for Engineering Education (ASEE).Benjamin Ahn, Purdue University, West Lafayette Benjamin Ahn, is a Ph.D student in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. He re- ceived a M.S. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering from Purdue University and a B.E degree in Aerospace Engineering from University of New South Wales, Australia. His research interests are re-examining the professional engineering practice in U.S. universities and industries and, the role of the Graduate Teaching Assistants in engineering classes.Jeremi S London, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeremi London was the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) student working on the NSF EEP Research Project during the
experiences are experiential learning: cooperativeeducation and internships, and engagement with faculty through research and mentoring. GVSUhas a strong history of experiential learning with 45-48% of juniors and seniors typically enrolledin credit bearing experiential learning in any given year. Since introducing the blueprint forsuccess that clearly identifies experiential learning as a significant educational landmark,participation jumped to 52-56% with impressive corresponding jumps in graduation rates.In addition to their involvement in experiential learning programs, for the last four years theauthors have also been the team leaders in an NSF funded S-STEM project. This programprovides mentoring and scholarship support for students with high
cl t us Da ion al y ze s A n Collection of Evidence Institutional Values The Learning Activity or Paradigm SelectedIntervention Theory or Model Learning
from private consulting andmanufacturing companies to public sector utilities.Focus groups were also held with cooperative work-term employers of the participants for thepurposes of gaining insight from an employer’s perspective on both possibilities for andobstacles to IEGs’ integration into the profession. Through an email invitation, four of the sixengineering supervisors agreed to participate, and this meeting was held towards completion ofthe co-op work term. Focus groups are loosely structured gatherings of 4-12 people who engagein a discussion guided by the moderator. The primary advantage of a focus group is the abilityfor discussion to expand beyond the preconceptions of the researcher(s) and to provide dataabout key issues important
Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2009.9. Joseph, A. and Payne, M. (2010). A Review of the Assessment Literature on Cooperative Education in Higher Education. Proceedings CD-ROM of the 117th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, June 20-23, 2010.10. Kerka, S. (1989). Cooperative Education: Characteristics and Effectiveness. ERIC Digest, No. 91. Retrieved January 14, 2011.11. Luftman, J. (2008). Yes, The Tech Skills Shortage is Real. InformationWeek, January 12. Retrieved January 14, 2011.12. Schambach, T
: Beyond Cultures by Hall. When the Ak-47s Fall Silent: Revolutionaries, Guerrillas, and the Dangers of Peace by Timothy C. BrownAssessments: Student’s grade will be based upon a number of assignments. At the discretion of the instructor, assessments may include, but are not limited to: Exams Journal Research Project(s) Attendance and ParticipationFinal Grade: Total points will be divided by total possible points and the final grade will be assigned according to the following schedule. A 93.0 - 100% C+ 77.0 - 79.9% A- 90.0 - 92.9% C 73.0 - 76.9% B
farmers and interested people in each state byinfusing technical information and practical and state of the art technology and know-how topeople, companies, new businesses etc.In addition to the extension activities, institutions to disseminate advances in mechanics and theeffects of machines on society and the natural world were developed. These mechanics institutes Page 22.1042.3sought to not only inform the general public but to significantly influence technical educationbased upon scientific and philosophical principles.In the early 1800’s, George Birkbeck, a physician and professor of natural philosophy, drove thedevelopment of mechanics
O ep F D N S
enhance students’ critical thinkingskills. This researcher included some of the strategies learned from her literature review in herintervention classes. I included class discussions, debates, role plays, and collaborative learning.Each time I introduced a new critical thinking methodology, I had the students apply the conceptin class. Summary of Critical Thinking Pedagogy Pedagogy Researcher(s) 1. In-class active learning exercises Tsui, (1998, 1999) 2. Class discussions, debates, role plays, Braxton, Milem, & Sullivan, (2000); Paul & collaborative learning
the jump into the workplace is extremelyvaluable.” - Brian Nelson“ This PACCE project has helped me to prepare for my future as a quality engineer.” - BenTerpening“It was very important to for us to have the opportunity to participate in a project like this tofurther our education.” - Paul WochinskiConclusions International exchange students valued primarily soft skills they acquired in the ELprojects. Traditional and non-traditional students valued both soft and hard skills they gainedfrom these projects, but emphasized the refinement of soft skills. The formal assessment of thecourse by the institution revealed that all students, without any exception, appreciated theirexperience from the EL projects.References1. Balachandran, S
students as part of the summer program offerings. These programs are Page 22.560.11an excellent opportunity for the engineering students to become familiar and comfortable withthe world in which they will have to operate while at the same time learning to look at issue froma different perspective and getting to know cutting edge research and technology overseas.References 1) Johnston, S. F. “Towards culturally inclusive global engineering?” European Journal of Engineering Education Mar2001, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p77-89, 13p 2) ABET link: 10%20EAC%20Criteria