. Thecell highlighted in bold demonstrates the strongest correlation. The coefficients with * indicatethat they are statistically significant, assuming α = 0.05 and a two-tailed t-test.that team members negotiated with each other and split the work such that one works more in oneassignment and the other balances it out by working more in the subsequent assignment/s. If thecontribution between the team members is equal across all assignments, then the total work ratioshould be close to 1.Additionally, we used the time taken by each team member to complete the assignments as ametric to determine if team members distributed work
control the car from video. When the RC car went over anRFID sensor/tag it disabled the controls for one second. This project was funded by NSF S-STEM Scholarship program at UVU.Sample Project 2: Snake Game: A Verilog ImplementationIn this project, a team of two computer engineering students worked together to design a SnakeGame video game on a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) using Verilog language. Thegame was uploaded to a tinyFPGA-BX board. The users controlled the game using simple pushbuttons that are wired to the board. A Video Graphics Array (VGA) display was used so that thegame could be transported and played on modern displays. Figure 5: Top Level View [16]Specialized hardware was built to run this
an NSF S-STEM grant.Two computer engineering students worked on this project for one semester. The objective ofthis project was to design a smart wireless sprinkler system to be used in residential and smallbusinesses. A wireless sensor network was designed and used throughout a lawn that tookperiodic moisture measurements and sent the data to the sprinkler control system, so that the unitcan make informed decision about what areas of a lawn need to be watered. The system that wasdesigned can be easily retrofitted into any existing sprinkler system. The top-level view of thesystem for their design is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Top Level View of the System [24]To design the smart wireless sprinkler system
expansion of technical elective offerings that advancethe concepts introduced in the mandatory courses. The development of a continual improvementprocess is on-going and will continue to be shared with the software engineering educationcommunity.References[1] B. Tenbergen, S. Krusche, R. Hanna, M. Bano, “Software Engineering Education andTraining: Industry Demands, Curriculum Deficits, and Pedagogy Direction”, Focus: GuestEditors’ Introduction in IEEE Software, IEEE Computer Society, Nov/Dec 2023, pp. 36 – 39.DOI: 10.1109/MS.2023.3328465[2] K. A. Gary, R. Acuna, A. Mehlhase, R. Heinrichs, S. Sohoni, “Scaling to Meet the OnlineDemand in Software Engineering”, International Journal on Innovations in Online Education,vol. 4(1), pp. 1-26, 2020.[3
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