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15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Sukeerti Shandliya, University of Cincinnati; Cedrick Kwuimy, University of Cincinnati
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tailoredinterventions and resources to foster an environment conducive to profound transformation foreach student, addressing students' specific needs based on their current category oftransformation and facilitating their transition to the profound transformation category.References[1] M. A. Hutchison‐Green, D. K. Follman, and G. M. Bodner, "Providing a voice: Qualitativeinvestigation of the impact of a first‐year engineering experience on students' efficacy beliefs,"Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 177-190, 2008.[2] S. S. Courter, S. B. Millar, and L. Lyons, "From the students’ point of view: Experiences infreshman engineering design course," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 87, no. 3, pp. 283-288, 1998. [Online]. Available: https
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Adetoun Yeaman, Northeastern University; Xiaojing Yuan, University of Houston, College of Technology (MERGED MEMBERSHIP WITH COE); Gisella Lamas-Samanamud, University of Kentucky - Paducah extended campus; Heather Beem, Ashesi University; Janie M Moore, Texas A&M University; Randi Sims, Clemson University
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), "The KEEN framework." Engineering unleashed. (accessed July 10, 2024).[3] S. R. Brunhaver, J. M. Bekki, A. R. Carberry, J. S. London, and A. F. McKenna, "Development of the Engineering Student Entrepreneurial Mindset Assessment (ESEMA)," Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 7, no. 1, p. n1, 2018.[4] J. S. London, J. M. Bekki, S. R. Brunhaver, A. R. Carberry, and A. F. McKenna, "A Framework for Entrepreneurial Mindsets and Behaviors in Undergraduate Engineering Students: Operationalizing the Kern Family Foundation's "3Cs"," Advances in engineering education, vol. 7, no. 1, p. n1, 2018.[5] T. J. Yosso, "Whose culture has capital? A critical race
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Rawle D. Sookwah, University of South Carolina; Robert Petrulis; Edward P Gatzke, University of South Carolina
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studentscomprised 10% of the undergraduate population, with 7% self-reporting as Asian, 6% Hispanic, and 4%reporting as two or more races. Only 22% of students in the college identify as a FGS. Various college-levelefforts have been made to improve first-year student retention, including college-specific UNIV 101 sections, aLiving and Learning Community for students in the college, and a summer start program targeting the collegeFGS population. Educational efforts for first-year students can be improved based on better understanding ofstudent stressors and the effectiveness of academic supports.A research team supported by an NSF S-STEM award recruited multiple cohorts of students with high financialneed. The “Synthesized Program for Undergraduate
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Angelika Aldea Tamura, University of California, Davis; Tiffany Marie Chan, University of California, Davis; Xianglong Wang, University of California, Davis
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] Case study: Ayesha and the Trade Show [14] – addressing invisibility and “old-boy 6 network” in workplace 7 Continue the case study from the previous week 8 Panel: Women in Engineering 9 No lecture. Students attend Women+ in Biomedical Engineering Lunches 10 Wrap-upReferences[1] M. J. Johnson and S. D. Sheppard, "Relationships between engineering student and faculty demographics and stakeholders working to affect change," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 139-151, 2004.[2] G. Lichtenstein, H. L. Chen, K. A. Smith, and T. A. Maldonado, "Retention and persistence of women and minorities along the engineering pathway in the United States
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Carter Hulcher, West Virginia University; Akua B. Oppong-Anane, West Virginia University; Xinyu Zhang, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Lizzie Santiago, West Virginia University; Todd R Hamrick, West Virginia University; Atheer Almasri, West Virginia University
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investigatethe intersectionality of neurodiverse students with gender and first-generation status. Researcherscould also evaluate how women and men’s perceived importance of technical and non-technicalskills differ by major.References[1] J. Redford, and K.M. Hoyer, “First generation and continuing-generation college students: Acomparison of high school and postsecondary experiences, “National Center for EducationStatistics, U. S. Department of Education, U. S. Government Printing Office (NCES 2018–009),September 2017. Available:[2] J. King Jr., L. Mahaffie, J.T. Minor and L. Byrd-Johnson, “Fast facts report for the studentsupport services program”, U.S. Department of Education, Jan. 2016. [Online]. Available:http
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
David Gray, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Olivia Ryan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; James Nathaniel Newcomer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Hamidreza Taimoory, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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., Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 77–97. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199982981.003.0006.[12] Committee on Developing Indicators of Educational Equity, Board on Testing and Assessment, Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, and National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Monitoring Educational Equity. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2019, p. 25389. doi: 10.17226/25389.[13] P. S. Smith, M. M. Nelson, P. J. Trygstad, and E. R. Banilower, “Unequal Distribution of Resources for K-12 Science Instruction: Data from the 2012 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education,” Horizon Research, Inc, Apr. 2013. Accessed: Jul. 01, 2024. [Online
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Lucie Tchouassi, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Jaskirat Sodhi, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ashish D Borgaonkar, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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efforts. It may also take one or two tries to finalize themodule based on student response and performance but the end result is very satisfying and animportant first-step in making our students into socially conscious and well-rounded futureengineers.References [1] Cech, E. A. “Culture of Disengagement in Engineering Education?” Science, Technology, & Human Values 39, no. 1, 42–72, 2014. [2] Foor, C. E., & Walden, S. E. “"Imaginary engineering" or" re-imagined engineering": negotiating gendered identities in the borderland of a college of engineering.” National Women’s Studies Association Journal 21.2, 41-64, 2009. [3] Campbell, D. A. et. al. “Balancing Pedagogy and Student Experience in First-Year Engineering Courses”, In
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Charity Obaa Afi Ampomah, Ashesi University; Heather Beem, Ashesi University
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, doi: 10.1057/S41307-016-0034-4/METRICS.[12] D. Larsen–Freeman, “On Language Learner Agency: A Complex Dynamic Systems Theory Perspective,” Mod. Lang. J., vol. 103, pp. 61–79, Feb. 2019, doi: 10.1111/MODL.12536.[13] S. Mercer, “Understanding learner agency as a complex dynamic system,” System, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 427–436, Dec. 2011, doi: 10.1016/J.SYSTEM.2011.08.001.[14] E. L. Deci and R. M. Ryan, “The ‘what’ and ‘why’ of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior,” Psychol. Inq., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 227–268, 2000, doi: 10.1207/S15327965PLI1104_01.[15] J. R. Savery and T. M. Duffy, “Problem Based Learning: An Instructional Model and Its Constructivist Framework,” Technology, vol. 35, no