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Conference Session
Crossing Boundaries - Service Learning and Interdisciplinary Teams
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chung-Suk Cho, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Candace Mazze, Univeristy of North Carolina at Charlotte; Sandra Loree Dika, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Gary Bruce Gehrig P.E., University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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Paper ID #7573Enhancing Student Learning and Engagement in Construction Course usingService LearningDr. Chung-Suk Cho, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Assistant Professor Engineering Technology and Construction Management University of North Carolina CharlotteMs. Candace Mazze, Univeristy of North Carolina at Charlotte Ms. Mazze is a doctoral candidate in the Educational Leadership department at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She has served as a graduate research assistant for Construction Management in College of Engineering. She has researched, gathered and analyzed data, and assisted in writing and
Conference Session
Incorporating Technology into Construction Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
R. Casey Cline, Boise State University; Kirsten A Davis, Boise State University
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mobile learning are far from being a theoretical possibility. Mobile learning is anon-the-ground reality allowing learners to access educational content, communicate and shareinformation with other learners, and elicit support from peers and instructors. While mobiletechnology is not an educational panacea, it is a powerful tool that can support education in waysnot previously possible10. The use of mobile technologies in education can be used to re-enactapproaches and solutions already used in 'conventional' e-Learning by using mobile technologiesas flexible replacements for desktop technologies11, aiding in the acquisition of knowledgeregardless of location and time12.Materials and Methods LaboratoryBolstered by andragogical studies on adult
Conference Session
Novel Methods of Construction Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Tingerthal, Northern Arizona University
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, Schweingruber HA. Discipline-based education research: Understanding andimproving learning in undergraduate science and engineering. Washington D.C. 2012. Page 23.202.1413. Ardizzone T, Breithaupt F, Gutjahr PC. Decoding the humanities. In: Pace D, Middendorf J, eds. New Directionsfor Teaching & Learning.Vol 2004. Wiley; 2004:45–56. Available at: Hund JL. Writing about music in large music appreciation classrooms using active learning, discipline-specificskills, and peer review. Journal of Music History Pedagogy. 2012;2(2):117–132.15. Burkholder JP. Decoding the discipline of music history for
Conference Session
Building a Better Program - Construction Curriculum Enhancements
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert G. Batson P.E., University of Alabama
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dating back to the original edition of the NSC’s Accident PreventionManual3 and the origins of systems engineering of products. Behm4 takes a cautionary approachto promoting PtD in academic programs: “Given that practicing design professionals do notincorporate PtD in their design work, an educational effort aimed at colleges and universitiesmay be ineffective until the industry standards changes to incorporate PtD in practice at somelevel.”Toole5 identified five major tasks performed by civil and construction engineers, and indicatedhow the engineer could increase his role in assuring worker safety: 1. Review for safety (peer review of completed design documents, design reviews within organizations) 2. Create design documents for