: reflection papers andelectronic portfolios that document their internship work, specifically addressing how theirinternships helped them develop skills in several ABET Student Outcomes for the PSENprogram. The portfolios provide evidence that the faculty can use to assess the achievement levelfor outcomes associated with these internships.In this paper, we describe the assessment method in more detail, and the conference presentationwill include a demonstration of the technology. We also discuss the need for students to be ableto more clearly identify and articulate achievement of learning outcomes. A critical finding ofour initial study is that students often met learning outcomes without realizing they did, withoutunderstanding the importance of
. The course is designed to provide students with instructional methods andcurricular materials appropriate for teaching science concepts, processes and skills in theelementary grades. The course reflects best practices for the teaching of science asoutlined in the National Science Education Standards and the Pennsylvania StateStandards. Each of these reform documents emphasizes an approach to the teaching andlearning of science, which highlights scientific inquiry as a prominent feature. As such,teaching science as inquiry serves as the foundation of the course.The major goals for the course include assisting students in developing positivedispositions toward science teaching and learning, becoming familiar with the goals ofcontemporary
casestudy on the implementation of CPBL in the Process Control and Dynamics course for third yearchemical engineering students is reported. During the course, students go through six CPBLcycles to solve four problems that cover all the course outcomes in one semester. Selectedconstructs of Pintrich’s Motivated Strategy for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) relevant to aCPBL class, which are intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation, task value, control of learningbelief, organization, critical thinking, effort regulation and help seeking, were administered todetermine the effect of CPBL. The results showed a significant increase in students’ engagementand motivation in learning. These findings are further supported by students’ reflections made atthe
because in oursituation we typically had about four working DLMs so with eight teams, each could use theDLM for half of a 50 minute period. Second, the optimal DLM/person ratio is three to five per-sons because that’s how many that can comfortably sit around a DLM and still visualize the car-tridge, controls and digital read-outs. Third, there’s a pedagogical reason as this number giveseach person a task because if a team is to get operating values quickly it takes one person to ad-just flow rates on a rotameter, a second to read values from a display, and a third to record thosevalues. With four and five member teams, one can supervise while another can reflect on theprocess. Team member placements were based on convenience sampling to
. Page 22.77.3The objective of this paper is to describe a new inter-college (Villanova College of Engineeringand Villanova School of Business) course at Villanova University : The Global PharmaceuticalIndustry. In this course, technical and business issues from the industry will be examined in aunique interdisciplinary environment, with students and faculty from both colleges involved. Theintended audience is multidisciplinary, reflecting the fabric and organization of the industry as itoperates today. The opportunity created by this course is unique in that engineering, science andbusiness students work together to understand and attempt to solve some of the complex issuesregarding an industry whose life-saving products create significant
American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Collecting Programmatic Assessment Data with No “Extra” Effort: Consolidated Evaluation Rubrics for Chemical Plant DesignAbstractIn order to gain accreditation, engineering programs must define goals and objectives,assess whether their graduates are meeting these objectives, and “close the loop” by usingthe assessment data to inform continuous improvement of the program. In ABET’sjargon, program “objectives” describe capabilities that graduates are expected to possess,e.g., “Graduates of the Chemical Engineering program at Rowan University will be ableto….” Thus, the true success of the program in meeting its objectives is reflected in thefirst few years of graduates’ careers. Practically
thought, several aspects ofhuman body function, particularly those relating to physiology can be treated as transportphenomena problems. In fact in the last fifty years chemical engineers have contributedsignificantly to various innovations in physiology such as characterization of vascular fluidtransport, kidney dialysis machines, drug delivery vehicles, and artificial tissue constructs toname a few.Major reasons for applying transport phenomena principles to physiological systems are: (i) Tobetter understand the physiological functions of the human body, (ii) to diagnose pathologicalconditions which are typically reflected by changes in transport processes, and (iii) to developinstrumentation and intervention technologies for therapies. Due to
grateful for support provided by the National Science Foundation’s Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program, under Phase 2 grant DUE-0717905. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Page 22.139.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Adaption of a Virtual Laboratory Curriculum: A Preliminary Study of Implementation at Other InstitutionsAbstractThis paper describes the adaption and implementation of
vapors. None of thestudents were able to score at least 15 points out of 20 points (75%) for the problem. Only 25%of the students were able to score at least 12 out of 20 (60%). Some students were unable to findthe correct equation for the problem. Most students used an incorrect approach to the problem,including wrong assumptions or incorrect variables.In reflection, it appeared that students were unable to apply prior knowledge to differentsituations or to different models. As a result the instructor believed that more reinforcement maybe necessary in working with different models and in different situations. The next time heteaches the course, he plans to have group work in the classroom, where he has groups ofstudents working on problems
policy for this class and theholiday mood, can we discount extrinsic motivation (e.g. motivation from grade) as the soledriver for academic success in this study? To answer these questions, we start by articulating thetheoretical underpinnings of this study and attempt to operationalize the constructs to reflect thecontext of the work.2.0 Theoretical Conside rationsA lot of research in engineering education have been largely exploratory (as contrasted withcause-effect and mechanistic type research) and bereft of theoretical considerations [12]. Nomatter the type of research questions, the community of engineering educators continues toemphasize the need for grounding research in theoretical frameworks as a vital ingredient forenhancing quality
teammembers are likely to divulge it as part of this exercise. In order for the instructor to intervene in a timelymanner, a mid-term or mid-project evaluation is critical. This approach requires self-reflection on thepart of the student and also provides peer evaluation. This information can be invaluable to the instructorwho may likely not have had the opportunity to observe the finer workings of the team. As anotherexample, to assess whether or not students have utilized a process in decision making, as opposed to, forexample, a majority vote, students can be asked to write a short memo outlining a decision they made,options considered, and the means by which they determined the outcome. A well-defined rubric canthen be used to analyze the
to five with onerepresenting minimal use of materials and five representing the maximum allowed use of materials. It isimportant with younger students to have a budget cap to reduce excessive materials usage and keep your realcosts down. Page 22.1319.8An opportunity to reflect on the first design and do a redesign is important in the engineering design process.Student teams should reflect on their original design and decide what they would like to do differently; teamswrite up their second design proposal with their plan, budget, and rationale and qualify for a second round at theMaterials Store. After two design
. For our earlier, one semester proposition course (1), students rate as mostvaluable the “writing the rough draft, comments received on the rough draft, and givinga practice talk.” Rated as generally helpful were “doing a literature review; writing theproposal outline (with references); preparing the technical presentation, and classquestions after the practice talk.” These qualitative reflections indicate that continual,formative feedback for every phase of proposal construction is important. The formaldeliverables are the final paper and presentation and defense, but the greatest learning Page 22.1494.6appears to have been in the exercises and
event.Goal 4: Recruit a competitive and diverse group of undergraduate students annually from acrossthe country – A principal objective of this site program is to encourage promising students, Page 22.165.4particularly women, underrepresented minorities, and students from primarily undergraduateinstitutions, to pursue careers in engineering and science research. This program is specificallydesigned to reflect the cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional nature of modern research,especially in renewable and sustainable energy. REU staff coordinates recruiting efforts withadministrative offices at each partner institution and maintains a database of
not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. Page 22.432.6
persevered7.Another source of beliefs about problem solving is from our cultural background. Studiesindicate that people in the U.S. are much more likely than the Japanese to believe that innateability (as opposed to effort) underlies children's success in mathematics12. Schoenfeld madetwo important observations based on the results of these studies7. “First, parents and students who believe ‘either you have it or you don't’ are much less likely to encourage students to work hard on mathematics than those who believe ‘you can do it if you try.’ Second, our nation's textbooks reflect our uniformly low expectations of students: ‘U.S. elementary textbooks introduce large numbers at a slower pace than do Japanese, Chinese
section, Materials and Methods section, and initial results. This is designed todistribute their work and thereby allow more time for reflection on results versus “writing thereport”. These laboratory preparation efforts are designed to offset the significant loss oflaboratory time described above.The last 4 weeks of the quarter are spent engaging an open-ended project. Those studentsenrolling in CBEE 416 will begin work on their senior projects. Their quarter culminates in aproposal to justify their enrollment for spring quarter. Those not enrolling in CBEE 416 formnew teams and work directly with the instructor to create a project of mutual interest. This isoften one of the unit operation laboratories with a “twist”, developing equipment and
% 20% 10% 0%Figure 7. Adoption of textbooks. For a particular author, multiple editions may berepresented.The changes in course topics are reflected in changes in textbook coverage and the use of thosechapters. Figure 8 shows the usage of particular chapters in Fogler in both 1991 and 2010amongst those institutions reporting adoption of the text.There is general satisfaction with existing texts on the subject, though some would like to see amore concise textbook containing one semester’s coverage. Some express an interest inadditional coverage of safety topics and bioreactors. Some cite weak areas in specific textbooksin coverage of mixing, reaction kinetics, and non
referee is called as offense. On the other hand, a student’s knowledge onanswering the questions after his/her presentation is called as defense. The presentation isexpected to carry interest for the audience and the student is expected to be presentable, such asspeaking fluently. Hence, the evaluation form is designed to reflect a multi-scale evaluation.Each student’s performance is a combination of (i) individual presentation performance, (ii) teamperformance (which is a unique score for the team), (iii) defense (according to the ability ofanswering the questions) and (iv) offense (according to his/her performance as a referee, whichis a separate score). The results of the evaluation forms are then averaged and the students areinformed of their
Engineering Education. Page 22.1393.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011Teaching Fluid Mechanics and Mass transport to Biologists Page 22.1393.2Introduction:Teaching chemical engineering to non-chemical engineers presents a myriad of challengesranging from course development to delivery to evaluation. However, these challenges reflect theexpanding scope of chemical engineering profession and as a consequence the chemicalengineering education. The American Institute of Chemical Engineers Centennial report in 2008noted that “Chemical
technology into effective educational practices and in promoting the use of higher level cognitive skills in engineering problem solving. Dr. Koretsky is a six-time Intel Faculty Fellow and has won awards for his work in engineering education at the university and national levels. Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful for support provided by the National Science Foundation’s Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program, under Phase 2 grant DUE-0717905. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
Contributed nothing, or contributed only poor quality work.GradeYou have 100 points to divide among your team members. Distribute the points in an fair manner, where each score reflects both effort and contribution (which aren't always the same.) The sum must equal 100.Assessment of the group as a whole10 Best group I’ve ever worked with; the project was fun as a result5 Group sometimes worked well together, with occasional problems0 Worst group I’ve ever worked in; this was a miserable experienceAny group problems I need to know about? Figure 2 Group assessment Page 22.384.7Figure 3
needed, and add pointers and animations that will JXLGHOHDUQHU¶VIRFXVRQWKHSUHVHQWHGPDWHULDO - Implement these videos through tasks that are part of the instructional process of the course.E xploratory Results of the Impact of Instructional V ideosAs the process of generating and implementing these videos required full commitment for boththe instructor and the instructional designer, there were not too many resources left to structure aformal research process. However, we implemented a series of monitoring tools that exploredstudents¶ perception reflected in both the formal course evaluations and an open-ended surveyadministered online at the end of the semester. Since this study reports on the activity of oneinstructor, one first
was never presentedas strictly a classroom course and the faculty have always utilized a portion of classroom time fordiscussion, student presentations, workshop activities and laboratory research. In 2006 it wasofficially changed to 2 cr hr “lecture” plus 1 cr hr “laboratory,” mostly for administrativepurposes and because it better reflects the distribution of what actually takes place.The course content has been detailed elsewhere 13, but is summarized here. There are five majorelements of the course: 1. Faculty led presentations – The course is not a “materials science” class and so does not cover classical material science topics such as the structure of matter. Rather, it is focused on processing and characterization of
ProblemsChallenge-Based (CBI) is (or, at least, can be framed as) a variant of PBL: rather thanapproaching course material as a sequence of topics, CBI presents material through aseries of specific challenges or modules. The development of CBI was inspired byadvances in learning science brought forward in the 2000 book “How People Learn”12,and is centered around a learning cycle (typically the STAR.Legacy learning cycledeveloped at Vanderbilt University). After presenting the challenge, students reflect oninitial thoughts, then receive information in the form of perspectives and resources; theythen apply what they have learned and are assessed in some form, and finally, thechallenge is solved either by the student or an expert or some collaboration between
?AcknowledgementsSeveral of the panelists gratefully acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation’sCourse, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program, under the grant NSF 1023099,“Collaborative Research: Integration of Conceptual Learning throughout the Core ChemicalEngineering Curriculum.” Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation. Page 22.1317.9References1. Elby, A. (1999). Another reason that physics students learn by rote. American Journal of Physics 67, S52.2. Bransford, J., Brown, A., and Cocking, R
students to comment onhow the repetitive structure of the ChE lab course has impacted their education and academicdevelopment.Results of the SurveyOf 90 students in ChE 101, 76 responded and 67 of the 78 students in ChE 301 responded. Thepercent of students’ responses from both courses are compared in Table 3. The number ofrespondents per question for ChE 101 and ChE 301 are tabulated in Tables 4 and 5, respectivelyand are presented at the end of the paper.Discussion of ResultsIt is important to note that this survey reflects the student attitudes towards the lab courses and Page 22.1579.5does not provide a direct measurement of the actual
students halfway to being able to do it as well as their professors, justtaking longer (3.5). Lastly, the students were asked to reflect back on their skills at thebeginning of the course and compare them to the end of the course when they completed thesurvey (Q28), the average felt they were somewhat better now (4.2) with graduate studentslanding halfway between ‘no change’ and ‘somewhat better now’ at 3.5 and undergraduatesbeing between ‘much better now’ and ‘somewhat better now’ at 4.5. This ties back into the firstquestion which asked if the students thought the class was a good use of their time, which amajority did. Page
. integrated. feedback loops may exist. Correctness – conforming The map is naive and contains The map has few subject matter The map integrates concepts to or agreeing with fact, misconceptions about the sub- inaccuracies; most links are cor- properly and reflects an accurate logic, or known truth ject area; inappropriate words or rect. There may be a few spelling understanding of subject matter terms are used. The map docu- and grammatical errors. meaning little or no misconcep- ments an inaccurate understand- tions, spelling/grammatical er- ing