or equipment.Students reviewed the operations manual to learn the operation of the HOBO® data loggers. Asa basic understanding was acquired from the manual, students next connected these instrumentsto a computer loaded with Onset’s HOBO® software to experiment with the capabilities of theinstruments. Along with adjusting the parameters in the data logger, the battery level and properoperation of each inventoried data logger was verified.The final instrument used by the students was a light intensity meter. This instrument is slightlydifferent from the HOBO®’s light intensity, as this instrument’s primary function is toaccurately measure light, whereas the HOBO® is used to gain a general understanding of arealighting use. A variety of light
priori categories.MethodologyVerbal Protocol Analysis (VPA) was used to analyze the cognitive strategies of students as theywere solving a design task. During VPA data collection, subjects are asked to think aloud whileperforming a task [15]. From participants’ verbal reports, we can gain insights into how subjectsgenerate and transform information about the problem, as well as how they go about developinga solution.Verbal Protocol Analysis has been used extensively since the 1970’s to study the cognitiveprocesses of engineering students [3, 5, 23, 27] as well as experienced designers [7, 10, 14]. AlthoughVPA is considered the most appropriate method to study the cognitive abilities and processes ofdesigners it is not an assessment tool
Cornelius, T. and Owen-DeSchryver, J. Differential Effects of Full and Partial Notes on Learning Outcomes and Attendance, Teaching of Psychology, 35: 6–12, 200814 Silberman, M. Active Learning 101 Strategies toTteach Any Subject Allyn and Bacon 1996(P 73)15 Fisher, C. S., & Berliner, C. D. (Eds.). (1985). Perspectives on instruction time. New York: Longman.16 Greenwood, C. R., Delquadri, J. D., & Hall, R. V. (1984). Opportunity to respond and student academic achievement. In W. L. Heward, T E. Heron, D. S. Hill, & J. Trap-Porter (Eds.), Focus on behavior analysis in education (pp. 58-88). Columbus, OH: Merrill. Heward, W. L. (1994). Three "low-tech" strategies17 Davis, B. Tools for Teaching 2nd Edition Jossey
project sponsor at the end of the year. Additionally,cadets give a poster presentation at USMA’s annual Project’s Day held during the Springsemester each year.ConclusionThe pyroelectric crystal accelerator at West Point provides the cadets in the Department ofPhysics and Nuclear Engineering a unique opportunity for outside the classroom, discoverylearning. Cadets can apply classroom skills to real world applications while gaining valuableresearch, critical thinking, and problem solving skills. This project will help them to be moreproductive in future academic endeavors as well as in future career fields.1. Naranjo, B., Gimzewski, J.K., and Putterman, S., “Observation of Nuclear Fusion Driven by a Pyroelectric Crystal”, Letters to Nature
application by bit levelinterface programming. Thus at the end of our course, the students feel more comfortable inprogramming with any given set of support functions as they may face in their industrial career.New rubrics to assess the specialized learning outlined in this paper are under development andwill be used for the course. The results will be reported in a future publication. Copyright ASEE Middle Atlantic Regional Conference April 29-30, 2011, Farmingdale State College, SUNYReferences[1] Wong, S., Cotofana, S. "On Teaching Embedded Systems Design to Electrical Engineering Students."Retrieved March 13, 2011, from http://ce.et.tudelft.nl/publicationfiles/620_14_s_wong_ES.pdf.[2] Flynn, A. M
connection to pin RC2#define LED1 PORTC.RC2// User defined function to convert strings to individual characters// for serial transmission by the USART_Write library function.void COM_Write (char *s){ while (*s) { USART_Write(*s++);}}// main programvoid main (void){ int Adc_Val; char txt[6]; // string length must be 6 as required by WordToStr() Usart_Init (9600); // initialize PIC serial port speed to 9600 baud TRISC.RC2 = 0; // set RC2 as digital output pin LED1 = 0; // initialize LED1 to OFF state for (;;) { Adc_Val = Adc_Read (0); // read ADC channel 0 WordToStr(Adc_Val, txt); // convert ADC value to string COM_Write (txt); // write value string to PC
theeffort of all the students that worked on the development of this project.References[1] Sukumaran, B., Jahan, K., Dorland, D., Everett, J., Kadlowec, J., Gephardt, Z., Chin, S.“Engineering Clinics: An Integration of Research into the Undergraduate EngineeringCurriculum”. Council on Undergraduate Research. March 2006. pp 115-121.[2] Delia C.C, Barreiro C.D, Jansson P.M, Schmalzel J.L., Whitten K. “EE Students ConductPhotovoltaic R&D for Industry in Electrical Engineering Curriculum”. ASEE AnnualConference, Vancouver, BC. March 2011. [3] Marchese, A., Chen, J., Schmalzel, J.L. “A Venture Capital Fund for UndergraduateEngineering Students at Rowan University”. Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 90, No. 4,pp. 589-596.[4] Marks, K., Pillon
CompanyAhmedi, F. and T. Ansary (2005). The Story of My Life: An Afghan Girl on the Other Side ofthe Sky Simon Spotlight EntertainmentChayes, S. (2006). The Punishment of Virtue: Inside Afghanistan After the Taliban The PenguinPress HCStewart, R. (2006). The Places In Between, Harvest Books.Tanner, S. (2003). Afghanistan: A Military History from Alexander the Great to the Fall of theTaliban Perseus Books Group.Electronic FilesEmail Address ListWork FilesCourse/Teaching FilesResearch FilesEmail .pst File Copyright ASEE Middle Atlantic Regional Conference, April 29-30, 2011, Farmingdale State College, SUNYCopyright ASEE Middle Atlantic Regional Conference, April 29-30, 2011, Farmingdale State College, SUNY
12Bibliography: 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/group_dynamics 2. B.W. Tuckman, Developmental Sequences in Small Groups, Physiological Bulletins, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1965 3. C.J.G. Gersick, Time and Transition in Work Teams, Academy of Management Journal, 1988 4. A. Seers and S. Woodruff, Temporal Pacing in Task Forces: Group Development or Deadline Pressure, Journal of Management, 1997 5. S. Liebermen, The Effects of Changes in Roles on the Attitudes of Role Occupants, Human Relations Journal, 1956 6. J.R. Hackman, Group Inflluences on Individuals in Organizations, Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology , Consulting Psychologist Press, Palo Alto, CA, 1992 7
readily observe their effectiveness anecdotally inthe classroom, evaluating their effectiveness more rigorously remains a challenge. As a firststep, we attempted to discern concrete differences between the concept maps students made inthe initial (conceptual) design stage and those they produced during the final exam, looking foran increased sense of “connectedness” and “causality” from one to the other. In particular, weexamined the maps in terms of the numbers of nodes and links, any causality representedbetween nodes, and the students’ choice(s) of “top” node, among other general qualities.As expected, the “causality” demonstrated by the students certainly matured (on average)between their initial and final concept maps, but it was difficult
Learning,from the Visible Knowledge Project. Academic Commons January 2009 issue.http://www.academiccommons.org/files/BassEynonCapturing.pdfMehlhorn, Sandy; Parrott, Scott; Mehlhorn, Joey; Burcham, Timothy; Roberts, Jason; andSmartt, Philip. Using Digital Learning Objects to Improve Student Problem Solving Skills,Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Corpus Christ, TX, Feb 6-9,2011 http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/98763/2/LivescribeSAEAPaperFINAL.pdfHannon, Charles., Paper Based Computing , Educause Quarterly, #4, (2008)http://hubscher.org/roland/courses/hf765/readings/hannon.pdfPowers, Mary F.; Bright, David R.; Bugaj Patrick S. A brief report on the use of paper-basedcomputing to supplement a pharmaceutical