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Conference Session
Progress in Manufacturing Education III
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin L. Devine, Illinois State University; Corinne Zimmerman, Illinois State University
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planning, robotprogramming, and the coordinate grid. Since the students had not yet been introduced to the X-Y coordinate system, a grid utilizing the cardinal directions of north, south, east and west wasused (see Figure 1). The grid was comprised of 3” squares which made it easy for groups of 4 or5 students to work together. Using a simple robot programming language developed for thistask (see Figure 2), students were asked to work with their group members to write a programthat would cause an industrial robot to move five 2” square wooden blocks, each having oneletter written on them, to designated grid locations to spell “ROBOT”. Small font size lettersprinted on the grid helped the students place the blocks at the same grid location at the
Conference Session
Sustainable Product Development and Manufacturing
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Guanghsu A. Chang, Minnesota State University, Mankato; William R. Peterson, WRP Associates
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reasoning including skillssuch as classification, sequencing, planning, and comparison. Creative thinking involves creatingand generating something new or original. It also involves the skills of brainstorming,modification, attribute listing, and originality. The purpose of DFA creative thinking is tostimulate curiosity among students and promote product structure simplification. Bloom'sTaxonomy provides a useful structure in which to categorize DFA learning objects whenassessing student learning outcomes. Asking students to think at higher levels is an excellent wayto stimulate student's thought processes. In DFA learning process, the purpose of writing
Conference Session
Progress in Manufacturing Education III
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hugh Jack P.Eng., Grand Valley State University
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was on how the employee handles what they DON'T already know. That's more important than the shopping list of today's hot techniques. • Remember that specific tools come and go. Good engineers need a strong foundation in basic science, math/stat, communications/writing and engineering fundamentals. From this basis, specific techniques are applications of the fundamental knowledge. • Innovation, collaboration • It would have been helpful to have the option to select more items from the list. Selecting two or three topics is not an indication of what I want to see as essential topics. • Important Sectors: Biomedical, Automotive, Aviation, Electronics, Energy, Space • Essential Study Topics