work and to add two additional non- metropolitancommunity colleges to the mix. This program is called METSTEP. Based on a successful thirdyear review, this grant is for five years and also supports the METS Center, as well as some $4Kscholarships for students from the five targeted schools and additional $300 scholarships fortransfer students who register, attend, and do the assignments on time for a one credit AcademicSuccess Class. Much of this work has already been documented. 3-9 . The support for engineeringtransfer students at ASU is further enhanced through an S-STEM Academic Success Program(NSF grant # 0728695).II. Community College Visits by ASUThere is nothing more effective than a meeting face to face when a university person wants
teachers: students of senior physics are by no means guaranteed a teacher whomajored in physics. Such students are most likely disadvantaged in terms of both subjectskills and inclination to further study. The American Society for Engineering Education,reflecting the nation‟s anxiety over the situation in the U.S., in 2003 established a K-12 &Pre-College Engineering Division (website available at universities are now funding outreach programs to increase the number of engineeringundergraduates 4-15. Ideally, such outreach programs should have two positive outcomes:participating students should be both better prepared for and better informed aboutengineering careers. The University of Auckland‟s (UoA‟s
the morning by teaching the heart lung curriculum toclassrooms of students enrolled in the Upward Bound Program. In the late afternoon session, theteachers and INSPIRES faculty collectively reviewed videotapes of that day‟s session andprovided constructive criticism to improve content understanding, teaching pedagogy andcurriculum delivery. Of the twelve teachers who participated in the three week PD training, nine have/areimplementing the "Engineering in Health Care: A Heart Lung Case Study" curriculum with theirhigh school students during the 2010-11 academic year. To date, student learning data has beencollected and analyzed and are presented here (for seven of the nine teacher classrooms) todetermine the effectiveness of the
cl t us Da ion al y ze s A n Collection of Evidence Institutional Values The Learning Activity or Paradigm SelectedIntervention Theory or Model Learning
particular since undergraduate education is their focus.4.3. The challengesThe two research projects are still on-going. Most likely these projects will last several years.Many undergraduate students are only available for research work for a limited period of time.Sophomore or junior level students are good candidates for participating in REU projects;however, most of them will also be looking for summer internships in industry. Faculty memberssponsoring the REU project face the following challenge: How to use the trained students tobring the new hires up to speed? Page 22.279.11References1. Bauer, K. W. and Bennett, J. S., “Alumni Perceptions to
Textile Technology. Page 22.1656.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Utilization of a Think-Aloud Protocol to Cognitively Validate a Survey Instrument Identifying Social Capital Resources of Engineering UndergraduatesAbstractThe use of verbal report (e.g. “think-aloud”) techniques in developing a survey instrument can becritical to establishing an instrument’s cognitive validity, which helps ensure that participantsinterpret and respond to survey items in the manner intended by the survey designer(s). Theprimary advantage of utilizing a
mechanical, electrical, and wireless communications components withfurther diversity within each discipline. For example, the mechanical system could includecomplex nonlinear dynamics in vibration harvesting, thermodynamics and heat transfer inthermal harvesting, and fluid dynamics in wind harvesting. Electrical components to condition,store, and deliver power to the load may be a mixture of analog and digital, whilecommunications may be performed in a number of frequency bands and network protocols. Aneducationally diverse team is therefore beneficial. One can envision a student team composed ofbiomedical, mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering students working on harvestingenergy of human walking in an everyday basis to power a user‟s
traditionally focused syllabus. The understanding of geometric and descriptive principles in the context of predefined applications is now governed by a subject that supports conceptual endeavours. DCG provides students with the opportunity to develop a skill set that will allow them explore and learn within and beyond their subject domain through the medium of design without make. With the objective of codifying the initial teacher education practices, an introspective analysis was taken to explore student‟s performance within a core graphics module at the University of Limerick. Students from year 3 of the undergraduate Materials and Construction Education and Materials and Engineering
thisstudy [8]. These studies were examined and contributed to the student‟s overallassessment. Accompanying these developments in the Technical College Sector was therise of an Association for Liberal Education that had its own research officer [9].It will not have escaped the notice of the reader that no mention is made of universitystudents in technological studies receiving such treatment. Why should a person on adegree course be treated differently? The concept of liberal education has a long historythat can be traced back to the Greeks, and Davies provides an all too brief history of thedevelopment of liberal education from those times [ 1]. From the Greeks and theRomans we get the notions of being free to learn, and as Davies notes
Professor in the Department of Engineering Mechanics at the U. S. Air Force Academy. He has published approximately 100 technical publications and generated approximately 2 million dollars of research finding. His current research interests include development of new design methodologies as well as methods for improving engineering education. Page 22.1350.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011Studying Ideation in Engineering Design Education: Application to Highly Mobile RobotsIntroduction Developing innovative ideas as part of engineering design can be
to the Reflection Tool QuestionsAn excerpt of the responses Instructor 1 gave during the interview is summarized below in Table2. The comparisons to student responses are also listed, which includes only the top responses(or top two if the difference in number of responses was 2 or less). A discussion of thecomparison of the two responses follows Table 2.Table 2: Instructor 1’s perception of student responses to reflection questions in the Engineering Page 22.351.6Economic Analysis CourseReflection Tool Questions Instructor 1 perception MEA specifics Comparison to
of Vermont (UVM) incorporated systems thinking and asystems approach to engineering problem solving within their programs. A systems thinkingapproach regards social, environmental and economic factors as necessary components of theproblem solution. Because it is a whole systems approach it also encompasses sustainability. Wehave integrated systems thinking in the following ways; 1) new material has been included intokey courses (e.g. the first-year introductory and senior design courses), 2) a sequence of threerelated environmental and transportation systems courses have been included within the curricula(i.e., Introduction to Systems, Decision Making, and Modeling), and 3) service-learning (S-L)projects have been integrated into key
implementation. Bibliography1. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.2. Bell, P., & Davis, E. A. (2000). Designing Mildred: Scaffolding Students’ Reflection and Arguemntation Using a Cognitive Software Guide. In B. Fishman & O’Connor-Divelbiss (Eds.), Fourth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 142-149). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.3. Linn, M. C. (1995). Designing computer learning environments for engineering and computer science: The scaffolded knowledge integration framework. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 4(2), 103-126.4. Scardamalia, M. (2002). Collective cognitive responsibility
would allow them to learn more about what they know. Professors whileteaching would also be involved in the learning process. All involved would benefit. As one writerput it, “I think mentors should be role models, BUT a role model who hasn't forgotten where s/hecame from, how s/he got to where s/he is now and always looking back to see if s/he can help thosethat came from the very same place.”3 Everyone has had to write and engineering faculty continue tohave to produce text throughout their careers. By taking their own travels through communication asa means to get engineering students to look at their own tasks, a bond can form that allows for theimprovement of student text.ProcedureHow does one approach a situation where the faculty is to
DC/F Degree of the functioning or working final designProject ConstraintsFunctional PC/F Functional or working model of presented designEconomic PC/E Project budget constraints; $20.00 limitAesthetic PC/A Overall appearance of the designSustainability PC/S Sustainable design; use of a renewable energy sourceCourse ConstraintsPrior Knowledge/ CC/PK Lack or deficiency of prior knowledge and experienceExperience regarding engineering designTiming CC/T Design artifact due dates and project deadlinesTechnological CC/T Technological concerns
difficult to simulate boundary conditions. Nevertheless, the general conceptsurvived and was improved during the early to mid 1900’s. One improvement that wasmade to this method during the mid 1900’s was to replace the metal sheet with a sheet ofconductive paper with a lower conductivity2. This method is still in use today. In fact,several educational companies, including Pasco3 sell equipment to run this kind ofexperiment. By using either metal or more recently paper, two-dimensional potentialfields can be plotted. Advantages of using conductive paper include lower conductivitythan metal and readily available supplies of the paper. A disadvantage is that theconductivity of the paper is often inconsistent causing errors in the field.Another device
AC 2011-447: DEVELOPMENT OF A LABORATORY MODULE IN HY-BRID BIODEGRADABLE CORNSTARCH MATERIALSSpencer Seung-hyun Kim, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Dr. Spencer Seung-hyun Kim is Associate Professor in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Tech- nology/Packaging Science (MMETPS) Department at Rochester Institute of Technology. He works as Associate Director in American Packaging Corp. (APC) Center for Packaging Innovation at RIT. Dr. Kim’s research interests are in advanced materials synthesis and characterization. His research area fo- cuses on packaging science and technology. Dr. S. Kim graduated with B.S. in Ceramics Engineering from Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (1979) and obtained M.S. (1989) and
base (courtesy of Global Specialties2)From a historical standpoint, the modern breadboard has it origins in the late 1960’s and early1970’s. The style shown was developed by Ronald J. Portugal of EI Instruments, Inc. and filedfor patent in December of 1971 (US Patent D.228,136). The transparent breadboard shown inFigure 2 was developed by Eric Blauvelt of Interplex Electronics, Inc. and filed for patent in Mayof 2002 (US Patent 6,685,483 B2).A current variation of the electronics test station centered about a breadboard is shown in Figure3. The example shown is typical of electronic trainers. The trainer consists of a DC power supply
from private consulting andmanufacturing companies to public sector utilities.Focus groups were also held with cooperative work-term employers of the participants for thepurposes of gaining insight from an employer’s perspective on both possibilities for andobstacles to IEGs’ integration into the profession. Through an email invitation, four of the sixengineering supervisors agreed to participate, and this meeting was held towards completion ofthe co-op work term. Focus groups are loosely structured gatherings of 4-12 people who engagein a discussion guided by the moderator. The primary advantage of a focus group is the abilityfor discussion to expand beyond the preconceptions of the researcher(s) and to provide dataabout key issues important
S S irrev change the system’s state. 1 1 Q2 , out 1W2 , out 1 T Time is irrelevant. Equilibrium prevails at the E 2 E 1 E
knowledge base and professional practice, today’sengineers must also cope with continual technological and organizational change in the workplace. Inaddition, they must cope with the commercial realities of industrial practice in the modern world, aswell as the legal consequences of every professional decision they make.7Despite these challenges, Mills and Treagust7 noticed that the predominant model of engineeringeducation remains similar to that practiced in the 1950’s - “chalk and talk”, with large classes andsingle-discipline, lecture-based delivery the norm, particularly in the early years of study. Theyconsider that developments in student-centered learning such as problem-based and project basedlearning have so far had relatively little
. This hasincluded a comparison of TA and expert scoring11, progression of students’ mathematicalmodels13, and s progression of students’ problem formulations14.15. The results of the researchhas helped reform the content of TA training materials, MEA design, and the MEA Rubric and I-MAPs. This dynamic nature of MEAs also has helped the PR to acquire adaptive expertise – anability to adapt instruction to ever-changing student needs16. This also provided the experiencewith utilizing research to enhanced and informed classroom instructions. Since research is oftencurrent and changing, classroom instructions should also acquire these traits. Page
discussion ofwhat it takes to make sense of nanoscale phenomena. This discussion could lead touncovering what Wiggins and McTighe 2 called the “enduring understanding” of acontent area together with potential effective pedagogical approaches. This model couldultimately lead to integrating the enduring understandings needed to make sense ofnanoscale phenomena with effective pedagogical methods. We hope that this modelmight become a framework for the design of nanoscale science and engineering curricula.AcknowledgmentsWe thank the seven researchers who volunteered their precious time to be interviewed forthis study. References: 1 M. C. Roco, W. S. Bainbridge, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2005, 7, 1--13.2 G. Wiggins, J. McTighe
summative assessment scheme, in which some of the work could be subject tointerpretation of the ethical theory when applied to case studies, rather than assessment ofempirical facts and procedures which may be constrained to a teacher‟s implicit development,interpretation and assessment of the syllabus content.The assessment procedure was redesigned in 2008 for classes of 150 plus, comprising aformative assessment and feedback through essays, a formative feedback by the in-class case-studies and summative assessment by examining the major case studies and theirunderstanding of the course material in a final examination.IntroductionTo receive accreditation of undergraduate engineering degrees the Institute of ProfessionalEngineers of New Zealand
transition to becoming a professional in the disci-pline. The overlap in the ovals labeled knowledge-centered and reflection-centered corresponds tothe fact that the reflective activities by the student are based on the assessments of the knowledgeitems represented by the knowledge-centered components.Consider next the oval labeled “learner-centered” in Fig. 1. A key observation regarding studentlearning 2,36 made in recent research on how people learn is that “[s]tudents come to the classroomwith preconceptions –often incorrect– about how the world works, which include beliefs and priorknowledge acquired through various experiences . . . effective teaching [must] elicit the preexist-ing understanding and provide opportunities to build on, or
cutting forces and temperatures in machining4. Understand different tool material properties and tool-wear mechanisms and apply Taylor‟s tool-life equation to predict tool life5. Analyze factors affecting the machined surface quality6. Develop and improve professional skills (such as communication, teamwork, business knowledge, and entrepreneurship) to help enable machining innovationNote that learning objective No. 6 included entrepreneurship education. The students in the classwere divided into six project teams with three or four students on each team. Each team wasrequired to complete three tasks by the end of the semester. These three tasks included 1)developing a computer software program for machining simulations, 2
tostrengthen science leadership and build organizational capacity for STEM education. We alsointend that the benefits to teaching and learning will accrue to the faculty who teachundergraduates in our own institution, such that research-based STEM teaching methods andknowledge of learning sciences research is integrated within the university teachingenvironment.Over five years, 400 in-service teachers, 50 STEM undergraduates and 120 school and districtadministrators will benefit from PISA2 programming: Five course graduate certificate program Intensive summer institutes leveraging graduate course content School-year PD and monthly classroom visits Pathways to Teaching Options for S&E undergraduates Leadership training/strategic
mechanical design and encouraged to improve upon it(Figure 3). Designs for the electronic hardware are available on the web( For development of the embedded softwareon the base and remote nodes, we used Code Composer Studio CCS, an integrated developmentenvironment (IDE) from Texas Instruments. In keeping with the objective of low cost, a freeversion is available; this version is program memory-limited, but the limit is well above thatneeded for any of the eight projects. The base node communicates with the PC via the eZ430-RF2500’s ability to tunnel asynchronous serial communication through the USB connection.The required driver is provided as part of CCS. For the user interface, we used a simple
accreditation under the then newlyimplemented TC2K criteria. The Engineering Technology program at Texas A&M-CorpusChristi needed to demonstrate that in addition to the qualified faculty, modern facilities, andsupport from the University, alumni and industry, it had a program in place that measured andevaluated the engineering technology program‟s performance, and could identify areas ofstrength and areas that needed improvement. Such a program was necessary so that a continuousimprovement strategy could be implemented. All faculty had already been using MS Excelsoftware-based spreadsheets, albeit each one different from the other, to keep students‟ grades.Each course syllabus contained the expected student learning outcomes. The faculty was
backgrounds, geographical location of hometowns and/or family makeup) selected cohortof URM non-participants. Page 22.1561.10 Bibliography1. Atman, C. J., Sheppard, S. D., Turns, J., Adams, R. S., Fleming, L. N., Stevens, R., . . . Lund, D. (2010). Enabling engineering student success: The final report for the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education. San Rafel, CA: Morgan & Claypool.2. Borrego, M., Froyd, J., & Hall, T. S. (2010). Diffusion of engineering education innovations: A survey of awareness and adoption rates in U.S. engineering departments. Journal of