expressedare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] M. D. Koretsky et al., "For Systematic Development of Conceptests for Active Learning," in EDULEARN19 Proceedings, 2019: IATED, pp. 8882-8892.[2] B. P. Self et al., "Understanding Context: Propagation and Effectiveness of the Concept Warehouse in Mechanical Engineering at Five Diverse Institutions and Beyond–Results from Year 1," in 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, 2020.[3] M. D. Koretsky, S. B. Nolen, J. Galisky, H. Auby, and L. G. Grundy, "Progression from the Mean: Cultivating Instructors’ Unique Trajectories of Practice using Educational Technology," Journal of Engineering Education, no. 113, 2024, doi
withoutcompromising integrity or equity.References[1] J. Qadir, "Engineering Education in the Era of ChatGPT: Promise and Pitfalls of Generative AI for Education," 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Kuwait, Kuwait, 2023, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/EDUCON54358.2023.10125121[2] P. P. Ray, “ChatGPT: A comprehensive review on background, applications, key challenges, bias, ethics, limitations and future scope,” Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, vol. 3, pp. 121–154, Jan. 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.iotcps.2023.04.003.[3] S. Nikolic et al., “ChatGPT versus engineering education assessment: a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional benchmarking and analysis of this generative artificial
, including an Engineering Economy course in thespring 2024 semester. These games will be studied to determine in which courses they have themost impact, how best to incorporate learning outcomes into the games, and which aspectsstudents find the most and least engaging. References[1] P. Backlund and M. Hendrix, “Educational Games – Are They Worth the Effort? A literature survey of the effectiveness of serious games,” in 2013 5th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES), Poole, UK, 11-13 September, 2013, pp. 1-8.[2] C. Sousa, S. Rye, M. Sousa, P. J. Torres, C. Perim, S. Mansuklal, and F. Ennami, “Playing at the school table: Systematic
control the car from video. When the RC car went over anRFID sensor/tag it disabled the controls for one second. This project was funded by NSF S-STEM Scholarship program at UVU.Sample Project 2: Snake Game: A Verilog ImplementationIn this project, a team of two computer engineering students worked together to design a SnakeGame video game on a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) using Verilog language. Thegame was uploaded to a tinyFPGA-BX board. The users controlled the game using simple pushbuttons that are wired to the board. A Video Graphics Array (VGA) display was used so that thegame could be transported and played on modern displays. Figure 5: Top Level View [16]Specialized hardware was built to run this
recently and successfully completed thecourse(s) for which they are being recruited. They must have a minimum of a B average with aclear preference for an A average. Grades are not the only criteria. The research team asks theinstructors of the targeted engineering courses who they would recommend as potential peerleaders. The recruitment of the peer leaders is repeated approximately six to eight weeks prior tothe start of the term to allow for hiring, onboarding, and completing the peer leader trainingcourse.During Year 1 (AY22-23), eight peer leaders were trained. Three of those eight peer leaders(37.5%) were military students (i.e., a veteran or currently serving). These eight peer leadersserved in four engineering sections (one section in the
for a C/P faculty member typically looks like?” A: “Not really. They are all so different that there really is no typical.” Q: “What about unsuccessful cases? What gets talked about as the reason(s) someone might not get promoted?” A: “Of the last set, they all went through, and overall, the success rate is typically very high.”This might be where we lose some folks. How is any of that a bad thing? It isn’t, at least notwhen taken at face value. The problem is that it did little to illuminate any parts of the promotionprocess, that to us still seemed hidden, uncertain, and in some ways, inequitable. The “very highsuccess rate” should have been reassuring, but instead seemed to activate various
offers immersive experiences that can further enhancestudents' comprehension and retention of complex material science concepts.In summary, the development of animated visual aids represents a step towards addressing thevisualization challenges in materials science education. By leveraging emerging technologies andcontinuous assessment, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of dislocations and their role inmaterial behavior, ultimately enriching the learning experience for students.References[1] R. A. Streveler, T. A. Litzinger, R. L. Miller, and P. S. Steif, “Learning Conceptual Knowledge in the Engineering Sciences: Overview and Future Research Directions,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 279–294, Jul
. Lee, and D. Pino, “First-Year Community College Students’ Perceptions of and Attitudes Toward Intrusive Academic Advising,” NACADA Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 30–42, Jun. 2016, doi: 10.12930/NACADA-15-012.[2] S. Kraft-Terry and C. Kau, “Direct Measure Assessment of Learning Outcome–Driven Proactive Advising for Academically At-Risk Students,” NACADA Journal, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 60–76, Jul. 2019, doi: 10.12930/NACADA-18-005.[3] J. A. Kitchen, D. Cole, G. Rivera, and R. Hallett, “The Impact of a College Transition Program Proactive Advising Intervention on Self-Efficacy,” J. Stud. Aff. Res. Pract., vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 29–43, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.1080/19496591.2020.1717963.[4] R. D. Robnett, M. M
. 5References[1] S. D’Agostino, “Why faculty members are polarized on AI,” Inside Higher Ed, Sept. 13,2023. [Online]. Available:[2] E. Surovell, "Faculty Members Still Aren't Sure What to Make of ChatGPT" The Chronicleof Higher Education, Mar. 16, 2023. [Online]. Available:[3] J. Moody, "The ChatGPT Commencement Address," Inside Higher Ed, June 29, 2023.Available:[4] K. Huang, “Alarmed by A.I
one breath) and FEV1 (forced expiratory volume – the total amount of air exhaled in one second)which are the two indicators of breathing/lung issues. To do this, we will code the calculationsdescribed below:Starting with raw data values in volts: 1. Convert to meters/second. This process is described with the sensor’s specifications. 2. Multiply wind velocity (m/s) x area of tube that air is flowing through (m2) = volume of air flowing past a point per second (m3/s). 3. For volume of air exhaled in one breath: total volume from beginning of change in wind flow to end (m3) calculated with an integral. 4. For volume of air exhaled in one second: total volume of air exhaled in one breath (m3)/ /total time (s
, Associate Degreefor Transfer (ADT), Associate Degree(s), transfer shock) require guidance, commitment, andpatience. For example, Kicker’s case study emphasizes that community colleges and universitiesmust work together to sustain a working partnership in establishing an effective transferpartnership [16], [18]. Other previous studies showed that if transfer policies implemented asystem that accepts upper-division courses, transfer students would have a smoother transition thatensures transfer student’s success [15]. Additionally, the Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADT)“does not guarantee completion of all prerequisite courses for an intended major but will allow astudent to complete their general education courses and be in junior standing” [13
ofgeneration and sociocultural factors. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55(4), 987–1000., E., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J., & Grifin, S. (1985). The Satisfaction with Life Scale.Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 71-75.Fouad, N. A., & Singh, R. (2011). Stemming the tide: Why women leave in engineering:University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Final rep., NSF Award, 827553.Hackman, J. & Oldham, G. (1975). Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey. Journal ofApplied Psychology, 60, 159-170. doi: 10.1037/h0076546Hom, P.W., Griffeth, R.W., & Sellaro, C.L. (1984). The validity of Mobley’s 1977 model ofemployee turnover. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 34, 141–174
waseffectively unchanged. These results seem to be consistent with the conclusions of more robuststudies that demonstrate the value of inquiry-oriented experimentation laboratories compared toverification labs.References[1] Prince, M. (2004) Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal ofengineering education, 93(3), 223-231.[2] Self, B. P., & Widmann, J. M., & Prince, M. J., & Georgette, J. (2013) Inquiry-BasedLearning Activities in Dynamics Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19775[3] Boxall, J., & Tait, S. (2008) Inquiry-based learning in civil engineering laboratory classes.In Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering (Vol. 161, No
˜ na (La Coru˜ na)’ ’´s-Hertogenbosch’ ’Aachen’ ’A Coru˜ na (La Coru˜ na)’ ’Aalborg’ ’Aachen’ ’Aba’ ’Aalborg’ ’Abadan’ ... ... Table 2: Differences in sorting results between SQL’s ORDER BY and Python’s sorted()4.3 Providing high-quality feedbackUnderstanding why a probing test fails is important. However, even more crucial is informingstudents how they can
possible that many students can complete a coursesuch as Statics by performing operations but without ever drawing corresponding diagrams, or, in thecases when students do draw diagrams, it is unlikely that they draw them to accurate geometrical scaleunless explicitly prompted.This raises questions such as if creation and interpretation of accurate figures is a necessary part ofunderstanding vector operations, and if such skills enhance, or at least correlate with, overall problem-solving performance. One approach to introduce graphical reasoning is via concept questions, in whichstudents can identify from a given set of options which diagram(s) accurately represent a vector resultantor other characteristic. Another approach, as is explored in
in the physical lab they completed theprevious semester. In the next sequence, the order is reversed. Students are first given thecomputational tools, then are given a similar task in a physical lab. In this case, although it wasnot required, many students voluntarily used the simulation tools learned to answer the questionin the physical lab. In addition to increasing engagement and helping to clarify the key concepts,this ordering helped to provide the bigger picture to the students of the different ways thatmodeling and simulation can be applied in the practice of materials design.References[1] S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett, and M. K. Norman, How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart
: 10.1177/105065190001400101.[2] C. D. Grant and B. R. Dickson, "Personal Skills in Chemical Engineering Graduates: The Development of Skills Within Degree Programmes to Meet the Needs of Employers," Education for Chemical Engineers, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 23-29, 2006/01/01/ 2006, doi:[3] M. C. Paretti, L. D. McNair, and J. A. Leydens, "Engineering Communication," in Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research, A. Johri and B. M. Olds Eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 601-632.[4] S. Sahudin, "Literature Review on the Factors Affecting Employability of Engineering Graduates," ASEAN Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 13-22, 2022
., “Integrating Ethics Into A Civil Engineering Course”, Paperpresented at 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois.[3] Bowers, S., & Maccarone, E. M., & Ricco, G. D., "On the Integration of Ethical, Legal, andSocietal Issues into a Computer Science Senior Design Capstone Program". Paper presented at2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana.[4] S. Rajan et al., "Incorporating Ethics in Engineering Education." Journal of ElectricalEngineering & Technology, 30 (2017): 164-171.[5] Hedayati Mehdiabadi, A., and James, J. O., & Svihla, V., “Ethical Reasoning in First-YearEngineering Design Paper”, presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference &
of PD, including 5 days in the summer and 3 days during the academicyear. Teachers implemented 3 culturally relevant engineering design (CRED) tasks that theydesigned for their own classrooms. A CRED framework was adapted from Guerra et al.’s [3]engineering design process to explicitly include connections to community, culture, and placewithin each design stage (Identify, Describe, Generate, Embody, Finalize). The PD program wasbuilt on a theoretical framework using Bandura’s [4] Social Cognitive Theory to develop self-efficacy and collective efficacy within the teacher cohort. Teachers were given tools, practice,and support to develop their own CRED tasks. The cohort model provided opportunities for peermentorship and on-going collaboration
General description (description of lacking either content description of No tasks of content of task;behaviors or tasks to of ratee's work or both content and described value to team notthe ratee upon which value contributed to value of the includedfeedback was given) the group ratee's work Gap Gap(s) alluded to but
presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.[3] Clippinger, D., Pflueger, R., Nozaki, S. (2022, June) Using Writing Center Peer Tutors as a Means to Improve Mechanical Engineering Technology Student Writing Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota.[4] Clippinger, D., Pflueger, R., Nozaki, S. (2021, June) Quantitative Assessment of Writing Register in Engineering Technology Students, Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, (virtual conference).[5] Clippinger, D., Pflueger, R., Nozaki, S. Bodenhamer, J (2023, June) Using Trained Tutors to Improve Mechanical Engineering Technology Student Writing, Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual
research findings as well asthe importance of student-centered teaching practices in engineering education.Moving forward, the second phase of the project involves recruiting two participants from eachof five additional departments within the College of Engineering (Electrical and ComputerEngineering, Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management,Chemical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering). This expanded participant group willcontribute to our extended data collection efforts, and they will be extended invitations toparticipate in our upcoming two-day summer workshop, with participation support facilitatedthrough the NSF grant. References:[1] A. C. Estes, R. W. Welch, and S
Paper ID #41232Project-Based Learning on Diverse Concepts in a Power Electronic LaboratoryProf. Tooran Emami Ph. D., United States Coast Guard Academy Tooran Emami is a tenured and full professor of Electrical Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA). She received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Wichita State University in 2006 and 2009, respectively. Her research interests are control and power systems, particularly Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller design, robust control, time delay, compensator design for continuous
: “Being motivated to do better after facing failure repeatedly, to bounce back and do better in the future.” “A healthy mindset towards failure is recognizing that failure is possible and always a risk of attempting something new.” “It is being able to fail but not being discouraged but rather thinking ’I’m about to learn something.’ It’s being glad you failed, finding your hiccup(s), and then moving forward with your new knowledge.” “Being open to trying hard things without knowing the outcome.”Despite occasional negative moments or challenges, most students concluded that the overallimpact on their mindset has been positive. Students reflected on their positive adaptations
correspondingmental effort – in response to the new legal landscape.DiscussionAs described above, we found that participants anticipate impacts from the new legal landscapethat will affect all of the sectors of Kania et al.’s model, suggesting something of the scope of theimpact of new DEI laws and the SCOTUS decision. Overall, there were more comments andconcerns from participants related to structural changes than to relational or to transformativechanges.It was also the case that some of participants’ observations suggest some porousness in theborders of the Kania et al. model. For example, participants viewed guidance from theirinstitution’s office of general counsel as a resource, but in doing so, that office becomes a strongerseat of power, therefore
-)learning on control systems engineering,” Jun. 2017,doi: G. Kestin, K. Miller, L. S. McCarty, K. Callaghan, and L. Deslauriers, “Comparing theeffectiveness of online versus live lecture demonstrations,” Physical Review Physics EducationResearch, vol. 16, no. 1, Jan. 2020, doi: W.-M. Roth, C. J. McRobbie, K. B. Lucas, and S. Boutonn, “Why may students fail tolearn from demonstrations? A social practice perspective on learning in physics,” Journal ofResearch in Science Teaching, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 509–533, May 1997, doi:;2-u.6. J. P. Canal, “Maximizing student learning
andexplore additional themes that emerge. While 40% of the GEAR-SR cohort participated ininterviews, additional interviews may be conducted to ensure a broader representation ofparticipant backgrounds and experiences. Investigating the specific elements of the GEARprogram that most significantly contribute to student outcomes will inform programenhancements and exploring the differential impacts of the GEAR program on students fromdiverse backgrounds, including those traditionally marginalized in engineering, could providevaluable insights.References[1] Alvarado, C., Villazon, S., & Tamer, B. (2019). Evaluating a Scalable Program for Undergraduate CS Research. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education
-temperature[2] “Is sea level rising?” Accessed: Dec. 02, 2023. [Online]. Available:[3] A. Colbert, “Extreme Weather and Climate Change,” Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. Accessed: Dec. 02, 2023. [Online]. Available: weather[4] “Physical Hydrogen Storage,” Accessed: Dec. 02, 2023. [Online]. Available:[5] S. Zs. Al Ghafri et al., “Hydrogen liquefaction: a review of the fundamental physics, engineering practice and future opportunities,” Energy Environ. Sci., vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 2690–2731, 2022, doi: 10.1039/D2EE00099G.[6] M. Niermann, A. Beckendorff, M. Kaltschmitt
role will be able to see that objective’s score. This mechanism is anticipated tosolidify multiplayer adoption more easily than in board game version. The computer-basedversion will also allow for robust decision tracking and enable us to further assess the learningoutcomes.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the Kern Family Foundation. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Kern Family Foundation.References[1] Kern Family Foundation, “The KEEN Framework.” Accessed: Feb. 04, 2024. [Online]. Available:[2] College Factual, “2023 Structural Engineering
shaped the narrative surrounding successin engineering careers. By foregrounding the experiences of women of color with disabilities, weseek to unveil the nuanced and often overlooked challenges and successes within this intersectionalcohort.References:[1] S. B. Coleman, "A Case Study on the Life Trajectories of Women with Sensory and MobilityDisabilities in Stem Careers," Ed.D. dissertation, Dept. Edu., Drake University, Des Moines, IA,2017.[2] M. E. Sanchez, L. I. Hypolite, C. B. Newman, and D. G. Cole, "Black women in STEM: Theneed for intersectional supports in professional conference spaces," Journal of Negro Education,vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 297-310, 2019.[3] E. da Silva Cardoso, B. N. Phillips, K. Thompson, D. Ruiz, T. N. Tansey, and F. Chan