engineeringstudents, this paper focuses on understanding the sequencing and overall arrangement of coursesin a program. We adopt the terminology from Heileman et al. [7] to formally call these constructscurricular design patterns, which they describe as, “collection[s] of curricular and co-curricularlearning activities intentionally structured so as to allow students to attain a set of learningoutcomes within a given educational context” [p. 5]. Although the term co-curricular is used inthis definition, there is much greater emphasis on the structure of prerequisite and corequisiterelationships. Still, by examining these roadmaps for how students are expected to progressthrough their discipline’s plan of study, we can understand how different curricular
. Sci., vol. 11, no. 9, Art. no. 9, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.3390/educsci11090520.[4] A. J. Magana, T. Karabiyik, P. Thomas, A. Jaiswal, V. Perera, and J. Dworkin, “Teamwork facilitation and conflict resolution training in a HYFLEX course during the COVID ‐19 pandemic,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 111, no. 2, pp. 446–473, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1002/jee.20450.[5] P. Bahrami, Y. Kim, A. Jaiswal, D. Patel, S. Aggrawal, and A. J. Magana, “Information Technology Undergraduate Students’ Intercultural Value Orientations and Their Beliefs about the Influence of Such Orientations on Teamwork Interactions,” Trends High. Educ., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 270–282, 2023.[6] A. Jaiswal, K. Patel, D. Patel, and A. Magana, “Perceived scrum Values, Conflict
-generation Yes 17% 25% 33% No 83% 75% 67% First research experience Yes 83% 75% 89% No 17% 25% 11%S=Spring / F=FallThe third cohort can be partially considered for this study due to their recent involvement withROLE and not having all data collected yet from this student group.MethodsData collectionIRB was granted to conduct this research. This study used a mixed methods approach to captureHispanic engineering students’ learning process and benefits from participating in a
)Kinyua, A., Negusse, E., Adesua, E.D. Adedapo, A., Akingbola, T., Isa, A., Oshineye, O., Yazdandoust, F.,Adedoyin, A., Mirindi, D., Isola F., Payne K., Owusu, G.K., Mallory, K., Wilson, K., Houston, T., Peterson,M., Dzotcha, A., Ariyibi, A., Pramanik, S., Koissi, N., Moncrieffe, K., Damoah, R., Murdock, M., Dyson, K.,Almahdi, A., Bista, K., Gaulee, U., Peters, K., Owolabi, O., OladoKun, H., Addo E., Keels-Fields, T., Holmes,C. and Wilson, J. Morgan State University, 1700 East Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD, USA.AbstractOur HBCU has a well-established record of providing quality college and pre -college programs in mostacademic disciplines in the state and the nation. We present our on-going experiences in thedevelopment and
observed. The CW scores weresignificantly different between female and male students, except for black/white shading. Therewere no significant differences between the AE scores for female versus male students. Therewas a negative correlation between CW and ISE scores. A correlation between multilingualismand travel with artistic creativity and ISE attributes could not be established. The results illustratethat there are significant differences between artistic creativity and innovation attitudes inengineering students.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based in part on work supported by the National Science Foundation underAward No. 2205067. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s
quotes below are in response to the criterion "Connectionbetween Identity and Team Experiences" (T1S1's rating was 1, whereas T1A1's ratingwas 4): This was a clear weakness in the GPT-generated ARM. To me, GPT seemed to fabricate the stated connection between Omar’s experience in [Engineering Course ST] and his engineering identity (I don’t think Omar indicated that this experience made him feel more – or less – like an engineer). … As another example of where I think GPT may be giving an interpretation that the data does not support, it said, “Omar's teamwork experience in [Engineering Course ST] made him feel more like an engineer.” I don’t see Omar actually saying this. In short, GPT’s
essential courses.Ultimately, the course's emphasis on practical, experiential learning aligns with the educationalphilosophies of smaller institutions, providing a unique opportunity for students to explore andunderstand the various engineering disciplines through collaborative projects, thereby enhancingtheir readiness for future academic and professional pursuits.AcknowledgmentThis work is an initiative supported by the Department of Education Title V grant for “City TechSTEM Success Collaborative” (2021-2026). Project number P031S2210228. Director: ShelleySmith.Thanks to Amy A. Germuth, Founder and President of EvalWorks, for her help in developing andanalyzing the student survey.References[1] S. N. Neagu, “The Motivational Factors Involved in
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increases inthe service sector, manufacturing plays an important role in the gross domestic product (GDP) inthis region, and GDP shows continuous growth over the last decade [14]. Manufacturingrepresents more than 15% of GDP in T.N., and advanced manufacturing has seen significantinvestment and growth recently [15, 16]. We can use T.N.’s 1st Congressional District as anexample of area demographics. The area lags behind the rest of the nation with an overall povertyrate of 15.4%, while 22% of children fall below the federal poverty line [17]. Demographic dataare summarized in Table 1.In addition to traditional manufacturing industries, Tennessee as a whole has a thriving lifesciences-based economy. Bioeconomic centers exist primarily around Memphis
themes within the dataset, emphasizing the need fora nuanced evaluation of its effectiveness across different thematic categories. Table 3. Topics, Themes, and word clouds emerged from Method #2 (Most Frequently Occurring Words associated with Each Topic (N=1785)) Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 'lecture', 'class', 'lectures', 'student 'office', 'hours', 'hold', 'available' 'practice', 'problems', 'exams', 'p s', 'notes', 'questions', 'time', 'make , 'offer', 'extra', 'help', 'provide', ' rovide', 'examples', 'tests', 'home ', 'online', 'slides' having', 'hour' work', 'extra', 'exam', 'example
' experiences with the CAVE technology, particularly within the distinctive context ofHBCU engineering programs. The study is structured around two guiding research questions thatform the framework for the extensive investigation undertaken. 1. Does Korkmaz et al.’s (2017) [4] CT scale effectively measure the underlying construct of CT in HBCU engineering students? 2. To what extent do HBCU engineering students believe that the integration of the CAVE into the curriculum enhances their CT skills relevant to engineering? The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the problem statement is presented. Section3 offers a background on immersive technology and CT in engineering education. The researchdesign and methodology used in
is an urgent problem in the field of engineeringeducation.Purpose: This study took an ongoing and successful AI interdisciplinary certificationprogram as research object, and deconstructed the whole process of the program’ s design,implementation, and operation from three dimensions of vision, teaching, and support tosummarize its successful experience in the AI talents cultivation and interdisciplinaryeducation.Method: Adopting an exploratory case study methodology, we conducted semi-structuredinterviews with 5 instructors and professors involved in this program, and collected 10documented materials about the program from internal channels, official websites, andmainstream media to ensure the authenticity, richness, and completeness of the
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tools for integrating human-centered design at thecourse level as well develop longitudinal tools to evaluate students’ learning at the programlevel. In this paper, we discuss the co-development of program-level learning progressions thatconnect directly to program educational objectives as well as ABET (formerly AccreditationBoard for Engineering and Technology) student learning outcomes [8]. These progressions alsoconnect to the Kern Family Foundation (KEEN)’s entrepreneurial mindset [9], which proposes aset of attitudes, dispositions, habits, and behaviors that shape a unique, desirable engineeringproblem-solving approach.BackgroundWe are an interdisciplinary design team at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign that iscomposed of
approaches to GenAIliteracy should therefore explicitly address these power dynamics while making space for diverselanguages, identities, and ways of making meaning in engineering.ReferencesAdúriz-Bravo, A. , Chion, A.R. & Pujalte, J.P. (2013). “Scientific Literacy.” Encyclopedia of Science Education. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6165-0_262-1.Alexis, C. & E. Leake. “The Stylized Portrayal of the Writing Life in Spike Jonze’s Her” in Style and the Future of Composition Studies, Ed. by Paul Butler, Brian Ray, and Star Medzerian Vanguri. Utah State UP, 2020, 85-97.Ariyo Okaiyeto, S., J. Bai, & H. Xiao. (2023). Generative AI in education: To embrace it or not. International journal of agricultural and biological
ideas, experiences, and tools theyhave developed.REDPAR also continually encourages CoT members to engage in reflection and does not assumethat they know the answers to the questions they pose. The following example is a battery ofquestions asked in one of the meetings that shows the multi-pronged and multifaceted approachtaken to support reflection and learning. REDPAR: What challenge(s) have you encountered in your project? How are challenges different from Year 1 to Year 2/3/4? What resources (people, materials, etc.) have you used to address the challenge? What advice would you give to another team encountering the same challenge? Are there some challenges that are not resolvable? How do you know when to
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provided an example of how “bigdata” and algorithms determine credit scores: “The algorithm that's used to determine that is so mysterious. No one really knows what's going into it and how different companies aggregate that data and make a determination on someone[’s score]. A lot of people say the algorithm isn’t going to discriminate, but [it can]” (P02 White man domestic student).The concern regarding the inner workings of AI models and smart devices was intensified amongECE students who, reflecting on their own lengthy training, realize that most users lack thisexpertise and might unknowingly expose themselves to risks. “All of us are using small AI toolsat home with Siri and Alexa, and I feel all these tools are
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circuit that efficiently steps down a DC voltage to a new level. The basic principles discussedapply to other types of PWM converters. The buck chopper circuit is illustrated in Fig. 1. The circuit is controlled by cyclicallyopening and closing switch S. This periodic rate is called the switching frequency and drives the sizing of the circuit inductanceand capacitance. When the PWM signal is high, the switch S is closed. When the PWM signal is low, switch S is open anddiode D conducts. The amount of time that S is closed divided by the switching period is called the duty cycle. For an idealbuck chopper operating in continuous conduction mode (inductor current always positive), the output voltage is approximatelyequal to the duty cycle times the
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for bringing deep and complex insights into fields - but relies onthe capacity for reflexivity and connection of their reflection on experience to a field’s existing knowledgebase [22]. It is not, nor is it meant to be immediately generalizable - acknowledging and leveraging itsgrounding in one’s own experience to garner unique insights.Facilitated, sometimes called collaborative, autoethnography is a version of autoethnography in which theprocess is supported by someone with either/both expertise in ethnographic research or research in thefield in question [14], [15]. In facilitated autoethnography, the outside researchers (usually calledfacilitators) and participant(s) (participant-researchers) interact to aid in the elicitation of
Curiosity indirect assessment that uses Kashdan etal.’s [27] 5-Dimensional Curiosity Scale were developed by a previous team of OSU researchers[21].The Curiosity indirect assessment applies Kashdan et al.’s [27] Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale(5DC) which has been validated and previously used within an engineering education context[27]. The five dimensions or constructs of Curiosity in this scale are Joyous Exploration (JE - theelements of curiosity that spark joy,) Deprivation Sensitivity (DS – curiosity that causes tension),Stress Tolerance (ST – curiosity that associated with the unknown), Social Curiosity (SC –curiosity with interpersonal interactions), and Thrill Seeking (TS – risky behaviors or situationsone partakes in due to curiosity with
[by using Copilot] as I would [have by] writing every line. […] I typed the comment and then in five seconds I have 10 lines of function versus that's going to take me two minutes to write 10 lines of function.” [Par. 3]Par. 3’s comment is representative of a general sentiment among students that that they solvedproblems faster when they included LLMs into their workflow.3. Knowledge retention concernsEight students acknowledged that they were unsure if their LLM usage contributed to a lack ofknowledge retention. Throughout the interviews, students revealed that at times they interactedwith LLM solely with the intention of retrieving a solution to implement into their projectwithout genuinely learning the content. For example, one student