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2.0for the upcoming semester(s)? for the upcoming semester(s)?Do you feel GVSU has adequate infrastructure to Do you feel GVSU has adequate infrastructure to 2.2 4.0support minority students? support you as a student?Did you get sufficient personal guidance/counseling Did you get sufficient personal guidance/counselingin socially adjusting to GVSU? 2.0 in socially adjusting to graduate school? 3.5Do you feel like people at GVSU treated you fairly Do you feel like people at GVSU treated you fairly
(MSU). She was born and raised in Verona, Italy and received her B.S. and M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Trento, Italy. S ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Paper or Silicon: Assessing Student Understanding in a Computer-based Testing Environment using PrairieLearnAbstractComputer-based testing is a powerful tool for scaling exams in large lecture classes. Thedecision to adopt computer-based testing is typically framed as a tradeoff in terms of time; timesaved by auto-grading is reallocated as time spent developing problem pools, but with significanttime savings. This paper seeks to examine the tradeoff in terms of accuracy in measuring
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for the retention of first-year students [10]. A report entitled“STEM Students & Their Sense of Belonging: S-STEM Programs’ Practices & EmpiricallyBased Recommendations” identifies cohort experiences as an important factor in academicintegration and success [9]. Offering retention programs is valuable, but if students do not attendor participate, they will not receive the maximum benefits that these programs can provide.Students are more likely to participate in retention programs if they feel a sense of communitywithin the institution [9]. Furthermore, female engineering students, who have been found tohighly value the sense of connectedness, benefit from the positive impact of a supportivecommunity, enhancing their resilience. Thus
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stakeholders, (b) rigorous inclusion of moral philosophy to avoid anti-regulationtactics such as “ethics washing,” (c) standardized reporting to maintain quality control andaccountability, (d) standardized curricula for accreditation and quality assurance, and (e) theinternalization of institutional self-governance. Mitcham and Engelhardt (2019) mention severalof these factors, and additionally suggest evaluating the relation between RCR and engineeringethics education and EAC programs.While the holistic ethics intervention framework centers on engineering ethics education at thecourse level, Martin et al.'s (2021) multi-level framework delves into how faculty, serving asdecision-makers in engineering education, perceive and establish connections
across disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. He is interested specifically in the interactions between ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and ferroelastic materials on the nanoscale, with emphasis placed on the applications of these materials to electronic devices. Dr. Carvell is also interested in research in engineering and physics education and has presented research on multiple topics in this area, with more projects moving forward. While at Marian, Dr. Carvell has taught eleven courses across the physics and engineering programs. He also received the Marian University Advisor of the Year and the E. S. Witchger School of Engineering Award for Service Excellence, both in 2022, and the E. S
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same: 93-96% average completion rate, 3.5-8.3 average time spent (hours), and 3.6-4.0 average number of tries. Such measures indicate that Advanced zyLabs do not impede student outcomes. Future work may analyze novel features of Advanced zyLabs, such as the hints system, and may measure the impact on student outcomes specifically in advanced computer science courses.References[ 1] M. Sherman, S. Bassil, D. Lipman, N. Tuck, and F. Martin, “Impact of autograding on an introductory computing course,” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 69-75, Jun 2013. [2] R. Pettit, J. Homer, R. Gee, S. Mengel, and A. Starbuck. “An Empirical Study of Iterative Improvement in Programming Assignments.” in
, counting for a minimum of 35% of total course evaluation in a threecredit-hour course, or its equivalent; (3) Instruction should include brief lessons on writing in theparticular discipline; (4) Each course should have at least one sustained or long-term writingproject, e.g., a research paper, an argument, a detailed lab results report; (5) The sustained projectshould synthesize some of the major objectives of the course; (6) At least one assignment mustinvolve instructor feedback on student drafts and opportunities for revision; and (7) Eachcollege/department should determine broad parameters for what constitutes acceptable writing inthe discipline(s).” [5].As a course directed towards engineers, most writing assignments are specific to
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impact of library services.Mission, Objective, and IndicatorsThe literature [1], [4], [7] makes the argument that data collected must have a use and an endgoal in mind; not just collected for the sake of collection. Markless and Streatfield [9] go intodetail for a framework to begin to think about data collection purposefully. Their approach hasthree steps – having or writing a mission, developing objectives, and determining indicators.Step one is having or writing a mission statement [9]. Library systems, colleges, and universitieshave different and unique mission statements. For this step it is not necessary to create somethingnew just using what exists as a place to begin. The mission statement(s) should act as a focusarea for where the
andinform practices and procedures that may enhance organizational performance in strategic areassuch as student retention.Interviews with Marginalized Group Students Following up on our pilot survey data collection, we interviewed engineering doctoralstudents to gain insight into their perceptions of our framework's focused climates and identifyother climates present in engineering departments. We are currently coding transcripts from 12interviews with participants who identified as members of the LGBTQ+ community.References[1] N. M. Else-Quest and J. S. Hyde, “Intersectionality in Quantitative PsychologicalResearch,” Psychology of Women Quarterly, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 155–170, Feb. 2016, doi:[2] M. G
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