“best practices” of implementing PEL projects include providing time for project development,advance notice for students to ensure clear expectations, and that projects designed to besemester long should include a variety of course concepts. One faculty member suggests that it isbest to assign the project early in the semester “so that they can get thinking on a concreteexample[s].” This additional time allows student groups to review the project concept severaltimes as a group and turn to instructors throughout the semester for clarity. Due to theassessment weight and the length of the project, student project groups are often strategicallycomposed to provide an intellectual balance. Instructors also hope to encourage peer-to-peerinstruction
the user evaluation. We would like to thank Bill Kuo, WeiWang, Cindy Bruyere, Tim Scheitlin, and Don Middleton of the U.S. National Center forAtmospheric Research and the U.S. National Science Foundation for providing the WeatherResearch and Forecasting Model simulation data of Hurricane Isabel. This hurricane simulationdata set is made available through IEEE Visualization 2004 Contest. Page 23.609.17References[1] Z. Peng and R. S. Laramee. Higher Dimensional Vector Field Visualization: A Survey. Theory andPractice of Computer Graphics, pages 149-163, 2009.[2] R. S. Laramee, H. Hauser, H. Doleisch, B. Vrolijk, F. H. Post, and D. Weiskopf. The State of the Artin Flow Visualization: Dense and Texture-based
from inside academia and especially from many professors who seem not to thinktwice about their commitment to this philosophy. This argument coincides with deeper cuts inuniversities‟ budgets. Universities are trying to compensate these cuts by increasing fundingfrom private groups willing to “help academia to achieve its goals” being the private sector,claiming an “ad-hoc” education. The loud calls to align industry and businesses with academia seem to be reasonablebased on economic constraints on both sides and the fact that “our students will benefit from it.”Another strong argument in favor of the social benefit of the alignment of business‟s needs, andcollege curriculum is the fact that our worldwide competitiveness will improve
cognitive activity in technology-enhanced case-based learning. Computers & Education, 51, 2008, pp. 939-954.3. Smith, R. M., and Cunningham, P. M. “The independent learners' sourcebook”, Chicago: IL, American Library Association, 1987.4. Zacharia, Z. and Jennings, B. “The Use of Active Learning and Group Competition to Facilitate Training and Technology Transfer for Adult Learners”, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington D.C., TRR Record 1637, 1998, pp. 13-17.5. Srinivasan, S. and Crooks, S. “Multimedia in a Science Learning Environment.” Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 14(2), 2005, pp. 151–167.6. Graff, M. “Constructing and Maintaining and Effective
provided of some of these approaches. Talk/seminar: A talk or seminar is a singular, short (usually 45 minutes – 2hours) experience during which a speaker or pair of speakers familiar with a topic provide an overview of the topic and discuss some aspect of that topic. The substance of the talk/seminar is usually a report of the speaker(s) work. Module: A module is a short treatment of a policy topic, usually occurring within a larger class. Modules usually take place over 1-3 course periods. Workshop: A workshop is an in-depth treatment of a specific topic, usually occurring outside the regular classroom setting. Workshops usually last 2 hours – 2 days. Exposure Experience: An exposure
sustainable community development. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2008;33(3):307-319.2. Reid K, Estell JK. Incorporation of Poverty Alleviation in Third World Countries in a First-Year Engineering Capstone Course. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2011;27(6):1273-1280.3. Smith A. The International Development Fair: The Human Factor at Work in the WorldMIT: Lecture; 2008:3 October 2008.4. Vanasupa L, Slivovsky L, Chen KC. Global challenges as inspirtation: A classrom strategy to foster social responsibility. Science and Engineering Ethics. 2006;12:373-380.5. Mehta K, Brannon ML, Zappe S, Colledge T, Zhao Y. eplum Model of Student Engagement: Expanding non-travel based global
speaker on career opportunities and diversity in engineering. Page 23.21.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 A Better Mousetrap: Why Did They Come?AbstractAn Academic Success and Professional Development Class, FSE 394, has been offered for over10 years for engineering and computer science students at Arizona State University (ASU).Seminars were first held for 22 students with scholarships from one NSF S-STEM program, withan emphasis on females and underrepresented minority students and both transfer and non-transfer students. The seminars have now grown to a
WeLive, Love, Parent, and Lead. Gotham, 2012.[12] Wagner, A., Benjamin, S., Itamar, K., & Buckner, R., Parietal Lobe contribution to episodicmemory retrieval. TRENDS in Cognitive Science, Vol. 9, No. 9, Sept. 2005.[13] Goleman, D., What Makes A Leader? Harvard Business Review, 2004.[14] Eskandari, M., Pincheira, F. E., Krauthamer, R., Aggarwal, A., Forouhar, P., Dua, J., Peng,C., Kress, G., Karanian, B., Open Process for Entrepreneuring Team Collaboration: StoryParallels from an Academic Design Team to the Studied Start-Up, ASEE, Entrepreneurship andInnovation Division, San Antonio, TX. 2012.[15] Baum, J., Locke, E. & Kirkpatrick, S., A longitudinal study of the relation of vision andvision communication to venture growth in
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3 πD Where K s is the stress concentration factor of the profile key seat under torsion; τ max is themaximum shear stress occurring at the middle of the longitudinal fillet surface on the bottom ofthe profile key seat; τ nom is the nominal maximum shear stress for a round shaft under torsion; Dis the normal diameter of the shaft and T is the torsion.Figure 1: Meshing information for a profile Figure 2: The Von Mises distribution of a key seat on a shaft with diameter 1 1/16” profile key seat under torsion Figure 3: The shear stress distributions on Figure 4: a) the first Principal stress and b
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Title: VectorsPivotal Concept: Vectors represent objects that have magnitude, direction, and satisfy linearityconditions.Multidisciplinary Theme(s):Representations - Representations enhance our understanding of a system’s structure, properties, Page 23.1347.8and function. Linearity - Many complex systems are modeled or approximated linearly because of themathematical advantages.Prerequisite Knowledge: Students should be familiar with vector algebra in two and threedimensions.Intended Learning Outcomes: After watching this video, students will be able to: • Understand the properties of vectors using displacement as an example, and
education at allgrade levels in public schools. This model was adopted and recommended by the NationalCenter for Engineering and Technology Education as an appropriate model for describing K-12engineering activity. 10 The following section briefly reviews Hynes et al.’s model of K-12engineering design processes and reviews the available literature on what is known about howadolescents approach each stage of the design process.Step 1: Identify and define problems. Clients oftentimes identify problems for the engineerswhom they hire, describing their problems or needs with varying degrees of specificity while attimes leaving several aspects of the problem unstated. 17 Although adolescents “are capable ofidentifying a need or a problem in a given
identified themselves as white, and fourteen percentidentified themselves as black or African American. In addition to the 39 impact statements, thesurvey also included the self-efficacy and interest sub-scales.Analysis of the survey results provided evidence that it was long and students ran out ofenthusiasm to finish. For example, slightly more than 20 students did not provide any response tothe last section (MESA Impacts). Over 30 students provided identical answers to each of the 39items in the last section (e.g. all 10’s or all 1’s).AnalysisIn order to reduce the number of survey items in the impacts section, the research team utilized Page
presented in the lectureclasses. Some students preferred advanced machining (Use of CNC machines) but thought theshop experience was worthwhile. The student evaluations were generally positive and thestudents enjoyed the lab sessions where they learned a variety of manufacturing and assemblyprocesses, and developed an appreciation for the working of machine tools and other equipment.The supplemental activities following each manufacturing process helped to tie in the lecture andlaboratory classes.BIBLIOGRAPHY[1] Manufacturing Engineering and Technology,, Kalpakjian, S., and Schmidt, S., 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010..[2] Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Ashby, M. F., Fourth Edition, Butterworth-Heinneman, 2006
Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses, Jossey-Bass Imprint, John Wiley and Sons (2003) 2. Ambrose, S., Bridges, M.W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M.C., Norman, M.K., (2010). How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Jossey-Bass, pp. 1. 3. Bergmann, J., Overmyer, J., Wilie, B., (2012) The Flipped Class: Myths vs. Reality, The Daily Riff, April 14, 2012. Accessed online: http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the- flipped-class-conversation-689.php 4. Weinstein, C.E., Meyer, D.K., Husman, J., McKeachie, W.J. & Svinicki, M. (2011). “Teaching Students How to Become More Strategic and Self-Regulated Learners,” in McKeachie’s Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research and Theory for
Proceedings, Rapid City, South Dakota, October 2011.6. S. Lord, K. Kramer, R. Olson, M. Karsada, D. Hayhurst, S. Rajala, R. Green, and D. Soldan, “Special Session – Attracting and Supporting Militray Veterans to Engineering Programs,” 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, Rapid City, South Dakota, October 2011. Page 23.620.7
the Mechanical Engineering Program.Senior Design has a prerequisite of most other senior-level classes, and a hold is placed on thatclass that can only be lifted once the Intent to Graduate form has been signed, and theDepartment has certified that a student is in their final semester of classes. For simplicity’s sake,then, students enrolled in Introduction to Engineering are referred to as freshmen, those enrolledin Introduction to Computational Methods are referred to as juniors, and those in Senior Designare called seniors.The nineteen-question survey administered contains the 8-question Grit-S survey [4], theparticipant’s gender, age, name, whether they are a first generation college student, racialidentity, marital status, the number of
development skills were important in theirprofessional careers. Finally, it should be noted that the majority of the interviewed studentscited their professor and TAs as important aspects of their experience in the course in futuresemesters.References 1. Barkley, E. F. (2010). Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 2. Angelo, T.A., and Cross, K.P. (1993). Classroom Assessment Techniques, 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass. pp. 148-153. 3. Kuc, R. (2001). Teaching the nonscience major: EE101-The digital information age. IEEE Transactions on Education, 44 (2), 158-164. 4. Orsak, G. C., Wood, S. L., Douglas, S. C., Munson, D. C., Treichler, J. R., Athale, R. A
has been created.Students are assigned a permanent lab partner for the semester; all experiments arecompleted with this lab partner. For the preparation of each lab report the lab groups arepaired with another lab group to form a team of 4 students. The teams of four arechanged with each new lab assignment. See Table 1 for an example.Table 1 A typical group’s (Group 01) activities for the third week of the semester. Team Tasks Group 01 Completed Lab 1 two weeks prior. Finishing the lab report for Lab 1. Group 02 Group 01 Completed Lab 2 one week prior. Commencing the writing and data Group 03 analysis for Lab 2’s report. Group 01 Creating a cost
. 80 water temperature (C) 60 40 20 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 time (s) 1000 800 power (W) 600 400 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 time (s
analysis. Themodel has been modified to develop a Cost "S" Curve from the traditional point estimate valuebased upon the triangular distribution and using three parameters, H/L ratio, the percentile valuefor the point estimate and the percentile value for the most likely cost. This approach eliminatesthe need for the traditional triangular distribution parameters of the high with a specifiedpercentile, the low with a specified percentile, and the mode. It is difficult to get estimates of thehigh and low values associated with percentiles, whereas the H/L ratio is easier to obtain forestimates. The results from the model include the lowest cost, the most likely cost, the mediancost, the mean cost, and the highest cost estimate as well as the cost
determined by the flux density. In Simulink,the model of solar cell can be found in the library of Sources in SimElectronics. This blockmodels a solar cell as a parallel combination of a current source, two exponential diodes and aparallel resistor, Rp, that are connected with a series resistance Rs. Figure 2 shows theimplementation of solar cell module in Simulink. 1 Constant PS S Simulink-PS Converter1 + Ir
. Regarding the development of a mobile app for an Engineering Economics course, ourdesigned app has implemented many modules to help students reinforce the key concepts andimprove their problem-solving skills. The pilot study results provide many valuable inputs thatallow continuous improvement of the app. The authors are currently working on a new app witha more engaging game interface. The purpose of the new app is to attract students to maintaintheir interest and to increase their time of using the app to improve their academic performance.After the new app is fully tested and assessed, it will be made available freely through Apple Appstore and Google Play.Reference 1. Ryan, S., Jackman, J., Peters, F., Olafsson, S.: The engineering learning
. Journal of Nano Education. 3. Hill, P. J., Koshka, Y., Myers, O. J., Thibaudeau, G., and Henington, C. D. (2012). NanoExposed! – An Introduction to Nanotechnology. 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 4. Hiemenz, P. C. & Rajagopalan, R. (1997). Principles of colloid and surface chemistry (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Marcel Dekker. 5. Tao, A. R., Huang, J., & Yang, P. (2008). Langmuir-Blodgettry of nanocrystals and nanowires. Accounts of Chemical Research, 41, 1662-1673. Page 23.74.66. Zhang, L., Gu, F. X., Chan, J. M., Wang, A. Z., Langer, R. S., & Farokhzad, O. C. (2008