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Displaying results 721 - 750 of 1138 in total
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Pedagogy and Innovation
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Butler Velegol, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Mary Lynn Brannon, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
professional expertise: Toward measurement of expert performance and design of optimal learning environments 412 (pp. 405–431). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 3. Velegol, S.B., Zappe, S. E., Mahoney, E. (2013) The Evolution of a Flipped Classroom: Evidence Based Recommendations. Advances in Engineering Education. Accepted. 4. Leicht, R., Zappe, S. E., Messner, J., & Litzinger, T. (2012). Employing the Classroom Flip to move “Lecture” out of the Classroom. Journal of Applications and Practices in Engineering Education. 3(1): 19-31. Page 24.953.10Appendix A: Focus Group QuestionsHello, I am_____ the facilitator for
Conference Session
FPD 1: The Path to Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Noah Salzman, Purdue University, West Lafayette; George D. Ricco, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University and Central Queensland University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Education. Engineering in K-12 education  : understanding the status and improving the prospects. (National Academies Press, 2009).2. Brophy, S., Klein, S., Portsmore, M. & Rogers, C. Advancing Engineering Education in P-12 Classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education 97, 369–387 (2008).3. Hester, K. & Cunningham, C. Engineering is elementary: An engineering and technology curriculum for children. in Proceedings of 2007 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition (2007).4. Bottoms, G. & Anthony, K. Project Lead the Way: A Pre-engineering Curriculum that Works. (Southern Regional Education Board, 2005).5. International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. Engineering byDesign. (2011). at 6. FIRST. Vision and
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ying Tang, Rowan University; Kauser Jahan, Rowan University; Sachin Shetty, Tennessee State University; Christopher Joseph Franzwa
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
]. Douglas, J., Iversen, E., and Kalyandurg, C., “Engineering in the K-12 Classroom – An Analysis of Current Practice and Guidelines for the Future" he_K-12_Classroom.pdf[2]. Ying Tang, Sachin Shetty, Kauser Jahan, John Henry, and S. Keith Hargrove, “Sustain City – A Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Game System for Science and Engineering Design,” Journal of Computational Science Education, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2012, pp. 57-6[3]. Chris Franzwa, Ying Tang, Aaron Johnson, “Serious Game Design: Motivating Students through a Balance of Fun and Learning," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Games
Conference Session
WIED: Strategies Beyond the Classroom
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raquel Perez-Castillejos, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Priya Radhi Santhanam, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
Paper ID #10147Student-led Mentoring Program Fostering Retention of Female Undergradu-ate Students in STEM FieldsDr. Raquel Perez-Castillejos, New Jersey Institute of Technology Dr. Raquel Perez-Castillejos is an assistant professor of Biomedical Engineering at the New Jersey Insti- tute of Technology (NJIT). Her research ( focuses on the development of tools for cell and tissue biology using micro- and nanotechnologies. Raquel obtained her Ph.D. with the National Center of Microelectronics in Barcelona. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Miniaturized Systems (Univ. S˜ao Paulo, Brasil
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pete Hylton, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Wendy Otoupal-Hylton, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Motorsports Program.” Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE IL/IN Section Conference, Indianapolis, IN, March 2007.2. Hylton, P. & Otoupal, W. (2014). “Engineers Can Interact in a Liberal Arts World.” Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June, 2014.3. Hylton, P, Raymond, S. & Otoupal, W. (2012). “Constructing a Collegiate Motorsports Engineering Program.” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2012, Seattle, WA.4. Lynch, D. & Russell, J. (2009). “Experiential Learning in Engineering Practice.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 135(1). Doi 10.1061/(ASCE)1052-3928(2009)135:1(31
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Terri M. Lynch-Caris, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
and evidence to arrive at a conclusion. Any special circumstances encountered during the lab experiment should be discussed as relevant to the lab topic. V. Synthesis (20 pts): Demonstrate Synthesis of the lab topic by describing how the results of the lab experiment can be used to design a safe and productive workplace.VI. Lab Specific (10 pts): Provide raw data sheet(s) and specific analysis as required by lab experiment discussion.VII. Spelling, Grammar, Neatness (10 pts)3. Method: Using Feedback for ImprovementThere is no doubt that feedback is required for continuous improvement. Three different methodsof feedback are utilized for the enhancement of the course. Formative assessment through amidterm student
Conference Session
ETAC, ABET, & STEM Programs
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John L. Irwin, Michigan Technological University; Joshua M. Pearce, Department of Materials Science & Engineering and Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Michigan Technological University; Gerald Anzalone, Michigan Technological University; Douglas E. Oppliger P.E., Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, T., Kirkpatrick, A. T. (2012). AC 2012-4832: ASME’S VISION 2030’S IMPORT FOR MECHANICAL. ASEE 2012 Conference Proceedings (p. 10). San Antonio: ASEE. 6. Dieter, G.E. and Schmidt L.C. (2012). Engineering Design, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co. 7. Hallgrimsson, B. (2012). A Model for Every Purpose: a Study on Traditional Versus Digital Model-Making Methods for Industrial Designers. Retrieved from 8. Evans, M. (2002).The Integration of Rapid Prototyping within Industrial Design Practice. PhD diss., Loughborough University. 9. Jones,T.S., Richey R.C. (2000).Rapid Prototyping Methodology in Action: a Developmental Study
Conference Session
Mechanical Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather E Dillon, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Julian, and Chika Eke.Thanks to Dr. Joseph Hoffbeck, Dr. Ken Lulay, and Dr. Tammy VanDerGrift for thoughtfulinsights and discussion about this work.The survey methods described in this paper were reviewed and approved as exempt by the Univer-sity of Portland IRB committee.References1 W B Stouffer, Jeffrey S Russell, and Michael G Oliva. Making The Strange Familiar : Creativity and the Future of Engineering Education. In American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, number Torrance 1963, page Session #1615, 2004.2 Kazem Kazerounian and Stephany Foley. Barriers to Creativity in Engineering Education: A Study of Instructors and Students Perceptions. Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(7):761, July
Conference Session
An Examination of Methods to Enhance Transfer Student Enrollment, Retenion, Persistence, and Outcomes
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Surendra K. Gupta, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Daniel P. Johnson, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Mike Eastman, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Vincent Joseph Amuso Sr., Rochester Institute of Technology; John Morelli, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST)
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
. These linkages with business and industry enhance ouruniversity’s ability to provide an education that meets the needs of the job market, and aidsstudents in their pursuit of successful careers. During their first academic term, all TiPi scholarsare required to take an existing non-credit course in which they learn to prepare resumes, cover Page 24.1274.6letters, practice interviewing, and become familiar with the services of OCE to conduct the jobsearch for their first co-operative employment experience.A brochure on the TiPi Scholarship Program was designed and produced in-house describing theprogram, scholar selection process and criteria, S
Conference Session
Summer and Cohort Programs for Minorities: Student Success
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tonya Lynette Smith-Jackson, NC A&T State University; Brianna Shani Benedict, Industrial & Systems Engineering; Garner Ted Stewart II, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering; Elaine Smith Vinson, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
tours of support facilities upon arrival.References [1] University Strategic Plan TBD reference will be provided after blind review. [2] Haas, C., McElholm, L., Renfro, S., Herkenham, E., Marshall, M., Alley, M. (2013). Engineering ambassador network: Establishment of successful ambassador engineering programs at four UTC Partner Schools. Proceedings of the 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, January 23 – 26, 2013, paper Page 24.1308.8 ID#7461. [3] Pike, G. and Kuh, G. (2005). A typology of student engagement for American colleges and universities. Research in Higher Education, 46, 185 – 209.[4
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natalie Mladenov, Kansas State University; Tara Kulkarni, Norwich University; Mara London, Gonzaga University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
activities, inparticular, increased rigor of the course by promoting higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.References cited:1. Felder, R.M. and Silverman, L.K. (1988). Learning and teaching styles in engineering education [Electronic Version]. Engr. Education, 78(7), 674-681.2. Estes, A. C., Welch, R. W., and Ressler, S. J. (2005). The ExCEEd teaching model. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 131(4), 218-222.3. Felder, R. M., and Spurlin, J. (2005). Applications, Reliability and Validity of the Index of Learning Styles. Int. J. Engng Ed. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 103-112, 2005.4. Campbell, M. (1999). “Oh, now I get it!” Proceedings of the 1999 American Society of Engineering Education Annual
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Hanson PE, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
draft papers from the instructor.References1. American Society of Civil Engineers, (2008). Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century,Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future, Second Edition, ASCE Press, Reston, VA.2. Nelson, S. (2003). “Engineering and Technology Student Perceptions of Collaborative Writing Practices,” IEEETransactions on Professional Communications, Vol. 46, No. 4, 265-276.3. FitzPatrick, K. A. (2004). “An Investigative Laboratory Course in Human Physiology Using ComputerTechnology and Collaborative Writing,” Adv Physiol Educ, 28: 112-119.4. Gragson, D. E. and Hagen, J. P. (2010). “Developing Technical Writing Skills in the Physical ChemistryLaboratory: A Progressive Approach Employing Peer Review,” Journal
Conference Session
Structural Education Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen C. Estes, California Polytechnic State University; Craig Baltimore, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
”, CivilEngineering Department Heads Annual Conference, Department Head Council Executive Committee,Educational Activities Division, Madison, Wisconsin, May 22-24, 2011. accessed December 26, 2011.4 Estes, A., Nuttall, B., Nelson, J., McDonald, M. and Starzyk, G., “Interdisciplinary Design – Forming andEvaluating Teams” Paper 2013-7404. 2013 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, ASEE,Atlanta, June 23-26, 2013.5 K’nex Corporation. K’nex Eduation, accessed January 4, 20146 Ressler, S. “The Project Management K’nexercise: Using Role-Playing to Facilitate Learning AboutDesign and Construction.” 1998 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, ASEE, 1998.7
Conference Session
Innovations in Computer Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph P Hoffbeck, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
(see the 555 datasheet for details). It is unlikelythat a tie will occur if the clock frequency is very high.A breadboard with the circuit was passed around during the lecture so that students could see thecircuit in operation (see Figure 2). Vcc CD4013BE 14 Vcc LED 0 6 Vcc S q0' 1 14 3 5 q 1 q0
Conference Session
The Interdisciplinary Nature of Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaofeng Tang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
students about various stakeholders, asdesign projects often require students to think beyond the product and to pay attention to thepeople: users, suppliers, manufacturers, regulators, and so forth. P1’s Design Clinic team workedon improving a ceramic water filter for households in Nepal. P1 and her teammates travelled toNepal, talked to engineers, NGO workers, potters, and went into local residents’ families to seehow the existing water filters were used. “Users” is one of the key concepts emphasized in thefirst DIS studio course. In order to design an environmentally friendly replacement for plasticbags, students went out to interview customers in grocery stores about their shopping habits. Foranother project aiming at improving education
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Minichiello, Utah State University; Joshua Marquit, Utah State University ; Jim Dorward, Utah State University; Christine E. Hailey, Utah State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Canek Moises Luna Phillips, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
adirect quotation, “Since the 1980s, science and engineering (S&E) communication has beendominantly geared towards educating a public perceived as misinformed and/or having a deficit ofknowledge.” 2 (p. 1) The perception of a public with a lack of understanding of engineering wasrelated by Wynne 3 to the term “deficit model”, which characterized a style of science andengineering communication based on the assumption that any public disinterest, skepticism, orcriticism towards science or engineering was based on being either misinformed or possessing Page 24.495.3insufficient information about the fields. As Bucchi & Neresini 4 wrote
Conference Session
Mechanical Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Trivett P.Eng., University of Waterloo
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
during class. Students who were participating in the “Game” foundthat the classes were directly relevant and helpful to their studies. This difference of experiencewas reflected in student comments at the end of the course, with feedback divided betweenstudents who thought the instructor “disorganised” versus those who ranked the lectures asextremely valuable. Evidently, only the students who kept up with the topics being covered Page 24.152.8found the lectures helpful.Level 1The first level in each of the seven “missions” was intended to make the students read thetextbook chapter(s) relevant to the mission. The Level was entirely completed
Conference Session
SD Technical Session: Tricks of the Trade
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington; Brook Sattler, University of Washington; Kathryn Ann Mobrand, University of Washington; Drew Paine, Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
thearticle? • Rhetorical strategy: Did the rhetorical strategies feel appropriately stated, given the actions? • Location: Are the implications for action statements discoverable? Are they clustered together (so that they are likely to be discovered by the reader) or scattered? • Action: Does the action stem from a finding? Is the action appropriately warranted from the finding(s) offered? Is the action realistic or concrete? For possibly ambiguous actions, are they elaborated in a way that makes them more actionable? • Actors: Would the appropriate actor recognize that the authors are offering them an implication? Is the actor appropriately targeted and/or constrained, or is it generic?Imagine: What
Conference Session
Engineering Student Experiences
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Callahan Ph.D., Boise State University; Patricia Pyke, Boise State University; Susan Shadle Ph.D., Boise State University; R. Eric Landrum, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
organization level identitydevelopment in STEM.AcknowledgmentsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the foundational support provided by the William and FloraHewlett Foundation’s Engineering Schools of the West Initiative. This material is also based uponwork supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DUE-0856815 (IdahoSTEP), DUE-0963659 (I^3), and DUE-1347830 (WIDER). Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Finally, the leadership andadministrative support provided by Boise State University Provost Martin Schimpf, formerProvost Sona Andrews (now Provost, Portland State University), Vice
Conference Session
The Philosophy of Engineering and Technological Literacy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Heywood, Trinity College Dublin
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
AnnualConference, American Society for Engineering Education. paper AC 2012-4696. Table 1. Page 24.356.16 15Notes and references.[1] Krupczak, J., Blake, J. W., Disney, K. A., Hilgarth, C. O. Libros, R., Mina, M., and S. R. Walk (2012) Defining Technological Literacy. Proceedings Annual Conference American Society for Engineering Education. Paper AC 2012-5100.[2] (a) Mina, M (2007). Minor in engineering studies. Teaching engineering concepts to non-engineering students-work progress. Proceedings of the Frontiers in
Conference Session
Best of NEE
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Shepard, University of St. Thomas; Alison B. Hoxie, University of Minnesota Duluth; Matt Anderson, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
instructor, and student motivation27.A recent paper by Gehringer and Peddycord outlines various strategies for dealing with the issueof students having access to textbook problem solutions28. The following alternatives to usinggraded homework problems from the course textbook were presented:Reduce the weight of homework and:  increase the weight of exams  give weekly/frequent graded quizzes  increase the weight of projectsUse questions from other sources such as:  new editions of textbooks  automated testing system that randomizes parameters for each student  self-made problems (i.e. write your own)  swap problems with instructors at other schools  take problems from a different textbook(s)  have an
Conference Session
California on the Move: A Robust Array of Student Success Initiatives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nick P Rentsch, Cañada College; Amelito G Enriquez, Canada College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cary David Troy, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Rebecca R Essig, Purdue University; Brent K. Jesiek, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Josh Boyd, Purdue University; Natascha Trellinger Buswell, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
appropriate designs, but tocommunicate these designs in written, oral, and graphical form to a variety of audiences rangingfrom their technical peers to the general public. Indeed, almost all professional engineeringorganizations cite effective communication skills as a top priority for graduating engineers. Forinstance, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE)’s The Engineer of 2020: Visions ofEngineering in the New Century outlines expectations for engineers entering practice within thenear future (National Academy of Engineering, 2004). The report states that it is impossible topractice engineering without communication, and engineers functioning in global networks musthave “an ability to communicate convincingly and to shape the opinions and
Conference Session
Addressing the NGSS, Part 3 of 3: Supporting High School Science Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering-Science Connections
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin L Autenrieth P.E., Texas A&M University; Cheryl A Page, Texas A&M University; Karen L. Butler-Purry, Texas A&M University; Chance W. Lewis, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
questions may not be subject to bias; the respondents may know that a statement is true,but they do not have the experience to understand why the statement is true.Retrospective post-then-pre survey designThe E3 team decided on the retrospective post-then-pre design as an alternative survey format forsubsequent program evaluation. The retrospective post-then-pre design was proposed in the late1970’s as a way to minimize/eliminate response shift bias in self-reporting pre-post surveys36. Inthe retrospective post-then-pre design, both before and after information is collected at programconclusion. The participant is asked to rate his/her current knowledge/skills/attitudes/etc.behavior as a result of the program, and is also asked to reflect back and
Conference Session
Diversity in K-12 and Pre-college Engineering Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica M. Scolnic, Tufts University Center for Engineering Education and Outreach; Kathleen Spencer, Tufts University; Merredith D. Portsmore, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
wouldn't the spike ruin the whole thing? because the...with the...what the bubbles are for is to help, like, float. And like, spikes are like the complete opposite of bubbles, so... that might not work.In this engineering moment, Elise maintains a focus on the buoyancy and lightness of the shoesand rejects a potentially appealing idea because it could compromise these key characteristics ofthe design. According to Schön ‘s depiction of expert designers, this type of reflection on thescope of the chosen solution is crucial. Engineers learn from reflection as they design,incorporating facets of their earlier process as well as predicting outcomes of possible nextsteps.14,28 Designers must recognize what information and
Conference Session
Innovative Techniques in Structural Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew W. Roberts, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Angela Marie Jones, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Michael K. Thompson, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. Nonetheless, the college levelis similar to the K–12 level in that “[s]tandards-based grading sets high standards for studentsand puts them in charge of their own learning by letting them set goals based on specific learningstandards.”4 Undoubtedly, that outcomes-based assessment can “communicate expectations”clearly and directly is something many students have found refreshing.In an article that defines four recommendations for implementing outcomes-based assessment,Marzano and Heflebower claim that by getting rid of all “omnibus grading,” students can betterunderstand their own knowledge of the subject, and can see the progress they are making or needto make. The authors also discussed student-generated assessments in which “the student ap-proaches
Conference Session
Graduate Ethics Education & Professional Codes
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yanna Lambrinidou, Virginia Tech; William Joseph Rhoads, Virginia Tech; Siddhartha Roy, Virginia Tech; Erin Heaney, Clean Air: Organizing for Health and Justice; Glenn Andrew Ratajczak, Clean Air Coalition of Western New York; Jennifer Holly Ratajczak, Clean Air Coalition of Western New York
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
Conference Session
Enhancing the Underrepresented Student Experience
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kari L. Jordan, Ohio State University; Sheryl A. Sorby, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Conference Session
Teaching Approaches for Ethics
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregory A. Rulifson, University of Colorado, Boulder; Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Whitney Thomas, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
Challenges16-19. Whileethics instruction is common in first year engineering courses20-25, this instruction may notinclude social responsibility as a macroethical imperative. Some curricula with an ethics threadeducate students about macroethical issues in later years, such as a third-year course with ethicsintegration at Drexel26. Another way that engineering students may come to appreciate theimportance of social responsibility is via service-learning (S-L) courses, which is the basis forsome first year projects / design courses27-32.An emphasis on social responsibility within engineering may be significant beyond its intrinsicimportance to individuals and society. There may be important implications of SR for the