faculty and industry 100 sponsor) Project Charter 100 *Should be signed by your industry sponsor as commitment of resources toward your project and authorization of work. Methodology 150 Submit PowerPoint slides for Project Plan to Communication professor n/a Project Plan Presentation (Capstone & Communication faculty and industry 100 sponsor) Project Plan 200 Midterm Reflection 50 TOTAL TCMT631. Capstone I
of a shortanswer question in which students succinctly describe their post-graduation plans, a freeresponse question which asks students to reflect on their personal strategic focus as a member ofthe BME community, and a copy of their professional résumé at the time they were enrolled inthe course.To date, we have collected over 1000 individual student assignments between both courses andare currently in the process of pairing them so the same students can be tracked across the twotime points. In addition to the students’ assignments, we are also collecting information about thefirst position students attained post-graduation, if available, from public sources such asLinkedIn or the alumni directory. Once data from all three time points is
semester by goingthrough this process and to provide a thoughtful conclusion on how this exercise can help themin the future. Reports were reviewed from four engineering communications sections, eachtaught by a different instructor, from the Fall 2023 semester for a total of 89 reports. Notes weretaken on anything that students indicated to be useful about the assignment, including things theylearned, applied, reflected on, etc.The secondary aims of the study will be addressed using quantitative data collected from first-year engineering students enrolled in the engineering communication course at *university*during the Fall 2021, Fall 2022, and Fall 2023 semesters. Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 gradesfrom the Teamwork Report assignment will be
research projects. We also explorewhether a dual advising structure with a research mentor and a communication teaching assistantenhances student’s self-efficacy in computing. For both of these questions, we define key variablesto quantify student mastery and their computational thinking using qualitative student feedbackand student reflection using GPT-3. We provide a reproducible blueprint for using large languagemodels in this task to assess student learning in other contexts as well. We also correlate our resultswith a pre- and post-course Likert survey to find significant factors that affect student self-efficacyand belonging in AI.With our course design and dual advising mentoring model, we find that students showed a sig-nificant
underscores the program's commitment to advancing STEAMeducation by empowering educators to inspire the next generation of innovators and problem-solvers in their classrooms and communities.Mobile Roadshow InitiativeThe AIR Program at Pittsburg State University is pioneering a mobile roadshow initiative toenhance access to its transformative workshops. Recognizing barriers to STEAM education, theprogram aims to bring robotics opportunities directly to underserved communities [3].This initiative offers condensed versions of the Summer Youth Workshops in a portable format,making STEAM learning more accessible to communities facing resource limitations orlogistical challenges. Beta-tested in October 2022, the roadshow concept reflects the
project, anticipated capstone specific products and deliverables, design and testingapproaches, timelines, and plans for demonstrating each of the ABET Student Outcomes. EPICScourse standard assessment practices applied to capstone projects include notebook documentationof work and accomplishments, weekly and summative reflections, design review presentations,transition documents, and peer evaluations. The notebook is filled with data on all the project-related activities the students are actively involved in, often with links to specific work artifacts,explanations of them, and concise narratives explaining the student's specific individualcontribution to them. The weekly and summative semester reflections ask students to write brieflyabout
. Engineering Design Process.PATHWAYS are thematically based curricular units reflecting categories of injustices that havegreat impact at the individual and community level which can also be connected to each other tohighlight systemic consequences. There are five PATHWAYS: Health, Traffic & Transportation,Economics, Gentrification, and Environment. The PATHWAYS have historical roots and policydecisions intended to sustain inequities which led to engineering artifacts that continue to haveimpact on students and communities today. One such example is the evolution of transportationsystems across the nation. The gentrification PATHWAY highlights a phenomenon that is a rippleeffect of redlining, which has connections to housing, schools, pollution
completion of the activity and/or demo. • Completing focus groups with students not in the design group to see if their activity is pedagogically beneficial. • Developing protocols for implementation of the activity and/or demo for faculty and graduate students to teach in their classes.All teams presented their final prototype via poster and a demonstration at the College ofEngineering’s capstone design symposium as well as a final oral presentation in class.Student Authors’ ReflectionsOur team was brought together in our senior Chemical Product Design course. We were joinedby our collective interest in creating a product related to undergraduate chemical engineeringacademia. During initial brainstorming, we reflected on our
reflections areshown in Figure 5 with the list of questions in the table below. Based on the survey students'confidence in being a tissue engineer averaged 4.15 ± 0.38. Also, students’ confidence in designinga tissue engineering bioreactor averaged 4.15 ± 0.80. Students' confidence in using the maker spaceand their tools in other projects, like a capstone or senior design project, averaged 4.77 ± 0.44. Thenext question surveyed students' opinions about themselves being good at engineering andaveraged 4.0 ± 0.82. When we asked students about their confidence in applying their theoreticalknowledge in tissue engineering the responses averaged 4.23 ± 0.44. Next, we asked about theirability to work in a team to accomplish a goal, the results averaged 4.77
Collegesand Employers (NACE) Career Competencies framework into engineering courses. More thanthree quarters of engineering students are seeking career advancement or career changes withengineering degrees. The integration of NACE Career Competencies helps translate ABETstudent outcomes into practicable career readiness strategies. The courses used projects andguided reflection students to practice eight career competencies: Career and Self Development,Communication, Critical Thinking, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership, Professionalism,Teamwork, and Technology. Preliminary observations from student reflections and advisinginterviews suggest students are intrinsically motivated to connect course exercises to careercompetencies. This study provides a
Faculty Communities Exploring Data and Sharing Their StoriesMotivation and Project OverviewThis NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE: EHR) Institutional andCommunity Transformation (ICT) capacity-building project is designed to support faculty tocollaboratively explore questions on student learning and success in introductory and gatewayundergraduate STEM courses, such as early engineering courses as well as prerequisite math andscience courses. The project is motivating faculty to consider evidence-based teaching strategiesby including them as co-designers of learning analytics tools and storytellers inspired by the dataand their reflections. Learning analytics uses data about learners and learning to draw
engineering course Itook. In this course, students were put into groups and had to complete an engineering task (inmy case, build a simple robot); however, the class’s primary learning outcomes focused on non-technical concepts like engineering ethics, which made this course like a mini capstone wherestudents had to find the information themselves to complete their projects. Reflecting on thisproject, I realized that researching and building circuitry for robots was the primary reason forselecting Electrical Engineering. Therefore, when I look at the department’s RED program, I seea similar ideology: an attempt to teach students more about the professional side of engineeringand empower students to take responsibility for learning. I still have not
environment (Sonawane et al., 2021, p. 9). Fromthe student perspective, mentees experience a sense of belonging, productive goal setting,feelings of accomplishment, and emotional support (AuCoin & Wright, 2021, pp. 610-611).Moreover, participants in one study reflected that faculty mentoring was “more helpful thanother interventions” serving as a “crucial opportunity to learn about science, scientists, andscientific process…” (Ceyhan et al., 2019, p. 258). Chelberg and Bosman (2019) found facultymentorship to be especially impactful to underrepresented STEM students as it aided in their“development, retention, persistence, and navigation of the postsecondary setting” (p. 45).Zeller’s et al. (2008) research further emphasizes that mentoring
/controversial topics c. Reflect upon their own professional identity and personal ethical values and the intersection with the discipline 3. Demonstrate ethical decision-making. 4. Demonstrate societal awareness through an ability to identify needs, challenges, and problems in a local, regional, and global context. a. Engage as a citizen leader professionally and academically b. Demonstrate engagement in professional societies c. Demonstrate the consideration of social justice in decision-makingD. Teamwork, Leadership, and InclusivityProgram Goal: The successful student will be able to contribute to a successful team by takingon different roles within the team, and through creating a collaborative
education from teachers' perspectives. Moreover, the articles focused onlyon K-12 education were peer-reviewed articles and should be available in full text. We includedthose studies published between 2020 and 2024. This publication range was chosen to reflect themost current AI applications and practices being used in educational contexts and to capture thelatest related best practices. We then established exclusion criteria to omit any study that failed tomeet inclusion benchmarks. These included studies that were non-empirical, outside thespecified timeframe, and not written in English. Each selected study was initially evaluated forits relevance to the topic through reading the titles and abstracts, ensuring it met the qualitystandards
thepersistence of students enrolled in a minority-serving institute in STEM majors and themotivation to pursue a STEM career, particularly in careers at the human-technology frontier.References[1] World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund. Global report on assistive technology. World Health Organization, 2022.[2] A. Manduca, E. Iverson, M. Luxenberg, R. Macdonald, D. McConnell, D. Mogk, and B. Tewksbury. Improving undergraduate stem education: The efficacy of discipline-based professional development. Science Advances, 3(2):e1600193, 2017.[3] K. Shinohara, N. Jacobo, W. Pratt, and J. Wobbrock. Design for social accessibility method cards: Engaging users and reflecting on social scenarios for accessible design
the student,rather on the instructor as the case with the traditional form of leraning [4]. This has brought asignificant improvement during the learning process of many students. Active learning is apedagogical tool that has helped promote ‘students’ cognitive capabilities when it comes tomastery of the content [5]. Meaningful conversations, proper reflection, and content mastery areproducts of this learning mode [6].Experiment-centric-pedagogy (ECP), an instructional technique that facilitates activite learning,offers an alternate route for acquiring technical skills and information both inside and outside ofthe classroom. ECP enabls students with different learning styles to learn at their own pace and intheir own settings. Instructors
students’ agentic engagement, self-efficacy, growth mindset, and other related aspects. 1In recent years, there has been increasing attention paid to students’ epistemic beliefs and theirimpact on learning efficacy. Epistemic belief, which reflects students’ views on the nature ofknowledge and knowing, plays a crucial role in the cognitive, metacognitive, and affectivedimensions of students’ learning. Research has demonstrated that interventions targeting epistemicbeliefs can significantly enhance learning outcomes (Greene et al., 2018). Epistemic cognition -mostly measured in terms of belief (Greene et al., 2018) – is identified as the apex of
, which is our desired result of the relevant cognitive load.This theory was used in designing the instructional modules for the course where experiment-centric pedagogy was implemented, as shown in Figure 2. 1. Information 2. Purpose of the 3. Instructional module Process 4. Reflection about the module a. Module Title a. Questions a. Materials needed a. Reflection b. Placement within the b. Module objectives b. Procedures curriculum c. Formative assessment c. Primary/ Secondary audience d. Summative assessment d. Standards
durability of the optimal treatment at different temperatures. Applying thetreatment at different temperatures will assess the durability of it in natural environmentaltemperature conditions (extreme temperatures and day/night temperature changes).The impact that this project may have on whether or not students consider previous majorchoices and decide instead to pursue an engineering major has not yet been assessed.AcknowledgementsThanks are given to our students, colleagues, partners, and institution for their supportand for making this educational intervention possible. This work is supported by NSFgrant HRD-1832547 (STEM-CURE Program). Any conclusions or recommendationsstated in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
engineering at the level of college algebra.Enrollment in the Introduction to Engineering Reasoning course occurred during the new studentorientation events that were scheduled during the summer months prior to the beginning of thefirst school semester. 3Metacognitive Intervention The metacognitive intervention was based on three major components: a conceptualintroduction to important concepts related to self-regulated learning, prompting of metacognitivemonitoring during problem-solving, and reflection-on-learning activities. The design andimplementation of the intervention work was based on Zimmerman’s self-regulated learningmodel and
. Sunghwan Lee1, and Dr. Daniel Leon-Salas1 1 Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, USA) * Corresponding Author (lbosman@purdue.edu)1. IntroductionThe NSF REU Site program context was entrepreneurial development and applied energy researchwhere participants were introduced to a graduate school like experience by simultaneously gainingentrepreneurial training via customer discovery interviews, market analysis, and patent research,and at the same time conducting lab research within the energy field.Data collection methods included weekly photovoice reflections, retrospective surveys, and focusgroups. The focus of data collection was to assess student
Mathematics(STEM) fields, and developing a diverse, skilled workforce for STEM careers.Annually, the National Science Foundation (NSF) awards approximately 170-190REU grants. The funding for REU sites often reflects current trends in research.Our study aims to examine REU sites’ contributions in terms of scholarlypublications and student training over the past six years. Additionally, we explorethe research themes of these REU sites and compare them with those in the Webof Science (WoS) database.The NSF award database provides details about 3,500 REU awards, includingproject titles, abstracts, funding periods, and NSF directories. All REU awardinformation is reformatted into the WoS citation format for thorough analysisusing a literature analysis
about the students who were interviewed; note thatthe gender and race/ethnicity were free response questions in the application form, so thecategories chosen reflect participants’ self-designation. Participant Gender Race/Ethnicity 1 Female Hispanic 2 Female White 3 Male Hispanic 4 Male Asian 5 Female White 6 (Transgender) Female Caucasian 7 Male White
-efficacy and engineeringidentity, thereby facilitating the transition of LIAT undergraduates to graduate-level programs;and (3) it aspires to cultivate leaders proficient in technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation,who will contribute to and fortify the economy of the South Coast of New England—a regionnoted for its diversity and post-industrial economic challenges marked by significant poverty.ResultsIn its inaugural year, the AccEL program generated a large applicant pool, with 46% of eligiblestudents applying, the cohort included 8 eligible female students and a substantial number fromunderrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds. Eight M.S. students were successfully recruited intothe first cohort of AccEL S-STEM scholars, reflecting
highlighted the increased sense of communitythey felt with their peers. Interviews highlighted how students reconsidered their professionalidentity within the major when they spoke about their feelings relating to imposter syndrome andhailed this as a unique opportunity in their engineering education to reflect on their engineeringidentity and purpose in the field. Students indicated it influenced their sense of belonging asthey talked about how participation in this workshop and story performance challengedstereotypes and broadened their perspective of what it means to be an engineer and whichtypes of people get to become engineers. Students experienced a boost in confidence in boththeir writing and public speaking abilities and a result of sharing
engineering education broadly andpedagogy specifically.This study presents an overview of ongoing efforts to integrate GAI as a pedagogical tool at aLand Grant R1 University on the East Coast of the United States. Also, we are hoping to collect awithin-case study of instructors who have successfully implemented artificial intelligence in theirclassrooms and course design. Data will be collected from the instructors through classroomobservations and interviews on their classroom implementation. These will be thematicallyanalyzed. Also, a deep exploration of students' learning experiences using the GAI will beconducted using focus group discussions and end-of-the-semester reflection. Other data sourcesthat will be thematically analyzed include the
antipatterns, once specified, have zerofalse positives or negatives across languages. Total coverage will be evaluated per languageby the reduction of language-specific regex use.AcknowledgementsThis work was funded by the National Science Foundation award #2142309. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] L. C. Ureel II and C. Wallace, “WebTA: Automated iterative critique of student programming assignments,” in 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pp. 1–9, IEEE, 2015.[2] L. C. Ureel and C. R. Wallace, “WebTA: Online Code Critique and Assignment Feedback,” in Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical
mentalrotation and spatial visualization, and the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test: Visualization ofRotations (PSVT:R) which measures mental rotation.Throughout recent years, a large number of new or adapted spatial ability instruments have beendeveloped to reflect more diverse populations involved in spatial ability research. Thissystematized literature review provides a synthesis of how valid and reliable spatial abilityinstruments measure specific constructs of spatial thinking. This work is guided by the followingresearch questions.1. How do existing spatial ability tests measure spatial thinking?2. How do spatial ability instruments available in the literature demonstrate validity andreliability?Positionality StatementThe first author is a
convey their values and goals. Meaningfulcollaboration between engineers and community partners can empower students, but superficialengagements may undermine their transformative potential. This research uses signaling theoryand the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Scale to assess whether local diversity is reflected on websites andunderscores the importance of diversity representation for credibility in environmental advocacy,offering a valuable approach for educators seeking authentic community partnerships.Key words: Diversity, representation, community partnershipsIntroductionAcross many fields of education, leveraging organizational websites proves instrumental incultivating connections and diversifying partnerships for faculty and students