Exchange (HI-TEC) Conference to be held in Kansas City, MO.Further questions to be explored include how to connect with new grantees at the opportune timefor them to benefit. While new PIs for projects funded in the Small Projects for Institutions Newto ATE track are the primary target for PI 101, there are other types of ATE Project fundingawards made where the PI and Co-PI(s) have no NSF or NSF-ATE experience and can benefitfrom PI 101. Strategies for scaling up the intervention to address the needs of any first-time PIwill be explored.ReferencesAustin, C., Browne, W., Haas, B., Kenyatta, E., & Zulueta, S. (2013). Application of projectmanagement in higher education. Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance,and Marketing, 5(2
Paper ID #41597Assessing Critical Thinking in Computer and Software Engineering CoursesDr. Mohammad Shokrolah Shirazi, Marian UniversityHung-fu Chang ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Assessing Critical Thinking in Computer and Software EngineeringCoursesMohammad Shokrolah Shirazi a and Hung-Fu ChangbE. S. Witchger School of Engineering, Marian University, Indianapolis, IN, USAa ; b R.B.Annis School of Engineering, University of Indianapolis, IN, USA ABSTRACT Critical thinking is a crucial component of effective
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codebook is ‘practical application of engineering’; in this category,Tstudents described specific applications of engineering, such as buildings, cars, wiring, etc., or students described a very physical interpretation of what engineers do, such as building or fixing something. The practical application of engineering aligns with the findings from Capobianco et al.’s study[3]. The second category is ‘innovativeaspects of engineering’; in this category, students described the innovative aspects of engineering that we felt aligned with aspects of the engineering design process. This aligns with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s definition of engineering[2]. Thethird category
, Computing, and Applied Sciences at Clemson University. His work focuses on how technology supports knowledge building and transfer in a range of learning environments. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Examining the motivations and experiences of transfer students participating in an undergraduate research courseAbstractIn this paper, we use both quantitative and qualitative methods to examine transfer student’s in ascholarship program to better understand their university experiences and what drives them tosucceed. The Student Pathways in Engineering and Computing for Transfers (SPECTRA)program is an NSF S-STEM (Award#1834081) that aims to aid students in their transfer fromtwo
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term.Eventually, the decision between a 2-year and a 4-year degree depends on individualcircumstances, including career aspirations, financial resources, and personal preferences. Somestudents may opt for a 2-year degree as a stepping stone to further education, while others maychoose to pursue a 4-year degree for a more comprehensive and well-rounded academicexperience.References:[1] J. L. Wood and C. S. Moore, “Engaging Community College Transfer Students,” in Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theoretical perspectives and practical approaches for diverse populations, 2015.[2] E. R. Winterer, J. E. Froyd, M. Borrego, J. P. Martin, and M. Foster, “Factors influencing the academic success of Latinx students matriculating at 2
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is professor and Director in the School of Engineering + Technology at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC. He earned his bachelors degree from the University of Texas at Austin, masters degree from Penn State, and PhD from Georgia Tech, all in Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Stone combines 9 years of industry experience at General Electric with his 22 years teaching in Engineering to pursue his interests in Lean Six Sigma and outdoor gear design and testing. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Fostering Leaders in Technology Entrepreneurship (FLiTE): Second Year ProgressThe NSF S-STEM-funded program titled Fostering Leaders in Technology
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: a generalprofessional category and a scientific professional category. The former would focus on morepractical applications to meet the needs of industry and the latter would be centered on mathand science geared towards careers in design, research, and development. The engineeringfaculty who reviewed the preliminary report rejected this proposal, and the consensus was thatall engineering curricula should incorporate strengthened basic science content. Despite therejection of this proposed bifurcation by the engineering community, many universities beganexpanding their existing two-year technology programs into four year engineering technologydegree programs in the mid-1950’s in response to a need for more practically trained graduateswho
Paper ID #41350Board 382: Social and Cultural Activities Integrated into International ResearchExperiences for an Undergraduates Program in the Czech RepublicDr. Todd Jeffrey Freeborn, The University of Alabama Todd Freeborn, PhD, is an associate professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Alabama with an active interest in engineering education. He has been the PI of multiple education/research focused grants from the REU, RET, IRES, DUE, and S-STEM programs of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Beyond the education focused efforts, his research explores techniques to
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