andsocial identity development is Turner et al.’s [14] Self-Categorization Theory. This theoryexplicitly notes that, depending on a situation’s relative value to a person, one or both identitytypes will influence the person’s behavior. This is also the reigning difference between Tajfel’s[14] Social Identity Theory and Turner’s [18] Self-Categorization Theory; where the former“suggests a continuum of interpersonal versus intergroup behavior,” the latter “pronounces thatboth—social and personal identity processes—may be at work simultaneously” [15]. Self-Categorization notes that personal identity is the self-descriptions pertaining to one’s personalattributes and social identity is the self-descriptions pertaining to one’s membership of a
Effective & - Build connections with peers in the course via discussion. Enduring Advocacy - Provide feedback on course outline (first opportunity for co-creation). - Discussion on critical pedagogy as it pertains to the How We instructors’ advocacy framework, both as an example of Conceptualize what they will be asked to do (with a framework of their 2 Advocacy: choice) and to deepen their understanding of the current Frameworks & course’s guiding principles. Scholars - Opportunity to dive deeper into particular framework(s
environment (Table 1).Table 1. Workshop features selected during the design of the workshop. Workshop Design How it was employed Literature Basis Strategies Common vocabulary The workshop pre-work and A common vocabulary can help introduction component(s) participants feel comfortable using contained definitions of appropriate words to engage in common diversity, equity, and discussion. inclusion (DEI) terms to ensure Learning the meaning of these a common meaning was terms can help those holding a understood. majority identity
toshare this approach in a Lightning Talk.References[1] A. Dudo, J. C. Besley, and S. Yuan, “Science Communication Training in North America: Preparing Whom to Do What With What Effect?,” Sci. Commun., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 33–63, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1177/1075547020960138.[2] T. S. Ritchie, D. L. Rossiter, H. B. Opris, I. E. Akpan, S. Oliphant, and M. McCartney, “How do STEM graduate students perceive science communication? Understanding science communication perceptions of future scientists,” PLoS ONE, vol. 17, no. 10, p. e0274840, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0274840.[3] National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Communicating Science Effectively: A Research Agenda. Washington, DC: The National Academies
more freedom to cover both theoretical and practical learning with the assistance of other software" [29]• Student engagement strategies o "An integral part of the curriculum includes three classes that involve real world experiences and partner with local business to ensure relevance and cutting edge expertise: Introduction to Software Engineering partners with Elevator 3 to offer real-world projects and current technology trends. Students learn Database Schemas, API(s) development, and React. The Information Systems (IS) course partners with Envoc. The .Net Core Framework for Windows is used for this class as well as many other
medium through which to engage and motivate students[18-20], but for engineering education in particular, these types of video games often presentchallenges in terms of direct relevance to course subject matter [21].In May of 2023, the video game, “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom”, was released forthe Nintendo Switch and within three days, sold over 10 million units to become the fastest-selling Nintendo game of all time in the Americas [22]. In addition, the video game receivednear-universal acclaim, launching as the best-reviewed game of the year [23]. AlthoughNintendo’s “The Legend of Zelda” franchise has maintained its popularity since the 1980’s,“Tears of the Kingdom” marked a major departure from previous installments by
interested” and 7 “somewhatinterested.” Building on the comments from the participants, the organizers are working on nextsteps. More details are available in [3].AcknowledgementsThe authors acknowledge the support of NSF Grant EEC-2320088 in supporting this work. Weare grateful to all those who helped with organizing and the participants for their enthusiasticcontributions.References[1] Lord, S. M., R. A. Layton, and M. W. Ohland, “A Multi-institution Study of Student Demographics and Outcomes for Electrical and Computer Engineering Students in the U.S.A.,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 141-150, 2015. 10.1109/TE.2014.2344622[2] Louie, H., P. Singh, J. Urquizo, and M.-L. Tran, “A Workshop for Energy Access
opportunities, and specific interest inengineering and arts integration. Table 1 contains sample survey items from each section.Table 1. Needs Assessment Survey Item Samples Demographic Items What is your role in the education sector? How many years of teaching experience do you have? Which subject(s) or grade level(s) do you teach? (Select all that apply) What school district are you affiliated with? Professional Development Preferences When considering professional development offerings, which factors are most important to you? Please select and rank from among the following. · Cost of attendance · Content relevance · Timing · Modality · Continued support after professional development experience
funding this work,with special thanks to our mentors Cindy Anderson and Bayo Ogundipe. Thank you to WNEU’s Collegeof Engineering administrative staff, Patty Reiley, for tabulating data from the IRB-approved surveys.7. REFERENCES: [1] M. Rosen and H. Kishawy. "Sustainable Manufacturing and Design: Concepts, Practices and Needs" Sustainability 4, no. 2: 154-174, 2012. [2] Garetti, M. and Taisch, M. “Sustainable manufacturing: trends and research challenges”. Production planning & control, 23(2-3), 83-104, 2012. [3] Bello, A. S., Al-Ghouti, M. A., and Abu-Dieyeh, M. H. “Sustainable and long-term management of municipal solid waste: A review”. Bioresource Technology Reports, 18, 101067, 2022. [4
matures, we intend to introduce it to the community at large in a variety of ways,including publishing via social media, forums, maker communities on the internet, conferenceson engineering education, as well as through outreach with some of the vendors whose hardwareand software inspired Iron Coder’s conception.References [1] L. Fried, “Introducing adafruit feather.” Accessed: 2024-01-20. [2] Sparkfun, “What is micromod?.” Accessed: 2024-01-20. [3] “Raspberry pi.” Accessed: 2024-01-20. [4] “The easiest way to program microcontrollers.” Accessed: 2024-01-20. [5] S. Hodges, S. Sentance, J. Finney
analytical understanding and is sufficient to supportrudimentary system design. With this immersive understanding, not only can early-stageundergraduate students but also community members (particularly from communities who mightone day host an energy facility) offer credible input to the design of the facility in question.Our longer-term objective, as described above, is to update the VR models both to make themcustomizable (as noted above) as well as to expand our library of VR models to include not onlynuclear but also other kinds of low carbon/clean energy systems.References[1] G. Hoelzle, “Nuclear Fuel Cycle Demographic Analysis,” University of Michigan, Internal Report, Mar. 2020.[2] M. Hossain, S. Leminen, and M. Westerlund, “A systematic
Cultural Anthropology),particularly experiences I had had analyzing material culture in an archaeological methodscourse, (3) my experiences studying the anthropology of ethics and poststructural theory duringmy Master’s program in social anthropology at a postcolonial university (University of CapeTown), and (4) my experiences conducting design anthropology methods throughout my doctoralresearch, which forms the basis for this paper. I was and remain interested in examining therelational process of learning, especially as it relates to ethics, and the modes by whichdesign(er)s change and grow. In other words, my aim in my doctoral research was to interrogatethe relational process of becoming in the context of design.I am primarily concerned in
Paper ID #42164Using Start-Up Questions to Effectively Prepare Engineers for the Fundamentalsof Engineering ExamDr. Matthew K Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation. He then went to obtain his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech followed by research work at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center on concrete bridges. He is currently a professor of civil engineering and the Jackson-Hope Chair in Engineering at VMI. He
continue to identify new ways to address theunderrepresentation of women in engineering and STEM. No woman should have to choosebetween work and family. We can’t change the past, but as educators, employers, advocates, andfriends, we can impact the future, one career story at a time. Let’s partner together to helpwomen like Louise find a pathway back to engineering.References[1] C. Pantoja, “Women’s engineering career stories: Perspectives on leaving,” Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University Graduate School, 2022.[2] S. Hewlett, C, Luce, L. Servon, L. Sherbin, P. Shiller, E. Sosnovich, and K. Sumberg, “The Athena Factor: Reversing the Brain Drain in Science, Engineering, and Technology,” Boston, MA: Harvard Business Publishing
, (where d is distance travelled, s is speed and t is time travelled) and divide ! "×$ $them to see this result in one line of algebra: !! = "×$! = $! [14]. " " "Wilensky and Papert call this kind of dramatic transformation in thought due to a newrepresentational form a “restructuration” [13], [15]. They offer several criteria for evaluating arestructuration. For one, a successful restructuration can be more powerful than the oldstructuration, either by enabling new things to be done that weren’t possible under the oldstructuration or by bringing different phenomena, previously viewed as unconnected, under ashared framework. A
Management Systems (EDMMS) at Western Michigan University’s (WMU). Co-Director of the Center for Integrated Design (CID), and currently the college representative to the Presidentˆa C™s U ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Real-Time Evaluation of Energy Efficiency of Hydraulic SystemsAbstractThe importance of real-time monitoring and evaluation of any system has become increasinglysignificant due to the trend towards full automation of systems, which is part of the Industry 4.0concepts. A real-time data analysis system was developed as part of a class project on the energyefficiency of an industrial hydraulic system. Using a system-level experimental methodology,this system implements
. Akinpelu3, Ayodeji N. Oyedeji1,Emmanuel Okafor4, Cynthia U. Odili5, Vanessa F. Ogenyi6, Victor S. Ategbe8, Adrian O.Eberemu7,10, Fatai O. Anafi1,10, Abdulkarim S. Ahmed8,10, Raymond B. Bako9,10, AkinloluAkande2,31 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 810222, Nigeria. 2 Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Systems for Health and Environment Research Group, School of Science, Atlantic Technological University, Sligo, F91 YW50, Ireland. 3 Modelling and Computation for Health and Society, Atlantic Technological University, Sligo, F91 YW50, Ireland. 4 SDAIA-KFUPM Joint Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, King Fahd University of
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to visualize 2x2 and 3x3 matrices by Christian Otto Mohr in thelate 1800’s, Mohr’s circle has since become a foundational, visual tool for mechanics studentsworking to understand the stresses at play at derived points in materials [1]. Undergraduateengineering students are commonly introduced to Mohr’s circle in their Mechanics of Materialsclass as an analytical tool included in the lessons on stress transformations. The basic idea behindMohr’s circle is that normal and shear stresses on a plane within a material depend on theorientation of that plane [2]. Through graphical representation, Mohr’s circle simplifies theprocess of reorienting a given planar section of material to obtain the normal and shear stresses atthe new orientation. It
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insights. This preliminary analysis serves as a foundation for deeper investigationsinto spatial skills within the MET program. While the data shows promising trends, furtherexamination and collaboration are essential to unlock the full potential of spatial skills assessmentand its impact on education and interdisciplinary cooperation.REFERENCESDuffy, G., Power, J., Sorby, S., Bowe, B. (2018). Differentiating between Spatial Ability as aSpecific Rather than General Factor of Intelligence in Performance on Simple, Non-routineProblems in Mathematics. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 82(1), 43-46., D. (2010). Spatial ability and STEM: A sleeping giant for talent identification anddevelopment
appearing in all twelve rankings. The top eleven AI detectionsoftware applications appeared in at least half of the rankings. Overall, there were thirty-eight AIdetection software applications in the study.Table 1: Ranking of AI detection programs by recent comparative analysis reviews [19]-[30]. Holcombe A bdullahi S chaffer A ndreev P
know?Systems, andScientific Read fictionalized medical case studies where a organ systems. Identify Doctor Diaries (3) argument components within these texts.Argument Transplant Watch and reflect on a video testimony about an individual’s organTranslating Testimony transplantation journey.Knowledge intoReal-World History of Organ Read and discuss the history of organ donation and transplantation. Transplantation Identify the primary challenges facing the organ transplantation system.Applications:Organ Watch video(s) about animals which have evolved to
%) 16 (28%) Yes 6 2x or 3x: 6 2x or 3x: 4 Biweekly: 12 Biweekly: 13 Weekly: 6 Weekly: 7 No 10To evaluate student engagement with their team with respect to their assigned roles, the Springsurvey had two questions: (1) Comment on whether the team appreciated the contributions youmade within your role(s) as defined by the team, and (2) Comment on whether yourcontributions to the project were limited or enhanced by your role(s). Table 9 shows thecondensed results for these questions from both Spring iterations. Table 9: Student Engagement with their Team with respect to their Assumed Roles Spring (107 responses
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Charlotte Lisa R. Merriweather is an associate professor at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. She received her PhD in Adult Education with a graduate certificate in Qualitative Inquiry from the University of Georgia in 2004. Her research focuses on issueDr. Cathy Howell, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Dr. Cathy D. Howell is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Director at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health and Masterˆa C™s degree in Health Education at East CarolinaDilara Yaya Bryson, University of North Carolina at CharlotteDr. Edith Gnanadass, The University of Memphis Edith Gnanadass has a Ph.D. in Lifelong
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