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Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching and Outreach
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary B. Vollaro, Western New England College
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created such a large array of projects from all of my peers, and that is what really made it stand out to me, everyone had something that looked fresh and original and not just a rehashed outline that was set to follow.” Insightful:” It was also cool to see how much we learned comparing our wanted posters to the new posters. “ (Wanted Posters was an assignment during the first week of the semester.) ”Posters are good as time and effort put into them.” The paper was much easier to write for this class due to the resources that were available. “I think this paper was very interesting to do, and to see how all the terms we have learned in material science all year come together. I think material
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrick Ferro, Gonzaga University
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. Students were also required to evaluate thepodcasts, as part of the listening assignment.After producing their own podcasts, students in MENG221 were then required to listen to fourother podcasts from their own cohort and provide an evaluation. Previous studies have shownthat students gain pedagogical value from listening to their peers’ podcasts [3]. The two topranked podcasts from the semester were submitted to the ASM podcast contest [2].The reason that the MENG221 podcast project is a Rich Learning Experience, according to Fink,is that it involves Learning How to Learn, Caring, Foundational Knowledge and Applicationtypes of learning. Traditional projects in materials courses, such as writing a research paper,may also be considered as a Rich