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Conference Session
Track 1 - Session II - Student Development
2013 ASEE International Forum
Edward J. Berger, University of Virginia; Reid Bailey, University of Virginia
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Student Development
qualitative means, including surveys, focus groups, interviews,open-ended individual discussion, journaling, reflective essays, and the like.The GCOs are especially relevant to engineering education and practice because modernengineering is a globalized profession. Exposing engineering students to new situations, culturalcontexts, customs and communication practices, and ways of living and doing businesscontributes to their preparation as professionals and their development as people. For instance,GCO 1(a) ("students demonstrate knowledge of interconnectedness/interdependence of political,environmental, social, and economic systems on a global scale and in historical context")arguably targets the essence of engineering practice in a globalized world
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session II - Student Development
2013 ASEE International Forum
Kimberly Lau, University of California, Berkeley; Alice Merner Agogino, University of California, Berkeley; Sara L. Beckman, Haas School of Business
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Student Development
diverging (Figure 1).People may also have their strengths best represented on the extreme ends of the perception orprocessing axis, rather than in one of the quadrants. In these cases, the learning style is defined as“balanced-processing” (balanced between reflective observation and active experimentation) or“balanced-perception” (balanced between abstract conceptualization and concrete experience).According to early reports by Kolb, young children show an even balance of all learning styles,but move towards more abstract thinking as they grow older [14]. A recent study found that one-third of adults were converging, another third were assimilating, 20% were accommodating, andless than 10% were divergent [25].Beckman and Barry [4] have found Kolb