veryinvolved with the international student community on campus, and another is returning toGermany in the fall for an extended research experience. For all the students, the knowledge andperspective gained during their travels and studies will not only make them more employable andbetter engineers, prepared to work and travel in a global marketplace, but also more thoughtfuland aware citizens of the global community. Page 23.404.6References 1. Educating Globally Competent Citizens: A Toolkit for Teaching Seven Revolutions. Eds. D.R. Falk, S. Moss, M. Shapiro. Center for Strategic & International Studies. April 2010. Available at
Student Retention Study,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 1, 1997, pp. 7–16. 6. Y. Min, G. Zhang, R. Long, T. Anderson, M. Ohland, “Nonparametric Survival Analysis of the Loss Rate of Undergraduate Engineering Students”, Journal of Engineering Education, 100 (2), 349–373, 2011. 7. S. Habre and M. Abboud. “Students’ conceptual understanding of a function and its derivative in an experimental calculus course”, Journal of Mathematics Behavior, 25, 57–72, 2006. 8. J. Moore, “Undergraduate mathematics achievement in emerging ethnic engineers programme”, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology”, 36(5), 529–537, 2005. 9. P.K. Subramaniam, M. Cates and G
Kingdom recognizes three kinds of engineering competence12 including: Engineering Technician (EngTech); Incorporated Engineer (IEng); and Chartered Engineer (CENG).This program is administered by the United Kingdom’s Engineering Council.In the late 1990’s Great Britain increased the requirements for Chartered Engineer status toinclude “an accredited Bachelors degree with honours in engineering or technology plus either amaster’s degree accredited by a professional engineering institution, or appropriate furtherlearning to the master’s level”. Alternatively a candidate could complete an accreditedintegrated MEng degree. Previously Chartered Engineers were not required to completeadvanced education. Engineers not completing advanced
method, taken from the Russian tool system, not onlyoffers education but attributes as a philosophical key to all industrial education [3]. BothWoodward and Runkle were preparing engineers to enter the occupational demands that needhands on experience combined with intense theory.Charles Richards claimed that America presumes “our place as a nation practically at the time ofthe industrial revolution” [18]. One lacking feature, during this time, is that America had noartistic traditions except for those of other countries and the United States (U.S.) needed todevelop their own artistic tradition. The arts and crafts movement entered the U.S. by Englandin the early 1880’s and demonstrated in the schools of Philadelphia [19]. The arts and
Environment Program/Industry and Environment, Ecodesign: A promising approach to sustainable production and consumption. Tech. Rep. CP18, 1997 8. Timkur, S., et. al. New Engineering Design Concepts for Sustainable Products, Proceedings of ASEE Annual conference and Exhibition, 2006. 9. Design for Environment (DfE) or Ecodesign Definition,, 2006. 10. Hollowayu, L., Materials selection for optimal environmental impact in mechanical design, Materials and Design, pp.133-143, 1998. 11. Gungor, A., Gupta, S. M., Issues in environmentally conscious manufacturing and product recovery: a survey, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 36, pp. 811
(1)were known except , so the effective magnetic field could be solved as a function of the gap,and an equation could be fitted to the plotted vs. gap data to be used in subsequent designs.The resulting design called for nine coils of AWG24 wire, 0.75 x 0.75 x 0.125-inch rare-earthmagnets.The load for the generator was an automotive light bulb rated for 20 W. At a maximum designspeed of 1500 rpm ( 157 rad/s) the expected torque on the generator was /0.13 before adding any friction losses. An estimate of the overall torque and rotationalspeed needed to be coordinated between the teams so that the mechanical system would deliverthe necessary speed and torque to the generator shaft, and that the structure was designed
, 15, pp. 2454-2458, 2011.[12] Herman, G.L., Loui, M.C. and Zilles, C., “Creating the Digital Logic Concept Inventory”, SIGSE ’10, pp. 102-106, March 2010.[13] Simmi, M.F., Herniter, M.E. and Ferguson, B.A., “Concepts to Questions: Creating an Electronics Concept Page 23.75.10Inventory Exam”, Proc. of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference, Session 1793, 2004.[14] Herman, G.L. and Handzik, J., “A Preliminary Pedagogical Comparison Study Using the Digital LogicConcept Inventory”, 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, pp. F1G1-F1G6, 2010.[15] Embretson, S. and Reise, S., “Item response theory for psychologists”, Erlbaum, 2000
. Shetty, J. Kondo, C. Campana, and R.A. Kolk, Real Time Mechatronic Design Process for Research andEducation, Engineering Education.9. R. Isermann, Mechatronic Systems – Innovative Products With Embedded Control, IFAC Symposium onMechatronic Systems, 2005.10. V.S. Vasić, Standard Industrial Guideline for Mechatronic Product Design, Mechatronics, 2008, pp. 103-108.11. C. Koch, A. Spröwitz, and T. Ströhla, Project course - Design of Mechatronic Systems, ICM 2006, 2006, pp.2-5.12. J. Bathelt, C. Bacs, S. Dierssen, and M. Meier, "Applying the new vdi design guideline 2206 on mechatronicsystems controlled by a plc," International Conference on Engineering Design iced 05 Melbourne, August 15-18, 2005.13. S.K. Gupta, S. Kumar, and L. Tewari, A Design
: Author.4. Hesli, V., Fink, E., &Duffy, D. (2003). Mentoring in a positive graduate student experience: Survey results from the Midwest region, Part I. PS: Political Science and Politics, 36(3), 457-460.5. Wankat, P. C. & Oreovicz, F. S. (2005). Teaching prospective engineering faculty how to teach. International Journal of Engineering Education, 21 (5), 925-9306. Torvi, D. A. (1994). Engineering graduate teaching assistant instructional programs: training tomorrow's faculty members, Journal of Engineering Education, 2-5.7. Shannon, D. M., Twale, D. J. & Moore, M. S. (1998). TA teaching effectiveness: The impact of training and teaching experience. The Journal of Higher Education, 69, 440-466.8. DeChenne, S.E
robot vision system for collision avoidance using a bio-inspired algorithm. Lect. NotesComput. Sci. 4985, 107-116 (2008)[3] Oh, J., Jang, G., Oh, S., Lee, J., Yi, B., Moon, Y., Lee, J., Choi, Y.: Bridge Inspection Robot System withMachine Vision. Automation in Construction 18, 929-941 (2009)[4] Cesetti, A., Frontoni, E., Mancini, A., Zingaretti, P., Longhi, S.: A Vision-Based Guidance System for UAVNavigation and Safe Landing using Natural landmarks. J Intell Robot Syst. 57, 233-257 (2010)[5] Wang, Binhai (Electric Power Robotics Laboratory, Shandong Electric Power Research Institute, Jinan, 250002Shandong, China); Guo, Rui; Li, Bingqiang; Han, Lei; Sun, Yong; Wang, Mingrui Source: Journal of FieldRobotics, v 29, n 1, p 123-137, January
that the user cansimply grade the student as he/she presents.For testing purposes, evaluA+ was used to grade multiple written assignments with a class sizeof over 20 students. The app performed satisfactorily even under the current developmental Page 23.99.8stages. Even though several minor adjustments were identified, evaluA+’s overall functionalityproved highly effective for grading written assignments.Future DevelopmentsWhile the critical components of evaluA+ have been integrated, there are a number of usefulfeatures that will augment the future functionality of the app. These features leverage the touch-based interface and provide a more
, "Development of an on‐line system to help students successfully solve statics problems," in American Society for Engineering Education, 2009. [4] DeVore, Statics Tutor, New Jersey: Prentice‐Hall, 2000. [5] J. Iano, Shaping Structures: Statics, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998. [6] ISDC, "BEST Statics," [Online]. Available: [7] E. Anderson, R. Taraban and S. Roberstson, "M‐Model: A Mental Model based Online Homework Tool," Journal of Online Engineering Education, vol. 1, no. 2, 2010. [8] J. Lux and B. Davidson, "Guildelines for the development of computer‐based instruction modules for science and engineering," Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2003. [9] N. Hubing, D
noise; using ADS in amplifier design;transistor biasing; nonlinear effects and their measurement; power amplifiers; mixers; completereceiver design. Weekly lab activities include: design and test of Wilkinson and quadrature- Page 23.198.2hybrid combiners; active devices and their DC and S-parameter characterization; design ofamplifier matching circuits; LNA design and layout; noise figure measurement of amplifiers andother devices; using ADS to design amplifiers; on-wafer measurements using probe stations.Emphasis during this term is on producing a working prototype of an active circuit, e.g.designing, fabricating and testing an LNA using
developments for the program.References1. Nelson, J., J. Carpenter, S. Napper, and B. Ramachandran, “Innovative administration support innovativeeducation.” FIE Conference 2008, October 2008, T2G-3-8.2. Benedict, B., S. Napper, and L. Guice, “Restructuring for Strategic Outcomes,” Journal of EngineeringEducation, April 2000. Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 237-246.3. "Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2013 - 2014." ABET. ABET-EAC, n.d. Web. 07 Jan. 2013. Page 23.220.9
] Rubrics courtesy of W S U, Pullman, WA.Topic studied: Advanced Engineering Mathematics.Student Population: A junior level course with 18 students participating in the study.Background: The students have had two semesters of college level calculus. Assessment of Four Features (Spring 2012) MEDIAN MODE
){ // displays hex integer as decimal to lcd int valcopy; // abbreviations: R. = remainder, Q. = quotient char dig[5] = {0}; // storage for R.'s int i = 0; // index into array called dig[ ] if(val == 0) lcd_putchar('0'); // statements below do nothing if val==0 if(val < 0){ val = ((~val)+1); // get hex magnitude if negative and... lcd_putchar('-'); // ...display minus sign in front } Page 23.263.13 valcopy = val; // successive /10 to generate R.'s while(val){ // keep looping until Q. drops to 0 val /= 10; // 1st Q., next Q., etc. dig[i++] = (char)(valcopy % 10); // 1st R., store it, next R.. etc. valcopy = val; // copy of
., scholarship, better housing, tutoring, social events,etc.)?” were housing (or similar) (45), events (or similar) (32), tutoring (22), academic (13),networking (or similar) (12), faculty (12), classes (11), course(s) (10), community (10), program(or similar) (10), mentoring (7), support (7), scholarships (5), opportunities (5), trips (5), peers(4), advising (4), computer (3), early (2), and registration (2). Housing and events were the mostcommon terms used, but tutoring was also popular, pointing to the perceived importance ofhousing to ELC students, probably in a common dorm, as well as providing them with eventsand tutoring.Only 37 coordinators provided budget information. Thirty-three gave a total amount, while 5gave a per student amount. Total
results. As thethrottle openings were the same on both throttles, and as the geometry was similar, the manifolditself was not the problem. Upon further inspection, it was determined the throttle shaft on thecommercial unit was not circular in cross section (as was the AIMS2 manifold) and wasmachined with “flats” on each side further reducing the silhouette area at wide open throttle. 70 60 50 Mass Flowrate (g/s) 40 Commercial 30
Science and Engineering 2006; Washington D.C.: NRC Press.3. Bickel, J., Clark, V. Encouraging the Advancement of Women. Medical Student JAMA 2000; 283: 671;Wunsch, M.A. Giving Structure to Experience: Mentoring Strategies for Women Faculty. Initiatives 1994: 56 (1): 1-10.4. Ragins, B.R., McFarlin, D.B. Perceptions of Mentor Roles in Cross-gender Mentoring Relationships.Journal of Vocational Behavior 1990: 37: 321-339.5. Zachary, L. The Mentor's Guide 2000. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.6. Mark, S., Link, H., Morahan, P.S., Pololi, L., Reznik, V., Tropez-Sims, S. Innovative Mentoring Programsto Promote Gender Equity in Academic Medicine. Academic Medicine 2001: 76: 39-42.7. Baugh, S.G. & Scandura, T.A. The Effect
improve space utilization and reduce instructional cost withoutadverse impact to the quality of education.The authors plan to apply this approach to an advanced Linux course in spring 2013 and expandthe approach to an AC circuits course in fall 2013.References[1] “Proxmox - Proxmox VE.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28- Mar-2013].[2] L. Burton, S. Pope, I. Kareeb, C. Rhodes, R. Cobb,Jr., T. Graham, L.-S. Tsay, and C. Seay, “A College-Industry Partnership for Enterprise Computing,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, Jun. 2012.[3] R. Cobb,Jr., C. Rhodes, L. Burton, and J. Jones, “The Implications of Collaborative Instructional Environments on Teaching and
undergraduateengineering curriculum.Our project, which began with the intent of programming a robot to give guided tours of ourengineering department, allowed us to explore many topics in robotics including multi-floormapping and navigation. Using a Turtlebot[6], as shown in Figure 1, and the Robot OperatingSystem (ROS) environment, our team successfully developed a mapping and navigation systemcapable of guiding a robot through the hallways and elevator in our engineering department. Page 23.917.2 ASUS netbook Kinect Speaker s
. [9] Braun, V. and V. Clarke, Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 2006. 3: p. 77-‐101. [10] Glaser, B., The constant comparative method of qualitative analysis. Social Problems, 1965. 12(4): p. 436-‐445. [11] Miles, M.B. and A.M. Huberman, Qualitative Data Analysis. 2nd ed1994, Thousand Oaks: Sage. [12] Denzin, N.K. and Y.S. Lincoln, Strategies of qualitative inquiry2003, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. [13] Brown, S. and D. Lewis. Student Understanding of Normal and Shear Stress and Deformations in axially loaded members. in ASEE Annual
bookexam. (Author’s note: we are working on further statistical analysis to discern the effect). Page 23.999.11References[1]Smith, J. M.; Van Ness, H. C.; Abbott, M.M.; Introductions to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, McGrawHill, 7th Edition, February 1 2005.[2]Bruneau J.; Techniques to increase student reading, Wakonse, May 24-29, Muskegon, 2012.[3]Fry, S. W., and Villagomez, A. Writing to Learn: Benefits and Limitations. College Teaching, Vol 60, No 4, p170-175 (2012).[4]Mosteller, F., The “Muddiest Point in the Lecture” as a Feedback Device. On Teaching and Learning, Volume 3,ege Teaching, Vol 3, p 10-21 (1989).[5] Pryor, J.H., Eagan, K
, personaldevelopment, professional development, and orientation. Similarly, Madison devised anIntroduction to Engineering Design course with outcomes for students such as: carry out a basicdesign process, learn and use skills in a team environment, and develop confidence, amongothers. While some students find these courses very motivating, others still leave for differentreasons [10].Another approach to STEM retention and success was put into action by Grand Valley StateUniversity. The results of this NSF funded S-STEM project have been remarkable, with nearly100% of “at risk” students finishing their degrees in a timely manner. To qualify for thisprogram, applicants are required to have completed the first two years of a STEM discipline witha GPA of 3.0 and
), JPEG compression, 360º camera movement coupled with PTZ (Pan, Tilt and Zoom) features.2) Wired or wireless router with gigabit through-port capability, preferably NETGEAR. For our prototype we used a NETGEAR – RangeMax Dual-Band Wireless-N Gigabit Router with 4- Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch, Model WNDR3700.3) High Resolution Monitor(s), at least 27” Full HD 1080p widescreen LCD Monitor for the host computer. Views in distant computer monitor will depend on the resolution of the host computer monitor. For our prototype we used two Viewsonic Model VA2703 monitors, one for the host computer and one for the distant computer. These computers are used to control the machine.In addition, a high resolution large (at least 40” to 52
/graduate-level Industrial Control course. The motivationwas to provide students additional real world design experience, team-based project experienceand serve the educational community. The Industrial Controls course was developed andimproved in response to an alumni request. We reported on this course in an earlier ASEEpaper. A brief summary of the course is provided here from the earlier paper.“The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Wyoming wascontacted by one of our alumnus in the Spring of 2008 concerning development of an industrialcontrols course. The alumni had graduated in the early 1980’s developed a highly successfulindustrial control company that provided service to the chemical, mining, oil
theclassroom. In general, the two participants in this pilot study assessing the feasibility ofthe intervention were satisfied with the DIY interactive digital whiteboard, and theystated their beliefs that these tools could be useful in the classroom. This pilot studyshowed there is value in performing additional research examining teachers usinginnovative educational technologies to build affordable DIY digital teaching tools for theclassroom. Results from this study suggest it is possible that with the proper supportspreservice teachers might build DIY interactive digital whiteboards, and this maypositively influence their interest and engagement in teaching.Bibliography1. Jang, S. J. (2010). Integrating the interactive whiteboard and peer coaching
Annual Conference and Exposition,, Nashville, TN.[5] J. Malmqvist, et al., “Lessons Learned from Design-Build-Test-Based Project Courses”, Proc. International Design Conference – Design 2004, Dubrovnik, Croatia.[6] Crittenden, K., Hall, D., Brackin, P. “Living with the Lab: Sustainable Lab Experiences for Freshman Engineering Students” 2010 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, KY.[7] D. N. Rocheleau, “Habitat for Humanity Freshman design and Build Experience”, 1998 Frontiers in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.[8] S. Pugh (1981) “Concept selection: a method that works”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, March 1981, Rome. Zürich: Heurista
Arabia. He received his MS in Civil Engineering from KFUPM and also has earned an MPBL degree from Aalborg University, Denmark.Dr. Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette Robin S. Adams is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. Her research is concentrated in three interconnecting areas: cross-disciplinary thinking, acting, and be- ing; design cognition and learning; and theories of change in linking engineering education research and practice. Page 23.1171.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 The
from the schools that campersattend, however the opportunity to teach at the CSI Camps is open for any teacher to apply for.As part of the application process, teachers are asked to complete a standard application formwith personal information including school(s) where they teach, years of teaching experience,classes taught and their educational background. Teachers were also asked to includeinformation about the project-based learning experience, what they hoped to learn from theexperience and take back to their classroom and how they thought they could contribute to thecamp. Page 23.1178.4Starting with the 2011 camps, we started inviting