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Displaying results 391 - 420 of 734 in total
Conference Session
Two-Year College Division Transfer Topics Part I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Mobley, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Clemson University; Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References1 Rice, T. J. (2008). Riding out the waves: Community college transfers graduating with bachelor's degrees.Dissertation, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, ID.2 Dougherty, K. J. (1987). The effects of community colleges: Aid or hindrance to socioeconomic attainment?Sociology of Education, 60, 86-103.3 Smith, P. (2010). You can’t get there from here: Five ways to clear roadblocks for college transfer students.Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.4 Laanan, F. S. (2001). Transfer student adjustment. In New Directions for Community Colleges, 114, 5–13. San
Conference Session
ABET Accreditation, Assessment and Program Improvement in ECE.
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark William Redekopp, University of Southern California; Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. Special attention was paid todisconfirming evidence and outliers in data coding, as well as elements of frequency,extensiveness, and intensity within the data. Ideas or phenomena was initially identified andflagged to generate a listing of internally consistent, discrete categories, followed by fracturedand reassembled (axial coding) of categories by making connections between categories andsubcategories to reflect emerging themes and patterns (represented in Table 2). Categories werethen integrated to form grounded theory using selective categorization to clarify concepts andto allow for response interpretations, and conclusions associated with the students’ perceptionsof success of the “flipped” classroom. Frequency distribution of the coded
Conference Session
Beyond BS: Issues Affecting Graduate Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zsuzsa Balogh, Metropolitan State University of Denver; Marvin E. Criswell P.E., Colorado State University; Michael A De Miranda, Colorado State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
view a summary of the group‟s evaluations and to give them the option torevise, considering this feedback on group response and additional time for reflection, their ownindividual evaluations. This is consistent with the basic principles of the Delphi Method. The Round 2 questionnaire included the same topics as did Round 1, with the addition ofa group of six questions recommended for inclusion in the participant‟s Round 1 responses. Therequested participant input was to assign the achievement levels using Key Set #1 as follows:Level 1-Knowledge; Level 2-Comprehension; Level 3-Application; Level 4-Analysis; Level 5-Synthesis, and Level 6-Evaluation. The numbers ranging from 1 to 6 were assigned to the rank-ordered categories for the
Conference Session
FPD 7: First-Year Engineering Courses, Part II: Perceptions and Paradigms
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janaki Isabella Perera, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Brendan Thomas Quinlivan, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Yevgeniya V. Zastavker, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
: PjBL places emphasis on the application of knowledge over the learning of theory through one or more overarching projects. These projects often address real- world problems and are likely to have an interdisciplinary component and a group work orientation. To encourage student engagement in and ownership of the learning process, faculty act as guides, supporting acquisition of content knowledge and providing project scaffolding, while students exercise autonomy by carrying out independent open-ended projects. Students participating in projects create one or more significant tangible deliverables, often derived from the scaffolding provided by the faculty, but ultimately intended to reflect the
Conference Session
General Topics in Graduate Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University; Korine Steinke Wawrzynski, Michigan State University; Megan Shannahan, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
Page 23.599.9research experience. This finding is consistent with prior research about students’ motivationsfor undergraduate research,3,11,18,20,21 and is a reflection of students’ practical concerns aboutexploring options and preparing for future careers (whether in research, academia, or industry).The post-experience survey revisited several of these issues as part of a larger examination ofstudents overall impressions of the summer research experience. Students were asked to indicatetheir level of agreement with a series of value statements about the summer experience using afive-point Likert scale (Strongly Agree=1, Agree=2, Neutral=3, Disagree=4, StronglyDisagree=5). Table 7 summarizes students’ responses to these questions in the post
Conference Session
Communication and Engineering Careers: Motivating Our Students
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie E. Sharp, Vanderbilt University; Christopher J Rowe, Vanderbilt University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Page 23.705.2zero to three credit hours either required or optional depending on the university. Courserequirements range from optional (no bearing on degree requirements) to elective (mostlypass/fail) to mandatory in order to have access to the job posting database at the college oruniversity. Class sizes range from a seminar-sized group of around eight up to a lecture hallstyle group of about 100 per section, seemingly dependent on the staffing of the career centeritself or available faculty members qualified to teach the class. Formats vary just as much fromsmall weekly assignments to nearly daily assignments and end-of-term reflection papers. Someof the most often stated requirements are that students must create a resume and attend some
Conference Session
Creating and Maintaining Effective Communication Learning in the Curriculum
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark W. Milke P.E., University of Canterbury; Creon Upton, Unaffiliated; Glen F Koorey, University of Canterbury; Aisling Dominique O'Sullivan Ph. D., University of Canterbury; Keith Comer, Chalmers University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
profession, AmericanSociety for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Paper AC 2009-424, Austin, Texas.Paradis, J.G., and M.L. Zimmerman, 2002, The MIT Guide to Science and EngineeringCommunication, 2nd edn., MIT Press, 324 p.Robinson, C.M. and G.M. Blair, 1995, Writing Skills Training for Engineering Students inLarge Classes, Higher Education, v. 30, p. 99-114.Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), 2007a, Educating Engineers for the 21st Century.Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), 2007b, Creating Systems that Work: principles ofengineering systems for the 21st century.Schon, D.A., 1983, The Reflective Practitioner, Basic Books.Schon, D.A., 1990, Educating the Reflective Practitioner: toward a new design for teachingand learning in the professions
Conference Session
Introducing New Methodologies and the Incoming Students to Engineering Programs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Salahuddin Qazi, State University of New York, Institute of Tech.; Adeel Khalid, Southern Polytechnic State University (ENG); Qaiser H Malik, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Pakistan University
Tagged Divisions
US institutions while others are atthe exploration stage.The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a growing movement in higher education.25 Page 23.734.7SoTL is scholarly inquiry into student learning which advances the practice of teaching bysharing this research publicly.26 Sharing the teaching style that an instructor finds useful in aclassroom is what makes it scholarship. SoTL builds on many past practices in higher education,including classroom and program assessment, the reflective practice movement, peer review ofteaching, traditional educational research, and faculty development efforts to enhance teachingand learning.In this
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia Salinas, ITESM; Eliud Quintero, ITESM
Tagged Divisions
technological platforms. Focus on the students and their learning, emphasis on collaborative work, use of didactic techniques, enhance of the process by the use of digital technologies and use of computers favoring active student participation are goals that guide her work. As a member of Tecnol´ogicos faculty several awards had been granted by the institution on the acknowledgment of her teaching performance and research activities related to analyze and reflect on the educational process. She coauthored several textbooks for the learning of Pre-College Mathematics and Calculus. Recently the Textbook Series of Ap- plied Calculus has been published by Cengage Learning offering an innovative approach to the teaching and
Conference Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. David Burghardt, Hofstra University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
)         What  are  the  Constraints  of  the  challenge?  (list)      EXPANDED  DESIGN  CHALLENGE:  Reword  the  design  challenge  to  include  the  specifications  and  constraints.    DESIGN  PORTOFOLIO   The  design  portfolio  has  several  elements—challenge  (including  specifications  and   constraints),  developing  knowledge  (knowledge  and  skill  builder  activities),   creating  alternative  solutions  (evaluating  trade-­‐offs  and  selecting  the  optimum   solution),  building  and  testing  a  prototype,  evaluating  the  design  and  refining  the   design.      There  is  also  a  reflection  section  and  an  extension  section  for  students
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jia-Ling Lin, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Paul Imbertson, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Tamara J Moore, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
alsoillustrates that students embrace changes in instructional approaches. Students’ comments,shown in the following, reflect their learning gains in areas of cognitive understanding, contents,and meta-cognition.  … The problem solving was getting boring and not very helpful until we were Page 23.814.13 grouped into 'states' and put in competition against each other. Class was enjoyable again and it helps with understanding.  I enjoyed this class and starting the understanding the concept behind motor design and uses. This class did offer good tools to learn and did help me with
Conference Session
Recruitment, Retention and First-year Programs in ECE
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chad Eric Davis P.E., University of Oklahoma; James J. Sluss Jr., University of Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
responsibility. V. Lessons LearnedThis paper concludes with reflections on lessons that were learned over the last four years whileattempting to perfect our outreach, recruiting, and retention programs. a) Don’t Lecture - Engage!This simple piece of advice was found early in the implementation of our program in an onlinearticle by Seelman.8 We interpreted this statement as talk less and show more. The pupils willlikely not remember your words, but they will remember the interesting things you show them. b) Don’t Spam the PupilsThere is nothing more time consuming than written and verbal correspondence. After initiallyputting considerable efforts on these activities, we started to realize that there was little responseor evidence that it made much
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine Ehlig-Economides, Texas A&M University; Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University; Emily Binks-Cantrell, Texas A&M University; Don R Gilman PE, PMP, Texas A&M University; Mehmet Ayar, TUBITAK; Timothy Allen Robinson, Penn State University; Anthony R Kovscek, Stanford University; Reza Toossi, California State University, Long Beach; Sarma V. Pisupati, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Sukesh K Aghara, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
can create online and Page 23.871.13dynamic course materials that can be updated easily and frequently as needed. The workpresented in this paper and the instruments described will also guide any systematic evaluation ofa pedagogical novelty on similar student learning outcomes.AcknowledgementThis material is supported by the National Science Foundation under TUES Phase-II Grantnumber 1022932. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendation presented are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R., (2000). How people
Conference Session
Using Student Competitions to Enhance Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brock E. Barry PE, U.S. Military Academy; Karl F. Meyer, U.S. Military Academy; Kevin P. Arnett P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Berndt Spittka P.E., Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, West Point, NY
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
product may not reflect student designs, owners anddesign engineers could benefit from student insights. This concept matches well with Cooley’s[6]second item listed previously. Page 23.314.5Further, although the concrete canoe and steel bridge are competitions defined and organizedoutside of a university, they are often considered to be extracurricular activities at a particularschool. For both the students and the advisors who participate in them, there is some level ofextra effort required. Houston[15] advocated that higher participation rates would result fromofficially crediting the work both students and faculty put in by incorporating the
Conference Session
Motivation and Self-Efficacy
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel McCord, Virginia Tech; Holly M Matusovich, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
to reflect a thermodynamics context. The items usedin the Phase 1 Survey are In order to prepare for thermodynamics class, I make enough time for doing the assigned homework problems. In order to prepare for thermodynamics class, I make enough time for doing the assigned readings.We re-evaluated all questions in light of current engineering education literature. For example,Litzinger posed that different cognitive and metacognitive strategies are used by students inproblem solving courses than in non-problem solving courses 36. Therefore, we eliminatedseveral questions in the SRLI that were not relevant in a problem solving course context whichalso helped keep the total length appropriate to avoid survey fatigue
Conference Session
Methods, Techniques, and New Programs in Graduate Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dominic R. Primé, Arizona State University; Bianca L. Bernstein, Arizona State University; Amy K. Way, Villanova University; Liza Cohen Hita Hita, Arizona State University; T Michael Liddell, CareerWISE, Arizona State University; Arti R. Sarma, Arizona State University; Jennifer M Bekki, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
effective approach to increasing applicability was toemploy real-life communication interaction scenarios—included for practice, reflection, andmodeling36, 37, 38, 39, 40. These scenarios were drawn from composites identified in CareerWISEfocus groups41, described earlier, which found the four major themes that affect attrition andpersistence decisions for graduate women in STEM: (1) advisor issues, (2) balance issuesbetween work and non-work life, (3) climate issues related to the STEM environment, and (4)delays and setbacks. These four major themes were then incorporated into the content andpresented as multidimensional (i.e., pertaining to more than one theme) self-tests and/or real-lifecommunication interaction scenarios. An example of a
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Innovations
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Nagurka, Marquette University; Fernando Rodriguez Anton, Marquette University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
. The 100m2 Laboratory incorporates areas for teaching and training, andstudent-centered learning activities were specifically designed to foster student exploration withreal-world hardware, machines, and physical systems. These activities promote “hands-on” and“minds-on” learning, and reflect the spirit of transformational learning that is a theme in theCollege of Engineering. The Laboratory is equipped with workbenches, tools, instruments, computers, data acquisi-tion systems, and an assortment of machines and mechanical systems to enhance creative explo-ration and investigation. The machines and systems include motorcycle engine assemblies(engines and transmissions), bicycles (including a chainless bicycle and a custom front-wheel-drive
Conference Session
A Challenge to Engineering Educators
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isolde Adriana Parker, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah; Seetha Veeraghanta, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
citation theycollected, students learned to filter out irrelevant, out-of-date, unauthoritative, inaccurate, and biased Page 23.478.11information. What is significant for us as instructors of this course is that the quality of citations fromthe Open Web moved away from generic, encyclopedia-style sources (e.g. Wikipedia) to sourcesoriginating from professional entities (e.g. EPA) and scholarly publishers ( This move onthe students’ part is attributable to the students’ awareness and appreciation of the evaluation criteria.The improvement in locating and using appropriate information sources also reflected on theirimprovement in
Conference Session
Assessment of Student Learning 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nidal Al-Masoud, Central Connecticut State University; Viatcheslav Naoumov, Cental Connecticut State University; Steven Joseph Kirstukas, Central Connecticut State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
complete it. The shortsurvey consisted of several questions that gave some reflections of the students’ state of mindabout understanding lifelong learning competency. Page 23.479.6In the first question of the survey, students were asked to write their own definition of lifelonglearning, the sample consisted of 86 students in four different classes at the sophomore, juniorand senior levels. The responses were compared with the definition given by Candy3 repeatedhere for convenience, “equipping people with skills and competencies required to continue theirown self-education beyond the end of formal schooling”. 45
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ghulam H. Bham, University of Alaska, Anchorage; Dan Cernusca, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
variables were collected throughout the four semesters using anunannounced exit survey administered online in the lab in the week following the GISlaboratory.Student PerformanceFive multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank assessment items tested their recall of traffic safetyissues covered in the GIS laboratory. Students had no prior preparation associated with this test.Of these five assessment items, two were common for all semesters and three were equivalent indifficulty, but different for the stand-alone (first two semesters) and context-driven approach(last two semesters). This adjustment reflected the nature of the analyses required by the crash
Conference Session
New Course Development Concepts in ET
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph A. Morgan, Texas A&M University; Jay R Porter, Texas A&M University; Wei Zhan, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
students aboutentrepreneurship4,5, something that many of our faculty have been promoting to our students forthe last decade. Evidence shows that this new proposition is working as most of the studentsnow graduating from the Electronics Program take engineering jobs in the product and systemdevelopment sector, serving as applications engineers, product engineers, test engineers, andproject managers. With the change in how the program is presented to both new students and industry camean opportunity to overhaul the current curriculum and ensure that it optimally reflected a focus inproduct and system development. From a technical standpoint, the curriculum was very strong,emphasizing analog/digital electronics, power, embedded systems
Conference Session
Creating and Maintaining Effective Communication Learning in the Curriculum
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig J. Gunn, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
quality that comes from much of thetext that is produced by students. This quality reflects a lack of flow in the wording, a conditionsimilar to reading a list that indicates no apparent connection among the various parts of the list.This lack of connection makes a reader quickly begin to wander, sometimes becoming lost inpersonal thoughts far from the actual text. The three items that may help improve all student text area focus on outlines, a review of simple paragraphing with topic sentences and supportinginformation, and an overview of the transitions that can be placed in a piece of writing to make thetext flow. These relatively easy elements in writing can make a great difference in the quality of astudent’s text.Another problem that is
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arthur Ornelas Jr., Arizona State University; John Sadauskas, Arizona State University; Sandra Houston, Arizona State University; Wilhelmina C. Savenye Ph.D., Arizona State University; Eddy Ramirez; Claudia E. Zapata, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Arizona State University. His research interests include social media, narrative storytelling, cyberlearn- ing, embodied mixed-media learning, affective computing, and instructional design. He holds a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Arizona State University and is a former middle/high school English teacher. His work is steeped in a multi-disciplinary background including education, design, filmmaking, music, programming, sociology, literature and journalism. He is a member of ASU’s Advancing Next Generation Learning Environments (ANGLE) and Reflective Living research groups.Dr. Sandra Houston, Arizona State University Dr. Sandra Houston is a member of the Geotechnical Engineering faculty in the School of
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Simoni, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Maurice F. Aburdene, Bucknell University; Farrah Fayyaz, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
sinusoidal signal as they go through the same changes innoise amplitude and observe what the combined signals look like at different signal-to-noiseratios. Furthermore, they can listen to the sounds on a speaker, which is a more familiarexperience with regard to this concept because everyone has experienced static on a cell phone.The SNR measurements are repeated for a filter with a lower cutoff frequency and then again fora fixed amplitude ramp signal. They can observe how the noise floor in the spectrum rises withan increase in noise power and can overcome certain harmonics in the signal, which are nolonger heard. The students are then asked to reflect on what happens when the signal-to-noiseratio has a very large positive or negative dB value.Lab
Conference Session
Teaching with Technology
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Luanna B Prevost, Michigan State University; Kevin C Haudek, Michigan State University; Emily Norton Henry, Michigan State University; Matthew C Berry, Michigan State University; Mark Urban-Lurain, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
would like details about clusters to be available so they can seewhat ideas students are using in their responses (Figure 1e,f) and how these ideas are associatedwithin clusters, or differ among clusters Figure (1b,d). This detail is also useful for reflection onone’s teaching at the end of the semester.Additionally faculty reported that 3-5 clusters were optimal for interpretation. Although the Page 23.236.10analysis can generate more clusters, with each cluster describing a more fine-grained type ofresponse, we aimed to customize to the instructors’ needs and typically presented faculty with 3-5 clusters. Faculty reported that they would
Conference Session
FPD 5: Transitions and Student Success, Part I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
S. Patrick Walton, Michigan State University; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University; Mark Urban-Lurain, Michigan State University; Timothy J Hinds, Michigan State University; Carmellia Davis-King, Michigan State University; Thomas F. Wolff P.E., Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
himself to the studentsat this event and describes the first-year courses and what students need to do to be successful inthem. Corporate partners provide advice from the “real world” on what skills students shouldfoster during their undergraduate careers to maximize their chances of achieving theirprofessional goals (described in additional detail in Wolff, et al6). The environment of theresource fair, in particular, with music and prize giveaways, encourages students to interact witheach other and seeks to dispel the often-held notion that engineering is not a welcomingenvironment. Students reflect the success of this approach in that fully 99.3% of surveyrespondents indicated that the Colloquium had at least “some value,” with 45% rating the
Conference Session
Distance Education and Engineering Workforce Professional Development
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Noah Miller, Northrop Grumman, Electronic Systems; Timothy Boyd, Northrop Grumman Corporation; Eric Paul Pearson, Northrop Grumman
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
shareholders ultimately decided whether to invest or divest themselves from eachentity causing each company to reflect and learn from their previous decisions.It was our desire for them to learn that the decision making process is not a concrete or formulaicprocess that can be read off a checklist or a reference document. Rather, the ability to makesound decisions, if developed and utilized correctly, can become one of the most valuable assetsto any individual in the organization.It was our intent to re-iterate that no decision is black and white … there are always caveats,exceptions or some subjective element that can be considered questionable. Not every decisioncan be, or needs to be, based on a significant regression analysis with an infinite
Conference Session
It Takes a Village: Engineering Beyond the Classroom
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carrie Robinson, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
engineering in the U.S. than in Mexico.Though Adriana’s parents’ goals were very clear, other participants’ parents were lesstransparent about the reasoning behind their expectations. For example, Salma reflected on whyher parents emphasized academics. I think part of it might have been the way they grew up, and they didn’t have very many opportunities in Mexico. Maybe when they came here and they had us, they wanted us to take advantage of the opportunities that were here.Salma noted that her mother earned her GED diploma after moving to the United States in theearly 1980s, and both of her parents worked a variety of jobs before they founded their owncleaning business. As she noted, Salma’s parents moved to the U.S. to find more
Conference Session
Trends and Applications in Curricula and the Capstone Experience
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tonya Lynn Nilsson P.E., Santa Clara University; Kevin D. Hall, University of Arkansas; Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
% 0.0% 12.5% 4-5 Persons Only 45 71.1% 24.4% 15.5% 6 or More Persons Only 14 71.4% 42.9% 14.2%Figure 4 presents department responses to a list of topics and skills assessed from the designexperience, as a function of team size. Overall, patterns initially identified in the 2012 paper –regarding specific topics/skills assessed – are reflected for all team sizes. For example, mostprograms (70-plus percent) assess communication skills; Figure 4 confirms that this is the caseregardless of team size. Conversely, relatively few programs assess asset manageme nt; Figure 4also confirms this is the case regardless of team size. However
Conference Session
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Education Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ernest W. Tollner PE, University of Georgia; Qianqian Ma, University of Georgia; Caner Kazanci, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
particleattributes based on relationships between time and particular paths through the network taken byindividual particles.Patten and colleagues developed network environ analysis (NEA) [3, 5, 7, 19, 20], a form of EcologicalNetwork Analysis (ENA), to model the networks of complex ecological systems. Affording particularmathematical and ecological interpretive advantages, NEA uniquely represents objects as simultaneouslyparticipating in the dual environments of both their incoming and outgoing networks. NEA reflects theorganic holism of ecological systems and is by nature deterministic. Page 23.925.2Recently, Jørgensen and Nielsen [14], Fath