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Conference Session
Research in Biomedical Pedagogy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Renata Fortuna Ramos, Rice University
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. Without changing thecontent of the class or the equipment used, active learning was introduced in 2013 at threedifferent stages of the class:1. Before lab: An extra lab session was offered to one team of students per section per week todevelop their capacity to be peer-leaders. These students worked in groups to gain an in-depthunderstanding of the material to be covered the following week in lab.2. During lab: The peer-leaders present a short lecture covering the necessary backgroundinformation. Additionally, they serve as ‘experts’ helping their peers troubleshoot and completethe lab activities.3. After lab: Peer-leaders write a modified in-lab protocol with detailed instructions on how toimplement a new laboratory activity that reinforces the
Conference Session
Innovations in Pedagogy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Langman, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eric M. Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology; Judith S. Zawojewski, Illinois Institute of Technology
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served on the Board of Directors for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and on the Editorial Panel for Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. She has published in numerous teaching and research journals, and written books and book chapters for both mathematics and engineering educators. In addition, Dr. Zawojewski has long been active in writing curriculum related to problem solving. mathematical modeling, and performance assessment. Dr. Zawo- jewski is especially interested in the role of modeling and problem solving in developing mathematical capabilities, and in enhancing mathematics education for all students
Conference Session
Innovations in Pedagogy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amit Janardhan Nimunkar, University of Wisconsin Madison; Xuan Zhang, University of Wisconsin - madison; Mehdi Shokoueinejad, University of Wisconsin Madison; John G. Webster PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Biomedical Engineering
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interact with other students around their table and solvedthe problems collectively and this greatly facilitated their peer-to-peer learning process. Inaddition to this they interacted with the instructor and TAs on an individual basis. Thecollaborative peer-to-peer communication and individual interactions with the instructors and theTAs greatly enhanced their learning process. The instructor gave a 10 min lecture and discussionat the end of the class discussing the solutions to problems solved during class time. Thesolutions to these problems were posted on the course webpage after each class. Also, to measurestudents’ knowledge and learning abilities, other assessments besides the pre-quiz and class-quizsuch as research paper writing and lab
Conference Session
Design in the Curriculum
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amit Janardhan Nimunkar, University of Wisconsin, Madison; John P. Puccinelli, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Matthew S. Bollom; Willis J. Tompkins, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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lecture time can be repurposed for a moreblended learning experience in future offerings thus creating weekly modules. The weekly laboratory period focuses on directly training the students in technical skills,such as those listed above that were previously offered on an ad hoc basis, in order train studentsto solve a multidisciplinary guided design project using these skills in teams. The laboratorieswere designed and are taught in conjunction with BME faculty instructors by undergraduateBME student assistants (SAs), allowing them to gain valuable teaching experience while givingour sophomore students an opportunity to learn from and interact with their peers. The guideddesign project requires the student teams to incorporate the knowledge
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raquel Perez Castillejos, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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results. Ourapproach allows students to visualize the pieces they are missing in the puzzle of their researchprojects; for example, we do not want to realize that a control for one of our experiments ismissing the day when the abstract is due. This approach applies to REU projects the argumentspresented in the classic work “Whitesides’ group: writing a paper4.”The weekly schedule of the NEURO REU (Figure 1) includes time for research in the lab(orange, R), workshops with the basics on oral and written research communication (pink, WS),visits to local industries (light blue, V), a mock poster presentation (brown, inPP), and a campus-wide poster presentation (brown, allPP). Note that the first two days of the program (green:WELC, O-S, O-WS) are
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Langman, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eric M. Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology; Judith S. Zawojewski, Illinois Institute of Technology
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Teaching in the Middle School. She has published in numerous teaching and research journals, and written books and book chapters for both mathematics and engineering educators. In addition, Dr. Zawojewski has long been active in writing curriculum related to problem solving, mathematical modeling, and performance assessment. In particular, Dr. Zawojewski is interested in the role of modeling and problem solving in developing mathematical capabilities, and in enhancing mathematics education for all students. Page 24.376.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014
Conference Session
Innovations in Pedagogy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mansoor Nasir, Lawrence Technological University; Joseph Seta, Lawrence Technological University; Eric G. Meyer, Lawrence Technological University
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Projects course that is required for all freshman in the College of Engineering at LTU. He has published 31 peer-reviewed journal articles. At LTU, Meyer offers a number of outreach programs for high school students and advises many projects for undergraduate students. Page 24.809.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Introducing High School Students to Biomedical Engineering through Summer CampsAbstractSummer camps provide many high school students their first opportunity to learn about