Paper ID #9625A Multidisciplinary Design and Analysis for a Green Roof InstallationDr. Brandon S Field, University of Southern IndianaDr. Kerry S Hall, University of Southern Indiana Kerry Hall teaches civil engineering materials and structural engineering at the University of Southern Indiana, Evansville. Page 24.74.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 A Multidisciplinary Design and Analysis for a Green Roof InstallationAbstractA
synchronous machine functions without the price tag of a finite element softwarepackage.The Overall ObjectiveThe objective of this Animation Tool is to assist the studying engineer in understanding theelectrical and magnetic interactions of a 3 phase synchronous machine. This educational motiveis achieved by permitting a simple way to enter Synchronous Machine (S/M) parameters andimmediately see interactive results all in the familiar software environment of MathCAD®. Avisual depiction of an axial cutaway view of a S/M is automatically produced and isaccompanied by a corresponding phasor diagram. To further enhance S/M understanding, thetool visually depicts changes to electrical and magnetic parameters as the user graduallyadvances through full
residential load. Page 24.1045.15Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Smith, C; Sen, P; Kroposki, B; “Advancement of Energy Storage Devices and Applications in Electrical Power System.” Power and Energy Society General Meeting – Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st century, 2008 IEEE. Publication Year: 2008, Page(s): 1-8. 8. Faruk,A
laboratory-based solar and wind energy technology course. Anothercourse is an online general renewable energy course offered every summer session coveringmain renewable energy systems such as solar and wind energy, electric vehicles, hydrogen fuelcell systems, biomass, solar thermal energy, green building technology, etc.References[1] U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Instructor Training Network, South-Central Region.[2] IREC, Interstate Renewable Energy Council.[3] U.S. Department of Energy, SunShot Initiative.[4] Pantchenko, O. S., Tate, D. S., OLeary, D., Isaacson, M
fixtures withT8/T5 lamp(s) and electronic ballasts.Reduction in connected Watts $0.40 per Watt reducedMaximum incentive is $150 per installed fixture. Page 24.448.7Practical ProjectA 29,000 square foot warehouse near Chicago is selected for this project. The warehouse is usedfor packaging and storing food. Clients for this company vist the warehouse on regular basis tocheck the quality of the packaged food and electric power and lighting is a key factor. Thewarehouse had a variety of ineffeciet, noisy and sometimes non-functional light fixtures such as12 foot T12, Mercury Vaspor 400W, Metal Halite 400W, and 4 foot T12. These light
Paper ID #10018Educational Approach to the Methodology of Implementing Wireless Controlof Power Flow in Hybrid Power SystemsMr. Tan Ma, Florida International University Tan Ma (S’09) received the M. Eng. degree in control theory and control Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in China in 2009 and the Bachelor of Eng. degree in automation from HUST in China in 2007. He is currently pursuing his doctoral degree in electrical engineering at Florida International University. His research interests include Power System Operations and Control, Artificial Intelligence Applications to Power
Page 24.840.5 Table 1. A Horizontal Axis Fixed-Speed Practical Wind Turbine Parameters11 Number Of Blades 3 Rotor Diameter 22m Cut In Speed (Lowest Operating Speed of Turbine) 9.068 m/s Cut Off Speed (Highest Operating Speed of Turbine) 25m/s Atomic Density (Air Density Higher Density will result in wind 1.225 kg/m3 exerting more force on blade) Inertia time Constant 4s Gear Box Ratio (Shaft does not rotate with same
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farms.X- References1- J. Kleissl, Solar Energy Forecasting and Resource Assessment, Elsevier/Academic Press, 2013, USA2- J. Ramos, et al. “UTPA Solar Systems Efficiency, ASEE Annual Conference 20123- 01/04/20144- 01/04/20145- 01/04/20146- 01/04/20147- 01/02/20148- M. J. Reno, C. W. Hansen, J. S. Stein, Global Horizontal Irradiance Clear Sky Models: Implementation andAnalysis, SAND2012-2389, 20129- J. S. Stein, C. W. Hansen, M. J. Reno, The Variability Index: A new and novel metric for quantifying Irradianceand PV output
demonstrates the finished project to the entire class. Each term awritten report summarizing the project is also required as part of the senior project design course. Page 24.1169.7This process synthesizes all of the basic materials in the core courses and can also be used as partof the requirements of the senior project requirements for each student. In the followingsubsections of the paper we are presenting some the HOMER applications.3.2 Solar Radiation and Wind Speed DataThe HOMER simulator will be driven by traces of solar power output s(t) and wind power outputw(t) (see Figure 3 for details). These traces are obtained from empirical data on
ere the indoorenvironment is being maintained at TL=20 ˚C C in a climate where the outdoor temperature TH is40 ˚C. C. The condenser is sized to allow a condensing saturation temperature (Tsat,c) of 45 ˚Cwhile the evaporator is sized to allow an evaporating saturation temperature (Tsat,e) of 12.5 ˚C. Page 24.89.8 2x103 R134a ∆Τc Isentropic s= .9 Isotherms
electricalpower. Horsethief Reservoir is a local artificial lake that abuts the camp. The reservoir has boththe water volume flow (0.07m3/s) and elevation drop (20 meters) sufficient for continuous Page 24.766.3microhydroelectric power generation. Penstocks are already in place as part of overflowmanagement. Placing generators in tandem where maximum energy transfer occurs alsominimizes ecological impact in this case. A manifold design provides scalability and flexibility.Figure 2 shows the total present value costs, including manufacturer-recommended maintenance,and paybacks associated with different scalability. As shown in Figure 3, a positive payback
lightweight, easily formableand inexpensive. Table 1 presents the targeted physical properties for bipolar plates as specifiedby U.S. Department of Energy [2]: Table 1 Targeted property values for bipolar plates per U.S. Department of Energy [2] Property Requirement Bulk electrical resistivity < 0.1 mW m Corrosion rate < 16 mA /cm2 Hydrogen permeability < 2x106 cm3/cm2 s Compressive strength > 2 MPa Thermal conductivity > 20 W/mK Fabrication
Page 24.1055.10students as they pursue their goals in an engineering career.AcknowledgmentsThe funding was provided by the L.C. Smith Faculty Excellence Award.References1. S. D. Sheppard, K. Macatangay, A. Colby, W. M. Sullivan, Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2008).2. E. J. Coyle, L. H. Jamieson, W. C. Oakes, Integrating Engineering Education and Community Service: Themes for the Future of Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education (2006) 7-11.3. Combustion and Energy Research (COMER) laboratory. Available from: D. W. Johnson, R. T. Johnson, K. A. Smith, Active Learning: Cooperation in the College Classroom 8th
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) (S Reactive Power (Q) r we t Po en par Ap θ Real Power (P) Figure 1: Power triangleThe importance of the cosine of the phase angle also known as the power factor is emphasized.The students are made aware of the implications of low power factor. For instance
beincorporated in the new programs relating to disaster & emergency management and solarenergy at the undergraduate and graduate level.References1. Doyle S. Rice, “Report: Climate change behind rise in weather disasters,” USA TODAY, October 10, 2012.2. Jennifer Leaning, and Debarati Guha-Sapir, “Natural Disasters, Armed Conflict, and Public Health,” National England Journal of Medicine, November 2013.3. The World Bank. Munich Re, Leading Experts on Risk Solutions Worldwide. William R. Young, Jr., “History of Applying Photovoltaic to Disaster Relief,” FSEC-CR-96, Prepared by Sandia Laboratory, 1996.6. Solar PV emergencies & Resilience