, TR-83-3048, Oct. 1960 (Revised 1978).13. Husman, J., Lynch, C., Hilpert, J., and Duggan, M. A., "Validating measures of future time perspective for engineering students: Steps toward improving engineering education", presented at American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, HI, 2007.14. Pintrich, P. R., Smith, D., Garcia, T., & Mckeachie, W. , “Reliability and Predictive Validity of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Mslq)”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1993, 53(3), 80115. Yasar, S., “Discourse in freshman engineering teams: The relationship between verbal persuasions, self-efficacy, and achievement”, 200816. Bandura, A., “Guide for
Work (SOW) a. Period of performance; minimum 8-14 weeks b. Research & development requirements c. Statement of Work agreed to by Corporate Partner, University Engineering Page 22.882.4 Department, and the Student d. Cost and Schedule requirements3 e. 2-3 presentations at corporate partner facility f. 1-2 presentations to university representative(s) g. Sr. Project Work log to indicate effort during paid time and personal time associated with Senior Project effort. h. A final presentation of work done and/or product demonstration i
languages. Limits in conceptual knowledge means that they are limited to solving well-defined tasks with specified tools. When faced with a more open-ended or complex problems, limits in conceptual knowledge will mean they will probably not be able to solve the problem. Proficiency The individual has some conceptual knowledge of both computing systems and their application domain. When presented with a problem, they are able select the appropriate tools(s), seek the necessary information, and present a solution. The regularly used technical skills are committed to memory and external information resources are
evolvedaccording to government and industry demand. Agriculture, the mechanical arts, andmanufacturing dominated the 19th century needs, resulting in the development of shop courseswhere students gained hands-on experience with machine tools for farming and manufacturing.1With the rise of electrical engineering in the early 1900’s, combined with increasing promotion Page 22.913.3of a scientific approach to practice and the desire to “professionalize”1 engineering and establish it as a credible academic discipline, laboratory experience became the norm for practicalexperiences within the engineering
is a sample ofrepresentative answers, categorized by theme. Student comments are verbatim andoccasionally contain grammatical errors, etc. Content statements I learned that laser colors are that because of the number of nanometers that the laser has Page 22.1323.7 On a mirror a laser reflects opposite direction on an angle Vocal cords don’t vibrate when you say “s” Careers Now I know the difference between a scientist and an engineer. I learned that to get into speech technology you just have to have a bachelor’s degree They are looking for engineers Relevance Many people
learners: active learners have the opportunity to “do” experiments, sequentiallearners follow step by step instructions revealing the concept(s) piece by piece, and summaryquestions are provided for reflective learners. An example experiment is shown in the Appendix. For the first time, students have remarked that the labs are fun (emotionally engaging),and the demonstrations have improved understanding of concepts as measured by targetedproblems and through formative assessment. 4 5 2
Statistics.4. Goodman Research Group (2002). Final report of the women’s experiences in college engineering (WECE) project, Cambridge, MA.5. Davis, C-S. & Finelli, C.J. (2007), Diversity and Retention in Engineering, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, v2007, n111, p63-7.6. Derlin, R.L. & McShannon, J.L. (2000), Faculty and Student Interaction and Learning Styles of Engineering Undergraduates, Retrieved May 10, 2008 from http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/16/89/1d.pdf.7. Goldberg, J. & Sedlacek, W. (1996), Summer Study in Engineering for High School Women, Maryland University, College Park, Maryland.8. Pantano, J. (1994), Comprehensive Minority SEM Programs
effective for your learning. • It was perfectly fine. • They did well; I don’t see any way it could be improved. • Providing more examples that were mentioned through the non-SI sessions. Go over previous tests. Finally, maybe making the session longer. • All math classes should have SI sections. • It’s really good with this class, can’t say I would add anything to it. • I don’t know. • Nothing from my experience, it was the best way to become highly successful in the class. • I thought it was fine. Please indicate the reason(s) you did not attend SI sessions: • I didn’t feel it was
experience both the frustration and satisfactionof that experience. Such learning prepares them for professional practice in ways that a projectrequiring only a paper/computer design does not. For instance, students in the lower end designteam, while having some background due from their coursework, became much more proficientand confident in their understanding of design and machining. Students designed, programmed,setup, machined, and inspected complex CNC parts. They assembled the parts into a completemachine and successfully tested it. They were able to adapt their engineering skill sets to theproject at hand. This was a lifelong-learning experience the student will not soon forget.Bibliography 1 Sheppard, S., Macatangay, K., Colby, A., &
Austin, TX INDUSTRY 1 Lockheed-Martin Various Locations INDUSTRY 5 Master card O'Fallon, MO INDUSTRY 1 Nissan Canton, MS INDUSTRY 1 Raytheon Tucson, AZ INDUSTRY 4 SAKS New York New York, NY INDUSTRY 1 Union Pacific Omaha, NE INDUSTRY 2 U. S. Army MIL 1 Jackson State University Jackson, MS STATE
designsituations. With the conversation as a backdrop, students were then introduced to the notion of adesign rationale and asked to draft a sample design rationale as a way to introduce them to thisconcept.Case 2: Graduate multi-week projectThe journal landscape project was a multi-week project in a graduate level course entitledEmpirical Traditions in Human Centered Design and Engineering. Per the syllabus, the task was Page 22.1116.3as follows: “Working in teams of two or three, you and your teammate(s) will characterize oneyear of articles in a major journal in our field in terms of five to seven dimensions of yourchoosing and then prepare a summary of
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for the Controls Division of the Harris Corporation, a Division with over U$S 60 million (then dollars) in annual sales. He joined the University of the Pacific in 2000 and is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas. His present research interests are principally in multidisciplinary engineering education and enginering economic analysis.Elizabeth A. Basha, University of the Pacific Elizabeth A. Basha is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of the Pacific. She received a S.M. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as a B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of the