smart mobile devices). The course relies heavily on open source software such as Linux, Python, Java, Android, cross-platform Mobile Development PhoneGap (Cordova), Web Development Technologies (HTML, JavaScript, CCS, php, for example), MySQL, and Apache Web ServerCourse Design ObjectivesThe course goal is to prepare the students to create value, innovate, and roll out creativeapplication prototypes in a small, nimble and entrepreneurial work environment. The course hasbeen designed to meet the following objectives: • to expose under-skilled students to basic networking, computing and software development technologies and tools and important trending; • to form highly motivated and diverse team(s) that are effective
, organizational simplicity, high adaptability to a particular society or cultural environment, sparing use of natural resources, low cost of final product, or high potential for employment.9(p. 10)During the 1980’s, when the National Science Foundation sponsored a program dedicated toresearch in Appropriate Technology, the definition in the program solicitation was similar,though somewhat less prescriptive: Appropriate Technologies are defined as those which possess many of the following qualities: they are decentralized, require low capital investment, are amenable to management by their users, result in solutions that conserve natural resources, are in harmony with the environment, are small or intermediate scale, and are more labor- than
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project portalDuring Spring 2013, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the College of Engineering(CoE) at Georgia Tech invited faculty and administrators from various schools within theCollege to collaboratively discuss possible pathways for developing a CoE or Institute-wideCapstone Design program. The faculty discussed several challenges, ranging from differences incurriculum requirements for individual schools, incompatibility between Schools having multi-semester Capstone Design sequence v/s a single semester, adequate scoping of projects, facultyload-sharing, etc. (some of which were similar to the ones already presented by Bannerot et al.6).Given the extremely large enrollments (around 800 students take Capstone Design everysemester
: Student Survey Questions for Engineering Economics Course. Relevant Survey Questions 1. Which of the following economics courses did you take or are you currently taking? - Microeconomics - Macroeconomics 2. If you took one or both of the courses listed in the prior question, which of the following courses do you feel was more valuable for you? (Circle Only One) - Economics Course(s) - Engineering Economics Course 3. Do you feel as though every student (non-engineering and engineering) should take a course like engineering economics? (Circle Only One) - Yes - No 4. Do you feel as though a course like engineering economics would be a good course to offer as a General Education course available to all
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