Paper ID #6355Students Use Statistics to Justify Senior Project SelectionDr. Murray Teitell, DeVry University, Long Beach Murray Teitell is a Professor at DeVry University, Long Beach, California. He teaches courses in mathe- matics, science and technology. His research interests are algorithms, solutions of equations and statistics as they relate to education, engineering and design. He is Program Chair-Elect of the Mathematics Divi- sion of ASEE.Mr. William S. Sullivan, DeVry University, Long Beach Page
form 𝑦 = 𝑎 ∙ 𝑏 ! that could be used to describe thedata; (b) give an interpretation of the constants a and b in (a); (c) find the point in time when thevoltage across the capacitor was 0.05 V; (d) compute the average rate of change over threesubintervals, from t = 5 to t = 10 seconds, t = 20 to t = 25 seconds, and t = 40 to t = 45 secondsrespectively; and (e) write two or three sentences interpreting the negative average rate of changedata in (d). 2.0529 − 4.2245 t = 5 to t = 10 : = −0.43 v/s 10 − 5 .27252
the (b)curve. Figure 1: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, such asThe plane can fly 15 miles of the spiral before it must return the one shown in (a), are playing anto refuel. increasing role in search and rescue. The desired search path is shown in (b).The distance travelled by the UAV for any given value ofis given as 1) Find the equation of the distance travelled by the UAV at any point . 2) What is the value of s when the plane has gone 15 miles? 3) Assuming the total range of the plane is 17.5 miles. Can the plane make it
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actual course such asDynamics. Based on the results of the present paper, the authors concurred that continuousassessment and evaluation of engineering students on their math preparation throughout theirundergraduate study is essential. Therefore, more assessment and evaluation on higher mathtopics such as differential equations and statistics will be conducted in junior and senior levelengineering courses.Bibliography1. Fahmida, M. and Abulkhair, M., “Effect of Math Competency on Success in Engineering Science Courses,” Proceedings of 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2011, Vancouver, Canada.2. Wood, S., et al. “Integrated Engineering Math-Based Summer Bridge Program for Student Retention,” Proceedings of 2007 ASEE
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Paper ID #6988First Steps in Strengthening the Connections Between Mathematics and En-gineeringDr. Kathleen A Harper, The Ohio State University Kathleen A. Harper is a faculty lecturer in the Engineering Education Innovation Center at The Ohio State University. She received her M. S. in physics and B. S. in electrical engineering and applied physics from Case Western Reserve University, and her Ph. D. in physics from The Ohio State University. She has been on the staff of Ohio State’s University Center for the Advancement of Teaching, in addition to teaching in both the physics department and college of engineering. Her
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Paper ID #7658Using projects in mathematics and engineering mathematics courses designedto stimulate learningDr. Hassan Moore, University of Alabama, Birmingham Years with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB): 5 Current Position(s): • Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering • Director of Outreach, School of Engineering Current Job Responsibilities: Dr. Moore’s primary interest is in the area of engineering education, par- ticularly in developing project-based learning tools in Differential Equations and Multivariable Calculus. Dr. Moore has created and developed a new course in the School of Engineering