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, California, USA.Prof. Dominic J. Dal Bello, Allan Hancock College Dom Dal Bello is Professor of Engineering at Allan Hancock College (AHC), a California community college between UC Santa Barbara and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. At AHC, he is Department Chair of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty Advisor of MESA (the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Program), and Principal/Co-Principal Investigator of several National Science Foundation projects (S-STEM, LSAMP, IUSE). In ASEE, he is chair of the Two-Year College Division, and Vice-Chair/Community Colleges of the Pacific Southwest Section. He received the Outstanding Teaching Award for the ASEE/PSW Section in 2022. ©American Society for
anengineer at Melissa and Doug®, they had to synthesize and communicate technical informationto their supervisors. Contrived background documents and/or data sets were provided as part ofthe assignment. Weekly assignments were structured as 30% critique and 70% generatingcontent and were designed to take 2-3 hours per week.Table 1: Course learning objectives and associated communications skills for TechnicalCommunications. The week(s) in which skills were covered are also shown. Course Learning Objective Communications Skills Week(s) • Compare and contrast common norms for technical communication, including audience, style
the Engineering Academies grew in student volume and inlocations as word spread organically throughout the state of Texas. Beginning © American Society for Engineering Education, 2024with only 92 students starting at two locations to 543 students starting as ofFall 2023’s cohort, at 9 locations. 600 543 500 417 400 420 383 386 300 279 272 200 132 100 92 0 2015 2016
presented at the The Kern Entrepreneurship Education334 Network Paper presented at 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,335 2008.336 5. M. W. Ohland, S. A. Frillman, Z. G., B. C.E., T. K. Miller, The Effect of an Entrepreneurship337 Program on GPA and Retention Journal of Engineering Education October, 293-301 (2004).338 6. ABET. (2021), vol. 2023.339 7. V. M. Dimitra Kokotsaki dimitra.kokotsaki@durham.ac.uk , and Andy Wiggins, Project-based340 learning: A review of the literature. Improving Schools 19, 267-277 (2016).341 8. J. Uziak, A project-based learning approach in an engineering curriculum. Global Journal of342 Engineering Education 18, 119-123
members. B. Dr. H S: Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering from Iran:My journey in academia, originating from Iran and transitioning to the U.S., encapsulates both theunique challenges and growth opportunities faced by international faculty in American highereducation. Born and raised in Iran, where I completed my undergraduate and master's degrees inengineering, my initial academic experience was firmly rooted in the Iranian education system.This background set the stage for a significant cultural and educational shift when I arrived in theU.S. for my PhD at the University of Wyoming. The complexity of my transition was compoundedby having a South Korean advisor, who was himself an international scholar. This situation limitedmy
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, social factors) could draw attention tothis important topic. This is particularly relevant for required courses such as thermodynamics,materials, and manufacturing. Institutions might alternatively offer a number of elective courseswith a strong sustainability focus, such as renewable energy and/or sustainable development.These courses could form a concentration within mechanical engineering. Making sustainabilitycommitments readily apparent on the ME program website could help attract prospectivestudents, including women and underrepresented minorities. Encountering genuinesustainability-related content in their courses could help motivate and retain these students.References[1] S. Vinodh, K. Jayakrishna, and K.E.K. Vimal, “Sustainability in
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centered on needs finding.AcknowledgementThe authors acknowledge and appreciate financial support from the Kern Family Foundationunder grant: Duke-2020- Creating Value: Identifying and Specifying Student Design Projects.References[1] S. Howe, J. Goldberg, “Engineering Capstone Design Education: Current Practices,Emerging Trends, and Successful Strategies.” In Design Education Today, D. Schaefer, G.Coates, C. Eckert, C., Editors. Springer, Cham. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-17134-6_6[2] S. Zenios, J. Makower, P. Yock. Biodesign: The Process of Innovating MedicalTechnologies, 1st edition. Cambridge University Press, 2009.[3] L. Ghirotto, L. De Panfilis, S. Di Leo, “Health professionals learning qualitative research intheir workplace: a
Education Director until his retirement in 2018. He was RPI ECSE Department Head from 2001 to 2008 and served on the board of the ECE Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) from 2003 to 2008. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE.Dr. Mohamed F. Chouikha, Prairie View A&M University Dr. Mohamed Chouikha is a professor and chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Howard University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Coloradoˆa C”Boulder. Dr. Chouikhaˆa C™s research inteProf. Miguel Velez-Reyes, University of Texas at El Paso Dr. Miguel Velez-Reyes is the George W. Edwards/El Paso Electric Distinguished Professor in Engineering and Chair of the Electrical
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by the Purdue University Innovation Hub and thePurdue University Libraries & School of Information Studies.Acknowledgements: Our special thanks to Aly Edmondson, instructional designer with thePurdue University Libraries, who contributed many hours of time to editing and enhancing ourvideo content. We would also like the thank our stakeholder consultants who provided valuablefeedback on our content development.References[1] A. J. Head, M. V. Hoeck, J. Eschler, and S. Fullerton, “What information competencies matter in today’s workplace?,” Library and Information Research, vol. 37, no. 114, pp. 74– 104, May 2013, doi: 10.29173/lirg557.[2] M. Phillips, M. Fosmire, L. Turner, K. Petersheim, and J. Lu, “Comparing the information
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interviews with each participant is provided below.Participant 1 (P1): P1, a fifth-year architectural engineering graduate student, initially intendedto pursue a master's degree and enter industry but decided to stay for a Ph.D. due to his passionfor research. He learned about the seminar through his wife and enrolled to gain valuableknowledge and feedback without dedicating excessive time. P1's expectations included learningabout the interview process, preparing application materials, and exploring non-academicopportunities. The seminar broadened his understanding of career options, provided insights intocrafting application documents, and facilitated peer review. He believes the seminar surpassedhis expectations to some extent, although he
Mississippi State University. Dr. Garshasby is an architect, researcher, and educator who currently teaches collaborative studio(s) and environmental building systems within the College of Architecture, Art and Design at Mississippi State University. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Assessing LEED Credit Weighting: A Dual Perspective on Sustainable Construction and Educational Implications Mohsen Goodarzi1, Mohsen Garshasby21 Assisstant Professor, Department of Construction Management and Interior Design, Ball State University 2 Assistant Professor, Building Construction Science, Mississippi State UniversityAbstract:This research
Professional Engineer in Nevada with experience working on a variety of water, stormwater, and wastewater system projects. He is also the Faculty Director of the Student Innovation Idea Labs at Cal Poly Pomona, which oversees the campus startup programming and maker spaces.Mr. Seth Claberon Sullivan, Texas A&M University Seth Sullivan is the Director of the Zachry Leadership Program in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the university, he worked in consulting in the private sector and as an analyst in the U.S. Government. Heˆa C™s earned ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Benchmarking a foundation for improving psychological safety in
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