Paper ID #7448Course-Related Undergraduate Projects for DynamicsDr. B. S. Sridhara, Middle Tennessee State University B. S. SRIDHARA Dr. B. S. Sridhara is a professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at Middle Tennessee State University. He received his B.S.M.E. and M.S.M.E. degrees from Bangalore University and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He received his M.S.M.E. and Ph. D. degrees from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, and Auburn University, Alabama. Dr. Sridhara has published several peer-reviewed articles in the areas of Acoustics, Vibration, finite element methods
Coalition and as a member of the Coalition’s Governing Board. He previously chaired NJIT’s Excellence in Teaching Awards Committee and is Past Chair of the University Master Teacher Committee.Dr. Howard S. Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology Page 23.854.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Learning Outside the Classroom - Flipping an Undergraduate Circuits Analysis CourseAbstractWhile the use of technology has increased in education, much of that technology, such as use ofPowerPoint, SmartBoards and use of the Internet, has been
, students must work in teamsand complete a capstone project. This project, also called Senior Project in our terminology,provides students with an opportunity to work on complex control problems, similar to onesencountered in the industry, and employ a number of technologies and methods to provide apractical solution.In general, the Senior Project entails the design and construction of a process, identification ofkey control objectives, specification and implementation of required instrumentation for processvariable(s) monitoring and control, real time data acquisition and storage methods, modeling ofthe process using empirical and/or analytical methods, design and tuning of controllers, andclosed loop control performance evaluation.Equally
standards are popular in the engineering andtechnological communities. Because English units system is used in training the vast majority ofour engineers, technologists, and technicians, they are probably ill equipped for the global stagewhere the SI units system is the measurement language of trade and science. For instance, whencompanies from different countries work on the same technical project(s), the use of a commonunit of measure is necessary. Since the SI units system is international, this is often the preferredchoice. According to Euler [5], all new USA standards (ASTM, ANSI, SAE, IEEE, ASME, etc.)are now written in metric. This is because, the lead engineers in these organizations recognizethe importance of trying to get the USA on track
equipment and parts. 14 Understand the need for completing work in a timely manner.practices are effective and beneficial. Detailed assessment results based on students’ survey results areprovided in Section IV. III. T EACHING P RACTICES IN L ABORATORY S ESSIONS In the Laboratory portion of this course, we have adopted two effective teaching practices to aidlaboratory instructions. Lab activities have played an essential role in the engineering education [3] andare especially crucial to an introductory circuit analysis course. Well-designed and effectively conductedlab activities not only reinforce students’ understanding of course material but also familiarize studentswith
; Technicians; only in health occupations are "Technologists" listed. 2 b) ET has far fewer programs nationally: 100 4-year colleges & universities in the U.S. offer ET (per ASEE) vs. 350 in engineering, 3 most being ABET-accredited. Of 104 ABET- accredited 2-year ET programs, over a third are at those same 100 4-year colleges. Most original (1950’s) 2-year College ET programs were in Mid-Atlantic & Great Lakes states. c) The average ET program enrolls fewer students than the average Engineering program; also, each Engineering School has more recognized or accredited programs (usually several) than each College with ET programs (often just 1 or 2 accredited ET programs, with few offered anywhere beyond
, computer, or similara. the application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, associated modifiers in their, analog and digital electronics, and microcomputers, and engineeringstandards to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of 1. Curriculumelectrical/electronic(s) systems. The structure of the curriculumb. the applications of physics or chemistry to electrical/electronic(s) circuits in a must provide both breadth andrigorous mathematical environment at or above the level of algebra and depth across the range oftrigonometry. engineering topics
tool answered the same setof questions regarding that particular tool. The language used in the questions is informal to tryto convey the experience of the student or faculty rather than a formal engineering evaluation ofthe tool. The questions are the following: Make and Model What were your original debugging requirements? What big piece of lab equipment it substitutes? How did you find about it? How have been using it? (look above in introduction) Price? Is it worth it? Would you recommend it to other students? Would you recommend it as a substitute/complement for (a) particular lab piece(s) of equipment? Cool things about it? Any other features not available at university's available
. Page 23.459.12Figure 4: A senior project peer feedback form Page 23.459.13Page 23.459.14 Figure 5: A senior project oral presentation scoring rubric References:1. Bai, T., Zhu, J., Varma, V., “Characteristics of capstone design projects at universities in US and China: An analysis”, ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (ASEE 2007), AC 2007-17552. Dutson, A., Todd, R., Magleby, S., Sorensen, C., “A review of literature on teaching engineering design through project-oriented capstone courses,” J. of Engineering Education, Jan. 1997, pp. 17
Science. After theCAD modules were converted into the ".dae" format, the digital source was sent to these twogroups to be imported into the VR tools so that the properties and functions were introduced. ME Department Develop Pass 3D Module Preliminary CAD Request Review? Model(s) No Yes No Email Yes
design types. Following the initial enrollment of each subject the random sequence of photographswere taken in both the dark skin tone and light skin tone populations. Twenty-seven photographswere taken of each test subject in numerical order from the list of random numbers listed in theBox-Behnken matrix shown in Appendix A. Following each photograph, the matching scoregenerated by the VeriLook software was entered into the corresponding cell in the matrix.Results Scores from the Box-Behnken matrix were entered into the DOE PRO statistical analysissoftware. The results from the dark skin tone subjects (Mean, x = 385.65, and Standarddeviation, s = 143.18) showed an overall greater ability of the software to identify the subjectsover
(STEM) has become a majorconcern in the United States in recent years21,22. It is widely accepted that the United States’leadership position in the world relies largely on its scientific and technical expertise. In thistechnological era, as the demand for the workforce in the STEM fields continues to grow, moreinvestments must be made in STEM education to prepare enough scientists and engineers whowill create the innovations vital for the success of the U.S. economy. However, the currentoutput from the U. S. educational system is struggling to meet this exponentially increasingdemand for scientists and engineers25. The impending wave of retiring baby boomer STEMprofessionals will worsen the situation in the next few years44. The shortage in
students who had participated in undergraduate research and found that 83%intended to continue in science-related graduate education, and that the percentage was the samefor underrepresented groups in STEM fields. In another study of 36 undergraduate minoritieswho had participated in a summer research program, Morley et al.8 found 92% of the studentseither were enrolled in a graduate program or had plans to enroll within two years. Zydney et al.9 studied a group of their university‟s alumni, matching a set of undergraduate research program Page 23.711.2participants to a set of individuals who resembled the participants except for the fact that
. lab)? - How does our study relate to others in terms of student programs of study and the size of the project database? - Does attending the first class have any correlation with the final grade?These and other aspects related to attendance and student success will be evaluated in the future.Additional data collected from new courses will be incorporated into the project database witheach passing quarter and the database will continue to grow. The project team will publish resultsfrom future studies in hopes of establishing a useful dialogue in higher education on the aspectsof attendance.Bibliography 1. Armstrong, J. S., 2012, “Would Mandatory Attendance be Effective for Economics Classes,” retrieved December
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discussion to teach communication courses. Communication Education, 51, 325-331.6. Wang, L.C.C, and Bagakas, J.G. (2002). Understanding the dimensions of self- exploration in Web-based learning environments. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34, 364-373.7. Bourne, J., Harris, D., and Mayadas, F. (2005). Online engineering education: Learning anywhere, anytime. Journal of Engineering Education, Jan, 131-146.8. Uhlig, R., and Viswanathan, S. (2006). Effective design, instruction and assessment of an on-line engineering course. Presented at the ASEE Mid – Atlantic Conference.(28-29) New York City, New York..9. Denning, T., Griswold, S. and Simon, B. (2006). Multimodal communication in the classroom: What does it mean for us
Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses", San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 20034. Saroyan A., Amundsen C., "Rethinking teaching in higher education: From a course design workshop to a Page 23.1259.12 faculty development framework", Sterling, VA, Stylus Publishing, LLC,2004.5. Toohey S., "Designing courses in Higher Education", Buckingham, UK: SRHE and Open University Press,1999.6. F.P. Deek, F.P., Kimmel, H., & McHugh, J., “Pedagogical changes in the delivery of the first course in computer science: Problem solving then programming”, Journal of Engineering Education, 87, 3, pp
digital oscilloscope. Theinstrumentation and data acquisition specific software and hardware are briefly described below.Software:LabVIEW 20129NI-myDAQ10 data acquisition device: The key features of this USB interfaced portable and low-cost device, easily purchased and used by students in their dorm room, is listed below along witha pictorial view shown in Figure 1.o 2 analog inputs (configurable as high-impedance differential voltage input or audio input), sampling up to 200 kS/s per channelo 2 analog outputs (configurable as voltage output or audio output), update rate up to 200 kS/s per channelo 8 digital I/O channels, each line is a Programmable Function Interface (PFI). Accordingly, counter, timer, pulse width measuring
presentation) as the final comprehensiveexamination.Considering the project-based course format, it is preferable to have the course materialcovered earlier in the semester, concomitant with project selection and preliminary design,then project implementation, testing and presentation, conducted during the last half/third ofthe semester.References1. Bentley, P.J., and S. Kyvik, S. 2012. “Academic Work from a Comparative Perspective: A Survey of FacultyWorking Time across 13 Countries.” Higher Education, 63: 529-547.2. Covey, S. 1989. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.3. Hutchings, P. April, 2010. Opening Doors to Faculty Involvement in Assessment. National Institute forLearning Outcomes Assessment Occasional
de Almeida, Fernando Carvalho. 2012, International Journal of e-Collaboration, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 36- 52.2. E-Collaboration and E-Commerce In Virtual Worlds: The Potential of Second Life and World of Warcraft. Kock, Ned. 2008, International Journal of e-Collaboration, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 1-13.3. Dorr, Meena and Kelly, Kip. Developing Real Skills for Virtual Teams. Chapel-Hill, NC : UNC Executive Development 2011, 2011.4. Five challenges to virtual team success: Lessons from Sabre, Inc. Kirkman, Bradley, et al., et al. 2002, Academy of Management Executive, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 67-79.5. Something(s) old and something(s) new: Modeling drivers of global virtual team effectiveness. Maynard, M. Travis, et al., et al
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the late Page 23.939.21990’s and early 2000’s was already in place and expanding based on what was thought to beprudent.The story begins in 1996, starts with a faculty coalescence program that became a faculty/studentcoalescence program. The program is based on the mentoring model of: I do, you watch. Wedo, you learn. You do, others watch. We all do, we all learn3. The faculty develops into a teamand they pass this on to the students. In 2013 the model has been in place for some years and theresult is a community that functions well – students succeed and the results are increased studentbody, more national recognition, and better
Carolina and ETAC of ABET reviewer for Electrical Engineering Technology and Computer Engineering Technology.Ms. Wanda Moses, South Carolina State UniversityDr. James Allen Anderson P.E., South Carolina State UniversityMs. Cynthia T Davis, SC State University EDUCATION 1979 B. S. Magna Cum Laude, Mathematics Education Benedict College, Columbia, South Carolina 1982 M. S. Computer Science Atlanta University, Atlanta Georgia 1992 - 1996 Additional Study, Mathematics University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, South Carolina PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1990 – Present Instructor of Computer Science South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 1987
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were ableto see the challenges facing engineers in conducting simulation studies.IntroductionModeling and simulation play a crucial role in almost all disciplines in science and technology.In essence, modeling is the practice of developing a simplified representation of a system1.Simulation, on the other hand, is an imitation of the operation of the system over a period oftime2. Although until the 80’s simulation was not popular due to the cost and long processingtime of computing resources, today, simulation is considered an attractive and cost-effectivemethod to perform systems analysis1.Simulation may or may not be an appropriate tool, depending on the situation. For example,simulation is a useful tool to verify analytical solution, study
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theclassroom. In general, the two participants in this pilot study assessing the feasibility ofthe intervention were satisfied with the DIY interactive digital whiteboard, and theystated their beliefs that these tools could be useful in the classroom. This pilot studyshowed there is value in performing additional research examining teachers usinginnovative educational technologies to build affordable DIY digital teaching tools for theclassroom. Results from this study suggest it is possible that with the proper supportspreservice teachers might build DIY interactive digital whiteboards, and this maypositively influence their interest and engagement in teaching.Bibliography1. Jang, S. J. (2010). Integrating the interactive whiteboard and peer coaching
may arise as the nature of the problem changes.This special problem course can provide students an effective learning experience solving acomplex, ill-structured problem which the National Academy of Engineering has recognized as acritical competency for engineers in the 21st century 4. Compared to traditional textbookproblems, understanding a real problem is more time consuming and requires more inquiry anddiscovery by the students. Real problems also require more independence, initiative andpatience on the part of the problem solver(s). Real world problems are not strongly disciplinaryin the traditional sense and require the integration of several skills that students acquire in theirprogram of study. Moreover, understanding the context and
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