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Conference Session
Instrumentation Technical Session II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Akram Hossain, Purdue University, Calumet (Tech); Tanima Zaman, Ivy Tech Community College, Northwest
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the figure below2: Page 23.1275.4 Figure 3: Single-Board Reconfigurable IO Components.The ultrasonic sensor integrated with the Robotic Starter Kit acquires data about obstacles bytransmitting a short pulse of ultrasonic energy (typically for 200µs with 40kHz)1. The sensorthen stops transmitting energy and waits for a reflected signal from the obstacle in front of it.Once the sensor receives the transmitted signal it provides an output pulse to the real-timeprocessor. Below the ultrasonic sensor with transmitted and reflected energy is shown: Figure 4: Ping ))) Ultrasonic Sensor.Based on the
Conference Session
Instrumentation Technical Session III
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wesley B. Williams P.E., University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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were introduced in that order to quickly bring students up to speedon the strengths, weaknesses, and suitable applications for each device.The graduate students in the class came from both civil engineering and constructionmanagement undergraduate programs. As such, they had limited backgrounds in electronics andprogramming. This assessment was reflected in an initial course survey where students ratedtheir abilities in electronics theory, electronics hands on, LabVIEW, and MATLAB as beingweak, slightly weak, or average (the three lowest categories on the survey). Conversely, theyrated their abilities in math and physics as being average, strong, or very strong (the three highestcategories on the survey).National Instruments LabVIEW and a NI
Conference Session
Instrumentation Technical Session III
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Asad Yousuf, Savannah State University; Alex Wong, Digilent Inc.; Derek W. Edens
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, anacquisition of a large number of these mobile Analog Discovery modules for an introductoryclass shall prove to be quite an “ideal” solution. This will give the students an opportunity to testand design circuits at a time and place of their own choosing. Students would typically receive aserialized Analog Discovery station for a given semester and return it back to the departmentfully tested and in working-condition. If the stations are not in working-condition then thestudent’s school account will reflect charges for the replacement. Students may also choose toorder their initial device and supplies directly from the manufacturer.In Electric Circuits I following labs are conducted: 1. Series/Parallel DC circuits 2. Superposition Theorem (DC
Conference Session
Instrumentation Technical Session II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammad Rafiq Muqri, DeVry University, Pomona; Furqan Muqri, UT Southwestern Medical School; Shih Ek Chng, DeVry University
Tagged Divisions
requires simultaneous localization in both time andfrequency domains. The classical Fourier Transform (FT) analysis is able to achieve infinitefrequency resolution, but it does not provide temporal localization information. In case ofmultichannel EEGs, where the geometrical position of the electrodes reflect the spatialdimension, a space-time-frequency (STF) analysis through multiway processing methods hasalso become popular. The short-time Fourier transform (STFT) is defined as the discrete-timeFourier transform evaluated over a sliding window.The wavelet transform (WT) is another alternative for a time-frequency analysis. Unlike theshort-time Fourier transform, the time-frequency kernel for the wavelet transform based methodscan better localize