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Conference Session
Training and Mentoring of Graduate Teaching Assistants
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Lynn Brannon, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Graduate Studies
teacher? Page 25.1436.7Figure 2: What do you think you will learn about yourself from observing a peer teacher?For posttest opened questions the students had these comments: (17 students completed thesurvey)At the end of the semester, when asked, 80 % of the students said yes, they had asked afriend/colleague/peer to observe their presentation skills. When asked a second time “what doyou think you learned about yourself from being observed by a peer teacher?” students nowcommented on more specific details, such as certain teaching methods (i.e. opening the classwith a welcome greeting), “many things that go unnoticed”, “the other peer’s observation helpsassess my teaching ability”. “I learned that my reiterating what I write on
Conference Session
Educating Students for Professional Success
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joy Watson, University of South Carolina; Jed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
doctoral programs would preparethem in different skills shown in Table 1. Results indicated that participants felt that doctoralgraduates would be prepared to some degree in all the skills listed in Error! Not a validbookmark self-reference.. Over 70% of participants felt that doctoral programs would preparethem well in designing experiments. Results indicated that over 60% of participants felt thatdoctoral programs would prepare them well in written communication, reviewing literature,writing peer-reviewed papers, writing reports, learning independently and workingindependently. At least 50% of participants indicated that solving problems, designingcomputational studies and giving presentations were skills in which they expected to be
Conference Session
Research and Graduate Studies
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wayne W. Walter, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Graduate Studies
advisor and topic is confirmed, schedule a Thesis Consult with Librarian Linette Koren, to be completed by 10/18.6 Tue 11- Workshop : Writing a model HW: You should have at least 50 sday Oct- Literature Review, Abstract, ten papers in your possession 11 Statement of Work, and by now. Submit bibliography Abstract. Proper Citations. list of these 10. Continue to PEER REVIEW of your first work on the Literature
Conference Session
Research and Graduate Studies
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University; Korine Steinke Wawrzynski, Michigann State University; Rachel Mangiavellano, Michigan State University; Evan McCune, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
seminars covering topics in interdisciplinary Engineering research;(2) bi-weekly workshops on the graduate school application process; (3) writing assignments tohelp students clarify their interests and begin developing application materials for graduateschool; (4) individual and small-group outreach activities to encourage broader participation inSTEM (science, technology, engineering and math); (5) interdisciplinary networking events withundergraduates, graduate students, and faculty from across campus; and (6) presentation of theirresearch at a university wide research forum. These professional development activities wereimplemented as part of a 10-week summer research program for undergraduates sponsored bythe College of Engineering at
Conference Session
Professional Aspects of Graduate Engineering Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Farmer Cox, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jiabin Zhu, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jeremi S. London, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Benjamin Ahn, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Ana T. Torres-Ayala, University of South Florida; Kavitha D. Ramane, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
agencies  Promote interdisciplinary, collaborative work  Align their programs to be more relevant to societyIndustry-to-Academia ResponsesAligned with the key points presented in the above-mentioned three groups, the participants inthis group also highlighted the importance of developing industrial experiences among students, Page 25.1101.6students writing peer-reviewed high quality publications, the establishment of a workingrelationship between mentors and students, and encourage students to work with each other.Besides these major points, the participants in this group also brought in additional insights fromworking in both industrial
Conference Session
Research and Graduate Studies
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Andrew Janeski, Virginia Tech; Erin Crede, Virginia Tech; Maura J. Borrego, Virginia Tech; Chris Venters, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Creating and Sustaining Productive Research Groups in Engineering Departments: Results from a Faculty and Future Faculty WorkshopAbstractIn July 2011, 45 engineering graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty members andadministrators from 33 universities across the country met to discuss how to foster successfulengineering graduate research groups. This paper summarizes the recommendations andconclusions from this meeting. Analysis of workshop discussions yielded four major themes:clarity of expectations, attending to community, organization for group and peer learning, andstructuring student development towards independence. In
Conference Session
Professional Aspects of Graduate Engineering Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joy Watson, University of South Carolina; Jed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
questions. It is a detriment to their career if a person does not ask questions. Oralcommunication skills on technical subject matter are extremely important as project updates areoften informally presented to peers at team meetings. If a project is to be presented to upperlevel management, such as the Vice President of R&D, the presenter is typically coached so thepresentation is appropriate. Cassy also mentioned that the ability to write reports is important,but the writing standard is not as high as writing a journal article. It is also important to be ableto work within various cultures because her team is located in many different areas of the world.In graduate school, Cassy felt that she had a good team environment; therefore, the
Conference Session
Mentoring Graduate Students - Diversity and Assessment
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aidsa I. Santiago-Román, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez; Pedro O. Quintero, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez; Guillermo J. Serrano, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies, Minorities in Engineering
senior undergraduate and graduate Hispanic students in thedesign, fabrication, and testing of microelectronic devices. Specifically, this grant has sponsoredthe research efforts of 3 graduate and 5 undergraduate students, but also outreach efforts haveimpacted around 70 high school students from the public education system. Additionally, 7senior undergraduate students have been indirectly impacted through a special topic course, fromwhich 2 of the participating students were able to publish and participate in a peer-reviewconference. The overall objective of the second project is to initiate a research program tobroaden participation and increase opportunities of Hispanic engineering students so that theycan become engaged in research as
Conference Session
Mentoring Graduate Students - Diversity and Assessment
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sylvanus N. Wosu, University of Pittsburgh; Devdas M. Pai, North Carolina A&T State University
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Graduate Studies, Minorities in Engineering
the ever-increasing diversity in the U.S., expected large-scaleretirements from the STEM disciplines, and the need to ensure a stable future STEM workforceto maintain U.S. competitiveness in science and engineering. Nelson and Rogers write, “Ifsignificant progress is to be made within the next couple of decades, new and totally differentapproaches to solving problems facing women and minority faculty will be needed.13”This paper presents a comprehensive multi-dimensional approach to addressing the above three-body pipeline problem that result in low production of URM PhD and under-representation ofURM faculty in STEM. The model premise is that multi-campus recruiting pipeline, graduatementoring, retention system, and institutional receptivity
Conference Session
General Topics in Graduate Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Pariyothorn, Texas A&M University; Robin L. Autenrieth, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
by contributing to ongoing faculty research projects or pursuing anindependent research topic. More than 555 participants have completed the USRG program sincethe summer of 2000.The objectives of the program are to: 1) provide immersive research experience(s) forengineering undergraduates; 2) increase participant’s interest in pursuing graduate studies withan emphasis on the Ph.D. program; 3) increase participant’s awareness of the graduate schoolexperience; 4) provide an outlet to enhance participant’s writing and communications skills; 5)increase participant’s understanding of the graduate school application process for admissionsand fellowships; and subsequently, 6) position participants to be more competitive for graduateadmissions and
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experience
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kacie Caple D'Alessandro, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies, Student
form the framework for the ultimate purpose of this paper: to provide aresource for new graduate student instructors. Derived from my experiences, I focus on what Ihave learned based on four main themes: preparation, motivation, expectation, and reflection.Lessons on PreparationAs a graduate student teaching for the first time, it seems there is little time to prepare forteaching a course. However, it is important to make the most of what time you have to preparein between your own courses, research, and writing reports. Without proper preparation, youmake yourself vulnerable to late nights, coffee addictions, and possible embarrassment in theclassroom. In particular, if you are teaching a course as the primary instructor, it is essential
Conference Session
Methods, Techniques, and New Programs in Graduate Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer H. Gross, Lehigh University; Donna M. Mohr, Lehigh University; Stephen Pessiki, Lehigh University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
% Very Total % Very Key Element % Well Well Well or Well Rate your preparation to enter practice compared 54% 32% 86% with peers from other schools Page 25.360.12 Table 14. Employer Survey – Effectiveness of Program at Meeting Goals Total % Very % Very Goal
Conference Session
Methods, Techniques, and New Programs in Graduate Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert M. Brooks, Temple University; Jyothsna Kavuturu; Mehmet Cetin, Temple University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
size.ResponseThe qualitative nature of the cases is provided as added/shown in the Qualitative Description ofthe Cases. Due to space limitation only two cases are given. However, during the semester in theclass qualitative emphasis on all the cases was given.The following write up is added in the Feedback from the Students section demonstrating strongresponses from students on the qualitative nature of the cases. A wide range of qualitativedescriptions of the case studies was received from the students. Each step of the case studydemonstrated significant improvement on the breadth and depth of knowledge of ethics on theintricate details of the cases. For example, in the case of “Hyatt Regency Kansas City WalkwayCollapse,” majority of the students wrote