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- Visualization tools, modeling abilities and grading models
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Hosein Atharifar, Millersville University of Pennsylvania; Faruk Yildiz, Sam Houston State University; James Richard Knapp Sr., Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
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Engineering Design Graphics
encouraged us to design a survey and distribute it to thedesign and drafting professionals (practicing engineers) in industry as well as the professors ofengineering design and CAD at colleges and universities (our participants from academia). Inthis paper, our goal is to understand the current trends in a variety of topics related to theteaching and applications of CAD. We will study the layout of the survey, the population whotook the survey, and the results and discussion. In the appendix, the open ended comments arelisted with identifying language removed. The important comments as related to this survey areunderlined in the comments.2. Survey and our PopulationOur survey is designed to reflect the viewpoints of the professionals in both
- Conference Session
- Learning styles affect on students in graphic and design courses
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Alice Y. Scales, North Carolina State University; Terri E Varnado, North Carolina State University; Jennifer Buelin-Biesecker, North Carolina State University
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Engineering Design Graphics
observations. This report represents the research team’s second phase of exploration of active learning strategies in an hybrid and online environment and using emerging technologies. Phase one piloted the initial design of strategies that were untested and untried. The piloting of these activities allowed the team to identify weaknesses in the available technology for collaboratively developing digital technical graphics as well as the instructional presentation and implementation strategies employed when using them. Introduction Active Learning is “The process of having students engage in some activity that forcesthem to reflect upon ideas and how they are using those
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- Using graphics in the rest of the engineering courses
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Andy S Zhang, New York City College of Technology of CUNY; GAFFAR BARAKAT GAILANI, New York City College of Technology
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Engineering Design Graphics
Page 23.810.3drive and 3) the steering system. However when designing these subsystems, students were toldto check the existing CAD files for the parts they wanted to use to make sure the informationon these files were properly reflected in their design. This means that for each part the teamdecides to use, they have to allocate proper space for it to be installed.To give students more options during initial brainstorming and research phase, students weregiven a freedom to choose three-wheel option or four-wheel option for their RC car drive traindesign. That means, when designing the drive train, the team can choose to have one drivemotor with a differential drive system or two drive motors without the differential system.Teaching
- Conference Session
- CAD Assessments, Trends and Applications
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Srikanth B Pidugu, University of Arkansas, Little Rock; Mamdouh M. Bakr, University of Arkansas, Little Rock; Swaminadham Midturi, University of Arkansas, Little Rock; George P Tebbetts, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
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Engineering Design Graphics
the IACand discusses how the curriculum is enabling the PEOs. The MET Program used DirectAssessment (DA) and Indirect Assessment (IDA) methods to evaluate the student outcomes(SOs) of ETAC of ABET Criterion 3 (a) through (i) for the A.S. degree. The same process is alsoused to evaluate the student outcomes (SOs) of ETAC of ABET Criterion 3 (a) through (k), andalso the Department's MET specific Criteria (l) through (o) for the B.S. program. The specificcriteria (l to o) developed by the MET faculty reflect the characteristic essence of the coursesoffered through the MET curriculum which emphasizes design, materials, manufacturing, andfluid and thermal equipment areas. This focus in the MET curriculum is shown to have met thelocal industry
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- Using graphics in the rest of the engineering courses
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Engineering Design Graphics
their design that can be held by that certain mill-vise. Linking the project to the realequipment and machinery available in our labs helps to create a more realistic setting for theassignment.3. Scoring Rubrics and Evaluation of AssignmentsFeedback through evaluation is an important educational component of this course. Whiledeveloping the grading rubric (Appendix 2), the main concern was to reflect industry’sperspective. For this reason, a long list of items are identified and weighed according to theirimportance. During the semester, it is always explained that design deliverables such asdrawings, manufacturing specifications and models are generated for manufacturing and they’reonly good as long as they convey the design intent fully and
- Conference Session
- Visualization tools, modeling abilities and grading models
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Holly K. Ault Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Alister Fraser, Parametric Technology Corp.
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Engineering Design Graphics
instructed to use good modelingstrategies for a robust part model, and to minimize the number of features. No additionalinstructions are given; students must select appropriate features, order of feature creation,constraints and dimensioning schemes.A variety of methods will produce the correct geometry, but only some of these approacheswould reflect best practices in modeling strategies, which the students must demonstrate to getfull credit for the assignment. For this part, it was expected that the model would be createdusing a single revolve feature for the body of the elbow, two extrusions for the flanges, adiametrally placed hole as the leader for a patterned hole set on each flange, and a single roundfeature. The internal diameter of the elbow
- Conference Session
- Using graphics in the rest of the engineering courses
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Ananda Mani Paudel, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Jane M. Fraser, Colorado State University, Pueblo
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Engineering Design Graphics
but also in cost anddelivery time. SolidWorks Sustainability accounts for both the distance and mode oftransportation used to deliver the product throughout its supply chain: air, truck, rail, and ship.In addition to distance and type of transportation, consideration of the quality of the fuel usedmakes this model detail oriented. The fuel that is used during transportation differs with fuelsource and refining technology, and has different acidification potential from the exhaustemission16.In comparing different environmental impacts to each other that reflects a comparable scale ofeffects SolidWorks Sustainability has formulated a sequential computation plan. As a first step,the software gathers specific environmental impacts of each
- Conference Session
- Visualization tools and uses in graphics
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Melchor Garcia Dominguez, Universidad de Las palmas de Gran Canaria; Jorge Martin-Gutierrez, Universidad de La Laguna; Cristina Roca, University of Las Plamas de Gran Canaria
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Engineering Design Graphics
. Page 23.1253.13Overall, they have reached a satisfactory motivation level. There are positive performance, whichis reflected in motivational factors, concretely over the learning strategies scale. It is remarkablethat the highest level is in anxiety, possibly as a consequence of insecurity caused by the lack ofexplanatory material for the proposed activities. The training is made so students can acquirebasic knowledge about orthogonal views through their own finds and intuition.Table 6. Motivation factors (subscales) Motivational factors Mean SD Control beliefs and learning self-effectiveness 3,73 1,79 Self-effectiveness performance