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provided documentation for conductingthe exercise, information for the teacher and student(s), including a student worksheet.These materials were prepared with teachers, parents, and school audiences in mind asthey may all want to consider using them to support manufacturing learning in and out ofthe classroom.The activity drafts are available online to facilitate the distribution of materials as theyrelate to manufacturing. These activities are available online for all teachers across thecountry. Hence, the authors are not limiting their initiative by one community or state andencourage everyone to use those for the benefit of the nation’s attitude towards therevival of manufacturing at the I4.0 level.Development of the Example MaterialsIn the
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group meeting with all theirlearning coach students. This gave the students an opportunity to learn what other students aredoing on co-ops and internships, talk about common challenges, and build a sense of comraderywith each other.While learning coaches are rotated each semester so that students have the opportunity to learntips, techniques, knowledge, and more from multiple facilitators, students and learning coachesalike are always welcomed and encouraged to reach out to past learning coach relationshipparticipants if desired. In the end, Iron Range Engineering hopes “that our relationship(s) canevolve from ‘learning coach’ to ‘lifetime mentor’” (Facilitator 3, para. 3).Adapting to Student NeedsOnce the foundation of the relationship is
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the present with FIRST and robotics, they can also become useful inmy future career paths. For instance, in college, students will most likely be expected to worktogether in group projects, providing an opportunity for them to exercise their communicationskills. Even outside of school, employees may be expected to work in teams to completeprojects. Teamwork is an extremely important quality that is often made commonplace in many,if not all, collaborative environments as it can result in effective collaboration betweensubordinates due to the presence and flow of diverse ideas and perspectives. Since I, similar tomany others, was able to develop these skills through the FIRST program(s), I am now able toexercise these skills in practically
paper, so please chat with me early if you’re falling behind on this.5. Lit Review: Publishing outlet or presentation opportunity identification and evaluation a. Identifying a target engineering journal or conference for your paper is the next step in the draft paper assignment. You will present your outlet, give a summary of it (history, publisher information) and discuss its impact score(s) and your reason for choosing this outlet. b. Give its author guidelines, and discuss the impacts to your paper (i.e. headings they require, etc.). When guidelines are not available, students must look at similar papers published in this outlet to give their expected headings and
discussion, 2012. URL https://edstem.org/. [5] Charles Severance. Sakai learning management system, 2005. URL https://www.sakailms.org/. [6] C. Romero and S. Ventura. Educational data mining: A survey from 1995 to 2005. Expert Systems with Applications, 33(1):135–146, 2007. ISSN 0957-4174. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2006.04.005. URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957417406001266. [7] Concepci´on Burgos, Mar´ıa L. Campanario, David de la Pe˜na, Juan A. Lara, David Lizcano, and Mar´ıa A. Mart´ınez. Data mining for modeling students’ performance: A tutoring action plan to prevent academic dropout. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 66:541–556, 2018. ISSN 0045-7906. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016
, the simplicity of the project naturally yields the project to be used in awide variety of learning environments and student learners. When implementation does occur, the generatedresults would need to be studied and further modifications would be made to the teaching approach.Eventually, the module and learning materials along with the project will be made highly accessible toeducators through a centralized soft robotic teaching website being developed at Rowan University.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2235647. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the
Paper ID #41346Comparison of Engineering and Computer Science Student Performance andOpinions of Instruction of a Microcomputers Course Across Delivery FormatsDr. Todd Jeffrey Freeborn, The University of Alabama Todd Freeborn, PhD, is an associate professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Alabama. Through NSF funding, he has coordinated REU Sites for engineering students to explore renewable resources and speech pathology. He is also the coordinator for an NSF S-STEM program to prepare students for gateway courses across different disciplines of engineering to support and
., Dzombak, R., & Martin, S. (2018). Building 21st century skills through development engineering. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34, 619-631. 9. Passino K. M. (2009). Educating the humanitarian engineer. Science and engineering ethics, 15(4), 577–600. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-009-9184-8 10. Baaoum, M. (2018). Humanizing Engineering Education: A Comprehensive Model for Fostering Humanitarian Engineering Education. International Journal of Modern Education Studies, 2(1), 1-23. 11. U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2023, March). Addressing Challenges of Forced Displacement through STEM Education: A Workshop. https://www.nationalacademies.org/event/03-09-2023
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, surpassing what autoethnographers can achieve in solitary endeavors [15]. Within CAE, researchers have theflexibility to switch between collaborative group work and individual solo work [15]. Thisalternating approach enriches the collective work by adding depth and texture. During groupsessions, individual voices undergo close examination within the community, benefiting fromothers' questioning and probing, which enhances the personal interrogation process [15].Subsequently, researchers retreat to engage in individual meaning-making, honing theircontributions. The goal of CAE is to move away from the idea that the research and theresearcher(s) are separate, fostering new connections with the research project, and beyond [15]. Hence, CAE
equations in their symbolic formwithout any algebraic manipulation. This approach enables students to concentrate on thefundamental physics of the problem rather than on the algebraic manipulation needed to isolatethe required solution variable(s). The authors recommend using a commercial program equationsolver for solving the equations, except for the most straightforward problems, which should beverified. This method allows for a natural extension to design, as all equations are in symbolicform and can be entered into modern engineering tools for validation and repetitive analysis. Byincorporating a computer equation solver with the raw symbolic equations, the method enhancesengineering productivity, reduces the chance of algebraic errors, and